Paul Washer Q&A with Mario and Quintin Mainville Part 2

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[Music] alright what's next question will you respond to someone statement to the statement that I'm a little old for the church that's silly tell them they're being silly when you talk about the Church in the kingdom even among good men there's gonna be some differences the church is not the king and the kingdom is not the church the kingdom is the sovereign reign of God and His Christ and an expression of that is the church a community of people who have heard the message of the King and submit to his will okay there is no way to be an obedient member of the kingdom apart from believing the gospel and there's no way to be a believer obedient to the king except you congregate with a local congregation there's no concept in the New Testament at all or in the Old Testament with regard to someone believing God outside of the community of faith especially in the church and you know I'm going to tell them that if they will not submit and that doesn't mean you have to go to my church but if they do not begin or enter into fellowship with a community of belief who are submitting as a community to the precepts and laws of the king I would even doubt their conversion you get these guys that cease to go around they say but when they ask you myself okay we need to do some what wait are you one of the chose they will tell you I know that judge I'm all involved in Kingdom look they're silly hold on sir Kingdom didn't Kingdom bowling I tell you what today you guys have work right word computer yellow really all right I'm gonna give you it hasn't been released if it's 400 page workbook on the church and I'm going to give it to you and in that there's a whole chapter on the kingdom and the church and you see brother here would be my other question why do you not want to be in a church why what is your reason and if you say there are no churches in all of South Africa then I'm going to be thinking you got some serious problems because if there are no churches in all of South Africa then that's not so much a reflection on South Africa as it is a reflection of God this almighty sovereign God who is determined to gain a people for his his son was not able to do so in South Africa there are so many people who do not want to be a part of the local church because they do not want to submit now what I mean submit I'm not saying submit to some tyrannical pastor but I'm talking about just being in a community of faith living with other believers learning from other and at times being challenged by other believers you see there are so many people who believe that they're there just authorities unto themselves yeah that's terrifying and here's something for you to me a lot of times there's the misconception that the older we are in the faith the less we need to subject ourselves to Authority and the very opposite is true it is men preachers get older that many times they go astray do you see that even in the Bible most of the men who fall do not fall in the height of the battle but after they've won a lot of battles you see a man by the name of Conor Admiral who was a great great preacher here in America he wrote a paper on the old prophet syndrome you know that one sweet so many men once they get older get extreme I'll get brash or get angry Turkey and they walk away from the church and they become their I'm gonna thority and they don't submit to anybody and they fall into great danger people like that are so I would instruct them in in what in how the scripture is contrary to what they're saying and then if they did not submit that truth I'd rebuke them and I would tell them come please don't do your kingdom work around here because we don't three practical things that you would counsel young believers to practice daily your honey now that might be oh you're gonna hate me feed very simple read the word systematically from Genesis to Revelation over and over again as a life discipline even if you're preparing sermons even if you're writing books I don't care make it a life discipline to read through the Scriptures systematically from Genesis to Revelation over and over again that's the first thing I would tell them and I would tell them in that look you're gonna get discouraged if you get to the Book of Leviticus yeah all right you're also gonna come to me one day and say this doesn't you know it's not working because I read three chapters a day and I soon as I finish I forget everything I read I go I don't care it doesn't bother me a city but I promise you if you will continue doing this as a life discipline you may not notice it the first year or the second year but as you go on throughout your life the Word of God is just going to become more and more real to you the pieces are all going to come together you're going to start seeing things you never could see if you just read sporadically through the Bible that would be the first thing you know there's a saying kind of story that you may have I don't know in South Africa but it's about a little boy who is living with his grandpa up on a hill and his grandpa gives him a cold bucket you know a bucket used to carry by the hole with all this dust and says I want you to well the little boy comes to him and says I'm not reading the Bible anymore grandpa and he said why sisqó soon as I read it I forget it there's no use reading it and he says take this coal bucket down to the bottom of the hill to the river fill it up with water and bring it back so the little boy does it but by the time he gets back up to his grandfather there were holes in the bucket of death and it's all empty and he does this like three or four times and he says it's no use and his grandfather said yes their shoes look inside the coal bucket it was all clean and even when I read three