Pastor Vincent Bohanan POWERFUL PREACHING "Better After The Bite" (2021)

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amen grab it and go amen grab it and go acts 28 1-6 i'll read the first verse you read the second verse i'll read the third you read the fourth i'll read the fifth and we'll all read the sixth i'll be reading from the king james version and when they were escaped then they knew that the island was called malita and received us everyone because of the present rain and because of the cold and when paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire there came a viper out of the heat and fastened on his hand [Music] and he shook off the beast into the fire and felt no harm let's read it together how be it they looked when he should have swollen or falling down dead suddenly but after they had looked a great while and saw no harm come to him they changed their minds and said that he was a god look at somebody and say better after the bite have a seat everybody better after the bite i didn't die in this because i'm not gonna die in that i didn't die in that so i won't die in this just like paul if he survived the shipwreck i'll certainly survive the snake bite i survived one thing and so you better know i'm going to survive all things look at somebody say i survived one thing that means i'm going to survive all things i need you to say it with some more somebody say i survived one thing that means i'm going to survive everything you thought it was just a one-time deal look at somebody and say i survived one thing and i'm going to survive everything i'll be better after the bite [Music] have a seat everybody [Music] they thought a shipwreck would do it then you thought a snake bite would do it but look at somebody say i'm still here uh unstoppable unbeatable unbreakable if i didn't die in that what makes you think i'm gonna die in this if you tried before what makes you think it's gonna work now we're moving people of god [Music] just say i want my time if i didn't die in that i won't die in this [Music] if i didn't die in acts 27 during the shipwreck i'm not gonna die in acts 28 during the snake fight let's get into it have a seat everybody have a seat better after the bite people of god if you will for a moment if you will for a moment [Music] if i didn't die in that what makes you think the next arm that comes my way is going to take me out if i didn't die in that accident anything else that comes my way it won't kill me either [Music] we're moving people of god for a brief overview of where we are as a people as a church and as a nation we the people of the winner's assembly new york are in our year of unity and growth as you know and everything concerning our ministry is growing everything concerning what we do speaks growth but before we can grow we have to make sure that we are building strong people we have to make sure as our church grows the people are growing as well amen and so why have a fancy church building with weak people that won't be able to withstand the storms of life why have a beautiful church filled with people that are blown away by every little thing uh why have um a church and a nice building with all of these things that come along with it if the people inside of it are not able to withstand uh the storms of life that may come throughout the year throughout the month and throughout the week amen many of us are tossed and turned by little things throughout the week and throughout the day amen and so this is why every other week we feel like giving up we don't want to come back we're saying we're done with god and we're done with this and with that because we have become weak people because of the storms that have come our way amen but where we are as a church right now we are not producing any more weak people at this point amen we are now producing strong people that will be able to withstand any and everything amen we are going to be able to withstand uh some of the greatest storms that have taken other people out amen and that have taken other church people and other churches out and so please understand that the messages and the words and the sermons that we are preaching uh they are practical but practical does not always mean elementary a man practical is not elementary amen not all the time sometimes we need the practical stories to get us in place of our understanding and realization that we are able to conquer any and everything with god amen and so before we get to the names of god and all of this other stuff you have to be strong enough a man to even stay in the church amen and so we don't have to learn about this and that and the uh this and the uh this and that and the names and all this hebrew and all this greek and all this other stuff if you're not even able to withstand a small storm amen and so before we can get to the hebrew in the greek amen can we get ourselves together to make sure that we are stable to make sure that we are uh in the right place and that we are rooted and that we're not allowing any everything to uproot us we're not allowing the words of people to uproot us out of our place and out of our gifts and callings we have to make sure that as we begin to rebuild the church we're actually rebuilding the people as well amen and so the word is what gives us instruction hope and insight for everything uh that is in this area in here amen we will follow the word because it's given us an instruction wisdom and insight for where we need to go and so we found out that in acts 27 the last time i preached