Paul Washer Q&A with Mario and Quintin Mainville Part 1

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[Music] so what do you want to talk about two pages alright so maybe it's the first question I would love to ask could you describe a day in the life of fortune including changing diapers yes I am it really depends on a lot of things what are my priorities my priority is it God speaks to me number one number two that I speak to God you see and even though when the the Apostles talk about their ministry they say prayer and the Ministry of the word which shows the importance of prayer yet in my own life and from what I can see from everything in the scriptures it's more important that God speaks to me and that I speak to God but having heard from God through his word having conditioned my heart by his word then to speak to God to commune with God to enjoy God and then to carry that out throughout the rest of the day sometimes I hear people say well you know I don't really have a specific time when I pray because I just pray all the time I don't really believe that because a lot of wise men taught me when I was young that the ability to to practice the presence of God to pray continually that is that ability is gained by meeting with God at specific times in prayer and so the word of God and prayer now I'm human and sometimes let's say that I studied too late at night or something happened and I get up late and I have to get here to the office for a meeting and I miss my time in the word and I miss that time in prayer when that happens there's almost always consequences God is gracious God helps us but there is a sense or feeling loss you know when I had when I had the heart attack and I still that's been over a year and I haven't preached I've heard a lot of people you know they've told me you know how do you do it you know you you're a preacher and you're not preaching and I've heard men say you know I would die if I didn't preach well I feel sorry for a person like that if you took away my preaching I won't die if you took away my communion with God if you took away prayer if you took away the scriptures yeah I died you see preaching is so important but let's be very very careful you make a statement like I will die without preaching God just may take away your preaching my effect your preaching may have become an idol in your life because you're no count as a preacher apart from secret time with with God you should always be able to say with the Prophet when you speak to people the God before whom I stand the God in whose presence I dwell the God that I know personally through through prayer it's very very important so that's priority the next priority after after meeting with God is not so much an activity as it is a person I put I determine my priorities by person instead of activity my next priority ought to be my wife it ought to be my wife because you see if I don't manage my own household well if I'm not a good husband then I can't be in the ministry so that's the next priority the next priority God has given me children God has given me children that's why you know before we started you know I was talking about Wow last night you know we were in Isaiah 52 with my children there my next priority then my priority even though I'm not an elder in our church is to think about our church the church that you know where where I attend I'm a member to think about the elders to think about the Deacons to think about the leadership the people in my church because the church takes priority over over this mission and then from there it's it's the mission it's the people who support this mission I'm so aware all of us on earth that we would be nothing we would have nothing to give you know when we make a decision on supporting a missionary and someone says oh oh you're so generous it's like generous we're not the ones giving the funds so I think about one of the priorities is the donors of our crime the people who give sacrificially and praise sacrificially so that this ministry can continue and then from there the priority are the men in the field the men in the field and the churches in the field and so all my activities are based around those priorities the individuals the groups of people that God has put in my life and then one of the things that's so important I make sure I make sure that every day you know I put in at least eight hours and usually those 1012 but you know I have seen preachers lose so much time because they'll say well I worked eight hours but when I break down their work they spent an hour doing this and now we're doing this and they really didn't work they chatted they visited but they didn't work and so I want to put in eight to ten hours of hard hard work hard work where no one's bothering me I'm not I'm either I mean they're studying the word or writing or I am really doing the ministry not just walking around chatting evangelizing or or counseling but something real you see and then I go home and when I go home it's letting aside everything else and it's it's going in there and it's checking on my wife its disciple in my children it's been playing with my children it's changing diapers it's you know family devotions it's playtime you know I've always had this rule when I'm not in the house the children belong to my wife but when I'm home the children belong to me not to her so I take over everything you see what you got to understand is that a good wife is almost working all the time and so when you get home it's her time to rest it's her time to maybe study the word if she didn't get it that morning it's her time maybe to talk to her friends or even go out and have coffee with her friends something you know I when I was in Peru there were a lot of good missionaries there are a lot of good American missionaries and I saw three different missionary families from the States have to go home because the wife had a nervous breakdown and she had nerd the three women had nervous breakdowns not because they were a good woman women not because they weren't spiritual but see every morning the husband would get up and go out of the house and he would work and minister and you know buy new tires for the van and fix the turf truth and all kinds of things but she was in that house almost 24 hours a day homeschooling the teaching in cleaning cooking and she never never changed there was no variety and would eventually break her down and so my priority when I get home is my wife and my children and then I go to bed a man has to learn to that your joy and your rest comes not from watching a sports game not from just laying down and going to sleep but your joy and rest comes from being with your wife and your children now I