PC-24 to Philly (Pilatus Jet Flight)

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right welcome back to the channel today we are in Massachusetts [Music] access the battery here [Music] [Music] [Music] I can set the field panel alright presense I just connected squeeze let's check the oil I've been there [Music] oh there's some good little temps nice you so there's the anti-rotation [Music] I'll serve an applicant ganya looks pretty steep back secondary Texan go to electrical page wait for the athlete to drop down below 250 before were you going to keep here because what happens in qpm you only have generator power of 250 m and it draws right now the heavy draw charging up the battery and the system so we can go to keep him right now it's gonna be you're gonna get her gone if you run the a/c and heater and all that's gonna draw up our half to drive with this - once it starts to go down below 250 then we can start [Music] let's like keep him [Music] want to go ahead put the flight plan in alright [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now we doing back here [Applause] [Music] creator from y5 is expected from we fibers in use expect the visual world go straight five five you're cleared Philadelphia International as files on departure maintain 3,000 specs fight level 1 8 0 1 0 minutes after departure departure frequency 1 2 5 point 3 5 squawk 3 4 0 4 all right Craig Philadelphia s5 climb maintain 3000 5 2001 3 minutes after departure contact one to five point three five spot three four zero four goals check bypass okay five Rebecca's correct expect runway for departure whiskey on the ADA advise ready taxi my five and we'll get whiskey we'll check another whiskey alright what happened I was praying there we go alright 3404 up to 3,000 as files here Tigers are running away heading right later vectors to first fixed field 18,000 25 35 Archer up the runway five in there if you want go ahead knock out the takeoff briefing if you want but that their bigoted about their and everything make sure everything was in there all right cool all right so I got front of my 5,000 feet saleable the plenty of distance for our takeoff today well v1 was 91 anything below that we can abort the takeoff above that we're just going to take off deal with it in the air 92 is rotation any issues after that we'll deal with the once we're up aloft all right no questions with that we got plenty of runway here so if you need to come back we'll come back here and be ref for this Airport is 102 that's 98 if we go back to Philadelphia all right yeah once we get there trim is 1.9 put two point nine in there's a pair of probes here oh okay so this one right there you go all right let's get out of qpm now that we're out of qpm we can go back to normal power generator and now let's finish up the checklist now 15 checks they see it all right wrap 0.9 all right checks that's good that's good this will go off very acute mode so we're good everything up looks good squat comes in all the doors are closed X oh you see essays are all right left engine start all right go for it all right let's go pop a ride on verify it's on anti-rotation or starter fuel ignition bill flow I'm stable alright good start put this back in Auto you want to wait any Coogan Auto yes it's uh no taxi all right Gold Strike five five at Metro with whiskey range nothing high five with the ground runway five taxi via patbot you're over at Metro correct sorry about that but I couldn't contact Calvin ready for departure no Cornett you really add five what's bad but that's fine alright so pad fives right there we're over here at Metro so we just go up alpha here to pad five deep all right are in their departure hours didn't they're putting into part two right four to five three five power in one three four eight five who picks which explains ever tell you look our by five on departure fly runway heading maintain 3000 current winds or zero three zero one four gusting one Niner runway five cleared for takeoff my five got to take off at the butterfly runway ahead and class between 3000 kolcheck by five all right aircraft I'll finish up the checklist okay all right just page is good Hills check balance to IPS is normal Auto AGC verified take off previous complete cabin is weird all right Tex check up line up checks we got suffering oh good lights are all on he's he has set whether or not required right now yeah we're clear takeoff runway fire run heading up 3,000 finals clear runway looks clear [Music] [Music] [Music] avocados are aren't for you yep their skis life auto throttles are engaged 50 knots cross-checks v1 rotate Julian's on a rotation very good pose right here got evidence all right heading to speed up that's command go drop by five attached at Bradley's part two one two five point three five you guys have a great flight 25 days I called strength it sized you Bradley departure goal-directed five 1600 climbing 3,000 hitting 105 brother departure identify maintain 1-0 thousand hide any clan became one zero thousand go check my friend all right ten thousand set speed to hit you come in for you thank you those trying to decipher to contact one north east and west over turn or right direct Hartford in the Brad dial to enter to nine or