i said we were unbeatable unshakable and unbreakable and so here we have paul being in prison with 276 other people on the ship and so the ship ended up being shipwrecked due to the storm amen and so we already went over that uh but the storm was not powerful enough to take anyone out and so but even in the scripture it says i urge you to keep courage because not one of you will be lost not one of you will be lost and i want to encourage you and everybody in the winner's assembly right here not one of you will be lost not one of you will be lost only the ship was destroyed and so we have to understand that the thing that will be carrying you may be lost but you won't uh the thing that was driving you may be lost but you won't the thing that was taking you to your destination may be lost but you will not shipwreck in this season you will not shipwreck in this season you will make it to your final destination in one piece you will make it out alive you will thrive and you will get to your destination whether the people like it or not look at somebody and say i'm getting there whether you like it or not until we have to understand that uh now we are here in acts 28. uh just one chapter over and i began to read i said well let me read on let me read on we were just in acts 27 i said well let me read on a little while longer and so paul is dealing with another situation isn't it something how you can try to do the will of god you can be a servant you can pay your tithing and offering you can be a true disciple and still go through over and over and over again and then you begin to question as if you begin to question god as if he's against you not realizing and understanding that there's nothing that he does to hurt us but what he's doing that what he has allowed to happen is actually helping us oh so you are not being hurt in this season you are actually being helped and so we have to learn the difference between hurt and help what god has allowed to happen in your life the frustration that he's allowed you to endure the people that you have been around uh and all of the things that you've heard and all of the things that have bothered you in your spirit has not been there to harm you it was not been there uh it was not there to take you out of place but it was actually there to keep you and to keep you stable and to keep you rooted and knowing that god is not hurting me but he's helping me look at somebody and say he's not hurting me but god is helping me there's a difference between hurt and help when it comes down to god god will never put us in a place where he wants to hurt us that's not the type of god that we serve now you may be with people that may come across as helping you but they're actually trying to hurt you but let me tell you god is not like man and that is the hope that we have here that is the hope that we have in god that he is not like man he'll never be like man he'll never be like your friend he'll never be like your mother your father your sister or your brother but he will always be god because he is god he'll forever be god he always was god and he'll never change being god look at somebody and say he is always god and so and so and so there are things that come in our life that have the ability to destroy and distract and dismantle us in a way but the ability of our situations does not trump god's ability to give us victory and man so the ability that the situations have in our life that all of the distractions and all of the things that may come it will not trump god's ability to give you the victory there is nothing more power powerful than god amen and so i know that you think that your frustration and i know that you think that your depression and i know that you think that all of these other things that you may be dealing with in your life is so great and so heavy but let me tell you there's nothing greater or heavier than god there's nothing more greater and bigger and better than god amen and so we have to understand that what we're going through is not greater than our god what we're dealing with does not trump god's ability to give us the victory we have victory even while he is with us even while we're going through the things that we're going through and even while we don't feel him and even when we don't see him look at somebody and say i still have the victory and so there are things that come up in our life there are things that come in our life and so it's not an option for all of the anointed people it's not an option all of the anointed people can really relate right here because it's the anointed people that go through the most it's the anointed people and it's the people that have a calling on their life that are really going through the most and feel the pressure throughout the week you feel the weight throughout the week you feel the heartache throughout the week it is the prayer warriors and the intercessors that go through the most they're the people that are tossing and turning throughout the night they're the people that are feeling the weight that they really don't even understand why am i feeling like this why is this weight on me they're the ones that are waking up speaking in tongues and they're going to sleep speaking in tongues because they have this urgency they have this assignment that they just can't get rid of and so it's not an option for all of those who have a call we all got to go through it's not an option because of our afflictions because our afflictions are actually building us our frustration is the thing that will