Pastors Earl and Oneka McClellan // Best of 2020

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amen amen amen hey church family 2020 caught all of us off guard sure did it it was a tough year it was an amazing year the year completely changed everything everything i know it did for my family oh yeah well you had a baby too we had a baby a quarantine a quarantine baby a six-month-old baby girl it's insane yeah but it's also it was also a tough year it was a year of disappointment it was a year of loss it was a difficult year for so many of us and if it wasn't from for these messages that i got every single sunday from pastors earl and pastor anika that's what got me through and what we've done today for you is we've wrapped up all that gold into one special package just for you and it's gonna be incredible i want you to lean in i want you to pull out your notebooks and take some notes this is going to be amazing let's go my favorite sermon from pastor earl was a sermon earlier this year called borrowed breath the concept of us being able to praise him in and outward with just our breath alone it blew my mind i love borrowed breath go check it out my uh my middle son grayson who's fantastic he's nine years old he's incredibly creative and an engineer and i mean he's got all this stuff working at the same time i think i got my foil let me let me have just the the the thingamajiggy just this thing first okay this right here is foil okay you've seen it most likely what my what our nine-year-old son does is we hear this all the time you hear the sound sound in our house all the time we hear the sound now this started years ago this little sheet of foil our son will sit there and he turns it into works of art let me show you one of them let me show you one let me give you that ball that the ball that foil up too so you're not making foil noises back there uh miss holly so this right here is one one of his pieces of foil this is an old one i had to go into his closet who wasn't willing to give me new stuff uh he had to give me uh one of his old ones can you can you look you see a little head this right here this is uh this is gaks this is gaks gax's arms are all woven together he's an alien he has light powers he has these tentacles here on the end i think he also is able with this hand to throw sound waves out i think he can fly i'm not sure uh but this hand i do think can unravel and it can turn into multiple appendages that is able to grab you and devour your flesh it does a whole bunch of different things here and all of it came from that one sheet of foil he formed it grayson had something in his mind he said i'm gonna i'm gonna put this together here's the god of heaven in genesis chapter two he has this garden all around and he has in mind a creation that he will love and care for and it begins to he begins to form it he's putting it together i want you to see you're not an accident i want you to see that your life's not an accident i want you to see how your maid's on an accident i want you to see uh your your skin color and your gender and your ears and your eyes and and how tall you are and how short you are i want you to see that it's not an accent i want you to see that what's put on the inside of you was not an accident that that the god of heaven was forming he he was sitting at his table and he was drawing out a picture and then he took from that picture and he he birthed mankind he he brought you and i to life in this moment you're you're not just something that happened to happen you're not just some accident somewhere your life is not meaningless there's actually so much purpose on the inside of you because the god of heaven formed you he formed you yeah he made you not only not only did he he form the word here he formed the man from the dust man i like this grayson uses sheets of foil god decided to use dust here he is in this garden and the materials he chooses to use is dirt i like that he used the dirt to make him and i actually still feel like god uses dirt to make all of us like the parts of your life that have been hard the parts of your life that have been difficult the parts of your life that have been so overwhelming the parts of your life that are like i wish i could forget god used those dirt parts of your life to make you he used those parts where individuals cheated on you and people stabbed you in the back he used that stuff to to make you he he took those disappointments that you and i have walked through the prayers that we even prayed that weren't answered the way we wanted them to be answered he took the dirt and he and he made us that's the stuff that makes you stand strong today that's the stuff that puts some some grit on the inside of you that's the stuff that helps you be able to take a licking and still keep on taking it's the dirt that god used to make you and me and i know so many people are trying to avoid all the dirt and we want squeaky clean lives but from the very beginning god said i'll use the mess in order to make you so even what's going on in our nation right now what might be going on in your family or what might be going on in your mind i want you to know that god can use that dirt to make you even today it'll make you into the man and the woman that he called you to be jesus even said this to the disciples when he was calling them in the new testament he said follow me and i'll make you i'll make you i'll form you i'll fashion you i'll put you together then the lord god lord god everybody say lord lord come on come on everybody say lord lord lord that's right okay lord l-o-r-d lord it's all capital right here now the bible