PC Cleaning Products from AliExpress...

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how long has it been since you cleaned out your Tower or your keyboard or your controllers I mean no judgment here there's dust in this keyboard that's probably older than my kids but I say enough is enough so today I need three things this bin of random cleaning supplies from Amazon and AliExpress a helpful assistant hi Luke and costume change to set the mood oh beautiful perfect yeah definitely oh amazing oh the fishnets okay we got an outfit for you too oh great this is gonna be fun fun just like this message from our sponsor build Redux with simple to navigate customization options and competitive pricing compared to building a PC yourself build Redux will help you dominate your favorite games with the perfect PC for you and not another different person they can get their own check them out at the link below first up you're going to need one of these yep just turn around I can do up from the back it's not weird and then you've got two options for gloves okay this or this oh my and if your keyboard is anything to go by probably these I'm voting for these These are funnier so I think I'm just going to send it we'll be working on a combination of people's work keyboards and laptops and monitors and some that people brought from home some of which are markedly more disgusting this is actually gross and it spent uh three years incubating in my car growing pestering we're gonna start with a fairly easy challenge this is my keyboard gross but less gross now we're going to play cleaning supplies roulette we're each gonna pick something not really knowing what any of this is and take half the keyboard in an attempt to clean it I go first I don't know what that was I think I'm just gonna go basic with the wipes okay you've got the miracle wipes that I happen to know already cost us 10 bucks on Amazon and what did the color coral cost us this looks like so much fun oh ew what the things are about to get funky oh it's one of those that might actually uh that does not smell very good it looks like it came off of my keyboard you ready three two one hard to do with gloves but okay okay the idea is you just mush this in between the keys and it just kind of lifts everything away holy crap I've never used this stuff before but I am actually kind of impressed that looks very easy to use it also looks like it's getting between the keys really nicely and this thing is not at all ew oh hey you're hacking you're cleaning during b-roll I gotta get I gotta get any advantage I can man I got the big gloves that is such a cheat it doesn't get that no this is my keyboard realistically what do you do once this is gross you just throw it out do no way you could wash it make sure your hands are dry and clean take a piece of the cleaning gel oh I see okay it's not perfect if it's really caked on it's not going to grab it but there's no doubt that my side of the keyboard looks better than yours right now I feel like these might actually do better on my keyboard because there's more actual like stuff to scrape off well we're gonna find out soon enough yeah why don't we move on to your keyboard okay and I think the way this is gonna work is we're allowed to use anything in our Arsenal but we can pick a new tool every time you know what's cute in a way you're on my keyboard and I'm on your yeah I know oh keyboard buddies okay hey you're looking at all this stuff like I try and get any advantage I can hacker okay you know what I feel this is going to come in handy for later ah okay strategic yeah I don't think it's gonna do much for me on this this is caked how much did we pay for the Oxo good grips keyboard and screen deep cleaning set twenty dollars a pipe cleaner on a little plastic holder a little stiff bristle brush and what the crap is this a microfiber cloth that doesn't come out of the bag so you can stuff it back I guess I guess so yeah well I bet my air duster based on the packaging I can't put this back in with these thoughts probably doesn't even cost more than that I'm saying it's 30 bucks forty dollars but look at it go it's like a ray gun and no way get this I get a stiff bristle brush a soft bristle oh my goodness another stiff bristle brush this is gonna be really good another brush an air flow focusing hose other more different one A more different one a fourth different one and a charging cable so what is it why does it need to charge I think it's battery operated is it just like hair dryer amount of air plus use AC cable to charge no CC cable with this I can brush all subtleties away I like difficult assistant this game that's a more that's a lot more than I expected oh no don't play that whoa what do that do that full blast on my face She Bangs [Laughter] here I legitimately didn't read it that way is that full blast yeah that's pretty crazy actually I don't think that's gonna do much for you here and I didn't even realize uh you can focus it but there's a brush this one is a brush and ew oh look at all the stuff coming out of it without Lube man you ain't getting this off oh this is not doing anything this is doing something but it's very okay I need a stiffer brush yeah you know what I think I'm gonna need it too I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do to you whoa not bad brother I really wish I had wet wipes right now just for science do you want to use some my blower is doing absolutely nothing nope nope nope no science here no if you've got something really crusty there is just no substitute for wet wipes and you should probably like take them off and put them in a bag and put them in the dishwasher and you should probably just never allow it to get to this point you just got shame if I was actually asked and I brought my keyboard from home it wouldn't have been that bad because my keyword from home is all right okay so what you're saying is you treat things nicely as long as they're not things I gave you no what I'm saying is or rather that you stole this grew in a car for three years it wasn't that much true it didn't have the like green color though I'm able to get a little bit off