PavWork 07: Substance Painter Textures and Materials

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see me on ok good ok so let's see what we want this guy to look like let's do it like a red painted paint on here so if we do well these are just our basic materials in here so if we wanted to do let's see what a loom and then we can just begin either drag a material out and drop it and then I'll give me a lumen embrasure fill layer or if you already have a fill layer created you can just select that fill layer and then you can just go through here and just single click on like here's metal o6 and then I'll go ahead and just fill that fill layer with all the properties of that metal there yeah that's ketchup I don't know if it's going to be slow cuz I'm streaming or what and plus them on a laptop that doesn't help so on this fill layer I can just do steel let's see how steel looks it looks pretty cool so let's say a steel is going to be our base a nice dark steel so in kind of up there here you'll also notice as we go through here you're going to see there's some seams on here let's take this and we'll do try planar projection and see if that helps a little bit because a lot of the stuff we're going to be doing is gonna be painting across my crappy seams which again I don't care that much about but if you want to alleviate some of those problems you can use try using them try planar projection for all this stuff and this has kind of built in dirt and stuff which I'm not thrilled about but that's okay so if you want to go in here to your feel lay around the base color here you can go in here and change the roughness if we want to do like a really matte steel we could go ahead and flat it we could go really smooth and that's going to be a darker value so your roughness the darker it is the shiner it is and then the lighter it is the more matte it will be so let's see let's look at my reference here and also what we want to do is I want to make this area in here dark like it goes to oh just a recessed area I didn't build back in there very far unfortunately I might have to just do a fill layer that's black so we'll just go instead of doing a lumen and brush I'm going to do is just kill that fill layer I'm going to add a new fill layer and on this fill layer I'm going to make a base color that's black I'm going to make it super rough and height and everything else I'm going to leave a lone and that's just gonna get me like just a void texture here and we're going to do is go add a black mask and then I can either choose those polygons or I can try doing yeah it'll probably the easiest thing so I'm going to go over here to my polygon selection and I'm just going to paint these triangles in here with that and there we go sounds kind of recessed back in there let's think about what the cap color I want and if we want to do some painted metal over here so if we go in here and just done the materials we do like a paint search there's car paint let's go to our smart materials here and smart materials are usually just a collection of materials layered materials up with like masks in between them to kind of give you that look let's go ahead and let these things populate on why it's being so slow tonight oh good point let's see if I can I might be to in the way put my face up here so now okay we're letting these things kind of sub in here just generating thumbnail that's been a long time since I've actually been in here in textured and painter at home so maybe that's part of the reason I upgraded and I are updated it and I didn't actually go in here so let's see what we got in here let's get down here that the Steel's with these populate I'll start dropping those in it we can start discussing smart materials and all the cool stuff those can be used for all right well maybe don't want to work for those so let's go steel dark stain steel gun there it goes and you can go to if you go to share a logarithmic calm there's a lot of things you can just like I've got a t800 metal in here will drag out and we'll see how that looks a lot of really cool things that people have made that you can use here's a cool weapon metal we'll see how this thing looks I'll just drag this out I can just drag to the top and this is going to be a folder full of again different layered materials cool so this is like all dinged up and kind of super cruddy and that actually looks a lot like my original reference which was just like sago and rice canister here and if you yeah if you miss anything to zoomy just go to my YouTube channel and we'll get you cut back up so we have this thing here this is actually looking pretty cool let's go and look what's in here so we have our base steel and then we have some color noise on top and then we have surface detail which is where all those dings are coming in if those are a little bit much you can go into that folder and kind of see okay here's the surface dings you can either go through here and you can UV scale them so that wow this is on a fill layer let's see so they kind of blur them then may the grunge man so we go to this fill layer grunge map here we can scale this in or out and kind of just tile them more so they're smaller you can also go in here if you don't want them to create so much damage if we go to this here we can go and see what's turned on so color metal roughness and height is turned on if you turn the height off it'll just get rid of the height altogether you can also go in here to the height slider and you can kind of done those down or you can make them pop out if you want to so you can kind of just dial in a little less noise and then the damage here is fine the big dents going through here I think are a little bit much here so I'm going to change the height value of these ones just to kind of get some slight denting maybe and then maybe we'll even scale this it's going to be this thing isn't it yeah it's just going these clouds we'll take these clouds and we'll UV scale them up just a bit just to make the dents smaller that'll make that'll make the scale look bigger too if the dents are really huge it's going to make it look like a little tiny thing which maybe that's what we're going for so now we kind of so we've got the surface do down here we've got folder to which is rust rust I'm going to want be possibly more global than that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this folder two out I'm going to pop it to the top here and we'll just rename this rust will maybe use that later I'm going to turn it off for now and then here is what's controlling the roughness which is fine there's dirt built in which will go do dirt over the top as well but that's good enough for me we'll drag this one up to the top here and that'll be just our I'll call that visor fill chute I'll take it I'll take anything that makes my job easier for sure and oops so when I drag these out let's go ahead and go to that mask here and we'll go and now we're going to make this a black color and we'll just paint out all those things when I drag through it just drag the whole object good enough okay so we've got that we've got some metal we've got some rust underneath the weapon metal we had just kind of like smooth shiny metal so what I can do is let's make weapon metal all right let's right-click weapon metal and now this is a big folder of