Pawn Stars: Rick GAMBLES on a BIZARRE Flint Lock Rifle (Season 6) | History

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what do we got there it's a gun from the 15th or 1600s this whole lock mechanism right here has got to be the oddest firing system i have ever seen on a gun you weren't actually going to try and fire this were you oh yeah actually i was i thought it'd be pretty neat yeah a little dangerous i came down the pawn shop today to try to sell an old rifle i got a really good deal on the gun and i'd probably take a couple hundred for it i don't have much invested into it so you were in the store before yeah i brought some giant binoculars real big ones all right so this is a really odd gun i mean i've never actually seen one it's rare you know i don't even see how you guys shot these things they're so unbalanced it's unbelievable i mean these old guns like this they put the really long barrels on them just so you could have pressure build up for the projectile as it came out the end yeah this whole firing mechanism is bizarre to say the least so i'm assuming this would go back does that does the trigger work no so this would fly forward with a piece of flint in it yep then it would light this there'd be a small explosion in here and a bigger explosion in here back in the 1500s most guns used a match lock when you pulled the trigger a piece of rope with a cherry on it like a cigarette would go into a pan and hit the powder and set the gun off by the 1600s people were using flintlocks which used flint to create sparks to ignite the powder but this gun's a little bit of a mystery it's like it's after a match lock but before a flintlock only thing i know for sure it's really old i can tell you this thing it's in terrible shape yes i'm not sure that it'll fire but trust me it's not likely so did you want to sell it well that's what i was hoping to do yeah all of my gun guys are out of town right now and this thing is uh deeply bizarre yeah that's why i brought it down i thought you'd like it what do you want to do is since we don't have anybody how much do you want for it i'd like to get a thousand dollars for the gun that would be great the last time i bought something from this guy it turned out to be valuable even though this gun is a complete mystery to me it feels like it's worth the gamble i mean i'm gonna make you an offer and it's just i mean it's just a guess i've never seen this lock before yeah this thing is in terrible condition okay so 500 bucks i mean i'm only making an offer because it's so old [Music] okay it's a deal come with me man all right i did good i paid 50 for the gun this gun is so weird looking i just had to have it now all i have to do is do a little research to figure out if 500 was a good deal or not what are you doing over there trying to figure this rifle out earlier i bought a mysterious old gun for 500 bucks now all i have to do is do a little research and figure out if i paid the right price for it this is elmer fudd's rifle it's hunting rabbits just put it down put it down damn it how long you have you been researching this gun a few hours i i can't find anything on it though really call jemis i will get it figured out myself all right make the phone call let's get it done for god's sake and go on to something else my family wants me to call in our gun guy jemison i don't see why it's so hard for them to believe i actually know what i'm doing [Music] where are you going i'm gonna go call somebody about time and tell me what he said good morning rick hey how's it going all right the guys call me down here to praise guns that they're not quite sure the value of and there's a lot of exotic weapons so it's understandable that they might need some advice i need your help on this one i have no idea maybe i did good maybe i did bad i have no clue yeah this looks like a snap-ons trade gun and used in north africa okay a what a what snap down it's a snap basically they were trade guns people in europe would take the out-of-date locks and send them to africa and they would turn them into these guns because the africans could use them it's not like they're the state of the art at all when they were used by the north africans they were already out of date the guys in europe were uh getting rid of the old guns for the spices and the salts that's right that's right it's basically a gun that was used by african tribes the europeans would try to bring them to them and trade them for spices africans used these guns for hunting and defense and worrying each other and tribes they were basically the weapon of choice for that period how old do you think it is well the mechanism probably is mid-1700s uh snappin's precedes a flintlock and even though it is a flintlock mechanism it's a little more primitive than your normal flintlock okay plant here strikes this pan and it casts a spark down in here where the powder is in the pan and sets off the charge inside the gun very similar to a regular flintlock which is much more likely to misfire okay but it worked exactly you see them in all different calibers and all different types of construction some of them can be worth some money if they went to an important person so how much is something like this worth this one's in pretty bad condition because it's all rusted and everything probably seen a heck of a lot of use might have been laying out in the desert for a while one in this kind of condition which i would consider relic condition probably maybe four or five hundred but that's really is a wall hanger how much do you pay for this thing um i paid 500 bucks for it somebody might want this gun for a decorator you know hang on the wall they're certainly not going to buy it as a collectible all right thanks a lot thanks a lot rick don't tell my father what i feel all right all right i'll do that sometimes it pays to take a risk and sometimes well now i'm gonna have to figure out what i'm gonna do with this thing so how do you wanna at an angle yeah they'll look good since i'd have to take a loss on selling the african trading gun i figured i might as well keep it what are you doing hanging this gun on my wall i thought i looked good on the wall in my office why do you want to hang it instead of sell it cause i thought it would look good on my wall well it's worth money right yeah it's worth money well what's the gun worth a little less that i paid for it [Music] my dad knows how to do a lot of things but admitting when he's wrong isn't one of them so you got burned i didn't get burned on it all right could you please go back to work and you're distracting me and travis here we're trying to figure out where to hang the guy just admit you got burned all right i got screwed with my own money all right can you go back to work now it's not your money it's the shop's money don't ever have kids you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,390,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick gambles on 1950s lock rifle, 1950s lock rile, lock rile pawn stars, pin it to win it, pin it to win it pawn stars, rick pawn stars, Pawn Stars Season 6, pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, Pawn Stars, Appraisal, History, Corey, chumlee history, history channel, history shows, Pawn Stars clips
Id: QfwPsg0TshQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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