Flat Ground Skate Session

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yeah setting up a freshie outside today I haven't been here in a long time just felt like skating some flack around today change up the scenery just keep it mellow just have a nice relaxing flat ground session it's a beautiful day outside so I went up I was like Mike let's go skate outside you were so excited so I was like your excitement got me excited you know what I mean you know I don't want to do it I'm still hurt we I don't want to see you skate anymore either now I know why you chill every time we see now I know why you sit in the chair I'm not I'm not ever going to force you or pressure you to skate again Mike oh I'll do that I'm not because now I know first try foreign [Applause] [Music] I really like that shirt like I want to know if like I could have that shirt after you're done I'll give it to you right after I'm done yeah right after sweat and everything you can have it I'll put it you could wear it right after I'm done I just kind of want like I want like a fresh one oh maybe we can talk to somebody about making that happen are you guys predicting the future on these Graphics man UFO stuff well they're out there they're out there honestly believe in UFOs trillion percent like you feel like that's not like a made-up thing for me my my Outlook on whatever you want UFOs or aliens are non-human life look how huge the universe is how many other plants and stars and areas we haven't explored to me it's more ridiculous to think that humans on this little Pebble of Earth are the only possible alive beings in the whole universe galaxy everything that to me that seems more ridiculous than the fact that like there's other planets out there with other civilizations you know I got I like zoomed in when you didn't totally missed I'm gonna put it in slow-mo after you see I want to see a gnarly hard flip turn around switch hard flip okay switching your bearings and keeping the same Wheels as a pain in the ass but oh thanks my man appreciate the love brother oh nice hell yeah brother have a good one so it's a day I'm gonna try these bones formula X Wheels not ridden them yet is this your first time Skating bones wheels or no not uh no I've been um no actually the first Wheels I ever had in my life were called rat bones way back when but these uh four these um bones formula X I skated the dragons for a while those were really good and those are a little bit softer but still made for the street these ones are a little bit harder than the dragons but a little bit softer than your typical wheel so I'm seeing if I can find the happy medium see what I like my first flip trick usually would be a tray flip oh [Music] trying to wake the knees up foreign [Music] all right [Music] a little scoop and tappy uh so far so good [Music] foreign once I'm warmed up [Music] those are feeling good right now okay clips uh are the trick that makes me the most nervous on flat ground why is that uh I'm gonna bring blame Ryan Galant for this uh back in the day he told me he had a superstition that if he missed the first kickflip of the day um then he would stop skating and not skate that day and uh and ever since I uh heard that you know he would talk about that back in the plan B days like it would always kind of be in the back of my mind so like now I don't kick live until I'm like pretty warmed up because for me kickflips take a lot of effort so I tend to miss my like my first couple Kid clips are kind of risky they're like the flick is a little weird and I tend to mess them up so like I wait till I'm like properly warmed up and then like go for the kick Loop so you think you got one right now I just did one well that was a stationary no that's it that's all now now the Superstition is out of my mind and I'm good no rolling even if I've missed them I still skate but I'm just saying like it'd be in the back of my mind you don't have 10 out of 10 you don't think if if I put 20 on it you don't you don't you don't either I could do it but at the same time I could also not do it for my boy Ryan go on I need a few more k-clips can never have too much practice on kickflips I don't know why come on [Music] [Music] front side flips take effort but not as much [Music] foreign I love it I love it it's always kind of been my thing it's getting a ledge or just getting some stairs or whatever anything else for me like I like to have a good Skate Session like good people have a good session with the homies but flat ground I could just skate by myself not even want nobody around see not really trying to pop it just be chill and it works way better foreign what's your biggest lesson every time you do fall learn from it get back up [Music] when the grip tape's brand new now the heels are grip really good against the shoe so I got to do a bunch of them to like wear it in right should we do see if I could do the line first try Trey flip burial heel switch flip I'll try what were you thinking next uh nollie tray flip nollie 180 flip fakie tray that's going to be challenging for me whoa not good but we did it first go what would you do uh the fakie tray flip sometimes doesn't work so good for me and the nollie 180 flip like I do them a lot but like they rock it a lot too so it wasn't my best work but I was hyped I did it first go ah for some reason today I like going this way better I want to do a few nollie tray flips it's the same like a switch tray or Trey Flip or fake like scoop and big scoop little tappy foreign yeah well I guess we got different different standards I get it so you do feel the grooves in the ground oh definitely here you have to be very picky about where I pop felt good can you can you tell when you're gonna pop a trick you know it's gonna be like [ __ ] yeah you can kind of feel it sometime most of the time sometimes you think it's going to be fine it doesn't but most of the time you can kind of tell like by your setup for placement speed angle where you are on the ground like up here I'm just risking it more so because like a lot of patches I don't really like but I'm just trying to train myself to ignore it and say [ __ ] it I'll try the Nolly harp harp switch hard flip that one it feels like gonna be a challenge right now [Music] oh that was bad that was bad I actually felt like the nollie hard was gonna be the problem what do you want to see going this way oh [Music] ah and yeah another now they hard switch hard foreign [Applause] literally rocked [Music] we'll tighten it up damn it how the heart felt good though ah if you learn a good switch flip you have all the ladies hollering at you [Music] [Music] now they just both weren't good but whatever front side flip and a switch tray feels like good clean fun right [Music] all right [Music] oh boy me and this trick [Music] we have a little speed on us who we got foreign [Applause] whoa nope see that's what I need that's actually what I wanted [Music] foreign [Music] Bigfoot it was at this like old factory and Ventura that got shut down Nolly big flea P Rod ones I'm sorry that I know your cattle right now pull it but it's spawn right now [Music] no pop whatever trick I'm last working on if I'm starting to feel tired or I got enough I just will be like all right well one last good one to end on a clean note and that'll be it so we gotta end on a clean one okay [Applause] almost ate [ __ ] okay almost [Music] thank you shallow
Channel: Paul Rodriguez
Views: 175,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Rodriguez, P-Rod, P.Rod, Skateboarding, Footage, 2016, skateboard, Primitive, Primitive Skatebards, Primitive Skateboarding, Nike, Nike SB, Nike Skateboarding, Venture, Venture Trucks, Target, Nixon, Nixon Watches, Incase, Incase Backpacks, Andale, Andale Bearinga, Glassy Sunhaters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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