stuff so if I go in here and I knew and then I do add mask color selection we can go through and we kind of pick where we want that to show up let's say let's see we'll pick the arms here because we're going to do the body and I think painted here so although rough-and-tumble stuff will do like the arms and then this little under chassis here and the legs are all part of that color too and then the other stuff will leave alone so let's see if there's a guy there's a still painted in here what we might try here's another steel painted clear coat which I don't necessarily want all right let's drag steel paint it out and this one I want to be on the body here so I'm going to right-click add massive color selection pick will do that now this steel painted here I think has so here's the paint which I'm mostly in sit in and then this is being driven by this mg mask editor so we go over here to our global balance and pull that down let's really doing a number on our where here so I'm going to kill that and get rid of that warp here so let's say our paint isn't showing up at all because it's a black mask well here it is our paint with a white mask here so if we want to wear those edges down what we need to do is let's just do it quick I will add a generator here and I don't use generators that much anymore we'll just ride metal edge we're here and then we'll go to invert and now if we take that we're level down you can kind of go through here and that will kind of dictate where that where level is going to go it's really really harsh red I'm going to take this and I can actually sample it's a bit of sample all the way over here we've got a can over here I'm looking at it's got like a faded red you can get that to work a little bit better let's go back to our middle edge where and again we're working at go into our texture set settings the very top we're working at 2048 right now so it's probably the resolution I'm losing a lot of resolution because this guy isn't mirrored and I didn't do a tremendous job on his UVs obviously let's just really wear the heck out of this guy we go ahead and just crank up that we're here and you can see as it gets worn it's actually got a little bit of height to it just a tiny bit of height so if I go down to zero let's see if you crank that up here yeah that'll really start popping out those that we're here so leave a little bit of height on there I suppose and then oil stains and stuff will do as well and we can also drag our rust back to the top here and we can also drag in some dirt and we need to bring our visor up here again so let's go into that paint here and let's change that roughness a little bit here and if we want to kind of splotchy up that paint let's see what kind of paint stuff they get so they do have the base color black and white spots that's just kind of adding some black and white noise but if you want to let's do another fill layer here we'll call this splotchy red here and we'll just do a add a fill and on this fill layer we're going to go into our procedurals here and we'll do black and white spots too as our base color and we can go ahead and also let's go and set a UV projection we'll do try planar and that'll you see how it kind of made if we do UV projection as soon as it hits a seam it come it starts getting another pattern I've got those seams right here so just do try planar and that'll use that I'll go make sure that these procedural textures go across your seams without doing anything funky and then we'll do above this thing we'll do add a filter and on here we'll do filter gradient and that's going to basically take all the white values and all the dark values of that black and white spots and fill them at two different colors now the first I'm going to do with this fill is I'm only going to affect the color Channel and then on the gradient same thing I want to affect the color channel here so right now we have white and black so if I change this from like this color red to you know we'll do that color right again it's going to look very the same but then you can kind of just dial in lighter or darker Reds for both of these things and kind of get a different look and I kind of make it splotchy err and of course you can always change your blending levels as well so if you don't want the splotchy red so we have base color selected here so you can kind of do a instead of normal you can try like multiply over or over layer screen let's kind of go through here and try some of those or you can just drop the opacity down completely now because this should be in here paint paint paint I'm going to drop this down below let's just drop that into that folder let's drop at the bottom of the folder here and oh yeah and on splotchy red I only want it to be color and we're through here but yeah this mg middle edge we're just need to go over that but this needs to control both of these so I'm going to do is kill this and we'll call this will delete remove that mask when I take both of these and I'm going to put them in their own folder we're going to call this paint all so now I can have my splotchy red paint over my other paint there and then under paint all I'm going to do add a black mask and then put in our generator or area add a generator and then we'll just drop our again middle edge where in there and then we'll invert that kind of player that we're level so now we can have our splotchy red and our where we'll go to all of our paint that we want to cool I'll go check it out and let's see here I guess I have a window open already so what's next so we got our painted guy here he's got some wear on him and we're going to put some dirt on him eventually we're going to put some rust on him I'm not sure if I dig that red color so let's try I want to turn that off and let's go in here and we'll try some different stuff here because you have a paints kind of you know what let me look at some of those the you know and we might just need to break him up with some decals and stuff like that - hmm we'll play with that because he doesn't have a whole lot of interesting stuff going on through here so it kind of just ends up being kind of samey plain you look in which I'm not digging but what we're thinking about it let me also go in here to our steel paint it and we'll add and mask oops we already have a mask of the color selection we're going to pick this and we're also going to pick his feet in his hands now I kind of helped a little bit I think okay so we've got that if we did want to just drop some dirt on this guy let's go do a fill layer at the top here we'll call this dirt and let's go ahead now if you didn't just FYI if you didn't want this fill layer to inherit the underlying height information say you wanted to cover it with very thick paint or something you could go in here you should be able to go in here to your height then change this from a linear dodge to replace and then I go ahead and kill in the underlying height you can also throw it in a folder and have that folder assigned to replace as well but for dirt that should probably be fine I forget what the default is for that so let's make a new fill layer here so by default height is at the linear Dodge so we'll go back to base color here so dirt is usually something like this and you could do if you want to make it a little more visually interesting