was not originally written in english okay old testament written in hebrew so some bible nerds you're gonna like this right here okay so bible nerds put on your glasses right now get your pocket protector out you're gonna love it you're gonna love this you're gonna love this okay you're gonna love it uh the bible was not originally written in english it's written in hebrews translate it later on into into english so the bible uh scholars when they are when they're translating certain words uh you and i read lord god lord god lord lord god god god lord god and there's different words in hebrew that we translate into english like one of the words for god is elohim has it has a certain has a certain meaning to it but whenever you see your english translation and you see a capital l o r d that means the hebrew writers actually had in that spot this thing called the ready ready ready bible nerds you don't like this the tech tetragrammation oh yeah oh yeah don't sleep on my scales no sleep no sleep yeah hey y h v h lord this my friends is the proper name of god it's like a sacred name the tetragrammation actually means four four uh four letters it this this word here is a holy name this name i was told i was told that this thing was so holy that when the scribes were were about to write this on the paper years and years and years ago they would actually pause before they wrote this name and go wash their hands which is a good idea today they will go wash their hands then come back and write the name wow it was so holy that they they kept it in such high esteem that they would not even speak this name out loud and if someone did they better do it at the right place at the right time it was that holy and special there are many people that would take it uh from from the ten commandments and do not use the name of the lord in vain and this idea this yahei hey this this name right here was not just thrown around all over the place my friends it was so incredibly holy and what we see here in genesis chapter 2 is we see this proper name of god this being written this lord capital l-o-r-d but let me pull out this one piece i heard it said i i've heard it said that some rabbis of old believe that god wove his name into the very fabric of humanity how some thought that when you breathe you're actually saying god's name [Music] like your breath in my breath sounds like we're speaking god's name like every time you're not sure which way is up and you might be concerned that god is far off and distant not connected to what you might be going through in this moment every time you're confused and dis disillusioned every time you're disappointed every time you're maybe a little bit overwhelmed or i'm a little bit overwhelmed and we think god is far away off in the distance somewhere perhaps he's even closer than you and i could ever possibly imagine he's right there when you and i are just there may be that just maybe when when you and i are in the the darkest moments and we're looking at our bills and we're overwhelmed by what's in front of us and we're like god i don't have any prayers to pray right now what's going to happen to my job what's going to happen to my nation what's going to happen to my family what's going to happen to my community what's going to happen to my world and you're wondering where are you god maybe just maybe he's right there in your mouth and you're speaking his name just by breathing my favorite sermon from 2020 has got to be the sermon that pastor will preach on day when he talked about making a room at the king's table and then i was challenged to make sure that i'm keep making a way and preparing a way for someone to sit at the table as well luke chapter 14 verse 21 hears jesus talking about this great banquet that's going to be thrown and the first servant went out to try to invite people in and people made excuse after excuse after excuse why they couldn't come to the banquet so verse number 21 the servant uh came back and reported this to his master like the people have excuses they're not coming then the owner of the house became angry and he ordered his servant i needed i need you to do something i don't need you to stay i need you to go i need you to go out quickly and i want you to go quickly into the streets into those coveted streets i need you to go out there into the streets i need you to go into the rich streets and the poor streets i need you to go out into the streets i need to go into the streets of those with geds and those with phds i need you to go into the streets don't stay here don't keep looking at me i need you you're my servant i need you to go into the streets and what i want you to do when you get to the streets is i want you go to the alleys of the town and i want you to bring in the poor i want you to bring in the i want you to bring in the blind i want you to bring in the lame sir the servant said what you have ordered has been done but there is still room at the table so then the master told his servant go out to the roads go out to the country lanes and compel them to come in so that my house will be full do you see the heart of our god do you see our god is wanting a full house do you see our god is wanting a full table do you see that our god is saying go ahead and get the ones that everybody else is walking past get the ones that people want to marginalize get the ones that people want to step over get the ones that people want to talk bad about get the ones that people want to turn their back on get the ones that people think don't matter i want you to get them and i want you to bring them in don't stand here just looking at me don't