Pax Pamir Second Edition - Solo Playthrough vs. the Wakhan

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welcome to video number three of the modern cardboard playlist for pax premiere 2nd edition the first video was a how to play the multiplayer game the second video is how to add the wakan which is an ai opponent to your game so you can play solo or anytime you want and this is a video where i'll play against the wakan the ai opponent in a full play through and we'll see how i do if you missed the first couple videos i put the link to the playlist in the description of the video and you can find it at the end of this video as well so let's dive in all right so we are set up and ready to begin i have our market deck and this is set up to play with the wakan which the wakan player is over here so this is the automated opponent and this is my player area so with that said let's start see what comes out into the market [Music] a lot of russian stuff out there so i'm going to choose my loyalty next and we'll go over to the loyalty dial here and i think for this game just with the russian patriots and all the prizes i'm gonna begin with my loyalty being loyal to russian okay so everything is set if you haven't really seen the multiplayer game i recommend that you go see that however just to kind of give an overview of what we start with this is the wacon deck this is for the ai opponent the wakan takes the first turn of the game we each start with four rupees i have a loyalty dial the wakan over here is loyal to every coalition russian british and afghan that's an advantage of the wakan and then the wakan has two cards this is a card priority so when you have to select between more than one court card this is the card you use and then she's got a card that has our gift spaces on it and it's just got some more instruction on how to play the wakan that i went over in the wakan video the wakan takes the first turn of the game so we'll flip over the wakan card so we start with the top action and then go down this i call this the action stack here the wakan gets two actions per turn just like we do and then she can take as many bonus actions as she can from cards that match the favored suit we'll get to that in a little bit but she'll start with the top action and says if wakan has fewer than two rupees radicalize the card that will net the most rupees she's got four she starts the game with four so we'll skip that action second one is build that's a card based action she doesn't have any cards in her court so she can't take that and the third action then is radicalize and radicalize takes the actions of purchase and play it's a advanced action for the wakan that help the wakan kind of build her court very quickly and it's almost like you're playing against two other players so radical eyes will get cards in her court very fast a lot faster than it will for me and like i say it adds a little bit of strategy to the game but the wakan makes some kind of stupid decisions that are not human-like so this kind of compensates for some of the dumb decisions the wakan makes in strategy so we radicalize we look at the two arrows here we have the black arrow and the red arrow the black arrow tells us what column from the market we purchased from the red arrow tells us what row so we're going to look at column three bottom row let's go to the market so in the market if we look at column three bottom row that is this card ranjit singh which is a nice card from punjab so she's gonna purchase that she has four rupees right now so it's not a problem if she didn't have rupees she wouldn't be able to purchase that and have to get something cheaper so she purchases ranjit singh and adds this to the court i'm just going to stick it here but it'll probably have to shift in a little bit to make room for all the other cards so ranjit is a punjab card i don't rule any regions so she doesn't have to pay any bribes yet you know that hopefully that comes pretty soon but she'll take and place two tribes on punjab so we go to her player board take two tribes off of there or two cylinders and she's got two tribes in punjab and instantly takes already takes the ruling token and i'm gonna stick that just right here tells us she rules punjab right now so that means if i buy cards from the market from punjab i'll have to pay her a bribe and actually i'll have to pay her two rupees because she's got two tribes in punjab the last thing that her last impact icon here is to place an army now to place an army that's where we look at these pragmatic loyalty selectors the wakan always starts with the leftmost pragmatic loyalty that's going to be russian unless another player is loyal to russian which as you recall i am you can see it there so if someone else is loyal to russian or that loyalty she just moves to the right and so it's afghan she's going to place a green block on punjab so we take one green block and she places it there on punjab and definitely rules that region with two tribes and a army that's three ruling pieces okay so that's action one and now she still has one action left and so she's going to go to the top of the action stack again and see what she can do now this one applies if wakan has fewer than two rupees radicalize the card that would net the most rupees so this is one where we're going to radicalize means she's going to purchase a card from the market and play it to her court right away so we're going to go to the market so with this said she would radicalize the card that would net the most rupees and right now she can't purchase these three cards and there's no other card that has rupees on it that she can really get i think she's just going to end up getting the zero cost card it's not going to net there's no cards that net the most rupees but this applies so just take that one adds a tour court and when this goes to her court now that she's got a card out there we look at the red arrow and that points to right and so then this card goes to the right of this one and court order is very critical in this game you can't mix the cards around in the court because once spies come into play they can actually move from card to card and we don't want to disrupt the order of the cards out there so now that this is placed this is going to put a lot of roads and one army in kabul kabul's not ruled by another player so she can put that out there without paying a bribe and she's going to place afghan roads in one army to determine what road she places we look at the region priority as shown at the bottom of the wacon card so if we go to the map here we look at kabul then we're going to look back at her card and see that the first region she's going to play a road on is between kabul and kandahar because kandahar has that same square symbol so she places a green road or afghan road there if we go back we look at the next symbol to the right and that is a symbol for kabul so that doesn't apply so we go to the next one and that's herat so place one in her and she places a road between kabul and her rot and we go back and look at the next one and that's between kabul and punjab that has that circular kabul and punjab and then she just places an army in kabul so right now we have a dominant coalition and that's afghan so i better watch out if a dominance check card comes out there okay and so that's the end of the wakan's turn for actions she's used two now she could take a bonus action from this one if it applies and this is the betray action costs two rupees she only has one and she doesn't have any spies on any card so she couldn't use that by the way this card ranjeet singh has a special ability on it you do not pay bribes on taking hostage actions so we don't have any um spies on cards or cylinders on cards so that's not going to apply yet but it may help her in the future so we'll just put that back down there she can have three cards in her court so she doesn't have to discard anything yet if we go to the market and she's just going to refill the market and then it'll be my turn and out comes mirza agazi and josiah harlan so by the way i'll probably make some sort of mistake here or there and i'll try to put some text on screen if i do make a mistake as we go okay so then it goes to my turn and i get two actions and i'm gonna go to the market and see what's available in the market kind of what i want to get well i think i'm going to start since i am russian i think it'd be great to get a couple armies out there and transcaspia and have a patriot who's russian and this is zero cost so when i purchase a card zero cost i take that to my hand it costs it takes me another action to play it to my court i don't know that i want to play it to my court yet let me look at the market first i don't know i'm looking at this card from kandahar it's got a tax action on it build action's not so critical but it would let me rule kandahar and there's no armies in kandahar yet although the wakan could move in there and take this tribe from me but i think that's what i'm going to get and then i'd i will get one rupee again from that card so i'll buy this one add it to my hand and that ends my turn so i add it to my hand i'm at my hand limit right now i don't have to discard anything and i don't have any cards in my court to discard so i just refill the market and straighten out cards that i've messed up so for the two event cards this one lets you change choose a suit to favor all favored suit changes impact icons are ignored until the next dominance check so you can kind of control the favored suit there that's pretty powerful and then conflict fatigue until the next dominance check dominant coalitions only require two more blocks in the other coalitions so this one's powerful too so we pass the turn over to our wakan friend over here and she flips the card the first action says if the wakan has no card with the move action radicalize a card with the move action so she does not she's got a betray action and a gift action so we go to the market and she's going to radicalize a card with a move action if she can she only has one rupee right now but looks like it's going to be this card it's in the zero cost column she's going to radicalize claude wade and then so claude is going to go to the right of the court so i'm going to put it up here next to city of ghazni and then claude has two spies that are going to go out on persia cards this is the only persia card so both of those spies are going to go here so right now the wakan is beating me both in cylinders in play and with a dominant coalition that i'm not loyal to okay so that is action number one action number two is the move action the wakan wants to move armies to an adjacent region where i would have tribes i don't have any tribes in these adjacent regions so she's not going to take the move action so then she goes down here just to radicalize and in this case she's gonna radicalize from column four bottom card her bottom row so we go to the market and she's going to radicalize again from column four bottom row but she only has one rupee with one rupee she goes down the road until she finds a card she can afford and this is wheat fields right here this is gonna net her a couple rupees also