Paul Simon and Willie Nelson - Homeward Bound
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Channel: Daniel Goldenbaum
Views: 9,149,575
Rating: 4.8696322 out of 5
Keywords: Paul, Simon, Willie, Nelson, folk, music
Id: TqAJTCk6yHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2007
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I mean...He could be singing with Garfunkel...just saying
Paul Simon has, for the last 20 years, looked like a man inches from collapse and death. Pale and haunted by god knows what, but not at all fighting the good fight against it.
Willie on the other hand is 600 years old and looks not a day older than 90.
Then, there's Gordon Lightfoot. Don't get me started.
So I'm gonna be that one asshole who's gonna say that they much preferred the original and doesn't like the rhythm-wandering they both (but esp. Willie) are doing in this performance. Either way, this is an incredibly beautiful song.