Pattern Understanding [PDC Preview]

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right we're gonna kick off into pattern and this whole section is pattern understanding we need to understand pattern pattern is everywhere and a major part of understanding pattern is understanding the general core model so there is a general core model this is a general core model pattern and it's all about event so it's actually a general core model of events because that's what pattern is it's an event of form so pattern forms are everywhere they're all around us all the time from the micro to the macro we're surrounded by pattern form the natural patterns of the universe but there are very few actual pattern form types but there's an infinite number of slight imperfections of pattern and when I say infinite I actually mean infinite there's an infinite number of variations to each of the few pattern forms in size and slight imperfections so it's very hard to measure but it's not hard to observe once once it's pointed out to you because it's one of those things is in front of you all the time and it still someone actually points out the relevance of pattern and what's happening all around in so many common ways you just don't realize it so what is pattern and we know it's form but what is pattern pattern is form created by pressure between two media or multiple media's but mostly just two media's with an intrusion one way or another to create a form it's an equi potential boundary where there's pressure one way or another between two different types of media and that's all it is but it has so much potential for design because it is everywhere around us it's the way form is created through the interactions with the energies so if we compromise it's not as good as conforming to pattern if we go against pattern it'll push back and pattern will reinstate itself over our straight lines and our square fields and our geometric blocks everything is a fractal pattern out there that we can recognize in the universe let's have a look at a few so you have waves to have wave patterns and they're moving if they're waves in the ocean and they could be waves of sand this is pressure between a weather event in the air and water this is wind and sand it forms sand dunes they start off as little ripples they end up with giant engines there's a few correlations along the way it's the same old wave so they start off with ripples you don't see elements smaller than a ripple you can get blustery surfaces that don't really have a pattern they're chaotic but then when you get the right wind you get ripples and the storms create massive storm events that harmonize offers swell line waves so there are different forms of way then we have streamlines so we get flow flow going down a stream and flow of ins and they tend to spiral off and they can actually loop and they generally flow so these are looping and the beginning of spirals but it's the very start is that streamlines we also get forms of clouds so we get clouded shapes you also get them on top of forests the forest canopy is a clouded form so we have cloud forms we also have of course spirals and this event here with the waves was started by a big spiraling event as a weather system so we get different forms of spiral so you get very very tight little spirals your finger prints are a spiral or they're a lobe so this is another pattern there are only two fingerprints of all the people in the world they're either lobes or they're spirals that's what you have but we can identify you by his fingerprints because there's slight imperfections in all of them you might have lobes and spirals on each hand it's going to be the same on the opposite hand lobes on the same fingers spirals on the same fingers or you might have a full set of spirals or a full set of lobes but they're all exactly the same on your hand but identify against everybody else's comparison there are many types of spirals there are spirals that come off from a ring like a weather event spiral in four big circular core there are spirals that go in opposite directions and make a lot of patterns of flower heads there are gross spirals that gradually increase out and they're completely measurable when you measure across this you find it's a summation series this is a gross spiral this is a snail shell or it's a tendril of a plant and when you add up these distances across taking a section straight across the gross spiral you find it's one plus two equals three three plus two at two plus three equals five three plus five equals eight it's a summation and summation series they're all identical they can all be calculated mathematically it's called the Fibonacci series so you will recognize exactly a gross spiral because it has that exact form on all on absolutely all gross spirals we also have branching patterns so there are branching patterns and you have one trunk and it could be the main course of a river because rivers are branching patterns and we'll do a breakdown of three then you have a slightly smaller set of three and then a slightly smaller set of nine I'm going to break down in orders of three here and then we break down again so now we've got a a set of 27 and to be accurate we'd have to break down one more time I'm not going to draw em all in right now and we break down 327 is 81 we break down 81 so there would be smaller and more numerous and larger and less numerous as you get down to the start of the trunk out to the first branches and on down getting smaller and smaller but more and more numerous and actually moving faster and faster so we have branching patterns branches your vascular system is a branching pattern your lungs if you cut the section through your lungs it's a branching pattern there are branching patterns everywhere and they go right down from tiny sections of veins and leaves right at the giant trunks