just stay in the church on sunday don't just keep waiting for the building to open up i need you right now to go into the streets and go into the alleys and go into walmart and go into tarjay and go into the mall and go everywhere you possibly can and compel the people to come in i'm telling you there is room in the house of god for all of us whose are they who are they i ask you is this your table my table or the king's table whose table is it i mean who is it that runs this table who's in charge of this table why do i have a cross here i've got a cross here because at the head of this table is not my emotions it's not my life it's not the way i think it's not the way i believe it's not your life it's not the way you think is that the way you believe at the head of this table is our glorious savior and he is saying i want the poor i want the lame i want the broken i want the marginalized i want the days of the whole world to know they can come to my table [Music] they can come to my table oh i'm not saying it's easy cause some wounds have been deep and some of us have been drinking so much from the pool of the media that it's hard to even remember our mission and we started confusing the agenda of whatever political affiliation or whatever news media outlet we are drinking from we started intermingling that with the gospel and you and i have to understand the gospel rises above and all these things come underneath listen there's some conversations that need to be had don't get me wrong there's some things we got to talk about do not get me wrong i'm not talking about this of the building of the house right now i'm talking about the foundation of the house i felt a mandate from god to make sure our church was pulled together and not torn apart and there is a demonic assignment in this world that is trying to tear apart our society and jesus christ is saying i died for all y'all no way no lord not not not them i have had friends of mine through tears through a heavy heart who have been abused have to get to the point but they are willing to see that the grace of god that they need is the same grace of god their abuser needs that is not easy but it's gospel i have been inspired and humbled by these friends of mine are you willing to scoot over or do people have to change first before you'll sit next to them it's your choice i'm just letting you know you can do what you want to i guess in your house [Music] but this daddy our loving father he's got rules too and he's like whosoever will call on the name of the lord i'll save them so this year one of my favorite sermons was shift believe it was a pivotal time in our church in our nation and honestly in our personal lives and so that sermon really pushed me forward be able to shift in my life shift in certain things and kind of move 2020 in a positive direction rather than staying stagnant we're going on a journey we're going in an adventure and we're shifting church turn to the person next year and say i'm shifting tell yourself on the jog as you listen to this i'm shifting tell people in the chat if you're watching this live i'm shifting text three friends and say i'm shifting say moses is dead and then they write you back and they say who is moses you can say my old way of doing things is dead i'm stepping into the new and i'm shifting and i want you to hold me accountable but i'm not going to do it in my own strength i'm going to do it in the strength of the lord and i need you to go with me work i'm getting my provisions ready i'm cleaning out my kitchen of all the things that were crutches in this season i'm cleaning out my computer of all the things that were crushing that were crutches in this season because i'm getting ready to shift i'm getting ready to be in position where god has called me to be i'm getting ready to shift and i need my friends i need my people to remind me that god has not given me the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind because i know he's gone before me and even when i feel weak i'm gonna remember i'm strong i'm courageous he is with me he has called me he is for me are you ready to shift are you ready to change are you ready to let go of the old and step into the new i know i am and i can't wait to see what's on the other side get your provisions ready because you can't pack everything you can't pack that relationship that you know you're not supposed to be in when you're called to shift you can't take that old fear and judgmental spirit onto your new job when you've been called to shift you have to believe that behind and pack the things that you know will give you strength and give you peace and give you grace it says in isaiah 43 19 as we prepare to close see i'm doing a new thing now it springs up do you not perceive it he's doing a new thing and since he's doing a new thing why are we holding on for dear life to the old he is doing something new do you not perceive it i'm making a way in the wilderness in streams in the wasteland he is doing something new in your marriages he's doing something new in your thought life he's doing something new in your neighborhood he's doing something new in your families he's doing something new with all that he has on the other side of this pain that you've been through he is doing something new do you not see it i'm praying right now that scales would fall off of your eyes i'm praying right now that you would remind yourself who you are in christ i'm praying right now that moses would be dead and we'd step up with a joshua spirit that we'd take possession of the land that we'd let go of the old things and step into the new that we wouldn't be