Pastor Tim Dilena - Spiritual Renewal 2019 | Night 2

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hey too thank you we have to pray we have to pretend we have to pray stay with stay standing let's pray would you do me a favor we are so happy to have New Iberia on line with us would you give it up for New Iberia new iberia we're so happy pastor Jacob and grace LeBlanc we are privileged to have you here it is our joy that you're tuning in with us we love you and you have a hope you have over 1,200 people cheering for every single one of you right now and I think this is really important this is not just day two but I'm just gonna tell you this is really special and I have to do this because this is not just day two it's year 37 would you give it up for Pastor Jacob and Michelle Aransas 37 year anniversary today we had to do that for them before we pray him before you sit down let me just say this I was I was sitting over there this last week and one of our students tapped me on the shoulders they go this is what they asked for they go pastor Tim are you afraid to go up there I said every week every week if if I could I'd go to the bathroom every time before I go out to preach but I can because then you'd know where I'd be going so I can't do that I am scared to death greatest advice my my dad gates we have never forget it first time I ever preached and he looked at me and he said are you afraid I said yes I am and he goes good like a New York policeman he's goes good because now you have to depend upon the Holy Spirit so I've got to depend upon him right now let's pray Holy Spirit we need your presence right now this is not about a sermon it's not about a message this is this is about receiving power tonight God was so grateful for what you did through dr. Darius Daniels last night God thank you for reminding us that strong faith is a long faith god that's so important some some people are on year 30 or 31 or like that laymen's year 38 but tonight we need the strength and the power of the Holy Spirit's God we don't just want to be a church that knows how to listen and begin to have facts we want to experience all that God has for us tonight so in these next few moments as we lay out the scriptures I pray open up our hearts to receive so grateful for tauren Wells would you bless him Lord God I pray such an incredible anointing continue to rest with him I pray father you protect him his marriages children you protect them make them stronger every year we pray discover their children no sickness disease danger ever come near those children's lives and we pray while Dad is away you're gonna cover them right now you're gonna station angels around that house and there's gonna be your protection God tonight is gonna be a special night in Jesus name and everybody said amen you may be seated let's get ready to go we've got to go through some stuff and so I got to lay out a case for you and then we're gonna jump right into it because I'd only have one verse that I really want us to unpack here but this is so important the disciples this is incredible the disciples were entering a time in when they when Jesus leaves them they're about to enter a time which is going to be in all of world history the hardest time to be a Christian the hardest time which meant if you were a follower of Jesus you would either be persecuted or killed for being what for being a Christian I mean I I remember when I was preaching in one country overseas in Bangladesh that we were in an all Muslim area and I've never in my life saw anything like this I preached in a church all the windows were closed because of persecution I had to whisper the entire message so no spitting was happening and I had to whisper the whole thing and literally they took up the offering in in in and everybody brought in there was coconuts and rice and fruit there was no cash that was given and they sang they whispered singing I preached whispering because of persecution we don't know that here in our country and I'm so grateful that we can join together with something like this and cheer for people like Turin wells and we're of God and never be afraid and do it at the top of our lungs tonight but you couldn't do that in the first century not just the first century but it would continue on for three more centuries in fact historians say from the moment Jesus left the planet and he began to empower the disciples there would get this 29 different persecutions that happen to the church and we know them some of them from everything from the gladiator games but some of the most diabolical things would begin to happen to the Christians in fact if we were here tonight to talk just let's we can talk men for just a second Brian Guidry and all of his men's ministry greatest man movie ever made ever made it's not Braveheart that's just men in dresses no 300 that's just too weird come on let's it and it's not like with food OD Wars okay let me just no gladiator is the greatest man movie ever made ever made Russell Crowe directed by Ridley Scott something happens in in gladiator because it was very historic it was historically true there is in gladiator a deleted scene that never makes it it's on the DVD it's only a minute and 16 seconds long let me tell you what it is Russell Crowe is getting ready to go to the gladiatorial games he is there he is Maximus is getting ready to go in and they show a behind the scenes shot of him looking into the gladiator arena before the gladiators would go out they would feed the Christians to the Lions and there is a minute and 16 seconds for and his wife and his children and he's holding on to them very calmly and a lion is pacing behind them and then at one moment and all you see is the back of Russell Crowe's head the lion climbs up very calmly on top of the dad and just before you he's about to pounce on him to seize this scene cuts someone asked Ridley Scott why didn't you put that into the gladiator and this is what he said he says