you could go in here to add a fill layer go over here and do like black and white spots three as your base color and then love that filler and of course you want to do try planer again and then above that fill there let's just do a filter and for that filter we're going to choose a gradient and that gradient we're going to do like a dark brown and the gradient we just want to apply to our color obviously and then for this one we'll select that Brown that let's make it slightly different just so at least you get a little bit of break up in your colors here now sometimes that's more trouble than it's worth but what another thing you can do is you can add another gradient so if you don't want to if those colors are fine we just want to tweak the hue and not have to go in there to both things you can add another filter which again is just we would just want to control the color now if you turn all these things off then you grab a filter I think it's going to get rid of it but will do a hue saturation and levels will turn all these off again and then what we should be able to do is change the overall hue of both of those at the same time you can kind of tweak that and also like the saturation if you want to turn the saturation down or the lightness so instead of going back in there and playing with your gradient just or your you have a fill and those two gradient colors just use a hue saturation above that to just control the color of those you can also do it on your entire object so I'll show you that a bit so we'll do dirt if you want to do an entire huge shift of all the base colors and your entire scene you can do that as well with a filter move these over here and let me check my Facebook here it has been is low boom got it I'll load this up so now if I go into the folder where he sent me an SBS AR which is basically you have an SBS file it's a substance file and then you have the SBS AR which is if you go to my YouTube channel you can watch the in QuickStart substance designer QuickStart and that talks a lot more about substance files and archived archival substance file SBS AR and what that's going to allow me to do is if I drag that into my shelf here it's going to ask me where do you want this to go now because it's not a smart material it's just a material material we can tell it I want it to be a going to my base materials and I want to either import it into my shelf forever or into the projects over to my load up battle bolt salt battle bot solid it'll show up here or just the current session while I'm in here and I can forget any other time so it's going to import it right to my shelf here I'll hit import and there we go so we've got that was MW painted rusty steel painted rusty steel awesome boom so you got all these things in here and then if I go to my materials tab and then do MW it'll just sort to all of those things beautiful okay got you got you know he's perfect let me get this dirt off here really quick so this dirt is all over this guy I don't want that and I also don't want it I don't want super muddy looking shiny dirt I want really roughness that's what I'm looking for metallic let me see base color dirt oh you know what I need to go to my fill here so the gradient the fill layer is controlling that so if I go out of here and say you know what you just control the color everything else I want to control through here so now I can go through here and it can be shiny dirt or it could be rough dirt I don't want my fill controlling that out all my actual thing up here controlling that so I can go in here to my roughness and really just rough that up dirts pretty matte you don't want to make it metallic dirt and the height you can bump up the height just a little bit if you want to and then we'll go in here and just again to keep it simple I'm going to do add a black mass so it disappears and then I'm going to right click here and we're going to go to add a generator and we could use smart mass of course in fact maybe we will but I'm going to do mg dirt first and see where that goes and if you look at mg dirt you're going to see it loaded in the curvature a man occlusion world space normal and position map all the kind of place that dirt in areas where it might make sense so if I want to see exactly where that dirts going if I'm kind of losing it in here you can alt tap that dirt you can see exactly where that dirt is showing up so we go back into our mg here and we can say what do you want to say to this guy we can also if we don't like the generator we can just go ahead and kill that we're back to our black mask here and now we can go into our smart masks here there's a lot of dirt in here too so again if you wanted to do dirt complexed or dry let's see if they have rust ground oh there's grounder so if we do grounder you're going to see it's a lot of dirt on the bottom it's kind of like mud splashing up from the feet so we drag that onto our mask here you're going to see he's really dirty on his feet and if we hit a C we can cycle through the different channels here so if we go into the roughness map you're going to see where it's really rough is what the dirt is and then the visor of course - so the dirt is pretty rough here and of course we can also just alt click this one and you'll see exactly where this smart mask is going so it's using that if we scroll down under the it's using mg ground dirt which is a the generator first and then it's using a grunge map to kind of break that up and you can turn these on and off and see what it's doing here so it's adding a little bit more dirt up top so we hit em and we toggle that grunge map back on it's just adding some grunge on there as a linear Dodge so any grunge there is being added to it the original ground dirt which is just kind of dirt from the bottom up so let's just do hmm you know I'm going to do so this paint all instead of metal edge where I'm going to get rid of that and we're going to try paint old just drag that on there and then we'll need to go in here and invert that if we can let's see should be able to here we go inverse the texture which isn't what I really want global invert there we go so now this is kind of an old paint look hoops em here which is okay and go in there and dial in the parameters there let me look at my kill Facebook here but thank you for sending those axel Chamberlin sending me the rusty steel I'm going to drag that on there real quick cuz I might actually just replace this panel stuff I'm not really digging that look so let's go into our materials here and we'll do that again MW and we'll drag on that's steel painted just get rid of all that together steel painted and we got weapon metal on there let's try this stuff here drag that on and let me do try planer because again my UVs are garbage so this gives me a nice eye you know it's got those nice kind of drips going through here I like this look a lot better just because it's an old worn-out machinery thing so let me say this dirt here oh you know what I didn't even finish this so let's put some dirt on there and I'm going to try and break it up and we've got the rust advisor fill in there so let's do this oh and here's paint too so we can give this one a shot let's give so I kind of looked like a look at that cuz I'm thinking I'll be able to break that up with like this one - these are good ones