put us in a place of trusting god even more have you ever been so frustrated you said you know what god i give up and i'm giving everything over to you i'm giving everything over to you that's what god will do he will allow you to get in one place so you can get in his face and man he will allow you to get in that place so he yo you can get in his face and so you're trying to question well why why why why do i feel like this why do i feel like this why am i going through it is so that you can stay in his face no matter what so you can stay in his face even when everything is going good so you can stay in his face even when everything is going bad and so just as soon as paul has survived the shipwreck we moved to chapter 28 where they arrived at the shore they arrived at the store and so the scripture begins to explain how the islanders were very kind and nice to them we read it in the scripture we read it in the scripture we read it in the scripture so imagine making it to the island it was very cold there was just a storm out on the ocean it was raining and paul being the good man he wanted to be the man uh that was very very nice and kind he wanted to start a fire to create some heat amen and so these are there's so many lessons when you read this passage of scripture acts 28 verses 1 through 6 you can get so much out of it and so this is why we just can't read scriptures but we actually got to get into the scriptures and sometimes you got to read it over and over and over because there's a new revelation that comes out of it every time and man and so there are lessons that come out of this and the beauty behind all of this destruction is that deliverance is right around the corner uh we are afflicted a lot we many are the afflictions of the righteous but what the lord delivers them out of them all he will snatch you out just when you think that you're about to be overtaken he will deliver you out of every situation even when uh you don't even feel like you want to be out of that situation he will pull you out that's how good god is that's how great god is he will snatch us out just like that as fast as we got into it that's as fast as he'll get us out of it that is the god that we serve he will not allow us to drown in what we're in that is the beauty this is why i serve a god like this because he's alive and well and he's concerned and he knows everything about me and so he's watching all of us just to make sure that we don't drown in the very things that may come our way he's making sure that even when we do have a shipwreck we'll be able to make it to shore even when things do happen in our life we'll be able to make it to the destination and so he'll give you the victory in front of the same people that have watched you go through that's the type of god that we serve he'll give you the victory in front of the same people who watch you shipwreck he'll give you the victory in front of everyone that think that you wouldn't make it that thought that you wouldn't make it not for you to get the glory but so his name will be glorified and so as we break down these scriptures and i'm almost done acts 28 uh verses one through six we learn that the islanders welcomed all of them as they came to shore we read this in the scripture now paul is trying to be the good guy and create a flame for uh for everyone because it was cold it was rainy and there was just a storm but then we look into verse three paul gathered a pile of brush wood and as he put it on the fire a viper somebody say viper a viper is a venomous snake that bit him on the hand so it just wasn't a bite from a regular snake but you have to really get into this it was a snake that had venom that had the ability to literally take him out but isn't it something that the very thing that should kill you that has every ability that has every push and pull to get you out of what you're in to get you out of this world it did not even work it's something when the venom doesn't even work it's something when the venom doesn't even work and so it said there was a viper there was a venomous snake that bit him on the hand and so verse four uh when the barbarians had said the islanders the onlookers saw the viper on his hand they said among themselves now we're getting into 2021 they were speaking they were chattering among themselves no doubt this man is a murderer no doubt the same people that just welcomed him to shore the same people that were just so kind to him and saying we welcome you to the shore i know you just had a shipwreck i want to hug you i want to kiss you because i know everything that you went through but as soon as he's seen the snake they want to call him a murderer isn't that something this sounds like 2021 to me whom thought he had escaped the sea lesson number one isn't it something how the scripture says that the islanders were kind to them when they came but when they saw paul being afflicted they instantly called him a murderer isn't it something how people will automatically assume you're doing something or you're out of god's will just because you're going through something just because i'm going through a little bit of something that does not mean i'm in sin just because i've been afflicted by something that does not mean that i have left the church just because i've been afflicted by a little something here and there just because i was bitten by a little snake that does not mean that i left god no you're unstable i'm stable i know god for myself i'm not going nowhere i'm sticking with jesus and nobody else