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man lays in the street in handcuffs with a police officer with a knee on his neck this is just wrong out of the gates now how did he end up in handcuffs well they'd been accused of paying for cigarettes with a fake $20 bail he was unarmed and in cuffs if four police officers can't handle this one without killing the guy it's pretty difficult to argue that the police service is fit for purpose people standing around was saying that their behavior was out of line you don't need to put your knee on the neck of a guy in handcuffs died in the ground says that he can't breathe and some seven minutes later loses consciousness other police officers stand around and support him and when the people who are standing around tried to tell the police officer that the guy whose neck he's been kneeling on for ten minutes has been unconscious for the last three you know when you cut off the blood supply at the neck about 30 seconds is enough they're told not to interfere with police business now bear in mind that the police are given powers under a strict understanding that they use these powers responsibly for the smooth running of society if normal people acted like this they would be charged with attempted murder there and then on the spot the police officers to do this he's a far more egregious crime not only did the guy end up dead but what happens to the police officer who had actually knelt on this guy's neck till he died or those who stood around and kept the people who was saying that the guy was unconscious away from the police officer kneeling on his neck were they charged with murder on the spot or acessory to murder nope the institution of the police force in this case took a look at their actions and said well we're gonna have to fire you but it's not like you've committed a crime or anything now at this point it's not unreasonable for people to question their faith in the police force sure you can go through the whole few bad eggs thing or he was under pressure he had to shoot it was a snap decision but in this case it wasn't the guy was kneeling on this guy's neck for 10 bloody minutes while the guy was in handcuffs and it was only days later that he was finally arrested for a non first green murder charge now for everyone else they would have been arrested on the spot and it's just kind of difficult to say this isn't a systemic problem you know kill someone on the day shift well sorry we're gonna have to let you go but we're not gonna arrest you or charge you for anything now reciprocation is the basis of almost all morality you've just got to ask yourself how would you feel if you had to walk a mile in someone else's shoes yeah the whole Floyd thing was so utterly outrageous asking these folks afterwards to have faith in society to have faith in the police afterwards is simply not realistic it's just so utterly outrageous and what makes it oddly indefensible was the initial reaction of the police force which was just to fire them you see deep down in our brains we process all of this old stuff statistically in some shape or form even if it's a merely a subconscious level you know though for every truly outrageous incident there are probably ten things that are out of order and very 10 things that are out of order there are a hundred that could have been done better the mere existence of one incident like this just throws the whole bloody curve you know in all likelihood for every incident like this that's caught on video there are a probably 10 that are not Christ the police officer was basically choking a captive man to death in the middle of the street and they didn't even faze he's three co-workers it really is pushing the bounds of credulity to say ah it was a one-off incident especially seeing as the only sanction that they got was to be fired and you just know without a shadow of a doubt that if the people who had been saying that look you're kneeling on this guy's neck and he's been unconscious for three minutes if they actually interfered let's be real what are you racking shot well arrested and charged for obstructing a police officer or or be interfering with a police officer in the line of duty how do you think that someone who is brazen enough to kill a handcuffed man in the middle of the street would balk at these minor abuses of power just for the power rush of being able to dominate these people look simple human empathy means that it really is difficult to condemn any reaction to this sort of thing you know even if it is riots and looting seriously just play the role reversal game for a second here what a yes supposed to do protest politely in hope things change well the mean fact that we got to where we are you know with current events and all that sort of thing means that this really hasn't been historically an effective strategy os Kennedy once said those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable which brings us on to the practical side of things there isn't really any exit strategy visible here burning stuff and looting even if it's a minority might make some feel better you know raging against the system and all that sort of thing and sure intensity of protests can change public opinion but it's hardly a road map to a solution the only thing that would have maybe counted here is if the police officers had been immediately arrested and stuck up on harsh charges for the outrageous abuses of their office this would have at least been a gesture that the problem in the police force wasn't a systemic problem and that the police force would take abuses of power like that seriously sadly that's just not what happened the only real way back from here to restore faith in the system would be to enact some new legislation some new legal instrument or something that ensured harsh penalties for police who abuse their positions like that you can't look at this and say that people do not have legitimate grievances and it is the duty of a decent society to address those legitimate grievances this really isn't what's currently playing out though with Donald Trump promising to dominate the people protesting about the police officers asphyxiating a handcuffed man in the middle of this street and as much as protesting or hell even rioting and looting and not exit strategies claiming is the leader that you're gonna dominate people while you're sending riot police against peaceful protesters simply so you can are photo-op in front with church that is not leadership that is not an exit strategy that is just up beyond all recognition
Channel: VoiceOfThunder
Views: 40,662
Rating: 4.6552873 out of 5
Id: xp8sxvojQrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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