because it didn't properly tell the story but the Christians went through in the first century he said if I only had a minute in 16 seconds I would do it in justice because what they faced was something so gruesome and that was so out of control that they needed something in order to begin to face this kind of thing in fact I want you to get this this is important because we're heading this way as the culture after seus lewis died in fact died on the day that President Kennedy was assassinated the really the baton at that moment and he gets skipped all the time for people like Josh McDowell and Ravi Zacharias then and in those guys the person that was in between those great apologists and defender of the faith was a man named Francis Schaeffer Francis Schaeffer who took the baton from seus Lewis in a sense answers the question listen to this this historian he says why did they kill the early Christians now folks this is important because I'm setting this up for where our society is today so stay with me for a moment this is what he said he says it was not for worshipping Jesus but it was for not acknowledging the other gods of the Roman Empire it was okay to worship Jesus in fact let me say it to you this way the first century government hated the Christians not because they were Christians because they said all the other religions weren't legit folks we're let me give you the big word for what it's called today it's called pluralism which means you step put all the religions of the world here and say aren't we all the same and nothing could be further from the truth because this is God in the flesh dying for us he's not asking you to die from there are people that literally think that if you if they die for their God if they die for the religion that they're part of that they get to go to heaven we're part of something that the God comes and dies for us that's pretty special that really changes everything so what they were upset what the Christians was is that they were saying all your other gods aren't even legit and they said that's why you are going to be persecuted you've got to put all of us on the same level and that's why he says when you face this kind of persecution I want you to know you can still thrive we said this on Sunday that America the United States no longer has the most Christians in the world it's China where it is illegal to have a church and to be a Christian it was as if God was showing us listen to this was showing us that man and government a Supreme Court and communism a worldview and a philosophical idea can't stop what God wants to do he says you can make it illegal but I will continue to show up and do something special so how does God get people ready for this type of environment when all of a sudden you're finding that to be a Christian today to say anything literally you get attacked how many know what I'm talking about when you begin to stand up for morality when used to end up I just read the article today it was sent to me a pastor was just fired today for beginning to preach the Bible and say same-sex marriage is wrong his church immediately released them immediately and we are not far from that folks here's where we have to understand so what does Jesus give to us to face this kind of society he gives us a gift now we just finished Christmas and in all the years that we've Cindy and I have been in ministry I've gotten some interesting we've gotten some interesting gifts from people in fact we have one of them that is literally I would say 25 years old that still we keep it in the garage and it's very heavy we call it our special gift drawer which means if you give me something that is outrageous I can't throw it out if you're still living because if you go hey do you still have that I can go yes we do but it went into a special drawer that really would no one ever goes there except when you lose in phase 10 then you have to first one was this some lady came to me this is Detroit we reach 30 years we were in the most violent area of Detroit miss Michelle pastor Jacob they know where we live this is this is a dangerous place one side of us is a prostitution hotel the other side of us is a is a xxx movie theater all the prostitutes drug dealing was happening that's where we plan to the church so some lady knitted me sweater this is the absolute truth we've got pictures I've had a wear it for losing a game this sweater this sweater it literally was crocheted with a target right in the center of this sweater it's kind of like come on shoot me Here I am it was like the target sweater and so if you lose you have to wear the target sweater and then you just because that's a whole nother thing but the worst one someone gave me I didn't even know what these I used to call it a hot plate but I guess it's called a trivet that if you take beans off the or we're in Louisiana jambalaya off the stove and you put it you can't put it on the counter you have to put it on a trivet well they gave Cindy and I which was one of the worst and I could say that I think all these people are dead so this is the one this is the one it was a Jesus head trivet is that this you can ask Cindy I'm telling the truth and his head was made out of the words of the places that he went so it was like Capernaum was an eyebrow and Judea was another eyebrow Jerusalem was his smile and then it was just let you know Galilee and stuff was his hair and it was all stuff and they're going like whee and zebra and she goes but then I saw this and I knew you would want this and so we had this and we just couldn't bring ourselves like to put beans on Jesus's head we just couldn't go oh Jesus I'm so sorry some of you Cajuns go like jambalaya on him and so some of you I know would just do that but I just have to tell you but here's the greatest thing about Jesus he gives good gifts he doesn't give target sweaters and he doesn't give Jesus head hot plates he gives good gifts here's what the Bible says look at this every good