defined by our past we wouldn't be defined by our mistakes but we put our hope and our trust in god and as we surrender watch what happens watch what god does watch what chains fall watch what miracles happen watch what blind eyes unfold before your very eyes watch what god does when you say i'm going to shift i don't want to fall behind i don't want to blockbuster life i want to step into the future full of faith full of conviction full of boldness full of trust full of peace i want to be locked up with the spirit of the living god and when the cloud moves i'm gonna move when the cloud says stay i'm gonna stay when the cloud says pray i'm gonna pray when the cloud says kneel i'm gonna kneel when the cloud says worship i'm gonna worship when the crowd says cry i'm gonna cry when the crowd just pray i'm gonna cry out for revival i'm gonna cry out for breakthrough i'm gonna cry for miracles when the clown says intercede for the next generation who is plant by pornography and eating disorders in darkness i'm gonna be found in my house walking the floor saying god you will not have this generation you will not have this family we will see breakthrough we will see miracles in jesus name amen let's worship the king of kings and the lord of lords amen verse 14 your wives your children and your livestock may stay in the land that moses gave you east of the jordan but all your fighting men ready for battle don't play with me yet all your fighting men ready for battle must cross over ahead of your fellow israelites you are to help them gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna paint this picture here okay let me take this picture there's a there's a group of people god's kids and they ask for this land here god gives it to them years earlier years earlier they have their possession now everybody shows up and they're about to enter into the promised land but these people here already have their land everybody else's land is on the other side so now they already have theirs you might think that god says since you have yours you're good you don't have to fight since you have yours sit back and relax since you've got your blessing since you've got your marriage since you've got your business since you have your church since you have your friends go ahead sit back relax you just get to chill let these other people go over but god says hey hey hey hey i gave you a blessing i gave you something and i did not give you something so you could just sit on it as a matter of fact i need you now to be willing to get up from your resting spot spot and i need you to be willing to go across this jordan river and i need you to fight on behalf of your brothers and sisters i know there's too many of us right now that we think since we're good the world's good we think that since i've got mine everybody has theirs and i'm telling you you having yours is not enough you having yours is not enough if you think i got mine and that's enough then that's not kingdom thinking that's earthly thinking and i need you to be thinking kingdom i need you to be thinking jesus i need to be thinking his way not your way and he says hey i need you right now friends i need you i know god gave you your land i know you've got your inheritance i know you received your blessing i know god has answered your prayers i know he has done all of this for you but now what i need you to do is i need you to get all your fighting men and women shout out to the ladies i need you to get all the fighting men and i need every single one of the fighting men and the fighting women to be ready for battle put that in the chat ready for battle i need you to be ready for battle if you stay ready you don't have to get ready so i'm praying that we'd be a church that is ready in season and now to share this gospel to share his love to share his power to share his joy i'm praying that we're not a church that would just sit down on our hands like oh i got what i need i'm happy i'm blessed i got my group i got my friends and that must be enough no as a matter of fact god says i need you to get all your fighting men i need you to get ready for battle as a matter of fact i need you i need you to go ahead i need you to go ahead of your fellow israelites like if you have yours that means you're supposed to be a leader in this fight if you have revelation if you have understanding of the grace of god if you understand what it means to be sanctified if you understand what it means to be justified if you understand what giving is all about if you understand what love is all about i'm tired of christians telling me they got a whole lot of head knowledge but they're not willing to go ahead and fight for anybody i'm not interested in you just having your stuff and sitting there i need some people that are willing to rise up get out of their comfort zone and shift and go ahead and fight for somebody else my favorite sermon from 2020 is deer 2020 when pastor earl got me out of alignment with all the negative things that i was thinking all the things that 2020 was throwing at me and got me into alignment with god's favor and his promises over my life it just changed the game you know uh you know on on phones whenever you download a new app and um say we'll just use instagram for a second because maybe you've watched the netflix document or the social dilemma or maybe you deleted netflix because of the crazy movie cuties i don't know uh but whatever when you download uh um instagram and you got it and you're like you're reading through it and you get to this point where there's all this fine print and in a fine print there's a little box and it says do you