so you don't got to worry about me leaving god because i've already been down that road i'm not leaving him i'm in a place in my life where i'm stuck with jesus in jesus alone there's nothing that i can do about it i can't change it i can't rearrange it i can't rewrite it i'm stuck with jesus and i don't have no other choice so please get out of my face please everybody want to put sin on you when they see the affliction when they see us going through a little bit of something they say oh she must be having sex she must be in somebody else's bed because she going through i already know that she going through something i know she's out of the will of god i just know because there's no way that she could be going through that and beating you know and she no there's no way there's no way god will not put that on anybody that's living all that other stuff shut your mouth please just because i've been afflicted that doesn't mean that i've done anything wrong just because i've been afflicted doesn't mean i'm a murderer just because i've been afflicted that does not mean i'm a low down individual it actually means that god thought enough of me to handle the situation that i'm dealing with he thought enough of me that i was strong enough to handle the storm he thought enough of me because he knew me he knew i would be able to handle the weight he knew that i would be handled the situation he knew that i would be able to handle the affliction that is why god chose me it's not because i'm in sin it's not because i'm sleeping around it's not because i want to do what i want to do i'm chosen for this i'm chosen to have weight on me i'm chosen to go through what i'm going through because god can trust me while i'm going through it he can trust me because he knows i'm not going to give up he can trust me because he knows i'm a fighter he can trust me because he knows that i'm never going to leave him that i'm never going to forsake him he knows that i'm committed to the call he knows that i'm not going to leave my assignment abandoned he knows that i have a gift and i have a calling and i'm not going to allow anything to come in between that what can separate me from the love of god there will it be height will it be death will it be any other creature there is nothing that will be able to separate me from god so look at somebody and say just because you see the affliction that does not mean that i'm in sin i'm actually doing all right i'm actually doing okay that means that god really trusts me that means that god is really for me that means that i'm in the right place at the right time that means that i'm in the right position this season is all about being in the right position this season is all about being in the right place this season is all about being in your rightful place this is not the time to be out of place this is not the time to be out of season but this is the time to be in place and in god's face look at somebody say i'm in place and i'm in god's face as we go to lesson number two now you have to know how to respond when people try to put something on you that really doesn't belong on you we've all been in this place before where they've called you out of your name they said you were doing this and you knew good and well that you were living holy for the lord but you tried to assume you tried to read me and you were all wrong you're trying to go off on what you heard from somebody else not understanding and realizing that what you heard was actually a lie now everything wasn't alive but i'm telling you this time it's a lie because this time i'm really living for god this time i can say this time because i wasn't always there the other times and in church we gotta be honest because you were not always there where you should have been you were not always where you should have been all the time you were dancing and doing everything else but still living however you want to live amen so don't sit up in here and act like that you had it all together all these years don't sit up and act like at this at the age that you got saved you've been living for god and you didn't make no mistakes you're a liar and the devil is too and you better cut it out and so we look at verse six and it says we look at verse five we look at verse five paul it says paul instantly shook it off and put it back where it came from and felt no harm let me read verse five and he shook off the beast into the fire listen you gotta put the very thing that they said and did to you and send it back where it came from it's in the scripture he didn't put it anywhere else he didn't throw it in the bushes he put it back in the fire where it came from so whatever you heard from me i'm sending it right back i'm sending it right back to where you got it from whatever you think about me i'm sending it right back to your small mind whatever you whatever you want to say about me i'm sitting right back into your own mouth and he shook off the beast into the fire and felt no harm isn't that something it's something to read and so you have to learn how to return to cinder you have to learn how to send the affliction the snakes the people back where they came from you have to learn how to send the enemy back where he belongs a lot of the times we allow these things to really get into our spirit and get into our heart and get into our mind mentally and to a place where now we are all discombobulated where all we had to do was shake it off my bishop preached this years ago he said shake it off and live shake off what they said and