know this is an extended answer but I want to hit a whole bunch of things because where do you live there are a lot of good men who work very very hard but sometimes neglect their families on the mission field it's even the most you know like I'm you know I'm in the ministry all the time you know and I don't have time I've offered my family on the altar of sacrifice and all these different things that are so wrong you know when someone tells me that I go with it you need to get out of the ministry because you don't qualify if you're truly a minister you're going to carry a lot of burdens when you get out of your car or get off the bus right by your house when you do that you better leave those burdens behind you walk in that house you're either going to be a shadow or you're going to be liked we're either going to bring you down are you gonna bring joy up you see that you you don't have the privilege of walking in there and burdening your life with all the things you have to deal with are burdening your children you don't walk in they're wore out tired droopy sad broken I'm sorry you don't have that right because you're gonna it doesn't matter how joyful and how kind and loving your wife is when you arrive in the house you're going to determine the attitude in that house of your children of everything so you have to leave it at the door and you go in there and dad is home that's the only thing those children ought to be thinking dad is home this is good do you see that my wife came every years ago and this thing keeps squeaking my wife came to me years ago and she said this she she sat down she's very wise and she said you're devoted to the minister and I said well and why not devoted to my family she was no you're devoted to your family your devoted to the ministry and we all appreciate that Jesus you will not drop the ball you you will do what your suppose to do but you're killing us and I said what do you mean she said I as your wife and your children can hardly bear to see you so tired all the time we know you'll play with us we know you'll take us places we know that you'll do Bible studies we know that you but we look in your face and we see a man who is just literally wore out and it kills us it makes us not want to do these things with you because we know it's killing you and the whole point is you've got to realize what's your limitation do not compare yourself to other men there are some men wonderful you know I know a guy who sleeps three hours a night or whatever and he looks lucky - he looks like he's half dead the thing about it is you've got to give the fullness of yourself and the fullness of your joy and the film fullness of your personality and everything to the ministry but you've got to be able to do the same thing for your family when you come home you shouldn't come home just dead you shouldn't because look at what your children are saying you know oh this is what it means to be a Christian to walk around half-dead all the time to walk around like a martyr all the time you know to pour yourself out to the point where you're you can't even enjoy sitting down with your child and playing you'll do it because it's the right thing to do and you love but everyone knows you're struggling just to stay awake and so you have to you have to maintain a balance you have to realize God doesn't need you he doesn't need you at all he doesn't need you ministering if you doing tomorrow and I die tomorrow No he doesn't need us but he does desire that we'd be obedient and that's the only thing it requires of you so I put the emphasis there when you ask me what is the priority what does my day look like is you know if I'm on a plane and someone asks me what do you do I don't say I'm a preacher I say well I'm a husband well yeah but what else do you do well I'm a father well what else do you do well I'm a minister of the gospel and you see if you're not a good husband and if you're not a good father you can't be a minister of the gospel you don't qualify according to first Timothy chapter 3 and so that's my priority first meeting with God the ministry aspect usually takes up in the morning very early after prayer after the word but then my family my family I don't run around with a bunch of guys like hey you want to go do this you want to go do now I don't why because my wife's prettier than you around you how my free time I'll play with my daughter and here's another thing you know if today goes like in the other day when I get home tonight I will change diapers I know I'm 56 and I have a two-year-old baby I will change diapers and I will I will be the one who gives her the bath my wife doesn't mean to be doing that she's been with the kids all day you see it's really taking up you know that's why I think those are some of the core words that's just what to sit before the boss something mentioned first you you have time of God God speak to you in an amazing condition your heart being conditioned by the word right could you explain a little more that yeah you know how can you know if if I walk into the office of you know somebody you know dr. MacArthur or somebody like that I will walk in talking I walk in sit down and wait for him to say something why because he has so many years in the ministry I respect him so much it's it's just what you do I didn't come there to get him advice on came there to get advice when you walk into the presence of a king you don't walk in talking you wait for him to tell you what he wants what he has to say is far more important than what I have to say that's the way it is with God now I recognize that I don't endorse the early mystics of the church or anything like that but some of the things that they said were very very good and we need to hear it and that was the practice of silence yeah p-pods is amazing to me they'll bow their knee and before their knee hits the ground are already talking do you realize who you are kneeling before you're kneeling before God and you just shoot off your mouth remember those warnings in Scripture that said be very careful when you go to the temple you know so it's it's preparing our heart in the water God speak to me another thing is how do we know how to pray biblically you know worship and prayer or wonderful gifts from God there also in some sense it can be terrifying responsibilities God has given us specific prescriptions with regard to prayer and worship and we don't have any way to do what's right in our own eyes and so how do we learn how to pray and worship by reading the scriptures that deal with prayer and worship and then we could our mind becomes gradually renewed and conformed to what God says he desires in prayer and we find ourselves pregnant biblically and