accept the terms and conditions how many of you all read that all the terms and conditions who reads it who reads it i don't know one person i don't know one person that reads and go back for me i don't know one person that reads that reads all of that fine print i don't know one person [Music] everybody i know including me clicks the box keeps on moving and i feel like this year we have been accepting the terms and conditions of 2020 and we have been clicking the box just moving on so we can kind of have our life and enjoy the app even instagram will ask you hey um instagram would like access to your photos you look fine click instagram would like access to your video spot click and i just feel like 20 20 is like i want access to your soul click i want to access to your friendships sure click i want to access to your connection with god okay click i want access to every single relationship you have oh sure click i want access to your church community oh fine click and you and i have just been clicking away accepting every single thing that 2020 has for us every single bit of discord every bit of loss that has happened everything that's been turned upside down we're just gladly accepting it as if it's normal as if this is what we're supposed to do and i'm just wondering have we opened up this book and be willing to accept with as much joy and as much ease what god says about his church and what god says about his bride and what god says about you and what god says about this world and what god says about life i wish the church would be willing just to accept that we've been made new in him i wish he'd be willing to accept that we're not of this world we're of another world i wish we were willing to accept that we've been made new in jesus christ that the old is gone and the newest here i wish we were willing to accept that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church i wish we were willing to accept that we've been called to be a city on a hill i wish we were willing to accept that we were called to be salt in the earth i wish we're willing to accept that we have on the full armor of god [Music] i wish we clicked that box but here everybody just wants to click all these other boxes just accept accept do you accept the terms and conditions i do yes i do go i'll gobble let me gobble it up let me just gobble it up and you have in this world today you have in this world this is fascinating you have in this world people on the left and the right talking about how those on the left are like all those on the right they're just gobbling up the stuff of the media and those on the right are like those on the left they're just gobbling up the stuff of the media and can i just tell you all y'all are just gobbling up the stuff of the media i'm just wondering if there would be a church that would be willing to gobble up all the stuff of the word of god that's what i'm wondering that's what i'm wondering i'm just wondering if you're going to allow god to shake you and wake you up a little bit i just wonder if you and i are willing for god to rip up the floors that it needs to rip up so we can put the stuff where he needs to put it because right now we got stuff where it's not supposed to go and god is saying church would you still be would you be willing to follow me be my hands and feet be my sons and daughters walk in the authority that i've given you and stop giving it over to the world [Music] so uh so i got a note i got a note to 2020. i got a note to 2020. and uh what i want us to do i just wrote this down you could add stuff to it later [Music] but i was like dear dear 2020 i i'm just letting you know i'm no longer in agreement with some things i'm no longer in agreement with some things there are some things that i have pushed except to then i'm i'm beyon my eyes are open today that can only happen by the work of the holy spirit just so you know i ca i'm not a good enough preacher to convince you of your how blind you might be in a spot it has to be the holy spirit that is willing and if you're upset with me right now about something that might be an indicator that god is trying to dig at a point in your life because i didn't call your name i did not call your name i did not say any particular individual if you right now are like i cannot believe that might be the indicator that god's like son daughter what about this is so upsetting to you [Music] so dear 2020 i am no longer in agreement with offense i am no longer in agreement with depression i am no longer in agreement with frustration i am no longer in agreement with lies i am no longer in agreement with bitterness i am no longer in agreement with anger i am no longer in agreement with hate i am no longer in agreement with being average i am no longer in agreement with apathy i am no longer in agreement with weariness of soul i am no longer in agreement with fear matter of fact fear you gotta bow in the mighty name of jesus christ fear that has gripped moms and dads and sons and daughters and single and married people you gotta bow in the name of jesus we are no longer in agreement with the spirit of fear that is trying to families trying to destinies we cancel you in the name of jesus christ and you might try to cancel us but we cannot be canceled because we've been called by god in the name of jesus christ i'm no longer in agreement in agreement with my insecurity and my anxiety i'm no longer in agreement with doubt i'm no longer in agreement with cynicism i'm no longer in agreement with division and discord as a matter of fact i am no longer in agreement with the ways of this world they are done jealousy backbiting