Paul Rodriguez vs Jereme Rogers | FOOOOUR WHEELS LIVE!

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[Music] [ __ ] get over here now you're [ __ ] crazy wow holy moley again i think we're trying to make dreams come true here four wheels live [Music] it's for wheels live the only game show where skateboarding makes sense on tonight's episode we have skateboarding's golden child the rodfather paul rodriguez and the casanova who traded his energy drink check for a mic check jeremy rogers now welcome your co-host all the way from the canary islands brooke sydney and your host [Applause] yes all right welcome to four wheels live the only game show where skateboarding makes sense on this episode we've got paul rodriguez skating against jeremy rogers now here in our set we've got a skate park that we've split up into different zones each zone is a different color the harder the zone is to skate the more money it's worth and behind me we've got four wheels sydney's going to spin these things they're going to determine what zones they're going to skate what tricks they're going to do how they're going to stand when they do it and how much they're worth each one's worth a different amount of money if they land that trick they bank it right here at the end of three rounds whoever's got the most money wins that amount winner takes all now this fourth wheel over here this is our wild wheel and this is why we got a game show what this does is imitate some of the annoying things we come across in the streets the wild wheel security mother nature skateboard stoppers and scooter kids these are just some examples of the additional challenges thrown at these concrete crusaders here on four wheels live so if you spin those wheels let's see what paul's gonna have to do for round one oh just like that yeah okay i wasn't ready we got in there real quick okay [ __ ] we're in the game all right paul paul looks like you're gonna be scared in the green zone all right you're gonna get the skate at normal which is nice that's rare what kind of trick you're gonna have to do he's got them all it doesn't even matter oh sydney really ripped that one for you no oh [Music] [Applause] all right it looks like you're going to be doing a slide and you're going to have to contest against our security guard that's going to be fun we're answering this youtube can you spin it again and see what jeremy's going to have to do over here look at the show just moves along isn't this exciting yeah you having fun yet yeah all right jeremy oh this is fun fun stuff pick a color all right looks like you're gonna be skating the blue zone you're going to skate at front side you're going to have to do a flip trick which means you're going to flip over that blue bar and you're going to oh wait this is fun cindy we go over here to homie help out okay this means you get to choose anyone from the crowd to help you escape with you shane uh [Applause] yeah norman your ribs all right and you're gonna have to skate against a pissed person is going to be in the way making it real difficult for you to skate we're going to set all this up and we'll be right back for round one of four wheels live you guys go ahead and skate over to your zones sydney help these guys out go ahead and drop in over there welcome back to four wheels live we've got jeremy rogers skating the blue zone he's gonna have to do a front side flip trick but the wild wheel landed on homie help out that means jordan max ham crawled out of the crowd he's gonna help jeremy do this trick against a pissed person either one of these fools lands the trick and it counts one side normal why couldn't it be nollie doesn't say anything about stance yeah it does it's just that's true it's simply front side yeah so any which way you want to go front side right by yourself okay paul we've got p rod skating the green zone he gets the skate at normal and he's gonna have to do a slide trick and the wild wheel landed on skateboarding's classic arc nemesis the security guard [Applause] yeah dad we got round one all set up over there we've got our pissed person acting like a hero on the flat bar for jeremy rogers and we got our security guard chanel over there getting in the way of p rod if you guys are ready we got two minutes on the clock let's have some fun go skate guys go do it i don't have insurance for this this place this isn't a skate park all right all right i'm taking this away this is mine now all right get them to know maybe you've got parents yeah oh that does not count get up to them it's a private property oh jeez here i'm not distracted by the security guard no all right this is great cha cha pack it up i tell you guys [Applause] come on back to the podium thank you thank you thank you come on back come on back cindy let's come back here thanks guys you did great maybe you're going to get a tattoo removal so you don't keep making jesus angry [Laughter] i love that great job cindy great job thank you thank you always appreciate that okay wow that was uh that was exciting put your boards in the racks here so you're not fiddling around within the entire damn show can i know a thing what at first just hold on one second let's watch a replay and see what happens save me there it is jeremy rogers cocky as hell there's our security guard jockey is hell that's a pissed person i've seen a couple of those in my day p rod with nothing but poise hitting it with the front side nose blunt well done paul jeremy clearly distracted by a pis person this person all right at the end of round one paul you got 49 000 cents jeremy just behind with 47 000 cents sydney spin the wheel let's see what p rod has to do next tommy help out let me help out oh all right looks like uh you're gonna be skating a purple zone you're gonna have to skate at fakie and you gotta do a slide trick out that's about as tough as it gets slide to trick out slide the trick out with that trick oh and you're gonna have to do it on a shitty board we've got a board rack over there with a bunch of shitty boards on you're gonna love it spin that thing let's see what jeremy has to do now help me help out i'll take that nice spin sydney seriously beautiful yeah hey cindy's always having a blast okay jeremy looks like you're gonna be skating our green zone you're gonna have the luxury of skating at normal you're gonna have to do a grind with a trick in which is tough and you're gonna have to do it with car trouble that means sydney's gonna drive around and that pink car hurts just kind of in the way or whatever anyways we're gonna set that all up we'll be back for round two on four wheels live take your boards get over there get all