so that that's why the word should proceed very important yeah or even to do what my questions I'm going to study that anyway um first one was how would you encourage a man that feels that he's fall for the ministry but he feels that his wife is not going to same page with him and I was neglecting his wife and his children and feels that the sacrifice is worth it I think he really needs to have a lot more caution you know one of the things that's absolutely necessary or we will lose our mind I'm telling you I don't know how people live in this world without the conviction of the absolute sovereignty of God now let's say that you know that I feel called to the ministry and my wife could care less about the ministry and is negative about it all right now and if I go into the ministry if she will be very upset and [Music] may even begin to cause greater division between us now I know all the passages where Jesus says follow me follow me if you love your father and mother and your wife and the more than me and that's the case with regard to Christian discipleship in the sense of I am going to believe in Jesus and I'm going to conform my life to him we need to be very careful when we take that out of context and put it in a different context of ministry now what I believe is is when I wanted to marry my wife the woman who is now my wife her father said no now I was 31 years old when I asked permission to marry her her father said no because I was a missionary I was a believer he wasn't he was an unbeliever he said no so what am I gonna do well God told me that I wanted to marry her and so I'm going to take your daughter no is there really a god is he really all-powerful it's the heart of the king in the palm of his hand can he turn it like a river so the whole thing is I believe that God has given me a love for this woman and I believe he's called me to marry her if he's done that can he not deal with one little human obstacle it was like God will fight for me if it's his will what I need to do is honor that man and honor his daughter and tell him okay sir if that is your decision I will not marry your daughter but I do believe that it is the will of God and I do desire to marry your daughter but I will submit to you I remember praying about it and walking around and thinking about it just thinking it over and over not a voice in my heart but just scripture and Scripture and just an assurance that God if this is God's will he'll fight for me he'll fix it I don't have to trust in the arm of the flesh and several months later he he came to my wife's grandmother and said can you believe it that guy actually listened to me I mean who does that now adays who listens to a father he's a grown man it's not a boy can you believe he did that I think I oughta let him marry my mom well if you sing all right now it's win this case before the foundation of the world this I God knew me so if I feel like he's called me into the ministry and yet I'm married to a woman who's reluctant about it what am I gonna do am I gonna tell her I don't care what you think and and if you want to do this or that it doesn't matter to me I'm gonna do what God has told me to do well I happened to be one flesh with this woman and I need to be very careful she's a part of me and God brought us together for a reason maybe to teach me patience mercy to trust in him and instead of doing something I love women like we say in Spanish instead of doing something by force maybe I need to pray maybe I need to fast maybe I need to live more like I treat her with more mercy and grace so that she begins to see this is God has changed my husband he's worthy of serving in that way you know I hear all these people they're supposedly so bold but their trust and God seems to be so small the moment there's a problem they immediately gotta take it you know take the bull by the horns and and they need to fix it instead of going I will pray I will fast I will love I will humble myself I will submit and God will fight for me God will fight for me and so if my wife was that way I would pray I would cry out to God now I wouldn't go around to a whole bunch of different people and say pray for me because I want to be in the ministry and my wife doesn't want me to be I'm not gonna hurt her that way love covers a multitude of sin I'll keep it to myself instead of going out whining to a bunch of other men I'll keep it to myself and I will know that God looks at me he sees me and if he sees me like he saw Joseph knowing that the law said to put away Mary and expose her but being a righteous man he's contemplating he's waiting he's seeking that's what he ought to do this man that's what I want to do if that was the case with me God is powerful he can change your wife's heart like that but he won't do it as long as you are trying to do something with the arm of the flesh I love this passage in in Romans it just I have this sermon that that's entitled it's a it's a sermon actually to women and it's how to live in such a way so that God will kill your husband that's then that's the title of the sermon and what it means is this when when a wife wants her way and the husband is maybe he's unbiblical maybe maybe she's right and he's wrong and but she starts fighting against him fighting against him and she's praying while she's fighting him you know praying god help me and gods like get out of the way but she won't get out of the way she's fighting she's being stubborn she's being bitter she's but she's praying god help me and gods like I help you but get out of the way get out of the way because there's a passage in in Romans 12 and it says never take your own revenge beloved but leave room for the wrath of God now this applies not just to the wrath of God but to so many aspects I can fight with my wife or I can get out of the way and cry out to God hmm you see it's it's so funny to me there's so many people who supposedly believe in the sovereignty of God pray so little man you get out of the way and start praying man you trust in the heart of the flesh you will never see the power of God when you cut that off and throw it away from you you will see the power of God you will see him open up red seeds and open up doors no man can close I think you already answered this question but just coz then just for the sake of may not be what is be your conflict when you feel overwhelmed by gloves for that wasn't enough I've never really been overwhelmed by his call I have been overwhelmed by the results of his whole the opposition of people when people really criticize you and fight you that's been the most overwhelming thing in my life now here's what you need to understand when people persecuted Jesus they were always wrong