actually i better pay for this first right there and then this gets added to the right of her court so put those rupees there shift these over so i can add it to the right and still get the cards in camera right there so wheat fields that's going to place one road in her rot no one rules her out so she didn't have to pay a bribe and so the road is going to border between herat and persia because of this symbol here and she's going to place afghan again which is really killing me because i might have to switch loyalties to afghan otherwise i'm gonna i'm gonna end this game really quick because the wakanda's gonna win so we take one afghan road and put that between herat and persia so the wakan has used two actions this turn she gets to take bonus actions she does have a bonus action and this is going to be interesting her bonus action is on this card matches the political suit as you can see political suit the favored suit marker is still on political she's going to be able to take a bonus or free action from this card and she has two rupees to take the betray action the wakan will take a betray action from any card she has a spy on and it also has a prize and so this card she's got a spy on this card and it also has a prize even though it's in her own court she's gonna betray the claude wade sorry claude she brought brings you to the court and betrays you so you just gotta learn how to deal with this radical religion called the wakan so what so claude is now a patriot and i'll just stick that here as a reminder so you can kind of see that in camera put the rest of her court cards together and she spends two rupees on that too by the way and the rupees go on the five column in the market whenever you pay for an action from a card your rupees start in the farther five column and then work them with their way in so if i had to pay four rupees i'd pay one here one here one here and then one here okay and then we just refill the market and outcome two new cards could get a dominance check card already not yet though so we got a russian patriot and a british patriot out there i got to do something about this dominant coalition otherwise i am not going to score any points and she's going to score five i'm going to look at the market here and see what i can do so i really am thinking about changing loyalty because if a dominance check card comes out i'm not going to have any loyalty points or influence for afghan so i can afford either one of these and i think i'm going to purchase one of those i think mirza agassi is the better card it's got two actions and it'll change the favored suit and changing the favored suit won't affect me i don't have any cards out there but it also won't affect the wakan she doesn't have any cards matching intelligence alright so i'm going to get mirza and spend all of my rupees on this card now i have three cards in my hand but i'm going to take my second action and actually play this to my court and switch my loyalty so that was easy except now i have a russian patriot in my hand that doesn't do me much good so i switch to afghan so at least that way if there's a dominance check it doesn't kill me i place a tribe in persia right here and then the favored suit marker changes to intelligence okay so those are my two actions i don't have any cards matching the favored suit and that ends my turn except i gotta refill the market and out comes our first dominance check card so now the wakan's ambition is going to kick in if she can score the most points or win the game she'll purchase the dominance check card if she can so we go over to the wacom and we flip a card for her so before any of the wacom's actions she's going to look and see if she can score the most points and if so she'd want to purchase the dominance check card there is a dominant coalition and that's afghan and if we look at influence with afghan i have two influence points one from my patriot one from the loyalty dial and then the wakan just has one from the loyalty dial she doesn't have any gifts yet she just has a russian prize and then doesn't have any patriots from afghans so she really only has one loyalty point she wouldn't score the most points so she wouldn't want to buy the dominance check card we draw her card and if wakan has fewer spies than another player then radicalize the highest ranked intelligent card well she doesn't have spies on her cards i don't have spies on any cards either so we're tied for spy so she'd skip that action then she goes to the next one and it says battle on the highest priority court card with the most spies where wakan has at least one spy and since we don't have spies out there that action doesn't apply either so then we just move on to radicalize and for radicalize since there is a dominant coalition the plane radicalize action changes where the wakan is going to want to purchase a card that is a patriot to the dominant coalition first and if she can't afford a patriot to the dominant coalition then she'll get a card that adds the most roads or armies for the dominant coalition so we take a closer look at the market here and then we see that there's josiah harlan this is a afghan patriot but since the wakanda doesn't have any rupees she can't afford this card she looks for the card with the most roads or armies and that's going to be probably like this punjab card but she can't afford it she has no rupees so we have to really just go to this column and we see that this card has two roads and so this is going to be the one that she's going to purchase or radicalize and add to her court this gives her some rupees too and i'm a little scared about that okay so this is definitely not a good card for me it gives the wakan three rupees then i'm going to add this to the right of her court because the red arrow points to right and then for the impact icons this place is two roads those roads are actually going to be british because i'm loyal now to afghan then she goes to the next icon and places british blocks in kandahar okay so she's gonna place british blocks in kandahar so we look and see what what border she's going to place this on the first icon here is for persia that doesn't border kandahar second one here is for transcaspia doesn't border kandahar next one is kabul so that one does so she'll place a british road there and place that right next to this afghan road and then the next one is punjab in kandahar so she'll place one on the border of punjab okay so now she's used the two road impact icons the next one is the leverage icon where she'll take two rupees from the supply so now she's got five rupees and i'm a little scared and the last impact icon is change the favored suit icon to intelligence but it's already on intelligence okay so that's the first action for the wakan there's still a dominant coalition the wakan isn't going to score the most points so she wouldn't want to purchase the dominance check card yet so we go back to the top of the action stack and this is the spy's question again she doesn't have any spies i don't so that doesn't apply we can't battle so she's going to radicalize again okay and since there's a dominance check card in the market again with a plain radicalized action her intention first is to purchase a patriot from the dominant coalition and if she can't afford that then she buys another card that where she can play the most roads or armies so we go back to the market and this time she's got five rupees and she's gonna purchase josiah harlan so she puts rupee here here and since there's no card here it goes to the other row and she's going to radicalize this and add it to her court and when she adds that the red arrow points to right so i'm going to shift these down again i do this a lot the radicalize action adds cards to her court so fast so now she's got a patriot to the dominant coalition so that gives her one loyalty point so she's actually got two loyalty points and i have two loyalty points punjab she rules pune jobs so she doesn't have to pay a bribe she's just going to place one cylinder as a tribe on punjab and that gives her three out there and so she's got three tribes out on punjab right now okay so that's her two actions she doesn't have any cards matching the intelligence suit so she doesn't get any bonus actions she's just gonna clean up the market and then it goes back to my turn which i have to decide what the heck i'm gonna do okay so now it's my turn oh by the way i forgot to take my ruling token for persia so i'm gonna take that now um and maybe i don't focus on the cards in the market i'm gonna focus on trying to still keep afghan as the dominant coalition because right now if there's a dominance check if i can get the dominance check out there we would tie right now so one thing i may do is if i look at my cards i have two in my hand i can't play this unless i want to switch my loyalty over to russian because count perovski here he would make me change my loyalty since he's a patriot for russia so but if i look at this bellucci chiefs i might play that and rule kandahar so if i'm going to play this i'll stick it right out here and i place a tribe on kandahar right there i take the ruling token since i have the most ruling pieces and so now i rule kandahar and persia and then the other impact icon here is um i get to place an army of afghan on kandahar and i want to keep afghan as the dominant coalition so i take a afghan army place it on kandahar in afghan is up by five blocks as you can see here okay so that used one action for me and since i rule kandahar i could take the tax action here i could use i can't betray i could take this battle action this gives me some rupees plus i have another political card that i can keep out of the wakan's hands so i purchased shaw durrani added him to my hand add two rupees from that card to my supply so now i have two rupees at least and those are my two actions i played a card to my court i purchased a card so now i fill the market our dominance check card is going to become four rupees instead of five the wakan still can't purchase the dominance check card she only has two rupees and so now over here the wakan draws a card afghan is a dominant coalition however we're still tied on loyalty points so the wakan is just going to go to her action stack and the top action says radicalize a card that will gain wakan control of a region okay see what can she can afford so let's take a look at the market and see if there's a card the wakan can afford she's got two rupees that would gain her control of a region so if we look at two so let her change a favored suit it's not going to let her control a region changes the rules a bit for a dominant coalition so we look at these there's nothing that's really going to get her control of a region there at least that i see might be missing something so i don't think she can take that action so go back here and the next action is battle she does not have any cards with the battle action on them so she skips that one and then the last one is radical eyes since they're still a dominant coalition she goes back to radicalizing a patriot of the dominant coalition and then if not the card with the most roads or armies so we go over here and we have no