let's see here paint actually like the color better than red now if this was going into a game and it had to be controlled by the player or I was like red vs. blue or something then that would obviously change let me drag this one in here you know look at all of them and again you can see how you see how easy this is if I want to do variants I can do all of them like this one - yeah all nasty and rusty that's what I'm talking about alright mmm do I want to pick and I'm digging that rusty one I'm digging this one - let's see let's keep both of these around because what I'm thinking is when I go into the paint decals that might do a little bit too so let's see we got paint modifiers in here so we can change the paint color to a different hues that looks like a huge shift there we can do paint saturation more or less I'm kind of a big I think it's fine we can kind of maybe unsaturated a little bit like it's been some bleach there and then we can make the paint either lighter or darker their paint amount you can increase or decrease let's see and kind of start dialing that paint in let me go back hold on just a second and then let's see paint amount rust amount you can dial that up or down so very very robust do you have this up anywhere you want to put this on the substance share anything I want to make sure that uh you know I want to give you credit where credit is due because I am definitely going to use this this looks way better so Massey Milano axle Gatti thank you very much or axle Chamberlain as a your in the chat I'm gonna use this one for now I might I might change my mind depending on after the decal painting goes through but I'm gonna stick with that let's do that one that was a fun one thank you very much for that so we've got our base fill layer here we've got this over it we've got the weapon over that and then this weapon one I want to go ahead and go into the height and make sure that's set to replace that's good and that does look a bit chewed up so what end to this entire folder I'm going to go into the height here and I'm just going to take the entire height of this weapon one down oh you know what is it kind of like that extra rust to that little that's like cavity rust almost the visor looks a little bit out of place let me see if I can't let's kind of darken that up a little bit and then the dirt here isn't doing anything because I forgot that we were in the middle of that one yeah I agree man I think everybody would get a kick out of these is a really super good thanks again so and this is what I love about having a central material team so if you watched my GDC 2015 presentation that was before we had in L central materials or anything like that so it's kind of up to me to go through and make all the stuff on the sandbox team and I did okay it was it was like it not good enough basically but having people who were really interested in doing the materials and setting all that stuff up is such a big help because you you know you look like an all-star when you're just dragging in smart materials and assigning more they need to go in exporting everybody looks like they're really really good and you know the reality is it just takes one person to be really good and then you know if you got that stuff really really helps so I'm going to and that's part of the deal in the production pipeline it makes it look like every you know everything was textured by the same person very consistent and all that good stuff so I'm going to take this so we got that fill layer here I'm going to take this let's get rid of this one here drag this above weapon metal here and we're going to assign this to definitely that I kind of liked it on the shoulders too definitely on the fans and feet here these things I'm going to try and keep you know because you know gears and stuff are going to be constantly oiled and turning so I'm going to kind of leave those alone here now let's see if I can't just let's put on there - yeah that'll work yeah that's fine okay so that's all been painted up here and let me go back to my where were we okay so we have dirt on there but it's not showing up because I need to go into my smart masks and smart mask really are just um let me see if I can find like any of these things as smart mask masks mask mask masks I mean really any of them you use are probably using the same thing so if I just grab dirt dirt dry this drag right on my black mask here it's basically using the MG mask editor which is a generator that just has a ton of stuff in it and then once you dial in those parameters you can just let me see once you have this all done you can click has been so long since I've done it you can save these things and then it will save as a smart mask and then it'll you can either share those or just keep using the moment over again this is a bit much here so I'm going to go into the global balance I'm just going to crank that way down here and also it might be a little bit the dirt might be a little bit dark i dial that back up just a bit and I'm going to take this dirt dirt here and again we have that HSL we're going to crank that lightness up so that the dirt is a little bit light here maybe a little less saturated okay it's got some kind of caked on dirt there and also let's I'm going to take that height all the way down and I really need that and I also want to paint in some we can do painting like heat distress or oil and when I'm doing a lot of weapon work you always want to go in and like paint oil where you would all your weapon - it kind of adds a little bit of interest there we can also do it on this guy so we'll put in an oil layer here we'll call this oil and the oil is going to affect maybe a little bit of the color but mostly the roughness here so we're going to paint in make it really really shiny here if we turn this on and off you're going to see it's affecting the color the base color we can change that to just a dark material here but we don't want it to look like it's covered in like crude oil or anything so I'm going to do is this base color with this base color selected I'm going to take this and just turn that so it's just kind of on a little bit and then we're going to do add a black mask and then in the oil here we're going to go to our brushes and we'll just take our dirt to brush and we'll just and since this guy is pretty much symmetrical I'm going to turn on my symmetry line here let's do it on both sides now even though his UVs aren't symmetrical we can go ahead and make it symmetrical so I'm just going to painted some oil here let me go to dirt one here see if that'll help a little bit so we can kind of just you know where things are generally oiled you can kind of just go through and kind of paint and you can also if you wanted to you know you'll find yourself like well I'm kind of oiling we're cavity Maps our occlusion maps are you can kind of use those if you'd like but I found that just going in there and kind of painting it up is fine too and also breaking up your roughness map is really helpful for kind of selling the overall look of things you know if everything has the same roughness you're kind of missing out on a lot of the fun look of this stuff you know so we go in and paint some oil on his joints down on his wrist here we do it on time okay and again once this is all done I will be able to