but when people persecute paul Washer they're not always wrong I could have been too angry I couldn't said something that was true and been in the flesh or I could have just been wrong so sometimes people will say the hardest thing I think is when someone attacks you on the internet or whatever and the hardest thing is is sitting alone in the dark and saying Lord even though what they're the way they're doing it is wrong is there some truth in this do I deserve it in some way did I do something wrong you see Christ never did anything wrong yeah but he was the only one and so that's one of the hardest things and again I want to tell you is you never fight for yourself unless the attack upon you is also an attack on the gospel that's the only time Paul then defended himself you see but the way that is the greatest the thing that is the greatest comfort for me is the reading of Scripture all the passages you know Psalms 91 so many passages that talk Psalms 23 The Book of Psalms that's my comfort and then just it my this is going to sound strange but my most comfortable position in the world is uh you know you see people on their knees but I can sit back almost all the way on the floor well I've got my knees bent I can sit there for hours I mean I just and just sitting in the dark and in the quiet and realizing being able to look up to an omniscient [Music] omnipresent omnipotent God and say just two words you know you know you know what they're saying you know the way I feel you know what's right about what they're saying what's wrong about what they're saying you know when I did it what my heart was like and what it wasn't like you know those two words are the most powerful prayer in all my repertoire of praying I can't tell you how many times I've sat in the dark and just looked up and said you know and that's enough you see that's why the people who know their God will be strong it doesn't mean they're strong people but they will act strongly because they know their God and that's what that's what you need to see that's why you know people say what do you put so much emphasis on the attributes of God come on knowledge of the most important person it's the most important thing and you can't understand the gospel apart from the knowledge of God and you can't walk by faith you see here's here's one of the things that people don't understand there's a tragedy in their life why did God let this happen and for the most part a pastor can't answer that question why did God you know why did my son die why did this believer die what why did this happen I remember I believe her in the Middle East you know who was just I knew it just seemed like God was using them so phenomenally in a place where there's unreached people group and I thought man this guy is gonna go down in history you know I mean God is gonna use him in this people group and a few months later just killed in a car accident damn just like that why I don't know no one knows but here's what you need to see I don't need to know I don't ever need to know why God did something if I know who God is there's a guy who I worked with for years in Peru and he was so faithful I mean going through the desert you know he was so strong he was a Peruvian I was so weak an American you know I meet sitting there thinking I'm dying a thirsty that chop up the cactus with his machete and you know feed it to me I mean he was faithful all right and if he walked in the door right now and yelled at me and said Paul give me the keys to your Jeep I went throwing the keys to my Jeep now I don't know what he's going to do with my Jeep I don't need to know what he's gonna do with my Jeep because I know him if I know God yeah Oh people come to me well I have all these questions I don't know why because I know who he is and that finishes it right there yeah you see that that finishes it maybe a follow-up question that we usually create and read a lot about the work of Christ would you say about the person of Christ I'll should we think about him about phones we'll do that even well we can't really think about him apart from his works even though he is a person apart from his works the knowledge of the person of Christ is like the knowledge of the person of God in this sense I really can't understand his works unless I understand his attributes I cannot understand nor can i appreciate the works of Christ apart from understanding his person and you can't pick out one aspect of Christ and say you know this is the thing most marvelous because all things of Christ are most marvelous you know his deity which spirit ins and the Reformers so much spoke about his deity giving infinite value to his sacrifice you know we could go through a thousand eternities just thinking about that just thinking about holded this was a sacrifice of infinite value and yet you turn the page and there's the manhood of Christ not a demagogue not and we need to be very careful because sometimes we put so much emphasis on the deity of Christ because it's so attacked that we forget about the manhood of Christ or we make it something that's not really man you know but what you have to see is that though being very God in every way God in the fullest sense of the term Jesus of Nazareth wasn't man and what he did in obedience he did as a man filled with the Holy Spirit and the miracles that he performed he performed as a man filled with the Holy Spirit he was the perfect man do you see that and so I have spent the last 20-some years writing no one's ever even seen it but it's just taking every aspect of the person work of Christ and just researching from second century up to Martyn lloyd-jones and it's taken me 20 years it's a couple thousand pages I think I'm finished by the time I'm 70 or 80 or something if I live that long it's my fact I've I called Joe beaky after I got out of the hospital and said if I die will you finish this book but all it is is taking all these things about Christ and then brother you sit there sometimes and you know I'm reading you know someone from 16th century 14th century on and on and you're just sitting there and you're going I'm not even going to scratch the surface after 40 years I'm not even going to begin to tell who he is and then you look at and you realize after an eternity you're still not going to come and everything that is Christ but you see that's that's what makes heaven I always think you know this is just me talking here but I always think you know doesn't matter how beautiful a setting if you're there for an infinite number of years it's going to get boring it's you know what what is you know what are you gonna do swing on gates of pearl okay walk down streets ago after a few days that's gonna get old