afghan patriots out there so there's no card she's going to buy like that so then she just looks at the card she can afford with the most roads or armies this one's got three armies um and that's going to have the most roads and armies and she can afford this it's in the one column so she puts a rupee there purchases this gets a rupee back and then this card is going to go to the left of her court so way over here see if i can show all those in the shot otherwise i'll zoom out a little bit all right and then she has to resolve these three impact icons now this is a patriot for british she doesn't have to change coalitions because she's loyal to every coalition but that doesn't mean she has to place british blocs unless her card tells us that so we go over to the pragmatic loyalty the first icon is actually british so coincidentally she will place pink blocks i'm loyal to afghan so there's no conflict there so that means she is going to place british blocs so we go to punjab she takes three armies and places these here so now we're playing a game of cylinders again i gotta watch it because now she would be in the lead with cylinders afghan is only two blocks in the lead from british so there's no dominant coalition if the dominance check happened now it would be unsuccessful and so the wakan's ambition is to look and see if she would score the most points or not and she actually would score the most points except that wakan only has two rupees and she won't be able to buy this card the reason she'll score the most points is there's no successful coalition right now for the dominance check so an unsuccessful dominance check means that we look at the cylinders in play the wakan has three cylinders in play and i only have two in play and since i only have two in play i gotta do something because she's gonna be able to get the lead and take three points and then i'll only have one point so since she doesn't have rupees to buy this card then we go back to her action stack over here and the first action again is radicalize a card that will gain the wakan control of a region there's no cards in the market that would apply for what she can afford uh the next action's battle even though we can't see all my actions up here she doesn't have a battle action yet so we go to the last action again is radicalize but now since there would be an unsuccessful dominance check when we go to the market to radicalize a card for the wakan now she's going to look for cards that would add the most spies and or tribes for what she can afford i think that's going to be this mohan lai or lol because mohan here has three spies if we look at all the other cards they either add one or two and this is one she can afford so she's going to take one rupee and radicalize this card and it's going to go to her court she adds the rupee to her supply and this is going to go to the left of her court so i'm going to slide these cards down make some room and no one rules cobble so she doesn't have to pay a bribe to play that card which i really wish i did because then i could deplete her of rupees but she's gonna place three spies in cobble cards i don't have any in my court but she's got one two cards with cobble and now she's gonna have to decide with her priority card here which card those spies are gonna go on and so first thing this says if we look at our priority to decide between those two cards the first thing that says and it is an opponent's card none of those are opponents cards matches the favored suit well mohanlal here does match the favored suit and so the spies are going to go on mohanlal except this is where it gets a little interesting because the wakan doesn't want to play spies on a card she has the most spies on and so now she has the most spies here i don't really know if i'd place all three on this card or if i'd split them between this card and this card here i think if i if i split these we'll say okay since she doesn't play or put a spy in the card with the most spies then we'll put the next one here and then the third one is going to go back on this card since it would take priority i'm just going to play it that way let me know if you don't think that's correct but we'll let that ride right now so this card has a special ability for the wakan that her spies cannot be removed in battle with other spies which i guess is pretty good there and okay and so now the wakan has used her two actions and she's got one card here that matches the favored suit and it's got the move action on it and so with this move action she's going to want to move armies to a region with a tribe of mine so we go back to the map she's going to want to move british armies into a region with tribes of mine and so this is a and she's only going to move one army because i only have one tribe if i had two tribes here she could move two this is actually a rank three move if we look at mohan lal he's got a rank three move on him so he could actually move three armies but the wakan only moves one army because she only moves as many armies as you have tribes so she's gonna move one army in here and future battle she could remove my tribe okay and that ends with khan's turn she used her bonus action her two actions and now we look at her court size and it's quite big she's got one two three purple stars that means she can have six cards in her court and she's got three six seven so she's going to have to discard a card in her court to do that we use this card over here and we go down the list and this kind of narrows it down to one card so the first thing we leave is non-political cards and the way i do this i like to pull the cards that won't get discarded first so these are my my political cards the rest are non-political and these are the cards we're going to kind of narrow down and see which one of those is going to get discarded the next one on this list is non-patriot so then i pull out my patriots that's the only one so now we're down to four cards the next thing on this is non-leveraged so this one is a leveraged card so now we're down to three cards the next one on there is okay so we look at more player spies more than wakan spies so i don't have any spies out there so when we look at the cards with the fewest spies remain and so that's going to be like this this is going to go this has the fewest spies so wheat fields is going to get discarded so i put that over here in the discard pile and the wacon just has to clean up the market and so these two cards slide these cards slide dominance check is now can purchase it for three and then we have henry rawlinson and my favorite harry flashman coming out okay so we look at the game state and there is no successful dominance check if the dominance check were to happen right now because there's no dominant coalition afghan is two blocks in the lead and what i'm going to try to do since i'm way behind in cylinders the wakan has six cylinders in play and i only have two in play i'm gonna see if i can change so the afghan afghan coalition is dominant again so i'm gonna either try to remove british blocks out here or i'm going to try to add some more afghan blocks and see if i can just add two more on this turn that way she's not going to want to purchase the dominance check card so i'm going to look at the market and look at the cards in my hand i don't want to play count because that's going to change my loyalty i don't want to play this dude so we look out here i could place two roads in kabul that's not ruled by the wakan so i wouldn't have to pay a bribe this card in kandahar looks interesting too i do rule kandahar and i could maybe put the hurt there i don't really need roads and cobbles so i'm gonna go with this kandahar card purchase that for zero and i'm going to play it to my market right here i'll play it over here i get the jezai sharpshooters which looks kind of cool if i pronounce that right i'm probably butchering the names of most of these cards but uh please forgive me for that so josiah sharps shooters places two armies in kandahar again i don't have to pay a bribe for that because no one or i rule candle kandahar so i don't have to pay myself a bribe so let's go back to kandahar and place two afghan armies there and so now i have the dominant coalition again which is cool as you can see afghan is four blocks in the lead that means it's the dominant coalition and as far as loyalty points i have two and the wakan has to so with that said i used my two actions i don't have any bonus actions oh i get to play a spy there's one more impact icon so i can put a spy on a card from kandahar i mean this will help get another cylinder in play but i'm really far behind i don't think it's going to do a whole lot of good for me to put the spy on her card so i'm going to put it on mine and just get another spy out there and it might be one that i could move like over here at a later time all right let's see what happens so that ends my turn i'm going to refill the market and we go back to the wacon okay so opium fields comes out dominance check card is worth three since there is a dominant coalition and the wakan wouldn't score the most wacom's ambition doesn't kick in so she's gonna just draw a card and use her action stack so on her next wakan card it says if no coalition has dominance radicalized the card that would place the most spies and or tribes that doesn't apply there is a dominant coalition and then it says battle on the highest priority court card with the most spies where the wakan also has at least one spy well there's no court card that we can battle on nor does the wakan have a battle action so she takes the radicalized action and in this case she's going to go back to wanting to purchase a patriot from afghan and then she can't do that she's going to add a card or want to purchase or radicalize a card with the most roads or army icons so we go back here and we see in the market there's no patriots from afghan so she can't purchase a patriot which is good so she's going to look for the card she can afford she's got two rupees by the way that would place the most roads or armies and so i see there's two two one two and any time that there's a tie the cheapest card wins or breaks the tie so she's gonna buy this gazali gil's eye nomads sorry pronounce the name wrong there that's going to give her two more rupees and then she adds this to her court and that is going to go to the right side of her court way over here let's push these cards down a little bit she's got a full court for full court press on me for sure and so the nomads add two roads and for those two roads she's going to place russian blocks because i'm loyal to afghan and she's going to place those in kabul no one controls or rules kabul otherwise she would have had to pay me a bribe but she's going to place russian blocks and so those get some yellow out on the board so it doesn't look so bad so the first one goes between kabul and punjab the circle is punjab you can see the circle here so i place one road there getting a lot of blocks over on this right side of the the board here it's kind of like get lobster and sag over that way and we look at the second block she's going to place is that's transcaspia the next one's persia