keep on living shake off what they assume and keep on living shake off all of those things that they have put on you and keep on living and live and so the lesson here this is not the season to respond with words this is the season to respond with action this is the season to respond with victory this is the season to respond with successfulness this is the season to respond with good works this is the season to respond with your promotion this is the season to respond with your new home in-house this is the season to respond with your new job this is the season to show off your travel ticket this is the season to show off your passport because i'm not worried about what you're saying i'm just trying to get another stamp on my passport because i got a work to do i got an assignment to do i got a call somebody look at somebody and say you got to learn how to respond this is not the time to fight back this is not the time this is not the time you're going to be able to see the victory by my works many people take silence as a form of weakness but let me tell you i'm going to be real loud with my victory and it's not going to come from my mouth it's going to come from what you see out of your own eyes i'm not going to have to say a word but everybody is going to be able to see this victory everybody there's going to be an audience that will be able to see this victory because you watch me shipwreck you watch me get bitten by the snake now is the time to watch me get the victory look at somebody say there's an audience [Music] so what we got to do we got to shake it off and live we got to shake off haters and all of that other stuff you know we don't preach that here amen we don't even mention that stuff amen we don't even talk about that stuff there's too much in the bible to preach about for us to keep talking about haters and all this other stuff amen we're in the midst of a whole pandemic why are we still talking about haters we're in the in the midst of a pandemic amen amen and we're still trying to figure out why people are talking about us you still trying to figure that out you're going to spend years of your life trying to figure out something that you'll never understand all right shake it off shake off the affliction shake off the depression shake it off and become better after the bite look at somebody say i'm better after the bite lesson number three and i'm moving we look at verse six and it says they looked when he should have swollen or falling dead suddenly the people are looking trying to figure out how you survive the venom they're trying to figure out well how did he survive the venom the venom of accusations the venom of the truth the venom of being mistreated the venom of sickness the venom of cancer the venom of mental illness the venom the venom the venom that we see how have you survived being black in 2021 how have you survived being an african-american male venom in 2021 how they're trying to figure out how are we surviving the venom we're getting bit here and there and everywhere and the people are trying to figure out well how is he surviving the venom how is he surviving the bite how the venom of hatred words towards us how the bible says that they looked and waited for him to die suddenly there are people there are people waiting for your demise but after they looked it says for a great while they had to wait for a little while because they just knew that he wouldn't survive you know there's a few people that are still waiting from 10 years ago for you to fail but let me tell you you'll be waiting another 10 more years plus another 10 more years after that times another 10 more years amen amen but after they looked for a great while the scripture says and saw no harm come to him they change their mind isn't that something how a man time will be able to change a person's mind about you you thought i was one way but as time went on you begin to realize i really wasn't one like that time will tell everything time will tell everything and so the people are going to have to change their mind about you this season there are some people that will have to come back and apologize for throwing dirt on you before your time there are people in your life that will have to apologize for planning your funeral before your time there are people around you and surrounding you maybe on your job maybe in church wherever they may be but they're going to have to come back and apologize for trying to preach your funeral uh they're going to have to come back and apologize you know what i was wrong i accused you for that and i was wrong i put that on you and i was wrong i called you a murderer and i was wrong now since time have passed by i changed my mind and so when they say i changed my mind all you gotta do is smile and say i know you would i knew you would i knew you would i knew you would change your mind eventually because i know my god and when you know god for yourself you won't allow anything or anybody else to speak anything any in anything and everything else over your life amen and so they will have to change their mind about you they had to realize that the snake had the venom but god had the blood look at somebody say the snake had the venom but god had the blood look at somebody else across the row and say the snake had the venom but god had the blood i know the snake has something that has the ability to take you out but i want to let you know that god has the blood that will cover you in the midst of every affliction look at somebody and say there is no snake