nothing too fresh one I think the toothbrush One's Gonna Be really good I think so it feels right in between the keycaps I think you're trying to throw me off uh no it's the kind of thing you would do Luke it might be oh wow I'm really kicking some stuff out of here now hey yeah yeah hey hey hey hey hey why do I have my mouth open that's a really bad idea I'm ready for judging who's gonna be our judge Vance you volunteers tribute which side would you eat off of what do I have to answer uh pencils down I would take Luke's side oh these arrow keys are still disgusting and that shift key is still if I'm being completely honest his side started way worse his side was by far the grocery side I don't have a most improved award but I would eat off at that time all right all right all right yeah you can really see that Luke's wet wipes are great for dealing with the tops of the keycaps but as soon as you get around to the sides they fall apart significantly whereas if you look deep into the board the plate is way cleaner on my side because Luke had no way of removing the tightness some of the keycap sides if I spent enough time on it I could get them okay but it was honestly it took a lot of time because these little scrubby things are trash the white wipes really did most of the work here check this out yeah it makes fart noises all right what's our next challenge why don't we do a screen okay am I allowed to scavenge weapons from him take it do I get to pick first this time I think that's fair Amazon Basics something I'm guessing you're not going for Oxo branding uh yeah that was very unimpressive I think I'm gonna take this 24 wipes oh it's just 24 identical wipes well I already picked it and what do I get oh a cleaning kit for DSLR cameras I think if I get a spray bottle I should be allowed to put something in it water all right one of those brush things a lens cleaning pen probably not going to do enough for anything wow a lot less effective than the other thing I have I hope I didn't pay too much for this lens tissues lint-free this will be good for stuff yeah a little makeup brush I don't know if that'll be better than this this you don't want to just use for everything though because that'll like bung it up yep and then oh yeah there's the other like cleaning side detailing this is key though now I'm loaded for bear what's this worth hopefully not more than about 14.99 10 bucks okay that's actually not too bad all right all right thanks Amazon Basics oh they're each in like individual packages okay oh I think they're just like alcohol wipes okay so I could destroy your monitor if you want uh I prefer if you didn't you can't use any of your wipes on the monitor line is choose this right again it shows a monitor on the box I wonder if they did something stupid or no they can't get away with like oh we just meant for you to clean the bezel they specifically showed the motion of how to clean on the screen really dumb so like you actually shouldn't sell this but it's got Aerospace certifications and it's made in the USA with help from outside trademark of Devonshire limited Montreal Canada are they Canadian American and all of those combined working together can destroy your screen honestly this is super annoying because of all the stuff being on this thing trying to wipe something down I have all these plastic things dangling with me all the time that's like not good do you want to cry a little bit more I I just I find that I'm trying to explain the qualities still some of your water I'm trying to explain no give me my water back my water I'm going Deluxe on this cleaning treatment I'm not going on the screen I have no interest in damaging things without cause this goo was a good choice did you know it was goo I have heard of Goo before and it looked kind of like it could be goo but I just acknowledged well whatever cry more wool awesome oh dude op watch this boom goo oh he's cleaning my side too let's go okay check this out the goo is kind of awesome for this too not bad it doesn't go all the way in and it does a surprisingly good job of picking itself back up though I was really worried that you'd kind of weave material yeah put goo in and then it would it would be left you know what though I don't think the goo is actually as good as a fine brush for certain things I'm gonna give this just a light misting here and get in here with a brush and what I suspect is I'm actually gonna be able to do a better job of this event oh I haven't oh right I have the Duster and then there's sad Luke who is sad I grabbed the box that showed cleaning a screen because I thought they would be like our screen cleaning wipes not specifically things that are bad you know what so I have I have two of the same product in different forms the goo is cool but you can see it didn't actually do as good of a job as a light misting a brush and then wiping up with a microfiber cloth I would like to I know this we're over on Luke's side now but I would like to take a crack at it with this because I suspect this is going to clean up pun intended foreign thing that's not caked on like Luke's keyboard that is awesome that looks like new so anything like a little vent on here across the top this is going to do a bang-up job so shiny so new and then there's Luke's side good attempt Luke your side isn't perfect I'm actually kind of surprised by that mine's way worse I could have used a rougher cloth actually this yeah this cloth is terrible yeah this cloth is too fine yeah but we don't have that oh that came with that pissed I've been skazammed wow that's way better in every way yeah you want a textured microfiber cloth for stuff like this next challenge laptop now this is a situation where my duster might not actually be my best bet oh I think it'll be pretty good because like the fan in there it'll have uses I don't know if you'd want to use it for the whole thing but I wouldn't want to blow crap no back into the computer I have no idea what this is and there's no label so I think I'm just going to YOLO that going for the fun Factor I'm going for the Strategic factor of making sure Luke never gets anything that can spray water even