chapters and don't really remember everything I read I'm still cleaner day than if I hadn't pressed it and our preachers need to understand I'm not that is not a substitute the sermon preparation is not a substitute for reading the bar okay this is what's so amazing about the Puritans you know if they were to ask me are you modern preachers you know teach us something about the Holy Spirit we might go to for example John 14 John 16 something like that the Puritans are quoting from Zechariah and things you know that all these passages that sometimes to us would be obscure it's because they just read the Bible all the time so I would say that's the first thing the second thing maintain your daily time of communion with Christ in prayer and then seek to walk with him throughout the day with that same attitude prayer learn to practice praying to always be for him to always be to you the God before whom you stand you see live in the heavenlies is one who walked in the courts of God another thing that I would say is live in a humble loving relationship with members of a community of faith then apart from being a vital member of a local visible Church you will never be what you should be and you will never be as useable to God that you should be so it's in and this is why it's so important that pastors realize that if they direct the church in a way that is not according to description they're hurting everybody because the church is so absolutely necessary for the vitality of a Christians life if I could add a fourth to that it would be sin is deadly it is so deadly it has its consequences it's deadly so that may be and be a better way of saying this grieve not the Holy Spirit grieve not the Holy and really the Holy Spirit is great one primary means power sin we could go on from there to so many things a Christian a true Christian is not some morbid person who's constantly beating themselves but they are confessional they are confessing their sin they are open before God transparent before God but I can guarantee if you're reading the word and you're praying and you're going to a biblical church those other things of all in place you know after what happened to me last year I said and reflected on what could I change the main thing would be love oh I died three times I had a massive heart attack and my heart stopped on three different occasions for a long time and they had to resuscitate me three times I didn't remember anything for days and suffered many things because of it many and I'm still you know I haven't preached in a year in two months or something and it's still not and you know it gave me when I woke up finally from the whole ordeal and got to the point where I could think again you know what would I do differently and the maintenance love love the Lord my God with all my heart soul mind and strength seek to cultivate that kind of love and then love people and not just some super spiritual glamorous thing my little daughter for example of my tenure she loves to play board games you know these little games or it's spin the thing that's why I'm talking about spend more time playing board games spend more time talking to my son who's getting older now before he leaves the home that the other thing was I've always heard old preachers say that no preacher lays on his deathbed regretting that he prayed too much they all regret they didn't pray enough so well you know and then the final thing was to preach a lot less in big places in the preacher a lot more in small places and in places where the gospel has not been announced or whether you know that that's where I feel like all my strengths are put me in a room with you know 10 min and the filthy barn in Nepal or something for a week and I'm at I'm at home and I want to go back to that in my life but so few questions now this opening before I get to it and it's also squishy first what which New Testament book recently that's why I've had to spend more time than usual in the book of Revelation and but you know it's it's sad when people look at the book of Revelation a lot of times they're just always seeing dragons and helicopters and supposedly you know future events and there are things in the book of Revelation that our future but looking in the book of Revelation and seeing what it says about the person of Christ and about the cross work of Christ the dramatic cosmic you know changing universal this gigantic work of Christ on Calvary and its impact upon the cosmos its impact upon the past the present the future everything and that has been a big big thing my life is in my study of the cross is you know what is the book of Revelation telling us about comfort and about you know his exaltation his humiliation is you know for example revelation 12 is a wonderful chapter with and I guess that's one of the books that's had one of the greatest impacts I can't say that I understand the book enough to teach it I think I can teach parts of it there and far wiser than I and I'll leave them that matter country that's a I don't know how this is now outside of your culture in the African context or probably other places also another way of polygamy is a big deal so you have a a guy near to five wives consenting wives or thousand what would you do when the polygamist somebody's got maybe three wives the loss aging is coming to your chest how could you give me a more difficult well here here's something that you know in Peru we had the same problem no when I say hurry you have to understand Peru is a very eclectic culture it's you know you have primitive Stone Age tribes in one place you have brilliant musicians scientists opera singers and everything else on the other so you know it's not like Africa do you see the same thing there is a great extreme but among some of the tribes that was one of the problems that that missionaries constantly had to deal