yeah but here's the thing the person of God and His Christ is of infinite discoverable glory so you will never exhaust even if you learned exponentially if there were days and each day you were you had exponentially increased in your knowledge of the glory of Christ you still at the end of a thousand eternities if you could say such a thing you will not have begun even to climb the Mount Everest that is the glory of Christ so that's why it just it's infinite joy unspeakable and full of glory what advice would you give to just again do you think it's so I don't think what he saw relevant yeah yes it's relevant it's relevant and the one thing though there are necessary all Street Preachers is love love I see I see well there are there are several things first of all street preaching is not a sign of spirituality all right I have Street preached will Street preach again street preaching is not a sign of spirituality it's a very carnal wicked man Street bridge and then you can tell when man Street bridge and set up cameras so that they can put all their sermons on YouTube about you know and some of them should I mean that there's God's like great comfort and stuff and they're there videos are very beneficial but then there's some you can just tell they're there parading and here's the thing people remarked when they heard George Whitefield preach they were marked about his love his love you see let me give you I've been doing a study recently on all the words that have to do with Proclamation and teaching and you always hear preaching and teaching right but when you ask somebody what is it well when you look at the words you start seeing the meaning and you look at their use of the book of Acts and then there are a few preachers that have that I've read John Piper's one of them that gives a really good illustration of this the the street preacher is a Herald he's a Herald okay that means he's coming to proclaim some great news from the king great news okay now the way dr. Piper explains it I'm gonna use this illustration because it's the best one I've seen is that imagine you a bunch of slaves okay people just in slavery and death and bondage and everything and all of a sudden they're working in the fields and here comes a guy riding on a horse full speed charges a jumps off this saddle and says you know I have a message from the king I have been a herald of the king I have a message the king has conquered your dark land and now you are free you're free you're no longer slaves you're free you have life the sentence of death upon you has been removed you're free you're free to go where you want to go do what you want you're free that's a Herald that's part of the work of a street preacher so it's not standing on a corner calling girls tramps because their dresses are too short do you see you can get a big following by saying a bunch of really crude things that's not straight approaching you're a herald of the king good knows it's good news remember good news to the drug addict it's good news to the prostitute it's good news to the to the gangster it's good news to the murderer it's good news to the self-righteous who may be most in bondage it's ink it's good news now that's what a Herald does a preacher now what does the teacher do well the Herald has comedy's told all these slaves in this field it's over your chains are broken your frame and then one of the men among the slaves who's kind of a leader and discerning and wise he walks up and he goes okay we're free but now exactly in detailed manner you explain to me what that means when does the freedom start to what extent are we free now with regard to our homes and our wives and our children what does that mean that's the job of the teacher you see that now he's going to explain to you all the details of that freedom that's what street preacher does an evangelist is not just a preacher Herald of good news he's also a teacher who explains all the ramifications of that good news and we see that in Philip okay in the book of Acts we see that in Paul so the street preachers their message should be good news yes you you have to talk about sin yes you you will at times have to point out sin and reduce it but it's always in the context of I'm bringing you good news this is the best news and then joy there should be in every street preacher Beauty now some of us are pretty not well we're not very pretty okay and the older we get the less pretty immediate but there should be look George Mueller is probably my favorite person in history outside of characters in the scriptures and there's a picture I have you know and Mac Tomlinson has it I think on the front of his bio autobiography that he redid of Georges méliès and have you ever seen one of those when you go to a place and they're really cheap they're like pictures of something he put them on your refrigerator or something yeah if you look at them from this side they look like something and as you walk past and look at another angle they change into something else when you look at George Mueller's photo that's exactly what happens now it's just a photo but when you look at it it's like when he's 90 years old and you're looking at it he looks like a 90 year old Hannah but then as you're looking at it he looks he looks like a ten year old boy at Christmas he really does he looks like a child you see in him a godly reverence and yet you see almost a joyful almost a mischievious delightful joy okay the street how beautiful are the feet of them who bring good news so there's there's got to be a sense of theirs listen I don't care how this sounds but a person saturated with the word filled with the Holy Spirit's going to have something of beauty about them I'm sorry they're going to even when they kind of face like mine they ought to have something they ought to have something of beauty and I've seen that in some street preachers I've seen it and it's wonderful it's wonderful you just and because of that because of the love they have the joy they have because they do everything in the context of this is good news even when they say something hard it doesn't sound super harsh it's like I know this guy's giving me medicine for my good there was a hearing in one of the universities University detect of Tennessee I think I may be wrong there was a guy there an evangelist and he would just walk on campus all right and he would just he was so loving he was so loving he's passed away now he was so loving and he would witness and every in one day and I think the administration decided you know we got to kick this guy off campus we don't want him on campus you know or something and and when they made that decision like the president of the Atheist Society went to