Paulo Costa vs Luke Rockhold | Free Fight | UFC 302

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you ready to fight you ready to fight [Applause] go rockold out of the southp Dan in Black Pao Costa Orthodox in white and you know rockold skill for skill he's as good as anyone no doubt and if he can get this fight to the ground you got to give Rocko the advantage in in the grapple but it's the power of tasta oh he hurt there Costa's Landing these strikes from a clinch they were big shots too seems like perhaps rockold wants to try to take the fight down as he should because Costa is so powerful in explosive like I said the way he attacked Romero was crazy nobody goes at Romero like that this guy's H big left from [Applause] Costa wow CA takes Luke down and this is okay for Rock This is actually good for rockle because he wants this fight on the ground but Costa in top position if he can posture he can generate some really good power just the second takedown of Paulo Costa's now eight-fight UFC career and now Kasa starting to posture Lucas got one butterfly and he needs to try to get that second one into play and Elevate Costa or at least lock down half guard he's controlling posture here at least go cson doing a really good job with his top pressure doing a good job of laying the strikes to the body Rockwood has his guard open Rockwood needs to try to advance defensively he can't sit here on the Costa that's a nice elbow to the midsection there by Costa Costa moves some Mounds Luke is going to try to sneak out oh Luke's in real trouble oh Guillotine Guillotine here K good job by Costa po that was a smooth transition by CA to the Mount there very interesting that Costa has decided to take this fight to the ground but if you believe that Costa is going to gas this is Works to your advantage it's great to put him in a position where he's really using muscles that he doesn't generally use the side of Def o Theon big body shots from Costa making him count here on the ground he moved to mount again it's amazing how effortlessly he's moving in these positions on rockle rockold exploded he's going to sneak out the back door nicely done by rockold [Applause] now a Furious start as expected coming up on 90 seconds to go on the r really high paac to start this fight and if you're rockle you start stabbing things up the middle trying to attack the body of Costa yep there it is right there Luke has one of the best question mark kicks in the game here's a good kick to the body in two three four power kicks from Luke rockold rockold looks tired though yeah his mouth wide open seems like the blood in his nose having a real problem well his mouth's open cuz he can't breathe out of his nose right now it's pouring blood yeah and those shots in the body that he ate on the ground are certainly not helping no C is doing a really good job of him you have s body shots but you got to think those kicks at Luke hit look at this he's really good at that wizard kick as a take down but he doesn't have the energy right now to do it and rock hols breathing really compromised back to work though with that liver kick another Power kick from the left side good connection there late in the round by rockold round one down wow that's not good Ro go hard all right gentlemen second round you in to fight you in to fight Happ go well Jason pillo doing his able best to Center his pupil we'll see if rockold can get a gold here that'll help rockold wouldn't sit between rounds rockold is coming out guns blaz big kick to the body by oh he got hurt there he's got his hands locked here he's got to get to a corner rco gets a take off oh he got excited he got excited he rushed and now ca's got his back great wherewithal by Costa to expeditiously get back to his feet blood is pouring from Rocko Nos and he's grimacing [Applause] body shot from Costa rockold circles oh nice left hand there good check right hook there by rockold land too but good Left Hand by Costa or right hand by Costa rock is exhausted I don't think I've ever seen him this time kick to the body blood rco talked a lot about recovery yep and is training but it's it really is failing him right now well he also hasn't touched down on this octagon since 20199 and the altitude being up in Utah what's the C oh 360 roundhouse kick that's a big movement though oh Rock stung him there with that left hand that left hand straight down the middle and now Costa with some swelling at a cut under his left eye rockold showing a lot of heart here about 3 minutes to go in the round well he can still explode I mean he's exhausted but he still has the capability of launching powerful shots well the thing is he can also see Costa strikes a little bit because Costa's fatigue ooh oh nice right hand from rockle now crocod is throwing his shots too big though maybe he should throw things that don't big that's not good no and that motor that just gives Costa Costa almost smiles when he sees that great kick to the leg there rockold skills look pretty good but he's fatiguing Costa needs to pressure it if you're Costa you may go get another take down watch your fingers you good time you okay it's St what happened nut shot he P it but if I'm TOS I'm like no I don't want to break watch your fingers look look at me Luke hey watch your fingers all right just keep it clean all right bring it in you guys bring it in Shake Hands let's go ready fight that body kick from Paulo Costa has been money Rock hole now goes High just over 2 minutes to go and Costa back to work on the body Luke still has that powerful it's still fast I mean he looks exhausted but he can still explode with those powerful shot oh barely missed that kick and man Rock's body language not good interruption in the action here that is not the end of the fight this hit was an illegal blow what