thing and every perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of lights in whom there is no variation those two words are important so drop us down every good gift and every perfect gift let's pause here let's go a little English for just a second so let me just kind of help you through this before we set up our verse here so every good job that word good down let me help you with that that is what we would call in English a superlative a superlative so in Louisiana the last few days it was cold if you were to go up to Detroit or New York it would not just be cold it would be what colder but if we were to send you to Alaska it would be what cold yes that's what this word is perfect here is a superlative let me give you another one Pastor Chris he's cool come on pastor Giovanna who is cooler but when it comes to pastor Randy he is the superlative it's the superlative so what he was saying was when you get a gift from God it's not just a gift it's the best gift that you can ever get so that's what he was saying so then come to the other one perfect is an interesting word the word perfect is a word that actually means useful we go something like this thank you so much that is the perfect gift you could have given to me that word actually means to be useful something you can use you know Jesus is not going to give you a gift to put in the bad gift drawer next to the target sweater and the Jesus had trivet it's not going to happen he says when I give you a gift it is something that you're gonna be able to use and it's gonna be something that you're gonna need as you begin to move forward so here's the gift that he gave that I want you to jot down and I'm just gonna give you two things and then we're gonna pray tonight but it's not that fast what can I got to give you the two things here in his acts 1:8 he says you're gonna receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you this is a good and perfect gift he says and you're gonna be my witnesses both in Jerusalem in all of Judea and Samaria and even to the uttermost parts of the earth now let me just say this new iberia I want you to listen up I want you to listen up oscy this is important because when Jesus gives us verse this is not this is not a Pentecostal thing this is not an assembly of God thing is not an OSC thing this is not a TBN thing this is a Jesus thing this is a Jesus gift he says I'm about to give you a perfect gift I'm about to give you something that you're gonna use and I'm gonna give you something that's good and he says I've got to tell you why because where you're going your campus is your community what you're walking into in these days to come you're gonna need something to be to really know that I can't do this by myself I just have to tell you I can't do this by myself I need the Holy Spirit we need the Holy Spirit if God's gonna give us a gift we need that gift that he's gonna begin to give to us and so the best thing jesus said for me to leave for you is the Holy Spirit so I want to help you tonight because this is something he says is available to everyone in this room new IBR you're all the way here to Lafayette let me explain it like this because some of you I don't want you to miss it tonight last week was prayer and fasting if there's anything I hate more it's fasting anybody with me on that I'm just jesus said jesus said in matthew 6 16 he says when you fast don't put on a gloomy face I'm the gloomy man that he was talking about like if there was a picture next to that verse it would be me I mean in Cajuns you guys like to eat so between cages and Italians I'm going fast if it was just an e in there it would be awesome and it would be feasting that would just be off just one and maybe it was there maybe the translators missed it maybe there was supposed to be an e there you know prayer and feasting so but we are going to do that in just just for that we're doing that in August we're having a prayer and feasting time how many be in on that one let me go so you're like in January or spiritual in August we put on some weight but here it goes so the thing that kills me in fasting when we were when we were fasting last week is smells that just messes me up when there's and you smell stuff like your sense of smell and the thing that killed me the most was popcorn I just couldn't take it I'm just going like come on can somebody just not eat popcorn can you just put that aside and then that was one of the first things I ate when I got off my fast I open that Michael I Jam that thing in there and that and let me tell you some that 2 to 2 minutes and 30 seconds couldn't have gone any faster I'm sitting here it was like the whole fasting week as I'm watching it and here's what's crazy when I don't dip into my might I was gonna say my bucket when I dumped it into my bowl here's what's crazy all the white popcorn came out but then there was all these rebellious kernels that would not pop is going like we're not letting you eat us we are not being part of this wrong moment that's about to have and they would not pop and here's what blew me away I mean you're in the same bag I put you in the same microwave you're hanging out with the same kernels there and you're in there for the same amount of time and then when I pull you out you just won't do anything what's crazy is you're gonna have a bunch of people that are going to be in the same service they're gonna hear the same music they're gonna hear the same message and there's gonna be some of you that are about to pop up and there's some of you they're just going to be sitting there like a colonel that's going I'm not doing anything but tonight we're about to pop [Applause] to get ready that's a colonel there you go there's a colonel popping over there okay sit down no more popcorn here we go Polly number one you will receive and all we can do is take the words of Jesus let's take the red letter words let Jesus speak for himself you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you