PCT 2021: Episode 1 // Sandblasted, Thirsty, And Bruised

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[Music] we made it [Music] apparently we've already hiked a mile that was pretty quick all right we're done let's turn it around [Music] so we think this is a yucca plant someone said it looks like a giant asparagus i think so [Music] so we just filled up water and our packs are really heavy now the 20-mile stretch between the border lake marina is very dry right now so there's only one water source at mile 4.4 where we were just at so we've got 16 miles to the next water source we're planning on doing it today and it is hot already at nine o'clock so we'll see so we're coming down this canyon here and unfortunately we're looking at our climb goes all the way up this mountain that looks uh exciting it's hot [Music] so we just came off of that ridge right over there all the way down to hauser creek and now we're coming up all the switchbacks we were able to see earlier and tell you it is brutal it's hot 80 degrees we've been going all day we're about 16 and a half 17 miles in for the day which means we're getting very close to our camp in lake morena a few more miles we will be done for the day it is 402. that climb was hard and this desert heat is no joke like it's been a hard day but also pushing 20 miles for our first day so we're pretty proud of ourselves getting close it's lake morena [Music] so we just made it into lake morena it is six o'clock mile 20 for the day which is very impressive i am so proud of all of us for doing that today very hot very tough we ran out of water like in the last half mile to a mile coming down here so we carry just enough water um but we're gonna set up camp eat some grub and sleep the hardest i've ever slept [Music] [Music] mid morning update we just made it to boulder oaks campground we're gonna take an early lunch uh we started this morning about 8 a.m uh we were one of the last three hikers to get out well maybe not the last but a lot of people got an earlier start than us we were exhausted from yesterday but we're about six miles in for the day we're taking lunch under this beautiful oak tree and then we've got about 11 more to do we're going to try to shoot for around 17 today we're gonna enjoy this lunch long ways down to the water source here ah not gonna lie today's been a very challenging day yesterday's challenge was absolutely a lack of water and heat but man today hasn't been as hot and we've gone up in elevation but my foot is killing me i've had some pain in my left arch of my foot for oh the last six or seven hours of hiking and it kind of comes and goes and it's it's bearable but it sure does hurt and if it does get worse i think i'll go into the outfitters and julian and uh maybe pick up some better insoles with some a little bit more arch support and see if that helps at all but maybe it'll go away on its own it could just be from the 20 miles of hiking and over doing it the first day but we'll see hopefully it gets better on its own [Music] [Music] good morning it is day three we just started left from camp 7 a.m we are about 37 and a half miles from the mexican border so we're doing pretty good my foot is still killing me it's been really painful the last like mile and a half into camp last night was practically limping hurts today but in good spirit and we're only 40 miles from julian where we can hopefully get this problem fixed with some new gear i did discover pretty large bruise on the side of my foot last night which makes me believe it might not be an arch problem it may be that my shoe is too narrow but i really honestly don't know i'm not an expert on footwear but hopefully we can get into julian in about two days and have someone that is an expert on footwear help me out [Music] quick update foot's still bad like really bad and we just made it to mount laguna so we're walking to the store right now we're gonna try to resupply with an extra dinner and breakfast so we can slow our pace down into julian to give my foot a little bit of time to heal and then i think we'll be good um we just got some trail magic first trail magic of the trip we were walking to the campground we got some beers cheers we're here at the mount laguna general store and man has our day turned around at least for me i was in a very bad mood this morning in a lot of pain just really stressed about what we were gonna do we got a game plan together i uh iced my foot with some cold water for about an hour and a half it felt a lot better and then we decided to go ahead and resupply on food to get us an extra day of time to get into julian so we can cut back on our mileage so we don't overdo it so i think that's going to help with my foot a lot we got that trail magic earlier after we got resupplied at the store a truck pulled up with two amazing gals that said more trail magic that way so we went and had another beer and some snacks and i'm just in a good mood i'm feeling great i think we're in a great position with food and everything and we're going to do a little bit more mileage today and camp two more days into julian and hopefully figure out my foot problem and get some new shoes after eating a delicious lunch to mount laguna two trail magics with beer and i'm feeling great i mean the foot is just in much better shape after being off of it for about five hours so we're gonna keep hiking get a little bit more mileage in and make our way to [Music] julian it's dinner time how's everyone feeling after day three pretty good a lot better than this morning yeah same i feel a lot better after all the trail magic today and look at that sunrise sunset [Music] [Music] hey guys we're about nine miles in today it is 12 30 almost we're taking a little lunch break it was super windy last night so we ended up waking up about five this morning just because the tent was really loud and we couldn't sleep um we're gonna hike about five more miles and hopefully meet up with graham and decide how much more we want to do for the day [Music] this is like the first time the wind hasn't been whipping 70 miles per hour today absolutely insane uh both faith and are doing pretty good today um my foot was hurting on and off but it's all right right now it's decent what's really surprising is we somehow ended up pushing 18 miles today which was not really the plan but you know what happens out here you just get hiking and you keep hiking and uh so we're doing our final descent here last a half mile down to camp here and then that puts us only about 12 miles to scissors crossing so we can get into julian um day after tomorrow so tomorrow will be nice and easy 12 miles which will be really good for the foot and i'm just feeling great can't believe we did 18 after all the pain we've been in the last couple days [Music] [Music] um morning best sleep of the trail so far it's gonna be a good day so we're about two miles in today we've been hiking for about an hour we have just about three months to go to get our water for the day and then from there we'll have a seven mile carry to scissors crossing we're going to camp um probably about a mile from there and then get in early to julian tomorrow morning to resupply fix lane's shoe problem and get our pie free pie and we made it to a water source well that water source was a bust uh it was like barely dripping that tank must be just about dry so we're walking about half a blow over half mile down this road to check the other tank comments say has water fingers crossed because there's no water we're out and it's like nine more miles to town [Music] yay water oh man maybe we should have offered to get water for them [Music] we finally found some relief from the desert heat it's been so brutally hot today [Music] so we just made it into camp a few minutes ago graham got his tent set up i am still sitting in the same spot i sat down 10 minutes ago because i am exhausted we did 12 miles today which is one of the lower days but it was absolutely scorching again today and there was only the one water source that we got a little while back we had to walk that two miles out of the way to the uh water tank spigot but we're only about a mile from the scissors crossing road which will get us into julian first thing in the morning we're planning on spinning all day and julian we're gonna go to the outfitters and get my foot problem taken care of with some new shoes and then i gotta get that free pie at mom's and then it'll really just be a rest day and we'll get back out of town late tomorrow afternoon and camp just about a mile or two up trail
Channel: WalkingWithPurpose
Views: 13,143
Rating: 4.9720278 out of 5
Keywords: PCT, Pacific Crest trail, Thru-hike, Thu, Hike, Long distance, Hiking, Vlog, Nature, Backpacking, National scenic trail, Appalachian trail, Nobo, JMT, John Muir Trail
Id: RbT9f4vojdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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