Paul & Chani - Their Story [Dune: Part Two]

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tell me about these dreams I had one tonight what did you [Music] see a girl on arus have you dreamed of her before many times I was an allergic reaction I had a vision eyes were wide open what did you [Music] see it's confusing thought I saw my death only it wasn't it's coming I see a LLY War spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire a warrior religion that weighs the atres banner in my father's name everyone's shouting my [Music] name I would not have let you hurt my [Music] friends [Music] they say you the Mii but you look like a little boy I don't believe you're the leis alib but I want you to Die With Honor this will be a great honor for you to die holding it [Music] Johnny [Music] [Music] right this is only the [Music] beginning [Music] you fought well once you woke up I wasn't sleeping what are you guys laughing about don't bother not Mi I'm not here to [Music] lead Nea let me fight beside you that's all I'm asking you sandw walk like a drunk lizard also same like you know I'm the only one who believes you're going to make it until summer everyone else thinks you won't make it 2 weeks if you want to follow us in the desert you need to know how wind traps work so listen [Music] who taught you to fight like that my old Masters they were close friends you shall be known among us as us and now if Ain is a fighter and needs a war name you must choose how do you call the uh the small desert Mouse again now you are our brother PA m it's [Music] breathtaking look right there spice arus is so beautiful when the sun is low where you're from thises water really fall from the sky oh yes sometimes it rains for weeks in C our Castle stands on cliffs high above the sea if you dive in you can't reach the bottom I don't I don't believe you Uso Uso what's your secret name seea I love it I hate it from some stupid prophecy I prefer chny I prefer chny too though it's okay it's okay here we're equal men and wom alike what we do we do for the benefit of all I'd very much like to be equal to you I'm here I'm here oh m us maybe you could be fratman it's been a while since you've had one of those nightmares maybe I'll show you the way it's a big day we can I still go to call it off no I'm [Music] fine [Applause] [Music] as long as I [Music] breathe what's [Music] wrong say you promised me you didn't want Power no matter what I do you still don't trust me cuz you're a foreigner like your friend I'm not a foreigner not to me but to the desert you are my allegiance is to you to the fman I'm doing this for all of us do you believe me we're setting Thumpers I'm moving everyone to the South I'll stay behind and cover your retreat what are you talking about Johnny I can't go with you the world has made choices for us if I go south I might lose you you will never lose me polres not as long as you stay who you are it'll cross the storm are you go sou bring your people to safety channy his body is fighting the poison and he needs your help I'm sorry about chunny she'll come to understand Paul didn't have a choice CH I won't be fighting for him I'm fighting for my [Music] people I want you to know I will love you as long as I breathe this isn't over [Music] yet I'll take the hand of your [Music] daughter she will remain safe and we will rule together over the empire [Music] she's your [Music] [Music] pet
Channel: MarEdit054
Views: 145,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g08tNOdODMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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