okay bear with me for a second I have been fortunate I was raised in a Christian home I was raised my parents when my grandparents came over from Italy and they came over from Russia my mom's side is Russian the other side is the Italians they came over where I should have been Orthodox or Catholic they were all taken in in New York by spirit-filled families and all of them got spirit-filled in the very beginning all my grandparents all of my aunts and uncles spirit-filled and so I was raised in a home that we went to church every time the doors were open so we were always there it was like Sunday night there was Sunday night service you had to be there it was tearing at the altar you read all that stuff and at that time there was no Hulu there was no sling there was no iTunes there was nothing no Netflix if it came on TV you were in church if who was on TV and suddenly all the good shows came on TV suddenly I never saw The Wizard of Oz I never saw the Ten Commandments other than after the Red Sea opened up then we would come home and go I don't want to see the Ten Commandments I want to see the water open up nothing went because I was raised in that kind of home and in that kind of environment but here's what's amazing I'm so grateful because at an early age God filled me with the Holy Spirit I didn't have to go through a lot of junk you don't want it I mean my story is not very exciting in fact that's what I pray for my children almost every day God give them boring testimonies I don't think that oh no I don't need them to go I went through this and I went through this inning I want them to experience Jesus and here's the important thing so when God sent me to Detroit to work on the streets with the pimps the prostitutes the drug dealers the gang members when I was on the streets of Detroit for 30 years here's what's crazy I had a Christian come to me and say I probably could minister to them better because I came out of that lifestyle and it seems kind of logical I'm going like it's logical but it doesn't seem right they said because I came out of the gangs because I did drugs and I and I did all this stuff the people that you're ministering to I can go ahead and begin to minister through them better now this is the reason for Acts chapter 1 and this is important because what Jesus was saying is the best way to face the world is not by experiencing sin it's not by going I can relate but it's an experience that you have with God God wasn't saying taste the world and see that it's not good he says I want you to taste me and see that I'm good that's what he was saying he said I need you to understand how important that is see here's here's what how ridiculous that thought would be Jesus didn't go okay Peter I need you to go out and do drugs and get high Martha I want you to go out and just stand on the corners and be a prostitute James you get drunk John you go to prison because she killed somebody so we can really minister to the people in the book of Acts but here's what's amazing what Jesus was saying is this Jesus new get this damn Jesus knew that your power was in experiencing God not experiencing sin he was saying I don't need you to experience getting high and what it is to be in the gang so you could minister to people he says if you can experience me he says then you're gonna have the power that you can touch people's lives don't ever think listen folks I never I the day that I got married I got married at 33 years old to my beautiful wife Cindy I was a virgin at 33 years old because I experienced God I'm telling you students I don't sit there and go like I need to experience this I need to do all this and no no the greatest joy for me was to stand there pastor Jacob was standing up there as my best man and controlling everything over here he was doing everything and Michelle was there looking all sweet and but I'll never forget it was because listen to me because of the power of the Holy Spirit and so we have done sometimes we try to we think that if I can experience the junk I can minister and God was going in if you experienced me then you'll be able to minister to people because this is gonna be difficult times that we're going through let me tell you an interesting story that about ten years ago in the Winter Olympics something happened and this show is the power that no matter what's going on out there you can still still with the power of the Holy Spirit being you're connected to God you don't have to be affected by the junk that's going out there this is what this is what happened about ten years ago I think it was Nagano Japan where they were doing the Winter Olympics they had a shutdown for three days because the winter storms were so bad on top of the mountain they shut down the slalom they shut down freestyle everything was shut down for three days because the blizzard was so bad but here's what they were blown away said if we if we even show the that the network TV you can't even see it it was a whiteout and so what was crazy was that they were running these silly stories during this and this one story caught my attention they said while the whiteout was going there was a set of trees on top of the mountain that were blossoming and putting out fruit while everything else was shut down they're going what is going on how in the midst of this winter storm sub-zero weather whiteout conditions is this tree putting out fruit and beginning to look green like in the middle of the snowstorm and so what they did was because they had nothing else to do for three days they went up there and what they did was they dug around the tree and found that underneath the ground the tree was beginning underneath the ground found volcanic activity underneath the ground they said the roots of the tree was found the warmth of fire fire underneath the ground that they are saying was they warmed itself with the fire underneath that it didn't matter was happening up there they were connected to