with and there were some missionaries I mean there are some times when you just you really have to appreciate the struggle men missionaries and preachers and even preachers in those tribes that really struggled with what do we do kind of like Joseph we know that in the created order we know in the teachings of Christ everything that it's one man one woman we know that we also know that at any time even in the patriarchs when that command was violated it caused problems we also know though that God always has worked within perfect min you know there's Abraham there's David there's something that doesn't mean that we should go ahead and practice what they're practice yet at the same time we know that God has always worked with me in it sin now there were some missionaries who let's say that there was a man who had two wives both consented to be his wife and two sets of children yes there were missionaries who actually said pick the one you love the most divorce the other I mean I mean they said that and man they were righteous you know their righteousness this is what you've got to do I don't care how hard it is so but in that context that woman is now abandoned and has no way to feed her children and the children have just been realized I have been abandoned by my father for another family and other children and I am now I am I have enough father the woman has no protection the children are mocked if they do survive they would their lives are are it is just horrible you have sentenced them to a life of that is no life you understand and so that doesn't seem to be too righteous to me on the other hand polygamy is wrong he was wrong in Abraham's day David today it's wrong today what most missionaries who dealt with this I never had to deal with the situation but most missionaries really struggled with it I don't want to sin by compromising Lord and yet love and mercy they might to condemn a woman and maybe five six children to becoming nothing but impoverished mockery open her up to rape her wife the daughter has no protection what am i and so what a lot of missionaries well at least some that I knew what they the decision they came to was that that man who had become a Christian and had two wives he should remain in the state that he is in he should care for those both those women he should care for both those children but and he could be in the church as a Christian as a believer but he could never hold the office of an elder or Deacon because he simply would not qualify nor would he be a model to the congregation of of what a family ought to be now I know that some people will hear this me saying this and and some people say well no they should just do it's very hard when you're dealing with lives but I think based upon God's work in history I think that based upon mercy love compassion everything else and yet holding a righteous you know this elder must be a one-woman man so this man does not qualify to be an elder he does not qualify to be a deacon but he can be a member of that church loved cared for and he should be treated in such a way that he doesn't walk into the church ashamed constantly you know he needs to recognize it was an error but it's Modi Bachmann says he we also need to recognize there can be illegitimate relationships but there are no illegitimate children you need to protect those children it requires sensitivity it does well there's a little patience oh they're terrible he gave me here's the here's what we have to realize this Minister sometimes now legalists who have no mercy and no love they have no problem they can just you know abandon one of them turn her over or they'll say support one support both of them but only fulfil your marital obligation with one of them well that that reflects back on the children everything I mean it's just a mess and we've got to realize that we work in a mess we work in a mess and sin in this life can have ramifications that even if you become a Christian and even if you walk with God you'll never be released from the consequences of that sin with regard to how it impacts your life here on earth sin is deadly in it's dangerous another question before I also lost listen at the moment in in South Africa this distinction between blacks and whites mostly with the co-op's - white minority privilege so I don't know if you know about this all and this is where we want compensation of length or taking position of land out computation and so that's an a political threat but in the church they are also men black men that feel that white minority or privileged people are hiding behind gospel in this what they say or love your neighbor or you need to forgive the hiding behind that and that's why they they don't want to give them enough there's this whole idea of you've got this beautiful big church only nighttime a nice car very nice neighborhood I me a the Thompson and it's all because of your father's even though you didn't do it because of your father's when you're going to give back so I can also here but you have what counsel did give pastas that have to think through these issues many of these pieces has got really emotional catch those hats attached to it people that still live today that is actually being kicked off their land so how do you out you counsel off sister as they think through this especially in light of the gospel yeah every one of the things that everyone's mentioning can be a problem there can be a problem on one side of the lack of forgiveness that's true there can be problem on the other side of hiding behind Christianity and not doing justice and both these things are true and and all those things are always going to happen because not in every case with every person there going to exist in our world this is another case where sins can result in problems temporal problems but real problems that seem almost to have