though I already have one no no I won't I actually want to see this thing what the heck is this desktop vacuum cleaner it's a this is a vacuum four dollars there is no that's not picking up anything that vibrates more than it so you're saying it sucks and it's lots of fun hello yeah see it's moving it okay but can it suck it up oh it's picking stuff up I still think it's useless hold on hold on this might be useless you say put out your hand I'll show you useless for four dollars yeah I mean I'm not saying it's amazing for four dollars just to do some desk maintenance I mean I mean it's more clutter cloth a cloth is probably a better thing you have chosen unwisely I'm trying to choose for the fun man come on yes no choose to choose to win you gotta win I don't know what we're competing for but definitely bragging rates okay what is this this is apparently a seven in one cleaner let's see if without instructions which is good because it doesn't come with any we can figure out what all seven cleaning functions are soft bristle brush actually not bad you need to shave or use one of those brushes Key Cat pulling people that's surprising to be in there but okay tampon oh we've got a little rubber pick that might actually be really useful a little brush that is so close to this that does that count as one is that one of the tools this is there I bet they think this is two that's unfortunate hey I got another spray bottle oh my God I think this is probably also one that that oh like oh like a lamp a lint brush you know what I'm gonna use only this for the laptop how much was that one 12 bucks so if you can get three of these nope I think I'll have this wow it's an enthusiastic little tool it's not the first time I've been called that oh shoot did I just say I was going to use only this uh what was that sound did you break it it's broken [Laughter] it might be fixable but like cool well I'm getting started it's literally just broken you have problems with like rechargeable batteries so make sure the voltage dropped too much already no it made like a grinding noise yeah I turned on it all right let's go clean laptop did anyone get a screwdriver as part of any of their cleaning supplies nope that would have been pretty op LCC screwdriver oh an lttstore.com you can also buy water bottles which could hold liquid which is a very big benefit in this challenge thanks for that oh that's a really fine Mist I like that I don't have a cloth Okay I lied I'm gonna have a cloth well now he's cheating no mine didn't have a cloth you're cheating that's not fair imagine getting a seven tool kit without a cloth imagine buying a four dollar vacuum and it works precisely two times fixed it I mean it's useless now wait it takes double a batteries those batteries are worth like 10 times more than that vacuum yeah I'm sure it didn't really really whoa really that is actually working this is my side that hasn't been cleaned here's Luke's side actually yeah that legitimately I mean a pretty okay it doesn't get into anything yeah anything would have yeah like here's my little brush from this thing looks just as good but it did technically do a job yes it was not as useless as you made it sound you were officially mean to it you know what I've got all these different like cleaning schmoo and fancy vacuums and all this stuff on my side but I just keep coming back to good old-fashioned a microfiber cloth with some water on it yes that's effectively what I'm doing like this probably does uh ever so slightly better job getting into those cracks but doesn't really do much when it's there it does a little bit it does a little bit I mean you can tell because it's more green than yellow now okay screen time yeah without my cloth I think I'm gonna struggle a little oh wait I don't want to scratch it so I'm not actually really touching it can I use this [Music] never but maybe it's intended for this I think it's time for our judge this is my side this one I think you got to get some angles on it because like you there's a lot of Reflections going on Luke wins this round okay all right thank you very much four dollar vacuum I always intended to be trailing at the end why don't we have a clear idea of what they are this time our last items are a screen cleaner that kind of has this all over it but it's just a spray bottle this stupid thing the Oxo other more different crappy brush for probably 20 bucks again microfiber cloths and the mystery bag can we just go first I lost so I get to go first so I'm screwed because I know exactly really you know exactly what to go for not at all I definitely wouldn't pick that that's the last thing I would pick I don't know why you would pick that because it's not it's strategic in any way it's restricting me from having that has no value in the I'm taking the mystery bag what are you going for you want the spray bottle but yeah okay all right how much are these are we driving yeah so do you get to pick we get to go again I think so okay then I want the five in one I'm gonna I'm gonna just I've already made this mistake once I'll make it twice I'll go with Oxo and I will take the bulk pack of microfiber cloths but because you're losing you get three you can have half of them now you can never say that everyone's point everyone has microfiber today okay so no okay so all right awesome so it came with a another more different probably bad microfiber cloth um a plastic picking tool that might be all right if stuff is actually really stuck in there especially the curved Edge that's kind of nice a solution of unknown did you get alcohol again are you serious no deionized water and surfactant back anti-schmutz walking 40 cents This is 40 cents what wow this might be the best bang for the butt cleaning thing we've seen yet feel this that's probably all right that is I think that's that same stuff yeah yeah so you just kind of like I didn't think it would have been full because of this is a refill whoa whoa that's crazy for 40 cents okay oh you like your little pick hey it's all right it's okay nice little pick don't make fun way not that I'm trying to compensate for anything but uh whoa I got a spatula