Pedroia on how to play second

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somebody I'm dusting how are you okay how's it going it's nice to meet you you gotta grow up yeah you gotta get your glow up all right dude all right what I do every day man so I come out here around 3:00 I don't know 45 3:30 and I'll start playing catch get loose and then I'll take my ground balls I usually I usually throw about 10 15 balls to first probably turn or throw 15 20 balls to second base and then turn turning about 20 balls you know turn the DoublePlay so you know I don't really take that many during the season but in the offseason I take a lot more chart practice so all right you tell me when you're warm right cuz I I'm always warm I'm ready to go so I mean I just make sure I'm in an athletic position a little bit wider than then shoulder width apart when I go to field it and I'm always square to the ball you know if the ball is hit this way I try to take an angle deeper and then get that same position so I'm always trying to field the ground ball the same way it doesn't matter where it's hid I make sure that I'm down and out in front and making sure I'm as low as possible to get the ground ball yeah you got it down there you go on the ground up the middle guy Red Sox some people like like you were jumping over there like it was to the left and you just jump you could take off and run to it you know what I mean and you get stopped that way you get that quicker you know so you could because that one ball you missed you missed it because you didn't get there in time on the ground - it's short possible DoublePlay ball to second for one I'll catch the ball right here and I'll turn and throw and that way when they slide I have that extra foot and I'll just move out of the way sometimes I get hit you know that's part of the job and make sure you this foot is always pointing that way because if it's pointing like this and they slide into you can get hurt if you're pointing like this they slide Indian you just fall down you can't hurt anything right there so right here you can if it's like a no-brainer DoublePlay I come across the base so the shortstop will flip you the ball and I'll just come across like this and then throw it okay there you go when you want to catch the ball and you want to go in see me right there that's short and then I throw the ball and I just get out of the way let him slide to choose ground ball to third base Beltre the second for one big DoublePlay turned by the Red Sox when you're playing second those are the only two things you gotta those two moves okay alright last thing dude pop-ups we gotta do them I always look at the wind which way the winds lawn it's gonna affect which way the ball goes so you got to make sure you look at the wind and you got to know where the Sun is because if the sun's right let's say the sun's right there okay you can you use your hand or you could use your glove and then angle yourself to where you catch it like this you know you always got to play into those factors of how you're gonna make the play what happen to two hands man you said you always use two hands there you go we've covered a lot on all right what do you take out all this don't tell me nothing thattaboy that's pretty good you got it there you go dude take care buddy all right up grounds went back up the middle Pattaya diving gets up the throws gonna be close got him nice play by Dustin Pedroia
Channel: TypeMercury
Views: 393,896
Rating: 4.8442621 out of 5
Keywords: Pedroia, on, how, to, play, second
Id: NPngvoqtJF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2011
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