Pawpaws - Susquehanna - Meet the Cultivar Series - 01 - (Asimina triloba)

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so I figured I'd start my meet the cultivar series with suspahana which is one of the largest pawpaws currently available its second largest only to Potomac and this is one of my very favorite fruits because of its flavor now it's not a mild Papa this is not an introductory fruit I would describe it as something for people who already know they love Papa and love the rich full flavor profile of the fruit now this particular specimen was nibbled on by my possum friend Max last night so I'm using it today as the demo and you can see when you cut it into rings like this that the seeds are easily pulled out like so and then you can just eat this big chunk of Flesh as is um I don't really eat the skins on Papa's so you can take that off fairly easily but yeah what is the flavor of Susquehanna let me try to describe it all right so Susquehanna the first of all the flesh is firmer than most pawpaws this makes it a little bit more difficult to pick from the tree when ripe because it's still quite firm um that firmness of the flesh is wonderful it's it's got um what I call a Moya flavor profile um other fruits like cherimoya soursop adamoya sugar apple they all have this unique taste that I call Moya and papa showcases that flavor beautifully surrounding the Moya flavor you've got aromatics of banana mango caramel a little bit of flat bubble gum melon and some other flavors floating around in there it's a very complexly flavored fruit and Susquehanna is perhaps the best representation of what Papa can be in ideal circumstances this tree stands out in your orchard for a couple reasons it has this large fruit that hangs in big hands of sometimes two to three per cluster sometimes more but it tends to fruit more singly in doubles or triples which is a desirable quality in an orchard setting at least the other thing that stands out with this cultivar are the leaves the leaves have a nice quilted appearance to them and you can easily identify a Susquehanna tree out of all other pawpaws by this characteristic alone um so it's a very ornamental tree as well [Music] now this this is a standard sized Susquehanna fruit you'll see it as substantial this is exactly a pound this is a more normal sized Papa here this is a cultivar I believe Shenandoah and unlike Shenandoah Susquehanna makes a consistently large fruit um Shenandoah is a little more variable in food size but uh Susquehanna tends to make these gorgeous hands of large large fruits here's the tree you can see she is fantastic nice big quilted leaves
Channel: Ockoo Farm
Views: 5,946
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Id: 6sHO0CyU0IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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