apply all of this to any character we end up sending through here which is awesome so it'll save me a lot of time if we get something we like we'll just paint oh and I didn't want to pressure you axle into sharing it if you didn't want to like if you don't if you don't want me to use this or you don't want to share it on substance here that's fine too I can just use it at a demo I don't have to you know pressure you end up putting it up somewhere you don't want to I just think it's really good you did a really good job really good looking stuff man so if you were open to it I'm sure people would appreciate it but if not no big deal either so we've got this here and I guess around the handle we're fine and around the top here I'm not going to all that spry not gonna be oiled okay so part of the problem is this base metal here which I don't mind having kind of semi shiny here but it's a little bit Plain Jane so over this we'll call this see if you can crunch this up a little bit here so I'm going to go into my fill layer here and only I want to affect the roughness and the height and we go into my grunge grunge's and we'll just drop in I don't know it doesn't really matter we'll drop in grunge concrete into the height whoa and we'll go into the height here and we will also do do take this and drop it way down so we can just kind of just dial in a little bit and we will let's say even one maybe and we'll change that to try planar projection and UV scale crank it up or down we don't want to crank it up let's kind of give it a little bit of a dinged-up thing going on and then on the roughness here we'll go in and we'll grab and I just picked that grunge at random that's probably not the best grunge to use concrete do they have a let's do grunge 14 is that going to let me plug it in and if that's not sharp enough for you you can also throw in a sharpen filter on the height that's fine with me and you can also go in here and let's see are we tiling you could also do a fill for each individual one of these things because I don't know what I want to do is take my roughness here and drop that in as well and then we can do and if you want to you can also throw at the very top here we'll try a roughness breakup where I'll take like maybe grunge 10 or 11 and we'll drop that into the roughness here and I'm going to take the roughness and just crank this down and we can also try some maybe some of the finishing filters here which would be metal galvanized brushed linear grainy grinded there you go you start start seeing some of these things they probably don't aren't going to be that much use for me but we've gotta leave that alone I did not Ryu Viet these are the crappy Auto UVs however when I do go back and UV this thing I'll be able to just drag and drop or go again into them edit project config and just bring it back in then anything I've painted on here will just show up so yes still the crappy movies but um that's okay let me see let me go and let's grab some decals I can paint on here a little bit umm characters BOTS mining painter there we go so I have some JPEGs I'm going to drag in here and we're going to call these alphas or textures will do alphas because we can just paint through alphas and then we'll import these into the project and that reminds me let's just go ahead and save now this is a little bit of a futuristic that are dusting I'm going to do this one here so if I use this alpha let's go to my brushes here and we'll do default hard we'll just choose that brush here and we'll do another we'll go below the dirt and we'll add another fill layer here we call this decal so this decal for it we'll just leave it white for now we'll go ahead and do add a black mask and then we can just kind of stamp some stuff on here we can use action to do this or we can just use the brush alpha which I think in this case we're probably going to have to use the brush alpha let me see what else we have painter do a search for all the JPEGs this folder I thought I had more JPG no that's it okay we'll use project for this if we did want to use the alpha it's pretty simple so if we go over here to our alphas panel I'm sorry not using projection you can go through here let's see if there's any cool ones we want to stamp on here like excuse me excitement or ex radioactive that's a good one so what we can do is we can drag this into our grayscale map and then I think we should just be able to like stamp through here usually you can see through it though you know what maybe I need to put it sorry it's been a while let's throw that into the Alpha shape here there we go as I was looking for so now depending on what your little painted thing isn't right now it's just white then go through here and kind of stamp these things on or if you wanted to you could brush them on but in this case stamping makes a little bit more sense so now this thing has a little lever for a little hatch so you probably need to tell people hey we're going to be opening this thing up be prepared for a little dose of radiation so we'll go ahead and use our mouse to stamp on that because it has this little size thing here is pin pressure so if you have pin pressure on it'll go thick to thin depending on your tablet pressure here but I just want to stamp it the exact size I see it so that's when I would use my mouse that's like a 100% or you could turn that off it's kind of up to you so we'll do that and of course it doesn't have to stay this color it's non-destructive it's just a white area in this mask here that we're painting in basically so if we want to we can go through here we can add a little bit of height to it if we want we can really bump it out or not bump it out if we want to you can go through here and change the color and the roughness so if you want to make this maybe like a yellow here or or act that like kind of nasty old orange so just kind of a hint of like a this guy's pretty radioactive but if you get within 25 feet of them you're probably going to get radiation too because I don't think that containers really holding that sure then any more and then if you also want to so we have a we painted that on however what you can do is you can do instead of doing that lets do a will do add a black mask make it black and then we'll do a and a generator no we want to just add a fill layer and then this fill layer we will put in a grunge that's fine whatever open it a grunge so now everywhere this decal yellow is going is going to be kind of grungy but we'll change that I think the best way to do this so now we're going to do is we're going to add a paint and we're going to move this paint down so with this grunt I'm going to be painting in white and as a grunge I want to blend with that paint layer as screen or weight as multiply that because the screens going to add but I want to multiply there we go so now you don't see anything at all but as soon as I go in here and stamp white it's going to multiply that grunge onto that white and that'll kind of just automatically go through and grunge that up for me and of course if you want to since you're just painting this on all you need to do is you can also go in here to your brushes and you go into your dirt brush and if you paint in white it'll add paint if you paint in black it'll subtract so instead of doing a grunge you could go in here and just