and there's no affliction and there's no bite that will take you out in this season because this is the season for us to live and to live more abundantly look at somebody and say i know what the snake can do but i know what god is capable of doing i know what god has and he got real power in his blood there is power in the blood that will protect me from the snakebite there's power in the blood that was to protect me from what they say look at somebody and say i know who got power and i know who got the venom but the venom that got no power over the blood look at somebody say the snake got the venom but god got the blood you ought to look at about five more people and say the snake got the venom but i know who got the blood the snake got the venom but the venom can't have enough power than the blood somebody look at somebody say there's power in the blood fix power in the blood [Music] snake got the venom god got the blood so i was so encouraged by this i was encouraged by this passage by the scripture by this word [Music] i didn't want to hold you along but i just didn't want to tell you i just want to tell you tonight that i'm better after the bike [Applause] go to somebody and say i'm better after the bike they waited for you to die but i'm actually living better after the snake bit me look at somebody and say i'm better better after the bite everybody said to your feet [Music] i know what the snake did to you the snake could have been a person the snake could have been a relationship the snake could have been a situationship the snake could have been depression the snake could have been anxiety but whatever the snake did to you after the bite [Music] i'm better after the bite i'm better after the bite it bit me but i'm doing all right i threw it back in the fire i threw it back where the lid came from i threw it back where it came from i dare somebody just send it back send the depression back send the anxiety be back up send the loneliness back send it back send the suicidal ways back send it back look up it down your row and say send it on back what you're carrying it for send it on back what you're holding on to it for send it on back what you're grabbing on to it for second on that i'm better after the bike just a short little word for you let me get somebody say i'm much better after the bite it was good that i was afflicted it was good that i was afflicted because i was able to learn i was able to learn somebody look at somebody and say i know you're worried but it was good for you it was good that they talked about you it was good that they tried to dirt thorn on you the more drink you throw on me the more i grow everybody needs a little dirt to grow everybody needs a little water to grow look at somebody say i'll take the dirt i'll take the dirt look at somebody else and say i'll take the dirt you need dirt to grow i'll take the dirt i'll take the truth i'll take the words i'll take the accusations whatever you want to put on me i'll take the dirt look at somebody say i'll take the dirt nothing grows without dirt nothing will grow without dirt look at one more person and say take the dirt oh lord somebody say oh i'm better somebody said i'm better somebody say oh lord i'm better after the bite just like paul he went through a shipwreck the next chapter he went to a snake bite but nothing was able to take him out look at somebody say there's nothing that can take me out there's nothing that can take me out i'm like a tree planted by the rivers of water i grow i learn and i become i grow i learn and i become i grow i learn and i become but giving up is not in my dna being overtaken is not in my dna being defeated is not in my dna look at somebody say it's not in me and it won't be in the next generation [Music] snake got the venom but god got the blood look at somebody right in their eye turn to them turn to them turn on them because i really want you look at somebody say i really want you to understand this look at somebody one more time and say i really want you to understand this the snake had the venom but god had the blood what is more powerful than venom the blood what is more powerful than depression the blood what is more powerful than anxiety the blood what is more powerful than cancer the blood look at somebody one more time and say i know what the snake can do the snake has the ability to bite me but i send it back through the fire i send it back where it belongs and i say snake you tried your best but i'm better after the bite i'm better after the bite i'm better after the bite i want about 25 people in here to lift those hands and say i'm better after the bite [Music] there's about five people that were just bit this week they're waiting for you to die they're waiting for you to drown and they're waiting for you to fail but look at somebody and say it won't work you better keep on waiting my funeral is no time soon save your resolutions save the flowers save the flowery words because i'm not going nowhere right now i'm gonna live live live live live look at somebody say live live live live yeah listen i just wanted to drop that in your spirit amen i came in here but i said i have an assignment and i had to let the people know you'll be better after the bite let it bite you but it won't kill you it bit me but it didn't kill me it bit me but i'm still here it bit me but i still got power it bit me but i'm still in my right mind it bit me but i still got sense it bit me but i'm still in the church it bit me but i'm still with god somebody say yes [Music] father