no solution that's going to satisfy everyone a sense of you have that land because your father did this to my father there's some truth to that how do we fix that that can also be a problem when this person whose father was robbed or killed or whatever so that this other group would have this land there's a problem then when he reacts in an unjust way and may do the same thing in some cases there must be recompense and in other cases there must be forgiveness and then you throw rulers and leaders who do not have the Spirit of Christ in the MINIX who can gain advantage by riling up people on one side or the other and you you've got a minute you know but here's what I think that although a clear solution is beyond me as a person far removed from this problem our best hope to solve the problem our men gospel in built or integrity who know that leading the country through this that they're never going to be loved by everyone some people are going to think they did too much others are going to think that it did too little we need of integrity who can work for this problem realizing that in one sense they're going to come to be martyrs they're going to be loved and hated but they're gonna work it out and those men only come from gospel preaching another thing that that we have we have to do and I hope this doesn't sound like a cop-out but you remember when someone came to Jesus you know tell my brother yes he stole my inheritance Jesus basically said I don't care the kingdom of heaven has been given everything is yours everything is yours he says and so you're going to find he'll for this that has to be kept in mind okay at the same time what has to be kept in mind is we're not just going to use Christianity to say be content and wait for heaven we're also going to work justice on this earth I think one of the things that you know in instead of preachers preaching fighting and rebellion on both sides someone needs to stand up and start preaching on the attributes of God why because you had to look at Amos and he starts talking about social justice and he starts talking about he's going to judge Damascus for this and Israel for this and then on and on and you begin to when people have a concept of who God is and they fear God they're more prone to come to us with gospel preachers need to lament the problem they need to pray for the problem but they need to realize that the greatest fix of this problem is the gospel it really is it really is I know it sounds like but it really is is key preaching the gospel and when someone is in your church and they feel called to kind of rise up to do something for justice tell them okay don't don't don't crush them don't say no don't worry about that wait for heaven don't crush them but you say yeah but you couldn't do this biblically you're gonna love your enemies even if you have to take them to a you know take them to task on what's happened you're going to love your enemies we're gonna make sure you're not moved by greed we're going to make sure you're just not a lazy person who wants to take over what someone else worked for and if it's on the other side so you need to realize there's a lot of her people out here and no you don't need to give away everything you have but what can be done what can you as a Christian do a lot of times we want things to happen in Mass we want mass than mass movements so you know you want a mass of a bunch of unbiblical people to figure out this problem it's not gonna happen what the preacher does is go I've got work with individuals I've got to work with individuals and I just gotta keep them balanced and if I got if you're in a church and there's there's several black Africans colored Africans that that are really up in arms you don't need to tell them look you just need to wait for your inheritance in heaven and sing this song with me but you need to say okay your desire for social justice is good but it's what you're feeling in your heart and the strategy your plan is a biblical is it biblical is it run what you're saying is it true does it line up the scripture because as as long as we're working you see and it's just it's this you see when you take a culture just about anywhere in the world you take a culture and you destroyed it it's recuperation it's very rare when I think about the judgments of God of all nations because of the social injustice it's terrifying it is terrifying and although we need to wait we'd realized it ultimately there is an eschatological judgment coming when Christ returns were never commanded to just sit there and wait for that we're to pray for kings and all who are in authority we are as we understand up you know within the matter of abortion we can't just sit there and say well that's just wait till Jesus comes back know we're to cry out for those who cannot pray out for themselves but we're to do it a biblical way I know that doesn't give really any answers diction does and that was my last question if this will be your final exhortation to us we represent a lot of just waters you know South Africa specifically what would it be Sola scriptura with love you know the Reformation to me seems to bend a little bit hijack people think today that because they have a Sovereign Grace soteriology you know and have a few books by RC SPRO who I just love a few books by RC Sproule or some of the Reformers there Jonathan Edwards his to volume works sitting on their desk they think they were formed you're not reformed because you have a so-called Calvinistic soteriology the Reformation was about Sola scriptura about conforming not only our thoughts our beliefs but our conduct our institutions the church the way that we conduct ourselves in the household of God to conform everything description arts devotional life description everything description that must the Puritan genius now what with God is but