of trees from tiny streams and headwaters right out to the largest rivers on earth they're all branching patent so these are particular patterns that are repeated there's also scatters so you'll get scatters and there little dotted patterns and they're different ratios of size but they're actually a ratio you can calculate and they look but they look random they look quite random but they're not random they're actually quite precise you just got to measure them so these are scatters all of these all of these are formed by growth and flow they're flowing or they growing patterns that's what forms these patterns they're everywhere around us we have more to add but they all come out of these or just one more and that is net you'll also have nets and nets are a little bit different because they're formed from shrinkage lateral tension the lateral tension of shrinkage that makes them just that little bit different because the rest of the patterns come from flow and growth and we need to talk about these nets okay let's look at nets mostly nets come in the form of a hexagon a hexagon will actually join together it's often used in chemistry actually to describe combinations of elements joined together soap bubbles in the bath often form hexagons tortoise shells are hexagons of course bees hives are hexagons a lot of nets are variations of hexagons but they're not necessarily symmetrical so we get cracking patterns as net shrinkage of mud we get back on trees are often next there are quite a few variations of Nets created by tension and shrinkage and they'll cover a complete service connected together so this is quite a common pattern the hexagon combination there's one in there in the hexagon that works interestingly as a star if we draw a cross from point to point we end up with a six-sided star and then if we pattern it in however we like what we're actually pattern in here is roughly a snowflake water freezes in a six-sided pattern so all snowflakes are six-sided stars six pointed cells and there are no two snowflakes the same all the snowflakes that are falling now all the snowflakes that have fallen in history and all the snowflakes that will fall in the future are a different six pointed star that's an infinite number of snowflakes so that's how pattern is that's how it works there are constant forms but infinite numbers of slight variations so we see in all the patterns an interesting set of forms that continually varying there are spheres and not quite circles so the sphere planet earth is a sphere all the objects in space are spheres if we look at the objects in space when they get over 200 to 350 kilometers across 200 miles across something like that they get big enough that their core is hot and molten and they start the spin and that gravity forces them into a sphere they actually bulge a little bit at the equator so they're a bit squashed that's the centrifugal action of spin it's spinning around in excess not necessarily straight and they bulge at the equators just a little bit so again they're not perfect spheres but as a shape as a 3d shape there is nothing that holds the volume of area internal volume to outer cover with a smaller ratio to a larger volume than a sphere so it's the surface tension of the soap bubbles that hold a bubble as a sphere holding the maximum amount of mass inside with the minimum amount of surface held together with tension so it's a very repeated pattern when you see a water drop plummet into Earth if it's going to hit water it will actually make a dent and loop back up again and the drop will rise up above the water there is a point when it's not going up and it's not coming down it's actually suspended where it's stopped before it falls back to water and at that point is a sphere so a water drop at the point where there's no tension there's no tension going down there's no tension going up it's just suspended for a split second you get a photograph of that and you'll see photographs of this it's a perfect sphere of water so this is around the energy and the tension of the water the surface tension and the volume to mass ray shows everything we see in the universe out there as an object is a sphere we also will get Spears within Spears so we'll get annotations and they won't be perfect either they'll be slightly offset or there is slightly crooked and you can get half circles up against hard surfaces too so you'll get half circle annotations like this and you will also get imploding and exploding patterns and in the 3d this is just two-dimensional they actually form in like a fluffy sphere this is a rounded surface this is actually a little circle so these are all part of our patterns these are all part of our pattern collection now we need to talk about one of the core model we need to talk about this one an apple core this one is the core model of event and all events and all pattern forms can be found in this core model okay let's look at this master pattern this is the core the core model so tessellation call shape if you put two together you can you can tie your way across the ground in fact the original tiles were made as tessellations because they're not square and they'll slip a little bit and it means you don't have to be perfectly symmetrical but then you can actually be very a symmetrical and you can change the shape a lot and stretch away across the surface this is how the cracking pattern is with the hexagon this is actually easier to draw because it's a quite interesting thing to stretch your way across a landscape or a surface just plain the tessellation game with the core model now if we put two together and then roughly the same size and we wrap them round each other you're actually like a ball a tennis ball if you take it apart on the seams it's two tessellations joined together so here's the shape that forms the sphere or the perfect ball if they're