those don't border cobble the next one is kandahar and that one does so she places russian road between kabul and kandahar and still afghan is the dominant coalition so that didn't change and i'm happy the wakan gets one more action though and so we go back to the top of her action stack again so there's no reason she'd want to purchase the dominance check card because there is a dominant coalition and she wouldn't score the most points the first action doesn't apply the second action doesn't apply the third action she's going to radicalize again same thing she's just going to want to place armies so we go back to the market and she's gonna look at this card now the card she couldn't purchase before because there's one cheaper she's gonna get this pun job card which this one i don't like this one could throw the balance off a bit except well i should take that back she's going to place russian armies so that doesn't matter to me at all because because afghan still has the biggest lead over british armies here afghans still weigh in the lead even if she places two russian armies it's not going to matter she goes to the market and gets this card that places these two russian armies in punjab now i'm gonna have to zoom out this is getting ridiculous how big her court is she's gonna have to discard cards at the end of this round or turn and so then this goes to the right of her cord again so way over here and i can't see a thing i don't want to zoom out anymore it's horrible all right so with this card i'm just going to hold it up to the camera so you can see everything on it zorowa singh kaluria and so this is going to place two armies on punjab she rules punjab so she doesn't have to play pay a bribe and those are going to be russian armies but then she gets the battle action and gift action so she places that in to the right of her court and then resolves those impact icons and places two russian armies in punjab again sinking the side of the board there's a lot of action over there um glad my table has is like more reinforced on this side because these blocks are heavy which actually adds a cool feel to the game having these resin blocks versus wood there's some weight to these they feel like subs there's some substance there okay so afghan still the dominant coalition which is great the wakan has taken her two actions so now she's gonna see if she can take any bonus actions intelligence is the favored suit so this is her only intelligence card right here so she could take a move action except there's no place on the map for her to move like right now i have a tribe here in kandahar and she would want to move some blocks there but she's i guess she will move because she's rushing this turn she's going to want to move one russian block into kandahar she doesn't need roads like we do to move blocks so she can move from any adjacent region to another and so she places this block in kandahar man this is like a lot of buildup before a battle right there in kandahar this is crazy all right so afghan's still dominant she's not going to remove anything here so now we look at the wacom's cord and she's got to get rid of some cards she has two three purple stars meaning she can only have six cards in her court and she right now has eight so there's two cards she removes so that's where we go to this priority reference for cleanup we go through this list and narrow down until we find one card that she's going to remove first thing is non-political cards stay so this is political that's out non-patriot so patriots come out of it i'm just going to read these off non-leverage so any cards with leveraged are out of the mix most players buys more than wakan spies i don't have any spies on her cards fewest spies so she's going to get rid of the cards with spies on them so now we're down to three cards left oh actually two cards this is a political card so it's down narrowed down to these two one of those she's gonna discard lowest rank these are both rank two not matching favored climate neither of these do so then you just go to lowest card number and this one is card 13 this is 33 so gil's eye nomads is gone and then what i'm going to do i'd go through the same thing again and so this card is actually going to go 2 because she's got a narrower court down to six cards not eight so that one gets discarded now she's down to six beautiful cards hopefully that i can keep up with now i tell you what what i want to do right now is get another loyalty point and purchase a dominance check card so i actually i'm cleaning up for the wacon still here she's going this card would get resolved i'm sorry so the event card that was discarded is riots and punjab and that removes all tribes and armies in punjab which might be a benefit to me let's take a closer look at punjab i can't believe it so let's do it the wakan has three tribes in punjab those go back here this is awesome and you know what that means if she loses her tribes with the overthrow rule she also loses her political cards for punjab too so these would get discarded as well and that means she has one less less loyalty point for afghan and then armies and i don't care about losing an afghan army because two british armies are lost one russian army is lost in an afghan that still makes afghan the dominant coalition and that means if i can purchase the dominance check card i am in the lead yeah so i'm going to finish cleaning up the market for the wakan so i fill this space there's another british patriot there's an afghan patriot and then a rebuke which removes all tribes and armies in a single region if purchased if discarded that one happens so it'll change the favored suit i'm going to take my turn and purchase this dominance check card right here and i have four rupees so i'm going to purchase it for two and let's resolve a dominance check afghan's dominant coalition if we look at loyalty points i have one for this patriot one for my dial the wakan has no patriots no prizes for afghan and so she's loyal to the coalition so she just gets one loyalty point so i'm gonna score five she's gonna score three so dominance check is discarded that was my first action and since there was a successful dominance check that means all these blocks get discarded now almost forgot about that can't forget that so we kind of start with a clean slate after a successful dominance check except it kind of goes back to a game of espionage again with spies and tribes and now the question is do i want to stay loyal to afghan i mean there's some british patriots out there and russian patriots and i have one in my hand so i may look at keeping afghan except if i got rid of if i switched loyalties then i would lose my tribe in persia because this card would have to be discarded then i would lose rule persia lose rule of kandahar oh by the way i forgot to put this token back into punjab the wakan loses that because she lost all of her tribes in punjab so i have one more action what am i going to do i'll stay loyal to afghan for now and i'm just going to play shaw durrani to my court it's in my hand and so now that places a tribe gets another cylinder out because now it's a cylinder game places a tribe in kabul and gets me the ruling tokens and i rule kabul persia and kandahar so that way hopefully the wakan has to pay me a bribe if she plays any of those cards and we are i'm in the lead here with four cylinders in play to her three cylinders in place so that's a good thing i'll take it this game's working out better than my last couple against the wakan we'll see if it stays that way so i've resolved the market first thing is if discarded when you discard a event card in the zero column is the first thing you do the rupees stay there and they're going to get added the card that gets slid down this one if discarded it just changes the favored suit to intelligence which we're already on intelligence here so then this gets discarded these cards slide and two more cards come out that's got a afghan prize on it lapis lazuli mines look good oh yeah another dominance check card so no rest for the wicked here we're gonna go dominance again and i could score more points here and actually win the game if i could buy that dominance check card meaning i can i can end the game quickly because i would be four points ahead of the wakan so if i was to purchase this right now and things are going to change after the pecan's turn that would give me three points and put me up to eight and the wakan would only be at four and if any time after dominance check you end the game four points ahead of the second place player which would be the wakan the game ends so that's what i need to do okay so it is wakan's turn i'm done i don't have any cards matching the favorite suit so let's go to the wakan she flips a card there's no reason that wakan's ambition would kick in because she is not in the lead there's no dominant coalition and she doesn't have the most spies or tribes in play so we go to the first action if wakan is fewer than two rupees well she has two rupees not fewer than so we skip that one the next one is build she doesn't rule any regions so she can't build yet and then the third action is radicalized and that's what she's going to do and right now radicalize since there's no dominant coalition means that she's going to purchase the card with the most spies or tribes in the market she's got two rupees and so we look for the card with the most spies and tribes she can afford i start in the two rupee um column and then look lower and there's one card here that's got two she's going to get a lot of rupees from that so she's going to radicalize this card which is a russian patriot yan prosper wilkis wilkowitz so this gets added to the wakans court and it's going to go on the left side of her court over here she's taking the three rupees adding that to her supply and then she adds two oh wait i don't rule transcaspia she doesn't have to pay me a bribe unfortunately then she's going to add two spies two cards from transcaspia which i don't have any in my court she only has one card here so they're both gonna go out on this card now see i told you things were gonna change because now she's got five spies in play and i have four in play so now she's in the lead and probably will be able to purchase this dominance check card next so that's her first action and for her second action now i'm all disappointed because she's going to want to purchase the dominance check card she actually has five rupees and rather than taking another action wacom's ambition kicks in and she has the most cylinders in play five to my four so here she goes and purchases the dominance check card for five and with the dominance check we look at the game state again and for an unsuccessful dominance check like this she's gonna score three points one two three and i'm gonna score one and we're both tied at six okay so it's anybody's game that was her second action okay so intelligence is still the favored suit so she gets to take one free action from each of these cards the first action here is move she doesn't have any armies and the wakan only moves armies and not spies so she can't move anything so she can't take that action she doesn't rule