The Sounds Of Silence (Live) by Simon & Garfunkel
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Views: 38,381,083
Rating: 4.8789182 out of 5
Keywords: new wave, healing, inspirational, live band, avi, top, surf, next, peace, meditation, surfing, cycle, banks, episode, next top, medley, concert, live concert, awards, worship, cam, 3rd, street, america's, florida
Id: B9z87viDmOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2011
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This is from 2009, making it 45 years after the original release in 1964. Even if you went by the video's upload date of 2011, it'd only be 47 years. /r/math
I never appreciated just how awesome the harmony is in this until hearing the multi-track breakdown recently. Paul Simon's part starting at 11:34 is particularly mind blowing to hear in isolation
the audience had to fucking clap didn't they, couldn't hold their stupid claps in
Who the fuck claps along to 'The Sound Of Silence'?
Art's voice sounds incredible!
From the same night, Bridge Over Troubled Water is just as beautiful.
Professional audio engineer here with 15 years of experience. I worked stage crew for a show that Art did solo in 2007. I can assure you this is auto-tuned. He was so out of tune at the show I worked. you can hear the AT artifacts clearly between the notes. especially when he goes up high.
This is from the 25th Anniversary Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Concert. It's on bluray/dvd, and there are some incredible performances and collaborations throughout.
Why the fuck do people feel the compulsion to clap?
It ruins it.