young guys running around who say they're Calvinists you know and yet when you go in their churches it's not sola scriptura it's every kind of entertainment every kind of thing in the world and with regard to morality there doesn't seem to be any and I'm not talk about legalism legalisms deadly but what I would you know I would encourage people ministers with the same encouragement and reprimand that I give myself it's sold us could've taught us seen in my family is it seen in my prayer life is it seen in my church is it seen in my thought life so let's go am I being governed by Scripture by the wisdoms precepts and commands of Scripture and that's our goal you see [Music] the the deadliest thing I see in all of the Old Testament you know people idolatry in this and that but there's something even there was no authority and everyone did what was right in their own eyes there was no king everyone did what was right in his own eyes and you say well when Israel had a king it wasn't any any better well that's because the king did what was right in his own eyes you see the king according to Deuteronomy 17 was to sit there and make a book of the law he was to read it day and night Joshua was told to do the same thing as a leader the law the law of God now what that how that translates over into the new testament is that you know paul said to timothy i hope to come to you but in case i am delayed he says in 1st timothy 3 13 14 15 case i'm delayed he says i write to you so that one may know how to conduct himself in the household of god how do we know how to conduct ourselves in the household of God by what Paul has written what the other apostles have written that's how we know and I do not believe I know that even men who say yes Sola scriptura are not struggling to understand what that means and truly apply and submit to that you see and and here's the thing when I say that a lot of times someone will say to me well I know you know I know two or three perform Baptist or Presbyterians and they are really struggling with you know Sola scriptura and they they get an arguments about it they don't even agree themselves and I go that unbothered me that much there are always going to be some greatness among us because we're men but I can appreciate a group of men who are honestly honestly struggling to conform every aspect of their life and search to the scriptures even when there's some disagreement among them at least you know there sincerely seeking to do that and that's what we need now but let me say this we need to be very careful also let me say it this way just because you've adopted Sola scriptura doesn't mean that in your church you need to become become a bunch of Englishmen at wearing big Puritan hats and buckles on issues do you see my point here a lot of times people have gone crazy I mean I've been in some churches where if you were to smile they'd probably throw you out the window you know because we need to be reverent well there's a reverence in joy there's a reverence in hallelujah yes there's a reverence and praise the Lord and so we really need to be careful there because I've gone into some churches where literally I was afraid to sneeze and so you know you know I have found a wonderful balance and in Zambia I really have because oh they're there their trust in Sola scriptura and yet I see I see Africa I'm not seeing you know we're going to be an African church I'm seeing Africans who are in a biblical church there's a brother who who's come up here to preach he oh my goodness that man Jonas Jonas Hensley oh Henry and his worth Jonas uh my short term memory is gone since my accident that's what I can always when I make a mistake and go well I'm brain dead winter is in what island in the Caribbean I mean that man I sat there and I'm like taking notes like I never thought of that before I never saw that before I mean he's a brilliant brilliant creature and and yet I saw videos of his church and I mean thoroughly Caribbean you know I mean it was it was beautiful there was order there was everything but man I just you know I just said lord I hope we get to heaven that's the kind of worship we have but you're gonna have to teach me the better but you can see what I'm saying be very very careful also at the same time that you're not trying to just you know be something that the Scriptures not commanding you to be okay because one of the things I've talked to some Muslim apologists or men who well-versed in the Middle East and from the Middle East so one of the things that the Muslim faith is that as it came through cultures it just destroyed them you know took away their history their music their everything about destroyed did you ever realize that the gospel doesn't do that yeah it doesn't and for me to go down to the detention for us to try to make our church look like that Caribbean Church we would look foolish we would look ridiculous alright that's not us that's not who we are but oh how I love to be in a church like that it's it's not my church but to seek God moving and to see the expression of worship with order and everything else but with far more exuberance and movement and expression than my church would ever know or when I go to Africa you know when I'm in Zambia for example I always feel like gosh you know these guys they act like they're so proper you know and everything yet when the worship starts it's thoroughly there's an Africa that's not killed and shouldn't be you know I I don't know how literal to take this in in the book of Revelation it seems like they're still seeing nations people from every tribe every nation there's things about the uglier than a tribe in Peru oh my gosh I would never want to change I would never want that to be lost or taken out of their worship or the mountain and the songs in catch one or or go to Lima and just the rhythm and the beauty