Pasture Brooding Baby Chicks | From Day One

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they don't say I'm crazy hey guys I'm out here at my chicken tractor and I wanted to share with you the way that I've chosen to brood my baby meat chickens and turkeys this year so I told you guys several times and several videos that I will find the easiest way to do things so I pushed my luck this year well I don't know it's more of an experiment I have always bruited the chickens outdoors but I always use like if you picture those big black cattle troughs that you know cattle with water and that's what I would route them in and just have it in the chicken coop itself but this year said how can I do it even more naturally and just easier for the chickens and easier for me so I decided to just brood them directly in the chicken tractor and there always have access to their fresh grass from day one and it's working amazingly so I'm going to show you the setup and show you how well they're doing I just got them on Saturday is like two day old chicks and so I basically put the chicken tractor next to my garden shed which is right over here and I ran their heat lamp extension cord through the window and plugged it in and that have that hanging they don't really need it on a day like today it's really warm but we're still having quite chilly nights for them and then I have just a garden Rubbermaid tote that we used as kind of a nesting box in the coop have it turned on its side with some pine shavings so that they can get underneath it and then their feeder in their waters but most of the time they're out just wandering and playing in the grass and loving it and I think it's got a lot more natural way to to raise them as if their mom was here raising them and teaching them what to do and so we have two turkeys and 13 Cornish cross chickens and I plan on moving this while they're this young probably once a week and as they get older every few days and then by three weeks we'll be moving this twice a day so anyway just wanted to share with you it's super super easy and it feels like more natural to me and it's no brooder setup if you have a chicken tractor just go ahead and use it I wouldn't imagine it's a method you could use like in in the winter or the really wet spring time but this time of year it works perfect so let me know what you guys think if you've done something similar please tell me there's anything that you think I could improve on I'd love to hear it and anyways I'm Rachel talk to you guys later you
Channel: That 1870's Homestead
Views: 9,073
Rating: 4.9849057 out of 5
Keywords: brooding chickens, chicken tractor, organic, cornish cross, turkeys, homestead, permaculture, pasture raised, Chicks outdoors, #iamcreator
Id: VY6OZYdsnqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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