happened I say I think he said he hit him low stay right here L stay right here what happened GR L blow low blow oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah punch right on the [Applause] C got you got time you understand all right take all the time you got time take all the time so as many of you know has five minutes this is the altitude as much as the pressure yes fighting a great fight bu he's tired but if you're rock you take the time you take the whole five minutes we saw that earlier tonight A guy got up way too early Woodson take your time relax before you go fight work it out work it out but CA I don't believe that CA threw this intentionally he was trying to dig to the body right understanding that he's got a wounded animal in front of him so he tries to go to the body and it went low over there dude L they want him in the neutral Corner are you ready which technically is neutral but it puts him closer to his coaches you okay yes all right bring it in Jason poo trying to acknowledge I'm Waring you both of you guys keep it clean you understand fingers low blows not having that let's go fight all right back underway pillo trying to let Luke know that Costa is maybe just as tired even though he would not appear to be quite as fatigued he looked very fatigued when he was sitting down he did but when they get back to their feet though CA is the one that's advancing and it's much easier to be the advancing party than the guy that's going backwards yes this is why it's also fatiguing Rock a little bit more because he's backing up the whole time trying to avoid the attacks of pauloa look setting up that high kick both of these guys are throwing everything with so much power that's why they're fatiguing themselves nothing is is just to touch everything's to finish the fight yep spinning back kick Luke looks like he's got some more peping step now far more kicks than punches beautiful Lo by PA Costa right across the front of the legs and I love that cost going to the body when you know a guy's tired you keep digging to the body nothing fatigues him more probably that is he's got to be careful in the check right hook from Rock oh what a body kick by Costa that's nasty and rock H tries to respond with his offense immediately but the body language not great rockold wants to put his hands on his knees yeah he wants to take a break and he's going but in a round in which he's had his moments that is not a great visual Costa pressing forward more body kicks of yosta third and final round ready fight you ready to fight H let's go and John you said Rocko had moments but Costa won the first two rounds yes he has fought very very well cuz in between those moments that rock had hoc cost has been advanc he's been Landing he landed a massive body kick in that second round that really did bother Rock oh oh he's turning it up as he should though yes oh this is huge absolutely huge look at this oh my goodness he got sloppy yes he got sloppy he got desperate Rock saw his chance and got desperate and that last explosion may be the last one he has Rockall trying to find a little bit more gasoline here late in the fight oh ni stick with a right by Costa that got rockold attention right on the nose oh and now a look for shot by brck what a fight under four minutes now to go but because Rocko's so tired and because he's he's fighting so weird it's hard for CA to attack him in the way that he wants oh that job we've seen Derrick Lewis do that at times CA needs to take his time and wait for Luke to make a mistake like that cuz then there's [Applause] openings huge connection for rck now oh my God yeah look like rockold said f you twice before landing that shot oh he hit him with a twisting kick W wild that's a pressing kick look at Costa hands dropped 3 minutes to go 3 minutes left in the round as loud as this Arena has been all night wow good spaw by Costa big mistake there by Rocko no reason to take that shot he's too tired there's no chance that he finishes that on Paul aosta right now but when you're this tired you start to make mistakes and he was actually having a good third round yeah he stung him a few times but as we saw in the fight earlier the kid felt safer on his back opposed to being on his feet rock may feel safer down here opposed to on the feet Thea right now cost to maintaining position here two minutes now to the side the co-main event they're talking to each other cost's moving in the mou I'm very surprised at how well Costa has been able to Grapple with luk from the top he's passing those guards pretty easily Costa now working off the back the rockold if Luke can spin and wind up on top here it would be epic C's got his wrist that stops that turn back into him Rocko's got a wrist fight on the other side clear his wrist then rotate back in the Costa they're talking to each other Paulo telling himself Luke's cing luk trying to spin he's looking to spin now he's got his arm out so now there's a chance but if he turns and Polo follows with his right knee he'll end up in the mou this is it Ro can get out here he just doesn't have the energy Costa not much of a submission threat but dominating here nonetheless oh this is crazy this his crowd and Luke Rocko feeds off the crowd look at that he's driving his blood the B to face I just had to turn you guys up in my headset final seconds now this place is going insane somehow someway Luke rockold and Pao Costa Go the Distance all three judges score this contest 30 7 for the winner by unanimous decision follow the eraser [Applause]
Channel: UFC India
Views: 624,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, champion, india, submission, ufcindia, knockout, mma, mmaindia, desiufc
Id: SMJ2umHapDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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