set up sydney drop in help these guys out get your skateboard get out of here get out of here whoa all right welcome back to four wheels live for round two we've got p rod skating the purple zone he's gonna have to skate at fakie plus do a slide and a trick out and the wild wheel landed on shitty board we got a bunch of shitty boards over there each one just shittier than the next hey what what's the shitty board that one looks pretty mellow check that one out it's the least oh [Applause] yeah that really that really changes things up we've got jeremy rogers skating the green zone he gets the skate at normal he's gonna have to do a grind plus a trick in and he's got car trouble and you know it's one thing to share the road but sharing a skate spot sucks get him sydney you're gonna look great in that car cindy [ __ ] the car with beerus cindy i will land on you i'm letting you know now watch out paul round two over here we got p rod set up in the purple zone skating one of the shitty boards from the rack he took his time you picked his best one had a couple flat spots as a surprise that's a bummer and then jeremy rogers got some car trouble over there with sydney who parked right where the how inconvenient two minutes on the clock you guys go for it let's skate you're going here yes [Applause] all right here we go pee rod getting it in jeremy rogers doesn't seem like he's too afraid of uh the car all right little warm-up no slide he's gonna have to do something else coming back to the podium that was excellent i can't believe we did it on that shitty board oh god that thing sounds terrible jeremy there we go jeremy right there into the crowd jeremy if you land this trick you take the lead you got a minute and 20. how the [ __ ] i don't what if you land it you take the lead how the [ __ ] is well let's go oh my god oh thank you jeremy one minute left you got this you're saying to keep going right because i can't hear you baby [Applause] 45 seconds on the clock jeremy let's see this one take a breath you got it watch out for sydney oh jeremy clearly a guy who used to skate now you've got more trouble car trouble not lady trump it's supposed to be car trouble not women trouble he's really pissed off sydney now oh jeremy 15 seconds left wait is that a make yeah make judges are we going to count that no then let that count here one more try all right we're going to let this strike count he dropped in at the buzzer what this counts this is it right here his last stray [Applause] jesus jeremy always causing trouble no respect for anyone but himself welcome back to the uh welcome back to the podium here sydney great job yeah sorry about your car no we'll get it bondoed up we got a lot of bondo guys over here holy moly put your board back at the thing quit making all this noise uh let's get a replay on this i want to see if jeremy's trick counted i don't know p rod classic valley guy with the wax there picks up his shitty board he said what's the matter with this surprise flat spots okay sydney parking right in the way we see this all the time jeremy had a warm-up trick unfortunately it didn't meet the requirements for sense did not make sense on that one p rod knew exactly what he wanted to do jeremy rogers with the look at that did that foot touch the ground no judges sorry sorry judges said no it does not count after round two we've got 109 000 cents over here we've got 47 000 cents over here let's spin these wheels and see what p rod has to do for round three how many rounds do we get this is it the third and final round oh that's cool the tricks are harder everything's worth more money jeremy you're down but you're not out p-rod you're back in the green zone you're gonna skate it backside and you're gonna have to do a flip plus and a spin i don't care if it's your board your body whatever it does not matter but you're gonna have to do it in the fog and that's gonna be tough wait you see the fog machine we've got spin this thing for jeremy and let's see what happens that side's flipped he doesn't love those wait back side zone twist i don't have to do this but i don't have to do it on the rail no it could be a flip kick spin okay pinch pinch what is that jeremy you're going to be skating the blue zone a popular zone for you today you have to do a front side pinch a pitch is a trick like a uh you know a crooked grind or a 5-0 or you got to pinch the truck all the kids are saying it these days and you're going to have to do it with some wins we got a giant fan over here let's set all this up and come back for the third and final round of four wheels live skate on over guys sydney help them out all right welcome back to the third and final round of four wheels live we got jeremy rogers in the blue zone he's got to skate at frontside gonna have to do a pinch trick and he's gonna have to do it in the wind pitch i need a little a qriket grind is a pinch you know you sit on it your truck's pinched you know all right now we're in the green zone with p rod he's gonna have to skate at backside he's gonna have to flip and spin that skateboard and he's gonna have to do it through the fog hey sydney more fog more fog let's keep the fog running for paul he wants a lot of fog i actually uh i have jamie foy with me he was in the audience and he's the actual pinch god so he's going to help me decide if jeremy's trick counts or not we got paul in the fog we got the big fan on the rail two minutes on the clock go ahead and skate boys [Applause] all right for pinches and pinches do you even know if it flipped that was insane yeah it did flip i could see it right actually i can't even believe you were able to do that first try jamie thank you so much sydney great job as always holding that fan down at the end of it all p-rod landing all three tricks winning this thing with 226 thousand cents jeremy 126 thousand cents but it's winner takes all politics taking home all the money it's all right here congratulations that's it for another episode of four-wheel drive [Applause] this is amazing i love this [ __ ] adios see you next time on four wheels live [Music] so [Music] oh poor jeremy rogers we understand man
Channel: SLS
Views: 229,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SLS, Street League, Street League Skateboarding, skateboarding, Paul rodriguez, p rod, Jereme rogers, foooour wheels live!, game show, entertainment, game of skate, j casanova, street dreams, berrics, thrasher, olympics, dewtour, etn, ledges, rails, stairs, ramps, how to, wheel of fortune, erik bragg, 9 club, vs
Id: Q5hdAtjNnr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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