the administration furious and said you can't kick that man off this campus whoa why aren't you saying that he goes I don't agree with anything he says but he's the lovingest kindest man he doesn't bother anybody doesn't hurt him but he's loving he's calling peace you see that now some people no matter what we do are going to attack us if you're not attacked and you're not reaching but even your enemies ought to be able to say that man loves that man loves and so another thing that you need to look at when you're street preaching is context you start reading a lot of sermons by George Whitfield and things and if you know I really recommend when you read George Whitefield that you also need to look at some really good biographies because people will just look at some of the it's really strange that why is it that when we read a lot of sermons from somebody we only take away the radical hard things they said you know George Whitfield yes he preached he wasn't this rude screaming crazy man okay and you need to look at your context you need to sit there and go well let me give an example I was in years ago I was visiting I had already come back to the States but I went back to visit there were guys street preaching and I mean they were repent and screaming out all these words and you know just all kinds of things and I thought no one even understands what they're saying who today understands what does repent me I mean who really understands it and a guy up there screaming and crying and that they can't figure out what he's saying so when they got done when I said washer would you like to preach I said yeah I'll give it a go so I got up on the chair because in that particular area if you stand on your own chair they won't throw you out of the park it's gonna stood up on the chair and I just stood there like this kind of smiling looking people were walking by and they were like what is this it's just big white dude standing in a chair in the middle of the park he doesn't look like he's crazy and so they kind of stop people are kind of gathering around and I'd say hello how are you you know and then I went and I said I saw one guy laugh like elbowed is wild and said something like it's not oka or he's crazy in Spanish and I went you think I'm crazy don't you anyone you know Peruvians are very polite he was know I said yes I heard I saw him and I read your lips you told your wife now I didn't say it means you see I'm smiling I'm playing with it you think I'm crazy and then I said to the whole crowd he thinks I'm crazy now he may be right because a man standing in a really nice mark up on a chair in the middle of the night it looks crazy I'll give you that one I may be crazy or I have the message that's so important that I'm willing to look like a crazy man for you to hear it and the people in it then I'm not only thinking about preaching the truth I'm thinking about what are they going to understand alright they know that that most of the people they've seen get up to the park or some just wild crazy evangelical that's what I think we call them and they think that you know evangelicals don't believe in you know that Christ was conceived and urgent and that we hate Mary and all these that's what they think and the devil uses that you see so what am I going to do I'm going to take away the wrong things they think about me I'm gonna say I want to talk to you about Jesus Christ now I know most of you understand this that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh conceived the woman of the Virgin who gave in their home okay there this thing now okay they realized I don't deny that doctrine I don't hate Mary I don't you see and so I'm I'm not gonna compromise in any way but what I'm going to do is I'm going to build bridges so that they don't think I'm just a crazy man that's in a cult and then I'm going to take them step by step and then now let's get to this fact of how a man is saved let's talk about good works sir you look like a nice man you're walking here with your wife would you really want everything you've ever done at this moment to be exposed here in this park with a movie camera I said but one day it will be before a holy God you see so I'm not you filthy sinner I'm sure I'm I'm proclaiming and I'm teaching do you see I want them to under stand the gospel I want them to hear me I'm not going to compromise but I'm not going to go there was some presupposition that I ought to be a raving evangelist screaming and if I don't denounce every sin I see in the park I'm not preaching do you have any idea the Roman Greek world look like in the time of Paul was bad what he'll did the gospel the gospel the gospel if you're gonna call a man if you're gonna say anything in street preaching if you must say anything you you better make sure it's understood by your ears if you're gonna say man is a sinner you better follow it up with exactly what you mean by that yeah do you see so you're a proclaimer and a teacher proclaimer and a teacher for lying right a teacher but love is the fee I mean and and here's the thing that's so important is there are some people like pastors and stuff that have begin to greet you on the street and they're bold okay so what I've seen is they will almost make everyone in their church think that they must be a street preacher that is so wrong that is so wrong or that street preachings of marcus spirituality it is not some are called as evangelists all of us every Christian ought to be able to share its pain and ought to share his baby but I know people who litter I know men if you put them in a situation of street preaching they would literally fall apart but you put them just walking around a park sitting down and sharing with people and they're run circles around me so be very very careful that you don't demand the gifting that you have from everybody else and then you put them in bondage they think they're not spiritual because they can't do this and the only reason you can do it it's because God has given you the graces to do it we've seen this very important is very helpful thank you so much for that we've got lots of missionaries in the field what would you advise you to give to it just parts of it as we put it for a long time and he's not seeing any evidence of any fruit well you know every case is very very different but first of all church planting is hard it's the hardest thing on the planet being an evangelist not difficult being a conference preacher is not difficult when the hardest things is to plant the church because that is the proof of our ministry we're not sent out just to produce a bunch of disconnected disciples walking around the surgery let the plant churches we see that in the Apostle Paul