manually go through here and like chew up some of these edges in here or you can use procedural or you can use a mix of both and remember you can always go back to that base properties of this thing then you know let's crank up that a little bit if you want to make it super shiny you can or if you don't want it to affect the roughness at all say if some reason you'll want to you can just turn roughness off and it will completely just inherit any any roughness values do there yes this is still the auto UV in fact but you can see even though it's still by really crappy auto UVs here if I go to 2d only you know we're paying that decal and Wow it happened to fit right on that shell right there so you could take this in the Photoshop and you know paint right on that decal but generally speaking I'm just painting across seams and this thing has horrible seams but again it's just for preview purposes to get into game quickly however if I ever do have nicer UVs I can just pull it right back through and everything I've done at this point is perfectly fine excuse me so we got this here let's give them a name or something to identify him so let's go into our projection mode here we'll give it kind of digging that decal for the radioactive I like the properties of it but we'll do another fill layer here we'll call this text now the text I'm not gonna be able to stamp but I can use as a projection through there and I can you know I you know I let me see let me think about that because I think a point I could paint on yeah let me let me see if I can put something on here that'll make sense and again this is kind of concept D to where I'm just like maybe I could paint on like a big skull or something I don't know and I'm always painting skulls and everything I don't know why but I could manually paint it in but I can also stamp a decal let's see so we'll do add a black mask and we'll do text so in order to use this text I'm going to go into this projection mode up here which is projection I forget the number key I think one two three is the key for that and then that's going to give us access to this grayscale area here and then we'll go into our alphas and we'll drag in this text sheet that I just made ahead there's a bunch of gobbledygook on it so we'll drag that in and now that this is on there we can move our guy behind the text and you can also go into your camera here and change to an orthographic view so it just goes straight straight forward so if we want to stamp something strictly on him orthographically or from the top or the bottom it'll be a lot easier to do that now you could also if your UVs were nice you could go to 2d only and you could stamp straight through just here UV because you're movies are flat so anything you put on here so for example if we paint e ng right onto our UVs here and then we'll get rid of the projection go back into brush and then we'll go back to our 3d only you're going to see that painted it's straight across here and in fact that would be the best deal because right now that arms getting in the way so that it might be kind of difficult to get to but you can always go back to UVs and paint on that we're going to do that and we'll do 3d only and we're in orthographic view so I can kind of snap to the front you you will go back to our projection here and if you hold down s that you know you hold down s or ctrl if you leave it held down it will give you like I'll ctrl + right click changes the tool size and up-and-down changes the hardness and that kind of thing so those are your shortcuts you'll down asked those are the shortcuts for your projection so ass and right click you can zoom the stencil in and out and then s + Shift + left click well spin it you can hold that shift and that'll kind of snap it middle pan and then what else we got pan rotate snap rotate and then control less estate project so we can go into paint through here let's do um we can give him like a 99 - 3 here and we if you also had an alpha in here we could paint other stuff too so just for the heck of it I'm going to call him let's see how big I want this text on here we'll just go ahead and just paint this right through on here and let's see if I want to and again I'm going to chew the heck out of this text here so I can kind of just go through here and we can kind of give them like a little serial number or something up here oops bad job there we go and okay so that's good enough for now so I'm going to go back into my brushes here and we can go we can either go into a race which is two and you can bring in your erase brush you can just erase out where you didn't want stuff or you can go into your text here and you're just in your brush menu and then you can just paint in black where you may have overstepped your bounds just a bit again you can throw a grunge on here I probably should have turned that camera to catch that so we could project it straight onto here let's go out and do that real quick so I'm going to go back to my brushes a brushes here you're about a default hard let's paint that out and then we'll do section mode here you know put Sam on there instead find it change the hardness it's right click up then I'll go ahead and make this a super hard brush here and again even though I'm painting this on destructively it'll be non-destructive if I ever update this guy and I haven't moved this position orientation so we'll go back to brush I'll paint in black there we go so we've got some text drawn on there we've used alpha stamping let's go ahead and in this text we can put on a paint layer which will be a little bit less destructive so if we want to keep the text text nice and sharp but we also want to go through it with like a dirt brush here we can go through and be like knock this stuff back and you know he's been old so you can just kind of just brush all this out and again you can tell I'm like kind of painting over scenes as well so you can kind of tell in the UVs it's not quite as nice as it could be but uh you know you get the point I think and it doesn't have to be white text obviously we're just kind of let's go up here to the flow here what's at 100 G's so let's go ahead and change that text to this sample at decal now because we did it on a paint layer I can toggle that paint layer on and off and you can kind of see like oh you know what the text is still there I didn't erase the text or paint over in black I did it on a paint layer so I can still go in here if I think I went a little overboard and I can still uh you know what that's a good point a little more destructive than I thought I mean I can go ahead and just make a new paint layer or trying to think of a way then we'll go back to black there we go they have those show a little bit better oh I guess we can also go out of orthographic view here perspective you back it out there we go we'll just do it overall let's get that sharper dirt in here to avoid those stretching there's the brush alignment in option oh that's right in the brush ops and over here you can go to see this tangent wrap you can do camera based you can have it wrap and you can also have a planar so that'll help as you're kind of brushing and it kind of like a skews the surface and kind of start stretching back you can change those options there thank you for reminding me of that um I think he's good enough for