regions so she can't take this one and again over here she doesn't have any armies to move so she's not going to really take any bonus actions here that's the end of her turn except now she goes to the cleanup we'll clean up the market first and then we'll come back and clean up her court so in the market we slide the cards over there's no event cards in the zero column so we don't have to resolve any of those so we just slide cards and two new cards come out always fill top first and then the bottom if i don't mess these cards up so we've got persian army and then exiled irani nobility comes out as another political suit card which would add a tribe and ruling token so now we go back to the wakans court and she's got to discard she doesn't have any purple stars anymore so what's going to happen here is she's got to discard down to three or cards that are non-political would remain cards that are non-patriot remain so we're down to three cards here this one this one and this one non-leveraged cards remain so now it's down to two i don't have any spies so we don't worry about that fewest spies remains so it's going to be this card that gets discarded city of ghazni so she puts one of her cylinders back and discards this one and now she does the same thing again because she's got to discard down to three which is good she might get get rid of a couple more spies and so this card's not gonna go that one's not gonna go non-leveraged goes before spies and so these spies get returned so that's the end of the wakans turn now it is my turn again so it's a tie game what do i want to do i have four cylinders in play the wacon only has two in play so maybe i'll keep pushing that and see if i can get afghan armies and things built up again so i only have two rupees out here and in the market i can't i don't really want to change loyalties this is a british patriot so i don't want to purchase that it would make me change loyalties if i played it to my court now there's a political card here which would add to my rule in kandahar and place an army that might be good and it doesn't cost me anything and if i ever assassinated this card or blackmailed that card i could get an afghan prize so i think i'll purchase this one add it to my hand and add it to my hand and this kind of has a cool ability where i could play a spy i think i might just play this to my court right away adds another cylinder and an army and we'll just put all my political cards over here so in kandahar i rule kandahar but i'm going to put another tribe there so now i'd get two rupees if a bribe was paid to kandahar and then i'm going to place an army which is afghan place an afghan army in kandahar okay so those are my two actions i purchased a card and played it on the same turn and now i have this black male special ability here and the blackmail special ability says at the start of a turn you may place a spy on any kandahar court card without a spy so my opponent the wakan has a card from kandahar that would apply to on my next turn okay so no dominant coalition i have a lot of cylinders that's the end of my turn except i got to clean up the market my cord is fine by the way because i have a lot of purple stars in there i could actually have seven cards in my court and i only have five we put out company weapons okay so the wakan takes her turn and so the wakan flips over a card in in her action stack she's got the tax betray and radicalize and it's been a while since there has been a market without a dominance check card so now all this stuff there's no wakan ambition that comes in and the radicalized action will be normal so we start with a tax action and if we look at the wakan cards she doesn't have any tax action here so she can't take the tax action the next action is betray again the wakanda doesn't have any betray action and then so the next action is radicalize and of course she can always take radical eyes so we're gonna go from column one top row in the market column one top row and so this is our public withdrawal card so this card's kind of a special circumstance with public withdrawal it says this card cannot be purchased any money placed on this card in the market is instead removed from the game so she can't purchase this card so we're just going to say she's got to go to this next card this is going to give her a lot of rupees actually she's out of ruby so she would have to get this card anyway my mistake but now we know how public withdrawal works so she's going to add those rupees and add this to her market and this is going to go on the left side of her market this is a trans-caspia card i don't rule transcaspia so she doesn't have to pay me any rupees there so she's gonna place one spy on a transcaspia card it's gonna go on this one since this already has two spies so now she's got three cylinders in play and two british patriots so now she goes back to her actions stack again and does the tax action she doesn't have that she doesn't have a betray action and she'll radicalize but instead she's gonna go to the column one bottom row because the top she can't do anything with that so column one she'd purchase from the top row public withdrawal won't let her purchase that so then she'll go to the bottom row and for one rupee she's going to purchase opium fields and radicalize that add it to her court that goes to the left side of her court and then she's going to place two roads british roads now because i'm loyal to afghan and she's going to place those in her rot so i take two roads we go to her rot here and if we look at her card the border that's going to go on is this is transcaspia so between herat and transcaspia first right here and then the second one is between herat and persia right here so those are the two roads and then we go back and she's going to add a spy to a herat card we look at my cards i don't have any from herat so she can't place the spy on my cards we go back to her cards here and the only herat card out here is this one so the spy is going to go there and now we're four spies to five i'm still in the lead and then this is interesting favored suit marker is going to get changed to military we haven't had that yet in our game and what that does is it doubles the cost of all cards down in the market everything's gonna get doubled except the zero column because zero times two is still zero so if we go back to the bacon card since military is the favored suit she could actually take a bonus action from this card it's a move action and she would move and she would move british armies she doesn't have any british armies on the board to move so that doesn't apply and so that uses her two actions so now she just cleans up and out comes cruelly sheep that's got a good tax action on it and then makpon dynasty again probably mispronouncing these really bad but that is a nice punjab political card which would add a tribe and you get to be able to rule punjab with this card that takes care of the market then we go back to her court and she can only have three cards in her court so she's going to have to discard two and the first thing again is non-political card she doesn't have non-patriot these three are out so we're just down between these two now i'm leveraged this one's out so actually she's got a discard two so it's going to be these two so bye bye spy sorry that gets discarded and so does this one so she's down to three patriots there okay so now it goes back to my turn i could make a few things work for me if i can get more afghan armies or blocks on the board get the dominant coalition i'd be okay and if i can still play cylinders i think i'm okay so i think i'm just gonna go with harry flashman i'm gonna add harry flashman to my hand i'm going to play harry flashman to my court here and i'm going to play harry flashman to my court so that uses my two actions right now no one rules punjab so with harry he puts a cylinder on a punjab card and so i get another cylinder out so if we look at the wakan she has a punjab card here so i'm going to put this spy here and then we go back here and now i get to take my bonus action from this military card since the favored suit is military i'm going to use the betray action as a free bonus action and when you take an action from a card that costs rupees those rupees go get paid on the cards in the five column of the market and work their way inward so i do that and when you betray a card it means i can discard any one card with a spy on it of mine and if we look now i plays this spy on the wakan card and this has an afghan prize on it since i'm loyal to afghan that would help me in case there's a dominant coalition so i lose my spy but i'm going to play that betray this card here and so i'm gonna betray this put my spy back and gain the prize so now i have three loyalty points for afghan in case there's a dominant coalition okay so i used my two actions i used a bonus action here it's end of my turn i don't have to discard any cards to my court because i have one two three four purple stars i can have seven cards in my court i currently have six so we go to the market we resolve event cards and the zero cost column of the market this card is public withdrawal and this takes the any rupees that were on it since this card couldn't be purchased if you remember from earlier the rupees on it just go back to the supply and are kind of taken out of the game so i put that there and this gets discarded european cannons that's a powerful military card and then dost muhammad is a powerful political card rank two and a rank three all right then we go over back to the wakan it's the wakans turn she draws a card and on this card she's got the build action move action and radicalized so she starts with build she does have a build action here but doesn't rule a region so she can't take that action the next is move she doesn't have any armies she could move with she would be she would only move russian armies here since russia is the pragmatic loyalty then she's gonna take the radicalized action no dominance check card in the market so she'll radicalize a card from column four top row so if we go to column four top row remember the favored suit is military so all cards in the market the price is doubled right now when military is a favored suit everything's in demand and prices skyrocket inflation is just out of control right now because that's the political climate or that's the current climate in afghanistan so we look at column four and this is top row the wakanda's three rupees so she's not going to be able to afford any of these cards with the with the cost doubled until we get here so she's going to get the card i wanted lapis lazuli mine and she's going to radicalize this card so she pays two rupees for this and radicalizes that and adds it to her court and this is going to go to the left of her court so i'm just slide these over add this here she's got a patriot of every coalition she's got two rupees right now and she's going to place russian blocks not afghan blocks because her pragmatic loyalty for this turn is russian she's going to place russian roads in kabul oh wait kabul is ruled by me so she's got to pay a bribe to me she's got to pay me one rupee because i have one tribe