we see that all throughout the book of Acts all the epistles are about that it's about planting churches and it's hard I will hear people get up I've heard this this one pastor get up we've got a missions program in our church and our goal is to plant 800 churches and we're almost there and go no you're not I don't know about your planning but it's not 800 churches you may have 800 Bible studies running around here but you don't have a not in a few years so we have to be a lot of church planners come under condemnation that's because they hear these boasts from other people they just aren't true well the best things ever happened to me as I shared yesterday was when I first got to prove this old missionary by the name of Redford Trammell he was old then and he said if in 40 years of ministry you plant four solid biblical churches your life will be a miracle see he was talking about biblical churches mature churches okay not just a few Bible studies that when you turn your head they're gone when I'm talking about churches with biblical elders the ordinances church discipline everything okay so I would tell him first of all that it takes a long time to plan a church I would point out things like William Carey and so many others seven years before they even saw convert but now I will also be aware that there may be things he's doing wrong maybe he's immature maybe he's immature in the way he's seeking to do it he's not being biblical or he's immature and his character he's driving people off another thing though the most important thing is this that man will never need my counsel if he's been sent out properly by a biblical church with biblical elders that love him are working with him hold him accountable and counsel him you see that's one of the great problems this is one of the greatest problems in my opinion and I believe I can defend it all of what inscription missions is should not be an independent category from ecclesiology it should be a subcategory theology because missions is one church planting another Church and so this is the way a church planter this is the way it ought to work you have a biblical church biblical elders and since their biblical elders they're not only pastoring the people but they're also practicing second Timothy 2:2 they're training up men they're entrusting these things the future elder qualified men they are seeking to raise up elder qualified men and they're pouring their life into them even though they may use the help of a seminary or Bible Institute they do not turn their men over to those entities this church is the incubator of missionaries and church planners and those pastors take full responsibility for whoever is being raised up by God in their church to oversee their training and everything then in time let's say one of those men say I have such a desire to go to this other Township or this other City it's it's just burdening me like in second Corinthians 8 God has put an impulse in he's moving them so he aspires to them now the question is the elders get together and go is the elder qualified has he reached that level of maturity is the elder qualified and that means can he be an elder in our church is the elder qualified I mean really because most elders aren't under qualified so I have to say really then if he is that church takes the responsibility not only of sending him but of providing his support and if they cannot provide all this support then they don't send him out with letters to raise his own support the pastors of that church that are going to send him go to other pastors of sister churches and say can you work with us on this can you work with us on this they don't send him around begging yeah and then when he goes out he goes out as an apostle of the church now and he'd be very careful I just used the word thousand it ended it let me explain this in in the New Testament there were two types the award apostle was used in two different ways one it's the twelve and they were sent out directly by the risen Christ and they received revelation from the risen Christ which is the New Testament but then there were a group of men who are it's often in in Philippians and second Corinthians it's translated messenger and the new American Standard and in many other texts but actually literally it's they are the apostles of the churches now the word apostle simply means sent one sent out with authority as a matter of fact the idea is that when you speak to the apostle you're speaking to the one who sent it alright so when you spoke to the apostle paul or when the apostle paul gave you a command alright it's as though Christ okay those those men don't exist anymore all right but the apostles of the churches the messengers of the churches second corinthians 8 philippians 2 they when you speak to them you're speaking to the church that sent them you're speaking to the elders that sent them they represent that church and they're going out to plant the church of like faith you see that and you've laid your hands on this man with fear and trembling yeah people are or did people have no idea what they're doing ordaining people into the ministry be in the ministry and that means you participate in every sin and every doctrinal error that they commit you lay your hands on that man with fear and trembling you and the elders with the voice of the congregation then that man goes out and he's not just sent out he has prayed for his visited he is counseled he's held accountable you see I mean this is your church multiplied this is your church giving birth to another church and the elders are the ones primary responsible primarily responsible for that work so when that man comes to a point where it's just not bearing fruit but see now the elders have been watching this from the very beginning they know the character of that man's so well his character has remained the same his doctrine has remained the same let's look at his methodology how was how was he going out witnessing how do you know is he a studier who studies all the time but doesn't go out and into the hedges and the highways you may have to say look brother I appreciate your studying 60 hours on every sermon but they're not going to come just because you preach expository messages you're gonna have to go out and go after them you see so you as the elders who have known this man from the beginning you are the best one you've seen to deal with it and to determine he just needs to keep plowing or he needs to change this or he simply has proven that he's a good man he does not have the gifting sport of this and that's when you break him back but you bring him back not as someone defeated you bring him back with honor he went out and attempted to do