Paul Daniels - Rabbit from a Hat

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thank you very nice a long time ago the very first Royal Command Performance had on it a magician the most famous magician in London at the time was David devant a great magician and in those days well magic was different to the way that I presented it was a lot different and nowadays the children look at the badge of the magician and when they look at the badge of the magician they see him he's always pulling a rabbit out of something and the children are confused so I thought I'd go back a little way in magic and present that trick to you tonight um so let's do it kind of around applause my lovely assistant Miss Debbie McGee she always helps me dancing now chances are something very strange the strange slope says he doll looks did in those days so they used to lower something at the back for the magician to stand on and then the table did not escape and the orchestra finished up doing the act now children if you are viewing this is important that is not a vars of a Zora balls that is a hat a top hat nowadays nobody wears them but in Victorian times when a man went to the disco that was on his head that was the top hat oh and the trick was dead easy pulling a rabbit from a hat was really easy because in those days they had a different fashion again they had fat sleeves not this thin stuff so all he had to do was this all I had to do was they just leaned on a piece of scenery and once they were on a scenery like that they would talk and as they talked away someone would drop a rabbit down the sleeve see oh it's true this is where the expression obviously comes from rabbiting on now the moment the rabbit was in there the magician would turn away from the wings and he would smile he would Sparkle his eyes would flash he would catch every eye in the theatre and why because he had a big bulge here going like this he would approach the Hat straighten his arm the rabbit would go Zonk into the bottom of their Zonk and it would poor little rabbit with leather like that thinking my agent promised me a part in watership down and Here I am now so July ladies and gentlemen I should like to present for you all a world-famous rabbit from a hat thank you this is nothing to do with the trick this is just Union rules for magicians please however take note but there is nothing at all up this sleep here we starting there's nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here and as you close you stand at this end of the table to do the trick it's the only way and then you reach into the Hat and you produce a rabbit you keep hold of the Hat and then having kept hold of the Hat the magician would reach in and produce a wrap that's not a rabbit that's a hare ladies and gentlemen the trick that has fooled millions it's with children misses all right it's for children nobody said it was designed to fool an adult all right so I can't find the rabbit but I am a professional magician I carry a spare ladies and gentlemen the classic rabbit from a hat I think the pesky wabbit is trying to get away I shall sneak up on the pesky wabbit the moment we've all been waiting for especially me running oh I'm sorry oh I'm really sorry they see that's not supposed to be there at all that's supposed to be on a hoop right around the back of the table you see why are you laughing you're not laugh you do not the floor until the magician produces a rabbit from a hat like that hello Hey now I stay a while here just to point something out because I know a lot of people love animals and worry don't worry about Starsky we call him Starsky he's got a hutch upstairs okay the hole in the Hat is always bigger than he would tunnel in the ground lady's jamming always always bigger than would tunnel in the ground and just in case you thought that was a fluke this is his big trick gone son out you pop yes daddy loves you and a lot of people pick up their animals by the ears never do that children that's dangerous come on son get in the Hat take a bow don't forget the box that's the box and off you go bye now you
Channel: hiandras
Views: 351,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Daniels, magician
Id: UC5BwubD9gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2009
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