Peak Hipster - Episode 2 - Engine Painting and Polishing

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Yeah, def don't want to use some low quality stripper. Nasty.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/nickcorvus 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Oh definitely, but you'll run out of money faster at the places that hire them... Wait, what? ¬_¬

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MedCityMoto 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

I ran out of stripper. You reckon I could borrow yours for the night🤣🤣🤣

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/spraywaycustoms 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
so I'm up at Sparrow fartin or bright-eyed and bushy tail because today I'm gonna be doing some polishing it's work that I find fun and rewarding and just generally kind of cathartic so all I have to do is is to get a side covers off and we'll be good to go for some reason the side covers have been locked tighter down and this little bastard has sheared off but I'll remove that later for now it's the user degree to get the filth off the side cover before going on to remove the factory clear coat and for that it's important to use a good quality stripper the clear coat wipes straight off and now it's on to the sanding I'll be using wet and dry and working my way out from 400 grit for 600 grips 800 grit a thousand grit yeah we're getting there 1200 grit and the finest grip I can find tech hipsters going to be in every day ride so I'm not gonna go for a really high polish I'll be doing the most basic one you've ever seen only one compound and the sauce will brush on the wheel when doing this sort of work it's important to wear the correct safety gear you don't want to get any of that crap in your lungs then I'll use a rag with some questionable looking stains on it and we're done a whole lot of parts polished quite easily all I have to do is install them but before I do that I have to remove this stud this one so I'm going to go nuclear nuclear in this case means MIG welding and that onto the thread and unscrewing it that sounds really easy until I realized I haven't welded in 14 years since I was at TAFE I mean I was at TAFE I was too busy playing in scar bands and being dumped by women I realized now those two things are related to actually pay any attention to welding but I borrowed a MIG welder and I'm gonna give it a red-hot go put a trial set up here with a bolt I've got a new fancy auto darkening helmet oh there we go ah it helps if you turn it on doesn't look too bad now onto the real thing well the good news is that I can weld a bit and the bad news is that I stripped more of the stud and set fire to a t-shirt so it didn't really work but you know what they say if at first you don't succeed try calling someone who knows what the hell they're doing [Music] Craig ticked on a bolt but the stud snapped on him too the only option was to drill it use some epoxy and put a hella call in the moral of the story when putting stainless bolts into alloy use anti-seize and don't use lock tight and now to paint the barrel which should be interesting I've had crap results whenever I've tried to paint anything I did this a few years ago and got bad orange peel did this top triple clamp and got an inconsistent finish and did this when I was fifteen and got a youth supervision order from a magistrate I'm using a three part kit from Australian company KBS coatings it's got a few steps to get right first to prep the surface thoroughly or until you just can't be stuff anymore you're scrubbing it a grazer paint on an etch primer thing and then give it a few thin coats of paint so the paint says is going to be self levelling and it's not it can't self level if you look here it's got some of the yeah it actually did so level and it doesn't look too bad also wrap the headers a whole episode on this stuff coming soon it looks so much better now but it still needs some TLC so next time it's due for a good ol fashioned service
Channel: Marlon
Views: 37,174
Rating: 4.9900188 out of 5
Keywords: Kawasaki, Cafe Racer, W650, Custom Bike
Id: l0mA7S8bCtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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