something this didn't exactly go like we all planned see it one time with Conrad Bay away we had a situation where a missionary didn't do too well and he needed to be brought back and Conrad was explaining it to me and I said Conrad do you know what in a way I'm so glad this happened he said why I said you and I have worked together for years and there's been so many successes through the ministry of your church and the elders that I was beginning to have some doubts about you guys and he said I was kidding of course he said what do you mean I said we're doing missions if there's never a failure something's being hidden when you go out to do missions it's gonna get it difficult there's gonna be failures it's gonna be three steps forward two steps back it's gonna be very difficult so when we have those failures that that just happens and if there's never any failures I know somebody's lying I know somebody's lying you see that coming back to the subject of prey huh and I want to almost died into your thoughts on the Bible so let me pray will you you cook the ones saying that you are only as big as you pray like could you expound on that a little bit and also tie that in on any thoughts that you would have one of the vital know whatever but first of all when we look in the scriptures how much we see prayer I mean it's a STEMI he says that man to spend his entire life just studying the text on prayer and he wouldn't become to an entity the Book of Psalms the patriarchs we look at the Apostles in their ministry from from day one after Christ's ascension they went to pray and they continue to pray prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer get to Ephesians even even in Ephesians probably the most doctoring the deepest most greatest revelations and maybe the whole bottle in the book of Ephesians with regard to the eternal counsel of God and yet the amount that's given to prayer there so yes there's no way to overemphasize pray God tells us in Isaiah to give him no rest until he does what he promised it then we have the woman who has no strength before the unjust judge Luke 18 you know and listen do not use the sovereignty of God as an excuse for the way things are going because that's not thinking biblically there will always be some mystery with regard to this matter there always will be you throw the mystery out you've done something the New Testament hasn't done there will always be missionary brothers do I believe that God has decreed all things yea I do do I believe that I have not because I asked not yes I did can I explain it no no no one has exhausted the Ministry of Prayer no one that Jesus has prayed as he ought a man who lives in prayer will accomplish more than all the busy bodies running around him now with regard to revival revival is something you have to in one sense have to be careful though because revival and the desire for revival can become idolatry and I've met some people in Tibet they weren't that enamored with God I think they'd rather have her liable they'd rather have the experience of they'd rather have the feeling there was a place where a genuine revival broke out years before I was born it's been close to 50 years I went there to preach and I have never left a place so downcast because I went there and I noticed that the family was in disarray in the churches family the idea of family devotion is everything and so I was teaching her family and I could just see the people going just nervous just like just disappointed why because they brought me there thinking they might get a touch of revival again everything they talked about was revival but when it comes to teaching on the beauty of Christ the glories of the gospel being a biblical husband things I know they didn't what they wanted God to swoop in with revival and make everything exciting again and I told them they never asked me back they got so mad at me I said you have fallen into idolatry it's a golden calf to you you want the experience of revival you don't want God and that's what we have to be careful we should pray for revival we should but it should be I want God not revival I'd rather have God with my tongue ripped out in a filthy jail cell and then just revival without God probably the best voice on revival alive today is Richard Owen Roberts and and his he would he wouldn't be the guy who would say he laments the fact that we do not pray for revival and we do not believe God for revival we should yet at the same time he would never get than the silliness of wanting revival without God and and see it's it's wanting him I have discovered in a very very limited way that I don't really know how things ought to go you know I can look at the church where I'm a member and I love the church where I'm the member and and think I can discern maybe this or that at times but my discernment has proven wrong so many times all right so when I'm praying I'm not saying much like God do this and don't do that and God do this but more God you know you see you know with a perfect perfect balance everything that ought to happen here do it Lord do thy will thy kingdom come I see a person sitting in front of me in their lives in shambles I can show them from precepts and commands what they should do and what they should not do I can encourage them in the word but there's so much hidden before my eyes God I'm not going to give you my diagnosis of this person and then tell you this is what you ought to do it's the same way with revival Lord this nation needs revival Lord this nation needs you that I do know it needs you it needs the gospel it needs Christ the church needs you if I spend more time praying to know him and that he'd be known I have to pray a lot less for all the details of it I see people in prayer times and I just almost have to - laughs they're sitting there giving God their diagnosis of what needs to happen in everybody's life and then asking God to go ahead and fill the prescription I'm just not that wise God you know what this church needs you know what this country needs you know what this individual needs I can ask for many things for them that are according to the Scriptures that you know that their their mind be enlightened through the greater understanding of gospel I can I can pray Ephesians 1 or Ephesians 3 for them you see the the will of God I can pray but God knows what a nation needs
Channel: HeartCry Missionary Society
Views: 18,126
Rating: 4.948164 out of 5
Keywords: paul washer, heartcry, jesus christ, missions, bible, sermons, gospel, missionary, society, god
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 34sec (4594 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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