Pastured Pig Rotation - Walking the Hog!

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well hey friends and neighbors this chuck out at sheraton park farms welcome back to the farm so it's pig moving day we're gonna go for a little walk we're gonna try to go for a little walk anyway um our spring piglets that were born back in april uh it's time for them to move um if you remember we had moved them into a training pin and then we brought them out on pasture i don't know three four maybe five weeks ago free to forget exactly how long it's been but it's time for them to move to a different spot and we're going to move them across a field into the paddock that we set up about a week ago where we loaded that last round of pigs if you've been following along with us for a couple weeks so we're going to try this we're going to see how it works out coral's coming over to help saunders going to help we're going to set up a we're going to try to set up a hog highway that's what we're going to try to do and see if we can get those piglets to walk about uh about 100 yards so stick around with us for a little while and let's see if we can uh let's see if we can get some piglets to walk across the pasture with just a little bit of coaxing hang around so we're up here with the little pigs these are our 17 um and there's two more down with the big the big girls these are our 17 piglets that were born here on the farm april may june july about three and a half four months ago so they've been down here in a paddock single wire sorry about the lot double well it's a single wire but we had it ran on a double strand looped around so what we've done this morning is we have gone back pulled the reel off and created just a single strand so the wire started up here came all the way down looped around and then went back and ended up there at the at the edge of what was the training pin pulled the reel up and brought the reel down so now we just have a single wire instead of a double so we got a single wire and we have pulled the wire around to create a lane for the piglets and what we're going to do with the piglets is we're going to walk them down to the paddock that we built the other day and i'll post a link to that video in the description down below but we've created this is one side of it and it goes all the way down past those chicken tractors to the gate where we loaded so remember we loaded some pigs up to take to the market so we got this lane that's one side of it the other side's over here i need to pull the wire tight we're going to pull that wire tight and put some stuff in post just to kind of level it out but then we're going straight down this lane into there's a gate down here that was the end of the new paddock that we built it's not been much pressure on that paddock there's been a few pigs over there for a couple days but for the most part it is relatively unused so it's got a lot of life left in it but we got this lane pulled all the way down to this gate if you remember we had our loading chute i just got it sitting over the side had our loading chute set up here and we loaded the pigs out the other day but here's that wire that wire is pulled all the way back up to the wire's pulled all the way back up to them get the other wire on the other side we're going to pull it tight here's the gate the plan is going to be we're going to grab the pig's feeder and we're going to bring it down with the tractor and see if they'll follow us down so let's uh let's finish putting this wire in and get that feeder open the gate up here where the piglets are and see if they'll walk them down to a new paddock brand new uh brand new process for us we're gonna give it a try see what happens hang around okay so we've got wire pulled got a few posts in a few posts in on each side got kind of a nice defined lane i need a couple more down through there but sort of get the idea single strand single strand wire going right down there so let's see if we'll move that way and then over the fence over there hey paige go somewhere else try something new yeah i mean it was it was so easy to make it hot right yeah found out the hard way didn't even mean to she heard it she was on the other side of the fence and hurt it yeah when you can hear it pop you know it's hot it hurt you know it hurts that was a good one all right pickles come on piggy piggy piggy carl just walked this way and let's see fail yeah yeah yeah i think we're going to move that gate all right starting to come over a little bit come on piglet come on come on guys come on come on look at them they're so cute all their butts don't get you don't get real close but you know you get their attention right because they're so this is awesome come on guys come on come on oh they've so they found where we spilled the feed and the scraps the other day when we were loading that's what that's all about come on come on piggles come on you got another now man so close how do we get so close got a couple over here just relax just right they're all in the lane right now or in here yeah there's five in there at least [Applause] so that ended up working out pretty good um as you saw um they they walked they walked the path really really well with just that single strand of wire on each side and that really kept them kind of in place until we got down here to the end and that had a spark on it until we got down here to the end and we got a lot of bunching up right there outside of the gate where we had um loaded up that last round of pigs other than we were feeding them there and so there was still some feed scraps and a little bit of stuff there on the ground once they got down there they got all excited about that started eating that and then folks started wandering around so i think if we had a real clean path and we could have just went straight into the gate that probably would have solved that problem but um lesson learned here and i think that lesson is that you can move pigs with just a single strand of wire through an alleyway if they're motivated they were getting a little hungry so it was really easy to get them get them moving once they got going they were like you saw on video they were they were great they done really good so anyway that's uh we got their little we got the piglets down here now in the big paddock we're going to bring the mamas over tomorrow and kind of reintegrate everybody together and see how they do man that pig is just muscular just look good um but we're gonna bring everybody over together tomorrow and uh try to integrate them and see how it goes and see how that see how that works out so anyway appreciate y'all watching i'm gonna post a link to a couple videos over here on the side some different stuff we got going on um if you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button we've passed a thousand uh subscribers now and we're just excited to sort of see kind of see where the channel goes and we really appreciate all the all the comments and folks reaching out to us but anyway appreciate y'all watching we'll see you on the next video thanks
Channel: Sheraton Park Farms
Views: 1,165
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: homestead, pastured pork, make money on your homestead, make money with pigs, selling pork, pastured pigs, pigs on pasture, pig farming, pork, organic, piglets, raising pigs for meat, pigs for meat, pig pen, how to raise pigs, building a pig pen, homesteading for beginners, how to build a pig pen, pig pens, woodlot pork, forest raised pork, forest pigs, rotational grazing, rotational grazing pigs, homesteading, modern homesteading, homesteaders, piglet, farm, pig
Id: xDCbMrpIGP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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