in kabul i get rupee which is good starve her money a little bit okay so now she's going to place two russian roads in kabul right here so she's going to place those in cobble and the first one looking at her card over here first one is going to go between kabul and kandahar and the second one is going to go between kabul and her rot right there and that's gonna take one of her actions then we go back here she's got the build action doesn't rule region can't take that um move she doesn't have any armies from russia she can't move and radicalize again and this is going to go to four top so we got a column four top row and she has one rupee so if i go to column four she placed a rupee here so she can't purchase this card so she'll have to go to the bottom row and just get the zero cost card george hayward and so george is going to go to the left of her court punjab isn't ruled by any player so she doesn't have to pay a bribe so she's going to place one spy on a punjob card and and since i have a punjab card if we go to her card priority right here it says that we start with opponents card we have to narrow down a court card to figure out where she's going to place that spy it's going to start with the opponent's card so that's going to be mine so she takes a cylinder and places it on harry flashman no the next thing she'll do is change the favored suit to political and so she's used her two actions and political is the favored suit she doesn't have any political cards and she's used her two actions um so she's gonna have to clean up her court now and when she cleans up she's got all these patriots out here now so she'll have to figure out which patriot goes so if we go to her priority cleanup priority it's non-political non-patriot those are all patriots so now we keep narrowing it down until we get to one card cards that are not leveraged most players spies so these two are going to be out since they have spies on them fewest spies lowest rank so i think it's going to be george or sorry george hayward who gets discarded okay so that's that she's down to three cards in her court and then we clean up the market i guess i probably should have done that first but we'll do it now and add two new cards to the market which is riots and hurrah that'd be a good one to remove if she controls stuff in herat and then fruit markets in kandahar okay so for my turn i have two actions if i go to the market this is going to be interesting i don't know for sure what i want to do um but i do need money and i can't really afford any cards out there this is a british patriot but it's got three rupees on it and i might just add this to my hand i mean i can hold more cards in my hand so it's not going to hurt me too much and then i could discard it but i could get three rupees here without having to tax so i'm going to do that and that way the wakan doesn't get those three rupees so i have two cards in my hand that i don't want to play right now but i have a little more cash and so what do i want to do political is the favored suit and i might be able to take some free or bonus actions from those cards so i keep forgetting to take this blackmail action i'm going to take it this turn and put a spy on this kandahar card over here without a spy next turn i could put one on this card and with this card my tax action becomes more valuable i have the chain of action lineage when you take the tax action act as if you rule every region so if i take this tax action as a bonus action right here if we look here at the what khan's card she's got a tax shelter of two and she only has one rupee so i'm not going to be able to tax her but i can tax the market and so i'm just going to take a rupee here with that tax action so getting some rupees and that way hopefully i can start building a little bit okay so i use this one for the tax action and now i'm going to take another i think i'm going to take the build action from this card and with a build action i can build one two or three armies and or roads in any region i rule i want to build in a region where i can maybe remove some roads so probably i'll build maybe in kabul i could remove two roads and so if i build in kabul i'm gonna build two three four five how much do i have here so i have six rupees i'm gonna add these to the market so i'm going to build two armies because i want to take out these russian roads and then i'm going to put a road here to hopefully bring those armies over here to herat we'll see if that works so that costs me i use that as a bonus action go back to my cards and since political the favored suit still i'm gonna use this one battle so that means i can remove either one tribe one army or one road from kabul and i have to have as least as many armies as what i removed so i need one army i have a battle action of one so i can remove one road so i'll remove this road between kandahar and kabul and then i'm going to take another bonus action here this is another battle and i'm going to remove this other russian army or road here as well so now that worked out okay for me i was able to use all those bonus actions i actually still have one more action i can take all my card base actions require rupees to use so i really can't use those and if we look at the market i don't have any rupees the only zero cost card is this one and it says remove all tribes and armies in a single region well there's really nothing to remove except for stuff of mine and i don't want to remove that if discarded it's just going to keep the favored suit marker on political so that one really doesn't affect me so i'm going to be done with my turn discard this one since the favored suit marker is on political that's just going to stay there and then we refill the market probably going to see a dominance check card come out as my guess nope still no dominance check and so i can still have a market or a court with seven cards and i have six in there so i'm good i don't have to discard my hand size is okay i could have three in my hand all right so now we go back to the wakan flip the card and the first thing is what khan's going to take the tax action which is probably good so she can tax and get some rupees for her not good for me she doesn't rule a region so she can't take any rupees from me she'll take rupees from the market in the market she'll always take from the leftmost column and she's going to take a rupee if it's a tie and i believe you just go back here and we look at the red arrow and that says she's going to take from the bottom so she's going to get her two rupees here from the bottom so now she's got three rupees for the wacom's next action she radicalizes the highest ranked intelligence card in the market so if we look at the market there is one intelligence card out here it's in the five column she's only got three rupees so she can't afford that so we're going to skip that action okay then we look at her wakan card and she moves to the bottom action of radicalize so she's going to radicalize the card from column two bottom row if we go to column two bottom row this is makoon dynasty or makpan dynasty and that's gonna cost her two rupees so by the way the favored suit icon is now in political that got changed on the khan's last turn so that means the market value is correct now or it's the same it two equals two it's not doubled so she adds a roofie here and here and radicalizes this card and that is going to go to the right of her court so right here and now to resolve the impact icon she's going to place a tribe on punjab so she takes a tribe so now she's got five in play to my six puts that on punjab and takes the ruling token because she rules the region and then she gets to leverage the supply for two rupees which makes me think did i have a card that i played and i didn't play those two or pay the two rupees back gosh i hope not if the wakan has a card with this leverage icon that she discards if she doesn't have rupees she doesn't have to discard cards like you or i would uh when we play basically she has that advantage she doesn't have to discard a card if she's out of rupees okay so now the wakan is back to three rupees and this card is done she could take the build action now and i think she will because she's got three rupees since she rules punjab so she uses this as a bonus action since it matches the favored suit and she's going to build so gosh you move into punjab just like that and you want to build in punjab just like that it's like wow new neighbors are adding on to their house already so she's going to spend two rupees and then add an army and that's going to be british so we look at her pragmatic loyalty and that is going to be british for this turn she pays her two rupees to the market and builds one british army in punjab so that's it for the wakan's turn she's taking her bonus action used her two actions her court is fine she's got the purple star so her court size now is four so we just go clean up the market and gosh i think that dominance check card should come out pretty soon nope elder eldred pottinger harry potter no elder pottinger i'm not sure exactly what i'm going to do i think out here on the map i still want to try for the dominant coalition of afghan but i don't have any move action because i really want to try to get rid of a couple roads out there too maybe like these roads here if i can move one of my armies here but if we look at my cards i don't have any move action on my cards so i can't move that army well let's go to look at the market this harad card it kind of like because it's got the move action on it and it would let me rule herat right away and it gives me two rupees i think that's the card i gotta go with this one would add some roads and a army i could add those in herat but maybe i'll rule it first so i'm going to purchase this as one action i get two rupees this goes to my hand and i think i'm going to play it right away since uh political is still the favored suit and i'll be able to take a free action from it and then move at least to get rid of one of the roads there so if i look at my cards oh i still have to put my tribe in herat take one of these put that in her i get the ruling token get that over there and then i think i'm going to take the move action as my bonus action since this card matches a favored suit i'm going to take the move action from this and move one of my armies over into herat okay so i'm going to move my army from kabul to herat since i have this road here now i'm going to use oh crap i forgot my kandahar special ability well i didn't do this at the start of my turn so i missed it um but i'm going to use a special battle action here and i'm going to take out something in herat so we go to herat i'm going to remove one of these british roads with that battle action and that's a bonus action so i'll put that back so take another bonus action from this card and build and i'm gonna build spend two rupees here add these to the market and i'm gonna build an army so i'm gonna add one army in herat i'm really in good shape since i have all these political cards and they match the favored suit so this one i'm going to tax i can't tax the wakan because she has one rupee and she's got a tax shelter on two so