of those people when they worship God don't kill that don't turn everyone into an English spirit that's not what soul is good to the means okay so be very careful it's about here's one of the things this it is so easy to be immoral there's only one thing easier than being in the world that's being a legalistic because a legalistic transition right in on all the rules and then make up some rules and just all you've just follow those rules when you're truly walking and studying the Scriptures and walking according to the Holy Spirit at times you're gonna say whoa I went too far that way to bring that back a little went too far the other way now bring that back and then as we mature we find ourselves somewhere in the middle you see of understanding the scriptures and applying them with love and mercy so when I come there to visit you come is I better see an African church if it was just me and that man in the room it would be one last attempt to preach the gospel to the man trying to kill if there were other believers in the room I would actually give them priority over that man and I would encourage them that my god in all these years I can't I can't find one instance and all these years where I haven't in every way at least some degree failed him but he never once that's failed me never once you know one of the reasons why after what happened to me but I will still at times preach confidences and stuff but I don't really like them very much they're good but for me it's just not like it's just not my thing I guess what I want to say is that there are no you go to the conference sometimes and all the people who want to meet you and shake your hand and that's wonderful that's that's wonderful but people look at you sometimes wrongly they think you're special that maybe God has you up on the platform because you're holier or more spiritual or you pray more I have discovered that God's finest men he hides them and keeps them for himself they're not necessarily up on the platform the one thing that I've learned more than anything else is there's only one hero to this story and it's Jesus Christ everyone else is a failure who got saved who he saved you see that there are no heroes a lot of times I'll have people come to me that they're struggling with assurance you know so many that I look and I don't say this to them in my heart I go man this person's more safe than I am you know but they struggle with assurance and there's one girl in particular that I remember I still see her at times and I'm tell her this every time I see you almost I look at her and I say sister just always remember just say brother Paul that failed so much and I know just remember there's only one hero in this story it's not you it's not me we're just people who have been saved and and that that's that's the thing you see I love the fact that Spurgeon you know he was kind of extravagant sometimes in his illustrations I believe he's the greatest preacher of anybody who ever lived I've read so many of this sermons I can't tell you how many anything he talks about and I'm gonna I can't get work forward but he says something so wonderful he this is now Jesus looks at this thief right on the cross and says today you will be with me in paradise now this man was not just a thief it's most likely that this man was probably arrested when Barabbas was arrested it's very likely and if he was a highwayman which he probably was it means that he was more hewn just a thief he was a murderer he's the kind of guy who killed you your family everything okay and take a few dollars or cleansin at the bottom and he never did anything not one thing did he ever do right and yet while he's hanging on the cross the Spirit of God opened his heart and mine and he no more he realized that he knew more than the apostles that had walked with Christ at that moment he the God had revealed it to him he said today I mean the Apostles doubted him when he was walking in the fullness of his strength this man is believing him when he's hanging on a tree if I'm Sovereign Grace yeah he says and Jesus said today you'll be with me in paradise and so here's the exaltation of Christ dies he ascends into heaven his body is in the tomb that he he ascends into heaven he didn't go to hell or anything like that like some preachers teach he said today you will be with me in paradise Greek that means today you'll be with me the paradigm and so now this is where Spurgeon gets a little extravagant but it's worth it he says now imagine this is gates of heaven open and here's the greatest moment in redemptive history here is Christ having just completed the sacrifice of the ages he's done it this is the victor this is the greatest moment and define history and he's standing there and all of heaven turns and sees him and then I'm putting this part in Spurgeon said this a lot more eloquently but can you imagine one of the Angels goes who's that standing beside Jesus hi I'm Bob the thief is think about it he represents us the the one person on the planet who shouldn't be there at the most important moment in human in divine in redemptive history is standing there with the Christ that represents us and he in the Apostle Paul who served the Lord with zeal got into heaven for the same reason that they did now lost church member will hear that and go well great I'm just going to live in sin and slothfulness but the believer goes I want to serve I'm so encouraged by my servant Lord you see that here's the thing brothers I know if your church is truly converted if the people in your church are truly converted their greatest need is not to be driven with a whip or manipulated their greatest name is for you to just you see that that's your job you see there are men then I know work 10 12 hours a day in a mechanic's shop driving a police car that privilege has been given to us so we I