decals and stuff let's see what else you want to do let's go to back my alphas here really quickly and let's just try some stuff here so I'm going to go back to my decal layer here onto the paint we put this on a paint layer yeah so we have the paint and then the other grunge over it so let's just try some stuff really quickly let's do a giant X here whoa let's change that back to brush brush brush brush you felt hard let's see here if I want to make him I mean I guess I could just paint decal stuff too and I could also paint oil streaks and all that good stuff because sometimes it's just kind of fun to paint stuff let's do that let's dum I'm going to duplicate this decal off and I'm going to get rid of these paint layers here and then just do it at a black mask let's just try go into our brushes here and we'll start with a default hard brush and we'll turn on cemetry and we can try just see if there's anything that kind of jumps out at me you can also hold down shift and if you tap and then hold down shift it'll just do a straight line so that comes in handy as well so you can try and just do let's see if we can't just and you know I kind of missed that grunge so we'll do add a paint layer and then we'll add a fill layer and on this fill layer we'll make it multiply and then that multiply we'll put in a grunge and now as we paint it'll kind of grunge it up automatically trying to see if anything kind of again jumps out at me because I can it's sometimes fun to just kind of paint these things on so we'll do alphas let's get a basic shape in here maybe this one here and you know what let's go add a symmetry mode just really quickly and like somebody went through and kind of marked them up now I'm going to go back through on this paint layer and then we'll go back to our brushes here and we'll reset the default hard back to its default and then we'll drag that in black and then you can go through here and just kind of get rid of anything that's bothering you so I'm going to keep the the line work I think it's okay let's see if anything jumps out at me it almost makes it look like he's made out of spare parts like you know somebody took off a 57 Chevy that had decals painted on it or an old milk van or something and just re-purposed the metal and these I don't mind too terribly much on his feet here these are a bit much I'm gonna see if I can knock these back with a little bit of dirt here or just get rid of him completely and I can just go through and yeah exactly he's seen better days and again that doesn't even have to stop here I can go through and add like little LED lights and stuff depending on the game needs if this is going to go into a game if it you know what it needs to message the player then goes to go back through the original design and all that good stuff yeah substance is really good in fact they had a a GDC walkthrough presentation of the doing this really cool face and how to kind of paint it up in layers and they also have texturing XYZ kind of plugged in you can use some of that stuff so yeah definitely in fact if you go to I'll show you one example that I did go to my youtube channel playlists and underneath commander if you click through I have the painter walk through skin and rendering is number three on this one and you can kind of step through and see how I did the commander stuff and I can open it up in here too if you guys want to take a look at that yeah and you know wood and bark and stuff too definitely for sure a my let's see we got decal copy here let me just go through my default anything and these have uh somebody went through and spray-painted on him I guess I could tag him I don't know if I want to do that or like I said I can just put like a big somebody came through and just made a skull on him now you've got a little really changes this person out like quite a bit if we're gonna do that let's try let's try um that's okay we'll put this as just our base layer here and then we'll also go in here to our spray paint spray let's see if we can get like some overspray a little bit and I'm trying to remember I did oh you know it'd be great to bring in here hold on just a second oh this will be so good well maybe not now that I say that but pixologic has some are they used to have some paint Alfa's that were great for this type of thing I did this on the commander where it has on the end of his gun arm I put up something in Italian for like bang and I have exclamation points like they painted it on and they have like paint like he went in with a brush and just slap it on there so we can do paint there we go let me just drag in like just a bunch of these things and I was going to bring these in for this session here can I do import all and I say all alpha I don't have to do this one by one and then just the current session okay so now that I have this now let's go ahead and change this to white so the third you know what let me put this on a separate layer because the decal stuff I want it to look like it's from let's repaint this real quick the decal stuff I want to look like it's kind of from another machine like a farm tractor that was refree purposed but for this one I'm going to duplicate this off and then on this one will do at a paint and you know what we don't even need that grunge for now so for the first amount of paint we're going to do we're going to go into our brushes here and instead of the hard one let's do sharpie and let's see if we can I get a little bit smaller well maybe not let's try here like somebody came in with a farm paintbrush here yes you're right creating procedure materials for substance painter is a good really good use for that in fact all the stuff you see in your materials and in your generators and stuff you can make it substance designer in my youtube channel I talk about different ways to do that and kind of bring them in or maybe was my painter when I forget but it's a little more node based this one's much more artist friendly substance designer is a little bit a little more intense but certainly don't be scared of it like if you can go through my QuickStart it takes you through a lot of stuff and the videos are pretty straightforward you would be it's really one of those programs where you really get a good like when you do stuff in substance designer you really feel smart no better way to put that I always feel good after getting out of substance designer because it's like man you can start really simple and then build just really really complex stuff and it's really fulfilling I wish I did it more I don't really do it anymore it's called a skull and we'll make this paint white this will be a little bit fresher paint here and in fact we're going to drag this to the top underneath the dirt though we're going to give this a little bit of height it's going to be like thick paint and I kind of wanted to cover up that other height to is it's going to be sitting on top of everything we're going to do replace there we go and then I'm going to drop this height down because it's a little bit much let's save this real quick yeah if you've never used them before it's a good point it's um it is kind of difficult to know what exactly those programs do is it doing something weird you must be really inheriting something from dirts fine well it's fine something underneath must be driving this thing