that won't work so i'm just going to grab a rupee from the market down here and then the last one i can take a bonus action from this card and this one lets me battle again so i'm going to go battle in her rot and remove this road it's a rank one battle action i have two armies so easily i can remove that if i had rank two i could remove two things if there were two to remove so that's it i used my bonus actions and i am done my cord can actually have five six seven eight cards in it i have seven right now so i don't have to discard any there and my hand size is okay let's just go to the market and clean that up there's the dominance check card i knew it had to be close so now there's a dominance check card out there oh afghan is actually the dominant coalition right now and i would have three loyalty points or three influence for afghan versus two for the wakan all right so the wakan takes her turn the wakan's ambition would not kick in and so she's gonna flip over a card so we go to her first action and it says if no coalition is dominant well we're going to skip that one because afghan is the dominant coalition military cards are favored that's not going to happen either so she's going to radicalize since there's a dominant coalition she's going to try to radicalize afghan patriots first and then if that there's none available then she'll try to radicalize a card with the most armies and or roads and she there's no afghan patriots out here so she's going to radicalize the card with the most armies and roads this has three two roads one army this one has three armies go with the cheaper card and a tie and so she's going to radicalize this zero cost card and this gets added to the left of her market so you can see that there it's herat i rule her out so she's got to pay me one rupee she has one she's got to pay me a bribe and so that bribe goes to me and now she's going to play some blocks she's not going to place afghan she's going to place russian so if we go to herat she's going to place two russian blocks there for roads first and the first one is going to go between not herat and punjab they don't border each other but harat and persia is the first one and then the next one goes between herat that's symbol so that can't go between itself so herat and kandahar will be the next so those are her two roads and then she places a russian army there so afghan is no longer the favorite suit which stinks so now it's back to a cylinder game which i have seven cylinders in play to her five so she still wouldn't score the most points for a dominance check so this card has a special ability and this special ability says do not pay for her cards in the market so she gets those for free when she radicalizes try to remember that okay so she gets one more action so we go to the top of the action stack if no coalition has the dominance if no coalition has dominance radicalize the card that would place the most spies and or tribes so that does take effect right now she doesn't have any rupees right now that doesn't have any spies and tribes so that wouldn't work for her this one would but she doesn't have a rupee this one would those she that can't afford so she's just going to radicalize the card in the zero cost column in that case and so this is going to go to the left of her court over here she's got to resolve these impact icons so she adds a russian army to punjab and then she's going to change the favored suit to intelligence unfortunately that doesn't work for me i loved writing out that political favored suit so wakan can take a bonus action from this intelligence card since it matches the favored suit and this one so this card um has the move action arthur connolly i always think he might be a distant relative to jennifer connelly from top gun maybe but she can use the move action here so i'll slide that forward to show we're going to move that use that action so for the wakan she'll move an army into an adjacent region with one of my tribes since the pragmatic loyalty for the wakan right now is russian she could move that's a rank one move action she would move either here or here and to determine where we move because i have spies in both of these regions we just look back at the wakan card and she would move into see it's either kandahar or kabul whichever one comes up first and so kandahar is the first one that we see so she's going to move this army into i'm sorry kandahar and then she can take one action also from this card and this has a rank two move action so the rank two move action she's not going to use because her russian armies are already in regions with my spies so let me back up just a second she would not move this army because it would lose her the ruling token she would never move an army if it loses a ruling token so that one's going to stay so she's not going to use the move action at all from either of those cards so let's go back look at her cards for a second she can't use the move action she doesn't have enough rupees for the gift action she can't use this move action and she doesn't have enough rupees for the build action so she is done for the turn she's going to have to discard cards down to four so she's got to get rid of two cards and we'll just use the priority cleanup priority to do that so non-political cards are left non-patriot cards are left that leaves these two cards over here non-leveraged neither of those are leveraged none have spies on them so then lowest rank and this is the card that's lowest rank so this is when company weapons gets discarded and then the bellucci smugglers would be the next one that gets discarded and now she's down to four cards in her court and she's just going to clean up the market okay out comes birkham jews and then william morecroft transcaspia and kandahar cards oh start of my turn start of any turn you may place a spy on a kandahar card without a spy so we're going to do that and place one of my spies here the wakan does not have any kandahar cards so when i start my turn i really like this dost muhammad but that would take an action and another action to play it gosh i really like that card but there's a couple things i want to do i think i would like to get the dominant coalition back to afghan and right here you can see that i'm only in the lead or the afghan coalition is only in the lead by one block it's not the dominant coalition i'd have to have three more blocks in play to be the dominant coalition or get rid of some russian blocks and then i think i'm going to use the battle action from this card ghibli nobles jill g nobles sorry with the battle action it's a rank one so i can only remove like one army or road i'm gonna remove this army and then i'm gonna take another rank one battle action from this card and remove a road it doesn't really matter which road i removed because roads don't really benefit the wakan so i think that's all i can do for my turn even though this card matches the favored suit it's being held hostage that means i'd have to pay one rupee to the wakan to be able to play either of these card based actions which costs two and i only have two rupees so i wouldn't be able to play either of those actions so that ends my turn my court size is okay because i could have one two three four five eight cards in my court and i have seven if we look at the market i don't have to clean that up since i didn't buy any cards from the market so now we start the wacon's turn and she flips her card over and takes the first action from her action stack and this one says radicalize a card that will gain the wakan control of region so if we go to the market i think the card she's going to get is this dos muhammad that i was looking at last turn and i probably should have purchased it it's probably going to really ruin the game for me so she adds that to her court and that's going to go on the right side of her court so right here and she gets a rupee so that gives her two rupees right now so now she's going to add two tribes to cobble so she takes two tribes adds those to kabul and now she rules the region she has she counts this army she has two tribes to my one tribe so i have to return the ruling token actually she's going to take the ruling token and then places an army and that army is going to be a british looking at her pragmatic loyalty here so it's going to be pink so she adds a pink army and then her last impact icon is a spy and she's going to add that to a card in cobble which i have one in my court and if we look at the wacon priority if you have to choose between more than one card meaning her court and mine it always goes to the opponent's card first i'm going to take this cylinder and that means she's going to have eight cylinders in play so we're tied on cylinders and she's going to put that on my one cobble card here she's taken one action so there's no wakan's ambition that's going to come into play so she moves to the next action in her action stack which is build and so she has build on two cards this one matches the favored suit and so if you have it on two cards then if we look and we have to narrow it down opponent's card doesn't work but matches the favored suit comes next and so she's going to use the build action from this card slide it forward to show that i've used it so i'm not going to use it as a bonus action later but she's going to build in one of her regions so she controls punjab and she controls kabul or rules punjab and kabul if we look at the card priority for region she's going to start building in whatever one comes first and that's going to be kabul so she's going to build in kabul she's got two rupees and she's going to build a british army there which stinks because now afghan only has a two army lead so she pays these to the market and adds one army in kabul and since that was a bonus action then we go to radicalize since there's no dominant coalition right now she's going to go to the market and purchase the card which adds the most spies and or tribes she doesn't have any rupees right now so she's not going to be able to afford any of these cards this is the only one she can afford and if there's no spies or tribes on it that's okay so she'll still radicalize the card in the zero cost column so she goes back to her court this gets added to the right of her court so next to dost muhammad push these over so we can see them and this card adds two armies they're going to be british armies in persia actually i rule persia that's a great thing because i rule persia she has to pays me a bribe and she is out of rupees so she's got to discard this card yay she could take one bonus action from this intelligence card she could move so let's see if that applies she's british right now so since she's british she's going to want to move an army to an adjacent region with a tribe and so she's got two regions she could move from punjab and kabul so let's narrow that down by looking at her wakan card and the region priority so if we look here she would move whichever ones first kabul or punjab and we keep moving so kabul's going to be first that's one she's going to move an army from and then she's going to move to an adjacent region where she doesn't have an army where i have a tribe and so that's