seven five all right right turn direct Harper there's direct Hartford Ave is available from my current Altima Turkey minor seven five captain a departure exec chef 549 1500 for 4050 f 549 Branagh departure to contact my maintain 1-0 thousand journalist Eric mobs what's your a thousand left her direct losses your 40 light bulbs rectified contact boss to centers one three three point four to 33 42 go check five five year process inter-gold affected five seven thousand two hundred claw meat one thousand director fly heading of one Niner five climb and maintain flight level 180 0 I'm sorry to climb and maintain one six thousand all right hang one eight five five became one six hours ago sacrifice and heading one niner five four girls right yeah sorry about that one 95 go check - check five five I need to amend your route completely nuts let me know when you're ready I already copied was like rocker box like five five when you were able receive direct is the yoader intersection Yankee after Delta echo Romeo said direct you man top Mike alpha November tango alpha y jet 121 with the Briggs intersection Bravo Romeo India Gulf Sierra and the gym three arrival the Philadelphia all right director Yankee Oscar Delta echo Romeo Turk Monta J 121 the big intersection Jim's three arrival Gold Strike Fighter go trick five five climb and maintain flight level two zero zero that'll be your final 18 is not usable due to low op scimitar if you're unable advice we're able Tommy Kane final two zeros are Lucy 53:19 off center your directive amantha all right builder direct to is pleased to yield there we go let's get smarter day 1 21 2 breaks chips 3 okay all right why you're clearing Colonel Briggs Korbel people in anyone having our bricks coming in so we gotta figure out what probably won't be use it relating east or west or wherever so right Allen - showing zero one zero go figure so let's say we be landing first at North [Music] 53:19 10 15 degrees left your vector to traffic [Music] bulchek 55 got sick lost center one three five point eight one three five honey go check Vidya hi papa typical check fifty five signs over T zero [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep my 3765 bill expect visual 3/5 to fill the optimal area to Niner seven five that so climb 405 aggregate for 37% of maintain 6,000 for 37 seconds of oh come on let's try five five speed your discussion Tower 18 5 285 just be a discretion collector fastings at UPS 24 24 heavy calls in the air center on 3 2.3 million our goal track 55 on the vigil runway 3 5 mr. Kaul said but 5 5 it was the end of it are only 3-5 little and went three six zero one zero three five clearly at Gold Strike 55 Coupe strike ok thank you no up all right ground just gonna be huh Jessup 21 943 - finally - 6 5 I'm with you 7 I'll play for takeoff all right we're clear to land here's the window looking 50-69 I know you're next give me 4805 number 2 power company 50-69 mi gusta might have a weight on it was Ronald very 626 out that aperture good day alright flops 869 runway two-seven I fly Valene okay this whole sort of the intersection you know 42:5 run with you to the knife line point all right landing gear down flaps are currently at 15 air brakes are still TPS checked autopilot y'all damn bottles are all disengaged all right flaps to go but already flaps 33 33 all right flaps 33 but after landing checklist complete 43 82 count Edifier to get it yeah 42 keep over with 10 or so 32 are you parking Delta 4 432 okay right in the high speed rail 8 kilos 9 kind of wrap every day here at a high speed road on kilos 9 on rap plus 32 yeah blue sea 50-69 Rome 87 I family via 4205 guys at a party they boosted 50-69 silencing two-30 oh my - so not clear for takeoff five hundred all right - 23 - I'll just let me know anybody 150 40 10 [Music] let's take it to the end [Music] that's our bus tickets for hundreds that 1603 time entire a350 relentless if it's Florida Oh strike five five you're going to Atlantic yes sir all right the next right turn is Delta two of etiquette at these dopes an outfit to the rap all right Delta two Delta alpha to the ramp I'll check my friend Eric 23 2014 2 45 from 87 left cleared for takeoff all right I got it all right your toes my controls still ticklish please 3:04 my 87 left for takeoff 350-400 tax the echo 3 to 14 call the ramp there echo 214 who should get you on it all right - why - 7 left [Music] look we're here up in Philadelphia pretty quiet any area you know there's not much atc traffic especially for like New York Center it's just quiet this whole thing that the virus sting and all the planes are being grounded luckily we're still oh thanks for watching the channel and thanks for all all my subscribers and thanks for all the lights feel free to comment any questions I try to keep it simple we've got a couple more legs today go away back to the west coast and can't wait to be home
Channel: PlaneJunkies
Views: 32,469
Rating: 4.846632 out of 5
Keywords: pilatus, pc24, pilatuspc24, pc12, pc-24, pc-12, avaition, flying, kphl, cockpit, avgeek, airplane, jet, bushjet, airsmart, planejunkies, vlog, air, travel, cities
Id: eULsRw6Io48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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