depending on what you're cleaning that could be pretty good I mean yeah if you need to kind of maybe get in there and that end the other end might be more useful what the hell there's so much stuff in here wow I got tweezers these look like exactly the iFixit ones not quite but they're definitely a little jankier like Excavating tiny sandwich wait you own one of these shut up do you use it wow it was free with something that I got it it came out again this really does feel like someone else went shopping on AliExpress found a bunch of random crap put it in a bag and then put it up for sale on AliExpress it's 12 and it includes all these microfiber cloths but 40 cents clearly yeah I don't know if I win the game but I win because this could be lots of fun that could be pretty good what how much did the Oxo sweep and swipe laptop cleaner cost us 18 okay well let's see it that's super soft which means it's probably not very useful no that doesn't mean it's not useful it's gonna be useful it's softer did you use that one once this yeah yes I used it on the monitor also I have a super soft brush too a microfiber pad oh this might actually be all right that might actually be all right oh so you can really like scrub yeah but do you have any way of it's like a fresh microfiber on it nope that's it that's it forever that's a lot of plastic okay and I get this a keycap puller so what are the five tools do you unscrew it oh oh oh oh oh is that a what is that a pen so one two three four that's four yeah what's that though take apart the handle let's pick that comes out doesn't it yeah oh another tampon [Music] ten dollars that might be one of the worst ah I have Oxo products these are disgusting can we shame whoever these belong to me David what the are these both yours no the Xbox is mine I got it like that though I'll take the Xbox you want the Xbox I want the Xbox you told me to choose I'm choosing the Xbox oh oh I can't tell if this is worn away you know it's gonna be really good at right is your picking tools because getting around those keys oh good yeah thanks it's gonna be like cleaning someone's teeth see I could use little picks but I think instead I'm just gonna go straight bristle brush yeah yeah oh you're going okay okay you want to get as much of it off while it's dry as you can before you oh really I mean yeah after everyone's got their straps right I am speed I don't care what two-stage processes bruh I'm cleaning stuff there's no way I don't win most improved the the volume of material poked up in my face look at look at the cloth already the winner out of my whole kit is just having this cloth at all it's very helpful I don't know if you're really in this realizing this nice but they just gave themselves free cleaning hey yeah oh this mouse wheel is quite problematic all right it has a lot of little green you didn't even try I did no you didn't it looks I am doing it right now don't tell me how hard it is I know exactly how hard it is I can't get in there why don't you combo with the pipe cleaner now this guy wants his what's his device clean that's what's going on hey why don't you clean my Xbox more properly okay come on what am I paying you for wait are you being paid I'm just destroying this tool it has no like rigidity at all so I put any amount of pressure on it just flops over well it's not as young as it once was I don't blame myself but my multi-tool cleaning pack came with Viagra it's not even like in like a Bad plot line for the video but you just know it's his I feel like the previous owner of this is an indoor smoker I used to see this all the time when I would do like PC service repair you'd get this like thick gunky brown or tar on like everything and it's so hard to clean off it's very bad for your electronics hard to clean off yeah if you don't have the right tool I guess this brush is the king at this stuff clearly because it's kicking everything everywhere it was that a pube it's not even it's not even his did you get this wet first no yeah that did not make it easier sir it's definitely getting stuff we're just gonna wow that's going in yeah I mean does this look like my Xbox are you guys ready for Linus and Luke's retro console repair and refurbishment Shop that was worth everything I am proud it actually like it looks pretty good now and you did a great job too Linus look how clean that Mouse is it's actually way better and a lot of what looks dirty here I think is just deterioration of materials yeah to be completely honest nothing I can do about that yeah at least there's nothing living in it just like I'm living with this segue to our sponsor Zoho won if you run a business you know how hard it is to keep everything organized especially when Kevin gets into the Supply Closet oh Kevin well good news Zoho one is designed to help you run your entire business through a single unified platform and replace your Patchwork of cloud applications Legacy tools and paper-based processes so Kevin can eat that paper anymore with Zoho one your team can collect leads in one place close deals quicker create quotes and invoices sign contracts digitally and track every key metric along the way and when you're out of the office you can use their mobile apps to work on the go whether it's sales marketing Finance analytics or support Zoho one has got you covered so sign up for Zoho one today using the link below and get a free 30-day trial with no credit card required unless you're Kevin if you guys enjoyed this video you might enjoy the one year dust challenge that Luke and I did way back in the day we found out what the best fan configuration is to reduce the the amount of dust that settles inside your computer inclusive results but we learned stuff yeah
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,653,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AliExpress, Ali Express, Computer Hardware, laptop, mouse, xbox, computer monitor, cleaning, mechanical keyboards, keyboard, washing, dirty hardware, dirty keyboard, dirty mouse, dirty monitor, dirty x-box
Id: Jd2JM2dgyhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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