crazy with its height I think it's getting some weird height info from the weapons stuff hmm what's this weapon metal doing no it's not the weapon stuff let's say that this no my base metal that's what's doing it maybe hell maybe not hmm let me try and put this into a folder real quick and we will call this replace height skull all skull height no no it's behaving normally okay sorry I must be stupid okay so we've got the paint on there and now we can also do is I'm going to duplicate this one off it's got all the settings that I like and then we'll do add a black mask here and I'm just going to keep this as a black mask but under the grayscale for my default hard brush I'm going to go into my alphas here and we're going to drop in some of those paint splats so I'm sorry not the grayscale the Alpha there we go you can kind of just drop in some paint splats and I'm just going to do a levels for some reason those decals are like kind of grey but I can autumn I can just go in here and over crank it anyway so if I go and add a levels to this no matter how if I go in here and let's like put some paint splatter across here try this one here yeah so we do this paint splatter here and then on this levels I'm just going to make it so that it is super contrasting so no matter if I don't tap it so hard which it should the flows all the way up but yeah these are kind of gray I can kind of force it into you can also rotate this thing around and kind of do a little paint splatter here to kind of give it a little splattery little look and you can also go through here and either alpha in some drips or just go in and paint drips as well that'll be good enough here okay so let's go ahead and grunge this up just a bit over also on the folder up here I can go add a white mask and that'll make sure everything's cool and then I can go in there with my brush and just kind of grunge it out just a little bit I'm going to take out some of the color and some of the height dirt too and we'll say you are painting black oh boy it's doing something really weird skull and I just want to not have oh you know what let me turn the slow way down it streaks in here try sandpaper yes there is and there's a welding material - that's a good point let me go in weld some of these seams up let's do that oh and there's another thing too in here I don't use that much but there's oh boy where'd they go they weren't brush they're tools so you can make tools that have multiple kind of materials and height and stuff assigned so as you let's just do a empty layer here back in our brush bullet impact you can kind of just you know pop you can do bullets all over this thing based on the tool here and when we get into stitches and stuff on the military guy we're doing we'll get a little bit more into some of the other brushes too but there's a weld tool you can use which is kind of cool let's see and you can do a manual welding brush as well but this is just kind of a cool way to kind of go through here and if you want to weld up some seams which this guy has some opportunity for I'm trying to think of see ya substance is definitely worth buying I think and I usually have pretty good deals too every once in a while but even as what you're getting for the price is pretty stellar their whole either whole pack and stuff let me let me see if I can do you go to my brushes here we've got a just a layer if we go over here to artistic and we do add a little bit of height layer one let's do layer we're just doing height I think that'll just use the underlying metal and you can kind of go through here and kind of just weld up some of the stuff will stack a dime's thing going on now we can also do heat distress and stuff so we can kind of go through and add the cool thing about the stuff too is it's non-destructive so it's like if you did this in ZBrush and you're like okay I'm going to weld it and then you get in here or you do stitches or any of that something that's why you'll see me doing stitches not in ZBrush probably on my military guys because it's so much less destructive and sharper to do in texture than it is to it's kind of a sloppy weld but oh that's true yeah they do have that rent-to-own thing where you just paid $19.99 a month and it's not like every other thing out there was ninety-nine a month and Aneta months of the rest your life it's ninety-nine a month until you paid off and then I need a mirror this guy too late totally jacked him up so when I go into the FBX with this mirror those pieces over oops amateur hour see little little inside a little little view of the inside of how crappy I am as a professional artist here some weld seams here so some farmer went through and was like Rare weld it up now these welds aren't going to be overly it's not going across that seemed to well but it still is that indication and it is weld along the bottom here thank you for reminding me - well that is an excellent addition to this type of thing because yes somebody's going to go through here they're not just going to put two perfectly machined pieces together they're going to go through and just like weld it up so you can or actually just look making look like it's welded under the paint they just paint it over it yeah it's not terrible but it's you know a little bit off whack and off off-kilter here let me this paint is still kind of a little much for me I'm going to go back here to skull I'm going to drop the base color down just a hint whoops oh that's a good point yeah four bolts and stuff too you know they probably would be looking to save some money because he is in some rough shape here anything else I need to weld let's see if it looks too machined it's probably a good here it's probably a good candidate for some welding seams here now I kind of am doing this part destructively which I shouldn't be if it's just height that I'm painting in here what I should do is just go to a fill layer here and then we'll call this welds let's try that again and if we just you know we can crank up the height doesn't really matter we'll add a black mask and then in the white or in the area here we'll go back to our weld brush which is again just this artistic for I think I got this from Christophe deci if I had to guess I don't really remember but it seems right he's gearhead he knows about that stuff but um so here we got the the height and then we can just go through here and it's like oh we're welding we're welding and it's like you know what that well isn't high enough we can go back here to the fill layer and just crank it up or if we want to go inside it's fine but you have all of that control so it's a little bit a little bit better but not well just FYI something to keep in mind so I've got this guy going seems like there's something else I wanted to do that I don't really remember I brought in the paint here I've got this he's pretty stained up I think he's good enough so um let's go ahead and save this
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 39,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, hard surface, mech, robot, Texturing, materials, substance, painter, smart, grunge, alpha, wear, rust, oil
Id: iv5iBLF7Fuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 40sec (4540 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2017
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