we thank you and we love you for the bite i'm better after the bite i'm better because of the bite i've learned because of the bite just like paul we've got to be like paul in the season acts 27 he went through a shipwreck the next chapter he got bit by a snake if you have a back-to-back affliction don't think that god is trying to hurt you he's actually trying to help you and there's many people in here that had it back to back i had it back to back a few weeks ago and i said oh my lord one day it was something the next morning it was something else i said oh lord my lord why has thou forsaken me when i said lord i said lord if you be god if you say you are who you are and if you go by your name and everything that you call you i just gotta follow through and wait on you so you may have an affliction back to back but you're going to have a victory back to back afflictions come with deliverance [Music] look at somebody else and say afflictions come with deliverance afflictions come with victory many are the afflictions of the righteous somebody say but the lord oh but the lord [Music] look at somebody say but the lord but the lord but the lord delivers them out of the mom we're standing to our feet everybody we thank god tonight for the word i didn't want to hold you long today i just wanted to do what god's given me to do said i'm better after the bite and i want to encourage you tonight you don't there's so many lessons in this we had three lessons out of this text we had three lessons out of this text the same people that welcomed him to shore were the same people that had chatter and called him a murderer pay people no mind lesson number two you gotta put the snake back where you found it it came from the fire throw it back in the fire you heard what they said send it back send it back send it back and then the last lesson the last lesson is that the venom has nothing to do with god's blood bitten afflicted but alive and well i was bit i was afflicted the people waited for me to die and let me tell you they waited patiently too you know the people are going to wait as long as they have to wait until they see it come to pass but let me tell you they're gonna die before then you're gonna have to wait a long time i mean look at somebody say we're not going nowhere we're not going nowhere i was afflicted i was bitten but i thank god for the deliverance i thank god for the deliverance with uplifted hands everyone should say father [Music] i thank you for the venom but i really thank you for the blood [Music] [Music] one more time we're gonna repeat this and we're gonna go home look at somebody one more time and say the snake got the venom but god got the blood [Music] trustees are coming [Music] we're going home everybody clap those hands [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah i'm better after the bite [Music] do [Music] look at somebody say i'm better after the fight do [Applause] [Music] so [Music] yes i wish i had a voice [Music] so [Music] so [Music] snake got the venom but god got the blood [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody say god got the blood [Music] god got the blood get in these vows and praise him [Music] i'm better after the bite we're rebuilding the people we're rebuilding the temple with strong people that will be able to switch stand up in them yes [Music] together one time [Music] so [Music] don't let the snake take you out don't let the snake take you out we're coming against everything coming against us look at somebody say don't let the snake take you out [Music] don't you dare let the snake take you out fight back fight back fight back fight back [Music] don't let the snake take you out y'all it's only venom it's only venom it all got nothing to do with the blood it's only venom look at somebody say it's only venom [Music] oh yeah [Music] look at somebody say it's only venom [Music] what is venom when you got the blood what is venom when you got the blood what is venom when you got the blood [Music] what is venom when you got the blood snake got the venom but god got the blood i'm better after the bite we thank god tonight listen we honor god today for the word of the lord it don't always take an hour amen i'll have a longer one next week the lord just said get this small little message that got power all in the scripture it got power it got power all in the scriptures acts 28 you'll find paul arriving on the shore [Music] you'll find him being welcomed by the islanders the same islanders that welcomed him called him a murderer when he was bitten by the snake he threw the snake back into the fire no response no words he shook it off look at somebody say shake it off and live shake it off and live shake it off and live you got something on you right now i just there about 20 people just to shake it off just shake it off just take it off [Music] [Music] yes lord thank you so much amen we love him tonight i want everybody to get a gift in your hand i want everybody to get a gift in your hand get something in your hand get something in your hand we have our swipe on this side our cash app hoh twa and we have cash my right your left we thank him tonight i want everybody to stand with a 10 love gift in your hand what is venom when you got the blood what is venom when you got blood man i'm better after the bite better after the bite
Channel: SPG
Views: 1,344
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Id: 3WZhHsP9LzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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