perfectly symmetrical but there's no perfection out there everything it's slightly different but if you turn that sideways and have a look at that you get one of these again yang pattern and then if you overlay that with another one get one of these which is a swastika pattern and then if you go the other way and you overlay one of these you get one of these which is the infinity pendant and now if you go one more get one of those which is actually the tessellation and if we just separate a little bit like a giant tree with a canopy almost come into the ground and root net almost coming to the surface that's what a tree is that's how a tree pattern is it is the core model these are these are the symbols of humanity that have been a representation of nature in its most concise form and any traditional people that have worshipped nature have always had these patterns representing the different forms so here we can see a very traditional representation here we see a tessellation across the surface there's our core model starting to emerge as we slightly separate this one here and let's have a look at your backbone and all in vertebrates backbones they are all a set of tessellations there's a backbone here there's a shoulder bone right here in fact your leg bone and your joints on your knee going down to the joints on your ankle and all the way across your feet they're all tessellations you are a set of tessellations in your skeleton three-dimensionally jointed into a 3-dimensional set of joint tessellation connect so from here we can start to look at how does the energy flow through a system like this if this is a flow of energy and does that work well there's actually a detonation point here like a seed germinating with a tree it's actually exploding out as a detonation away from the origin and there are energies coming through the living explosion it's a living explosion but all explosions are like this because in the 3d this is a torus this is a cross-section of drawing here so if this is an explosion it's actually exploding like a doughnut in all directions its torus in from the center now so it's literally like a donor with that point of origin and energy coming up and then torus in in all directions away so when we look at a tree there are gathering points from one side coming right through to the other so and through the point of origin so you find that a tree if we look at it actually as a circle it as a a gather of is a stream line of nutrient coming from the roots through the point of germination and over to the opposite side of the branches and there we have we've scribed that same pattern again we've scribed the yin-yang pattern from one side to the other and you're going the opposite way through the point of germination to the other side and here's the infinity pattern coming up and it's at the point of germination that minerals going up and sugars comin down in two different directions spiral through streamlines so this is actually spiraling so we've got the outside to the inside from inside to the outside from inside the roots to outside the branches from outside the branches to inside the roots traveling through the point of germination where the switch point occurs and these are spiraling events sugars going down minerals going up streamlined curbs coming through if you track the new if you track the flow this is exactly what's going on that is exactly what happens in an explosion but with a tree it's a productive explosion it actually produces wood it produces material top to bottom it is collecting and distributing so it's going in and it's going out it's going out and it's going in this is actually quite common in nature water and gases in this case going in both directions there's a two way trade in a two way trading around the extremities around the extremities it's a two-way trade an event around the edges and we're going to do a lot of edge thinking in this course I mean the start talk to you about edges pretty soon and the boundaries and why boundaries and edges are so important and why so much where so much trade goes on so this is the same pattern in a tornado this is the same pattern in whirlpools this is the same pattern in trees this is a core pattern we can find by dissecting this pattern we can find waves by dissecting this pattern we can find spheres by dissecting this pattern we can find scatters of course we can find branching patterns it's tree right but it's the same in a whirlpool it's the same in a tornado there are so many patterns that make this same form and when you cut section through them you can find all the known pattern the tree rings when you cut the trunk the tree rings actually record droughts they record fire they record wind by being offset they record changes in weather because of the pressures scribed and left behind with the spherical shaped ring and trees themselves are ascending spirals of branches and branch lengths to leaves so here you need to start to understand the importance of pattern and I better put an N on the end of pattern because it's not patter its pattern and realize there is a core model' pattern at the center of this understanding you
Channel: Discover Permaculture with Geoff Lawton
Views: 89,278
Rating: 4.9521065 out of 5
Keywords: Permaculture, Geoff Lawton, Permaculture Design Course, permaculture design, permaculture course, introduction to permaculture, regenerative agriculture, gardening, organic, food, sustainability, nature, landscape design, regenerative landscapes, climate change, patterns in nature, pattern, pattern understanding, urban agriculture, holistic solutions, diverse natural systems, simple living, environment, holistic, regenerative, farm, farming, community, natural building, forestry
Id: RIaxI_-0IOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2016
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