go to that study when I come to study it's not for me I go to that study because it's been given me as a steward the response I've been given the privilege of spending eight nine hours a day in the Word of God but I'm also doing it for that policeman who's sitting 10 hours a day in his patrol car or that guy in the mechanic shop who's squeezing in 5 and 10 minutes during his break to read the Bible I'm doing it for him and that's what preachers do do you see that that's what we do so our sermons are not little moral stories they're not little experiences we've gone through we dig in the mine of the scriptures we dig deep we find the gold we find the diamonds we bring them out and show them to God's people that is our job you see that in let me show you this a passage in which you know we're looking at it in a symbolic way it truly illustrates listen this is this is the pastor study all right this is what it should be on the wall maybe of the pastor's study job says surely there is a mind for silver in a place where they refine gold iron is taken from the dust and copper is smelted from the rock he's talking about a mind where they have to dig deep and says man puts it into darkness into the farthest limits he searches out the rock and gloom and deep shadow he sinks a shaft do you know how hard that is through solid rock when you don't have any tools he sinks his shaft from from habitation forgotten by foot that's what you should be you should be in those places where men don't tread most men don't get to tread where you get to train where you get to walk forgotten by foot they sway they they hang and swing to and fro far for men one of the problems with pastors is they spend too much time with men and not enough time with God my primary responsibilities to be alone with God so that when I am alone with men I have something to tell them okay verse 5 the earth from it comes food and underneath it is turned up his fire there drawing it when he calls it there drawing jewels and gold but he's calling it like food being taken from the earth you're pulling food out of the word out of the Word of God not for just yourself 1st Timothy 4 being nourished yes you're been nourished but you're doing this for your people it's rocks are the source of sapphires and it's dust containing gold the the path no bird of prey knows nor has the Falcon I cost side of it and the proud beasts that not trodden it nor the fierce lion passed over it it's some place where when you just look so many people just look at the scriptures so many passengers you know on Saturday night just a quick look to try to get something no that's not the Falcons I just looking really cook no you've got to go and study and study and study and sister proud beast if not going there proud men do problem in don't need the Bible they can build a church of thousands of people without God's Word they just rely on their personality and their quaint sayings and their ability to talk and manipulate emotions you're not that club you're not that kind of man you're gonna go deep we're proud men don't go he says he puts his hand on the Flint he overturns the mountains at the base I feel that way especially when I'm studying the gospel man it's a burden it's hard you sit here day and night and you're looking at Scripture you're going over and over what does that mean what does that mean you're going to every book of history you can find to see if your interpretation coincides with the history of the church here you're struggling to know so that you can feed God's people he hews out channels through the rock but this man who doesn't his eyes sees precious things you see that and look what it says he dams up the streams from flowing and what is hidden he brings out to the light that's what a pastor said he is I think about I think I've met so many laymen and laywomen that you know we've been working 12 hours a day 14 hours a day just put food on the table well I'm gonna put food on the table Sunday morning that's my job that's your job give them something to eat feed my sheep Peter but it's done only if your pastor studies like this you know Alexander McClaren right there Spurgeon said he was one the greatest he was known to spend sixty hours on one sermon now there you know all of us are different but you know when you're you're just mean look I don't have anything to give anybody but the word that's that's what matters it's the word the word the word the word and that's what you as pastors have to do and I know you know Shawn tells me that's what you're seeking to do and have been doing we all just need to excel study the word I when I was in Peru pastors would come by you know at nine o'clock ten o'clock just show up on time and you know what they called my wife look at Romina the cherub who stands out in front of the door the flaming sword your head goes this way that way and if you try to get near her as a bit cheap to come she chopped your head up that's what they used to say about her I've come see brother Paul you're not gonna see him did someone die you know did Jesus come back no then you're not going to see him cuz cuz he you know so before twelve o'clock nobody you didn't see me unless somebody died and you know I'm kidding but it was really serious because the best thing I can do is know God's word for God's people let's pray father thank you thank you for my brothers Lord we pray for a South Africa Oh God you know you know in Jesus name exalt the gospel there
Channel: HeartCry Missionary Society
Views: 6,210
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: paul washer, heartcry, jesus christ, missions, bible, sermons, gospel, missionary, society, god
Id: _jvz4Fk97po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 38sec (3758 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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