pride lust selfishness creed anything that stands contrary to the purpose of god to make it on earth as it is in heaven i cancel my agreement with every single bit of it in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus but it's important that you not just come out of agreement it's also important that you come into agreement with the right thing don't leave a vacuum don't leave a vacuum as you disconnect from darkness don't leave a vacuum you connect yourself with the light that is found in jesus christ and his glorious gospel [Music] so so so here here i i come i come into agreement with the love god has for me and he has for this world i come into agreement with the hope found in jesus christ i come into agreement with the empowerment of the holy spirit i come into agreement with the authority of scripture which is the word of god i come into agreement with forgiveness i come into agreement with peace and peace is not a feeling it's a person and his name is jesus i come into agreement with truth and truth is jesus i come into agreement with the purpose that god has for me i come into agreement with a destiny that is bigger than me and bigger than my comfort i come into agreement with the power love and sound mind that i got from god when i gave my life to jesus i come into agreement with confidence i come into agreement with courage i come into agreement with faith i come into agreement with the sound of praise i come into agreement with a fresh start i come into agreement with a new beginning there i say i come into agreement with promotion and open doors and dying to self and sacrifice i come into agreement with humility and kindness and everything that is consistent with the word of god and the person of jesus christ this is our heritage this is our identity and this is who you and i are connected to right now over every family over every man over every teenager over every single person over every married person i want you to feel the rumble of heaven in this moment i want you to feel the sound of heaven in this moment i want you to feel that the god of heaven is saying son daughter it is time for you to come out from underneath that rubble you will live again you will see again you will speak again you will stand again you will worship again you will cry out to god again you will sing for the rest of your days we will see the presence and the power of god fill every heart and life so right now would you lift your hands through the rubble through the pain through the fear through the town through the insecurity through the waste through the pressures through the hard times through the difficulties through the confusion would you lift your hands right now and declare let him come in the name of jesus wow wow incredible let heaven come yeah let heaven come that declaration is prophetic that declaration isn't just for when you're at the church campus that declaration is for you when you're at your job that declaration is for you right now if you're in your living room by yourself with your family at a neighborhood gathering in your car no matter if it's five years from now if you're listening to this message again let heaven come heaven has come wherever you are i believe that god's presence is here and so we would be beside ourselves if we didn't give every single one of us an opportunity to resurrender to lift our hands in the air like pastor earl said and to have that moment with god and allow him to change and transform us to put him in the driver's seat of our life and let him walk us around run us around and be the leader of us going into 2021 and the rest of our lives and so no matter where you are i would love for you to just close your eyes and bow your head and if you are saying and you feel in your heart you feel that tug of god on you the tears are about to flow that's the holy spirit saying son and daughter it's time to come home and so would you just put your hand over your heart wherever you're at and i want you to repeat this prayer after me this is bold this is prophetic though we are committing our lives to god this year so repeat this after me say dear jesus dear jesus i ask you i ask you to forgive me forgive me of all my sins of all my sins i admit i admit i've made mistakes i've made mistakes but today but today i give you my heart i give you my heart i give you my life i give you my life give me the power give me the power to live for you to live for you in jesus name in jesus name amen amen there's a party in heaven right now a party happening in heaven right now congratulations and if you made that decision today we want to link arms with you we want to know your name we want you to text 97 000 that's right text jesus first 97 000 let us know we do not want you to walk through this journey on your own we want to be in this with you that's right text jesus first to 97 000. exactly you might be asking what's next well growth track is your next step we're having growth track today at 11 45 so we want you to register we want you to jump on this journey that's right and of course we are a generous church here at shoreline city and there are four different ways for you to give we have our text to give we have our qr code that's on the screen right now we have our website and then we have our app as well so we want you to link arms with us in your generosity as well
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 3,848
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: shorelinecity, earlmcclellan, onekamcclellan, bestof2020
Id: PE4P7Tz6qYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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