Pelican Catch 100 Kayak Review -Top 5 Pros & Cons

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pelican catch 100 kite review a the top five pros and cons things I like about it things I don't like about it after about six months of use hey my name is Rodney from Rodney outdoors if you're in a kayak fishing getting out the house hey that's what this channel is all about so go ahead and think about hit that subscribe button if you just want to know what's good and bad about this thing you know if you looking to maybe pick one of these up hey you're gonna want to watch this video alright Froude number one is the seat the seat in the Pelican catch 100 is very comfortable I've said anything for up to four hours out there fishing and I definitely had no problems out of it it's one of my favorite things about the kayak so if you're looking for a kite with a good seat depend on the catch 100 it has con number one stability when standing even though the kite is 34 inches wide and it is very stable when sitting in the high or the low position I don't have a problem I have stood up in it a couple times but to me a grown man is not gonna be able to stand up a fishing this thing in maybe 100 pounds 110 pounds of you're a really small maybe you'll be able to do it but a 200-pound man 180 250 300 whatever you are it's not gonna happen pros number two its lightweight and easy to handle easy to transport I had only about fifty four pounds of the lightest kayaks on the market you know that has the capabilities that this guy has so if you have any kind of problem lifting heavy stuff you have back problems knee problems you know I have all that hey you're gonna want to like kayak to be able to move around easily hey this might be the kayak for you con number to the rear rod holders to me they're hard to get to you put a pole back there you can barely get to it that's why I added a PVC you know to make it a little easier for myself to get to my fishing poles cuz when you're trying to turn around in that kayak you know eight the thing is not the most stable in the world so if you lean a little too far to the left or the right a trying to grab those poles and you're liable to fall out of this thing flip it over whatever the case may be I just don't like the location of it it just kind of it's awkward to turn around and try to grab your poles or trying to grab them you know underneath behind you like this it just doesn't make much sense to me I think you could have been in a better position you know maybe a better design whatever the case may be it's just not the greatest Pro number three it gets you on the water and off the bank at a pretty reasonable price I mean it's kind of sleeps four six hundred ninety nine dollars and I was able to get this thing for three hundred and ninety one dollars from Overton's online and get it deliver for free you know through them with a discount code so this is what you need to be looking for if you look for this kayak I won't pay sixteen ninety four I try to pay another $100 or $200 and you know upgraded kayak you know there's a lot of different things out there in the market but if you need to sing at a discount one hundred two hundred dollars off I definitely highly recommend it I was able to get my for three ninety one and for the things you get with this kind I don't think that could be beat comm number three the hatch on it it's really small and pretty much to me unusable for anything of any size if you try to cook maybe like a small paddle in there just in case you lose your main paddle unless it falls down to maybe twelve inches not going to be that thing in there you know so if you got one that's two foot long it's the angle and it's just bad you're not really get it in there you may better get some small shirts and stuff in there in a small dry bag but to me that's pretty much it I mean the hatch very tiny as you can see you know it just doesn't make much sense it could have been a little larger that's my only real gripe with it it needs to be a little bit bigger so you can actually get into the thing Pro number four we already kind of talked about and that's the price you can get the price a lot lower with a discount there's a lot of kayaks so if you can get it for that price with a discount 391 you know 491 you know about $500 mark it's a pretty good kayak for that because a lot of the cheap junk kayaks are three hundred four hundred dollars and they're pure trash con number four the footrest can be uncomfortable at least the sides kind of where the track part is if you know what kind of footwear you're wearing you know you're wearing something like sandals or something like that it's gonna be very uncommon the side if you're wearing tennis shoes is not as bad and that's one of my own gripes with that I wish you were some kind of cushion maybe on the top and a bottom on the track so you know not laying your foot on the hard plastic when your feet are kind of laying out to the side that's or something you know I just don't like and I don't think people need to know about that before they pick this kayak up Pro number five has good capacity for how lightweight this kayak is the capacity first kind it's about 350 pounds of me and all my gear I'm about 215 pounds and then all my gear I throw in there I haven't had any problems at all a lot of the kayaks might have like a 225 capacity or 250 you know that's not enough for a grown man a lot of times during that 200-pound 200 plus range and he put some gear on there cool or whatever the case may be it's not gonna be enough 350 to me it should be the minimum you're looking for cut for capacity and that's going to be a real capacity you need to look at reviews and make sure people are actually using it like that and actually weigh putting a lot of weight in there make sure it excellent works in that week con number five the gear tracks on this thing to me are too far forward and it's kind of like just made by the design they got a little spot on the kite and hold your paddle and to me that's where the track should be about right where that is because most of time the paddle you leave it in your left if you're paddling a kayak you know especially when you're fishing because you throw your pole couple times to throw your line out you know you move your paddle a little bit you want the paddle right there I'm available where you can use it and this gear tracks me to be a little closer to the paddler in my opinion they're a little too far forward and it's hard to reach if you put like a pole holder on or something like that it's just hard to get to in my opinion unless you have extremely long ones or something you know maybe you're like six seven you won't have a problem but normal-sized people would notice six foot five and a half foot you know six foot one you know you might have problem actually reaching this thing bloomin and here's my top five pros and cons hey I hope this helped you guys out you know as you can see from some of the biro and some icons and some of my pros I will definitely still recommend this kayak and a budget price that you can get it for a discount you find a use or something like that got a facebook marketplace Craigslist whatever the case may be I highly recommend it if you just want to be able to sit down and fish if you want to stay in the fish you cannot you know both would be priced a little bit save up a little more money whatever the case may be spend a little more and go get you a higher in kayak so let me know down in the comments below why you were actually looking at the pelican catch 100 the things you think you would like about it or if you already have one of the things you dislike hey if you like this kind of video go ahead and hit that subscribe button hit that like button and I'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Rodney Hunt
Views: 75,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pelican catch 100 kayak review, pelican catch 100 kayak review 2019, catch 100 kayak review, pelican catch 100 kayak, pelican catch 100 kayak accessories, catch 100 kayak, pelican catch 100, pelican catch 100 dislikes, pelican catch 100 fishing, pelican catch 100 fishing kayak, pelican catch 100 problems, pelican catch 100 review, pelican catch 100 stability test, Pelican catch 100 top 5 pros and cons, pelican the catch 100 fishing kayak, rodney outdoors
Id: QoOUgRlzh1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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