either going to be kandahar or herat and for that we go back to her card priority to see which region she moves first one is herat so she's going to move one army into herat just like that okay so she doesn't have to clean up any cards in her court she doesn't have to discard any cards in her court because she's got three purple stars she could have six cards in her court but she'll have to straighten up the market a little bit and out come two new cards it's getting down there getting toward the end of the game all right so now it's my turn i would need to get rid of two british and one russian army to have the most in play or i would have to place two more armies of afghan to have the most in play and i still have more loyalty points than the wakans so that would work in my favor um we're tied on cylinders so i could try to do more cylinders okay so for my turn i like fruit markets meaning that it's going to change the favored suit back to political and then that's going to give me a free bonus action from about five cards so i think i'm going to try to purchase and play this card and it's also going to add a road let's see what i can do here so i get one rupee add this to my cord i'll put it over here so my court is maxed out right now but this adds if you can see it here i'll slide it over just a bit it's going to add a road to kandahar so i rule kandahar don't have to worry about that so i'm going to add a road to kandahar and i want to maybe want to move this here and then we change the favored suit to political right here so that uses my two actions now i have bonus actions and i can take a bonus action from all of these cards one bonus action each you can only use one action from each card even if they have more than one so the first thing i think i'm going to do is right here from this card you can see the move action so i'm going to take that as a free action or bonus action and we're going to go back to kandahar and i'm going to move my army over to this pun job so i'm going to use this bonus action to take a battle a rank one battle action here and with a rank one battle action i'm just going to remove this british army and that actually takes afghan to the dominant coalition right now this card's hostage so i'd have to pay the wakan one rupee to use this card so i'm going to hold off on this one i'm going to use this battle action here as a bonus action and then remove one british army then i could have a bonus action from each of these cards this card's held hostage but even though it is the special ability is still not held hostage meaning if i take a tax action i can act like i rule every region i guess it doesn't really do me any good because the wakanda doesn't have rupees right now but we use the tax action here and i'm going to get one rupee from the market might as well use it i'm going to take this from car cool sheep since there's a good chance the wakan could get that since i have the dominant coalition i think i'm just going to pay the hostage i'm going to pay the bribe here and take the build action so i pay the wakan one rupee and then use two rupees pay those to the market and i'm going to build in a region i rule i'm going to build one in one army in kandahar so now afghan is the dominant coalition again and that ends my turn i have a maxed out court don't have to discard any cards there hand size is okay then i just help the market out here disregard for customs or courtly manners comes out okay so now we go back to the wacon's turn flip over the top card here and we go to the top action if political cards are favored radicalize the highest rank economic card so let's do that we go to the market and radicalize the highest ranked economic card the wakan has one rupee right now this one in the zero cost column is the highest ranked economic card so she radicalizes that one she has two rupees now and puts this card to the right of her court right over here scoot these down just a little bit and she's going to add two british roads in her rot by the way she's got to pay me a bribe because i rule her out so she pays me one rupee which is good maybe i can buy the dominance check if i can hold that lead but she's going to resolve these impact icons and add two british roads in her rod which still gives me the lead of the dominant coalition as afghan so she places these roads in her rot and the first one is going to go on the border between herat and persia and the second one's going to go on the border of that's punjab kandahar so herat and kandahar since they border each other right here okay so that's action number one and then the next one is radicalize the highest ranked political card so if we go to the market the highest ranked political card there are no political cards so she'll skip that action then she'll just take the plain radicalized action so since there's a dominant coalition she's going to radicalize any afghan patriot but there's none in the market she's going to radicalize the car that places the most armies and or roads that she can afford and that's going to be this european cannons this is a powerful card i don't like her buying that one so she pays a rupee to the market radicalizes this card this gets added to the right of her court over here this one is probably gonna make take us back to an unsuccessful dominance check of course just going back and forth with this game so in transcaspia she's going to add three armies that are british transcaspia is not ruled by anyone so she just adds those and now afghan is not the dominant coalition again which par for the course so that uses her two actions she can take a bonus action from this card she doesn't have enough rupees to use this one and there's none on this card so that ends her turn she's got a discard down to five cards in her court she has two three four five six seven so she'll discard two first thing they're non-political cards remain non-patriot cards remain and then down to these two there's no spies or trot or spies on these cards so then it's lowest rank this is the one that gets discarded first and then this one gets discarded second now she's down to five cards then we clean up the market that slides down here now that dominance check card comes out we resolve the dominance check right away we're tied i might have to look for the red stars red stars come into play if you're tied for score red stars break the tie that are in your court i have two red stars here the wacon is none right now there's no dominant coalition and we're tied for amount of cylinders that are in play so it would come down to just the red stars yikes i see this card riots and herat here if this guard gets discarded it's going to remove my armies and my tribe from herat i really don't want to see that happen i'll use my first action to get rid of this card if purchased then nationalism your tribes may move in battle as if they were armies until the next dominance check so i'm going to do that and get one rupee from it too let's take my rupee i'm going to tuck that over here until the next dominance check that saves me now i'm just going to use a lot of my bonus actions again and see what i can do first thing i'm going to do is well uh i probably shouldn't do this but at the start of my turn i'm going to place one of my um one of my spies on a kandahar card over here i know it's a little backwards i should have done that first and then purchased i hope you let it slide then we're going to use this one for the bonus action in battle on the map so i want to get rid of british and so first thing i'm going to do is get rid of one of actually let's do the cobbles i'm going to get rid of this british army here bam gone i'm gonna go back here and then we're gonna use this battle action from good ol he's gonna help me out and we're going to get rid of a british road right here bam what else can i do now i have a couple more actions here i think i might as well use this move action and move this army back to kandahar just in case she's able to take out my army with a battle action i'm going to take this tax action for one here and tax to the market and take it off of this card because this will probably be the one the wakan gets and then i don't want to use this build action but i have one more action remaining and i think i'm going to use this build action right here and build spend 2 and add those to these market cards and i can build in a region i rule and this will give me the dominant coalition oh i can't do it i just want to buy that dominance check card this turn and i don't think i can do it um build in a region i rule put this in persia and go back here and so i can't really use this one it's being held hostage i use my two actions so i'm done um i have full a full court i don't have to discard any cards so i just refresh the market and move these cards down come on dominance check that dominance check card comes out they resolve right now and it's double points this is a fourth one yeah yes i'm excited can you tell nothing but luck there the dominance check comes out and when there's two dominance check cards in the market they resolve instantly you have a dominance check and in this case they're doubled if we look here afghan is the dominant coalition messed up my light here so sorry so afghan is the dominant coalition there's four blocks more than any other coalition in play and so both of these cards go dominance check points are doubled since this will be this will be the fourth dominance check and the fourth dominance check even though it's the third and the fourth it counts as the fourth and final so points are doubled and then we look at how many loyalty points to afghan each player has and right now right now i have one i have two i have three with this prize and my opponent here the wakan has one and two with the loyalty so for this dominance check since i have three loyalty points and the wacon has two loyalty points to afghan i'll get five normally five so that would be one two three four five plus the points are doubled to five more so it goes up to 16 and then the wakan would get just six points she'd be in second place and get six one two three four five six it's normally three but since they're doubled and so the game final final points of the game is 16 to 12. purely by luck i figured the wacom would do that and then break my dominant coalition again and we'd just kind of go back and forth and it was kind of rough there and that's the game thanks for watching and if you like this kind of play through let me know in the comments and remember to like subscribe and if you're into this channel i really appreciate it if you check out patreon looking for channel supporters over there as well take care and we'll talk to you next time
Channel: Modern Cardboard
Views: 7,544
Rating: 4.9847908 out of 5
Keywords: Pax Pamir Second Edition, Pax Pamir 2nd Edition, Pax Pamir, Pax Pamir 2nd Ed, Solo, Solitaire, Wakhan, Playthrough, Play-through, Play through, Watch it played, Watch-it-played, tutorial, learn to play, how to play, instructional
Id: NzaZMd0ECDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 45sec (6225 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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