something else isn't it interesting that Jesus said that the day that you're filled with the spirit he says it's gonna come down like fire upon you which means it doesn't matter what happens in your home what happens in your campus what happens in your life if you stay connected to the fire that God has he says no matter what these conditions are you can still produce fruit you can still blossom you can still do something for God he says listen listen listen this is important that's why listen context this King Ephesians 5:18 he says don't get drunk with wine when you're going through tough times be filled with the Holy Spirit things are tough at home hmm so don't do that get fill with the spirit then think of the context he says if you're filled with the spirit he didn't say you're gonna get this thing better with torn wells he said if you got filled with the spirit you know what he says this is amazing he says you're not getting filled with the spirit so you can be a better church member the next thing that comes after this this is what he says those are filled with the spirit he says 1 remember this seasons 5 husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church if you're filled with the spirit you're gonna love your wife better be filled with the Holy Spirit wives submit to your husband's as unto the Lord if you're filled with the spirit it's as children obey your parents and honor your parents it says if you're filled with the spirit father's you're not to begin to provoke your children but you're to instruct them and discipline in the ways of the Lord in fact it even says if you're filled with the spirit you'll be able to work for a boss that is demonic and he says you'll be able to still produce fruit because you are connected to something else it says that it doesn't matter even if it's a dead-end job he says because you're not working for them you're working unto me when you're filled with the spirit the problem is is we think spirit-filled is for the church on Sundays he's a spirit fills it's free marriage it's for your parenting it's for your everyday job the spirit-filled part of Ephesians five encompasses our entire life that's why this is so powerful acts 1 and 2 begins to become so powerful because what he goes after this is important don't miss this OSC he says because when I fill you he talks about that there is gonna come something on your tongue it calls it speaking in tongues here's what's amazing to me don't don't you have to get nervous now what I think Jesus does he starts out with the most rebel member of our body and what he says then let me just say this why was it manifested in tongues in Acts chapter 2 you ready for this why the tongue why the tongue I think God goes after the most untamed part and says if you give me control of that then I can take over the entire person this is what he's gonna go after remember because that's what it says in James 3 listen to James 3:2 if for if we could control our tongues we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way and that's where Jesus goes let me take over let me control your tongue let me be the one that begins to fix this thing so when you receive the Holy Spirit it is going to manifest with something out of your mouth that's why he wants that that's why when we start praying for you you your tendencies gonna be this you're gonna open my mouth Gabriel and Michael the Archangel needs to open my mouth let me just say some nothing is gonna happen because he it's you surrendering God I surrender I surrender this part of me this part that is cursed that is yelled out listen someone asks me how does your day going today I said I have apologized to everybody I said this whole day I said I just wanted to make sure my tongue was in order so I can speak in tongues because when the Holy Spirit fills you with tongues it's not so you can literally speak in another language which is amazing but he even helps us to speak in English the correct way that's what he helps us to do because when he talks about being filled with the Holy Spirit and says then husbands love your wives wives submit to your husband's children obey your parents he wasn't going like now you're supposed to have conversations and tongues that's what it wasn't saying he was saying I'm gonna teach you how to you can talk in English that's why action 1 & 2 was so powerful every time I think about acts 2 and the power of that verse I guess I laugh every single time my spiritual father told me a story that I'm just telling the David Wilkerson told me this and if he didn't tell me this I wouldn't even believed it but he said there is a lady an old lady talk about the power of Acts chapter 2 there was an old lady who was living in the Bronx oh well into her 70s probably into her 80s living by herself in a really bad part of the Bronx in New York City she was she was still living by herself and she said one night here's David because she came to the churches that this is what happened some guy broke the front window and was about to come in and Robert he didn't know if it was gonna be rape she didn't know was gonna be anything so as he was coming through the window she stood at the top of the steps and just kept going she kept looking at in her nightgown in her road she's looking she kept going acts 2:38 acts 2:38 acts 2:38 II years old what is that gonna do acts 2:38 you know what acts 2:38 says it just simply says this repent each of you and be baptized in the name of Jesus and receive the gift of the hose and that's all it says acts 2:38 acts 2:38 the guy gets in the window here's this lady falls on the ground and puts his hands behind his head and just waits there she calls the police the police come in and start laughing they go do you see this lady she was just she was just yelling scripture and you're late you're just kept she kept saying acts 2:38 and she goes why are you laying on the ground and she's 80 years old he says you'd be on the ground too if you knew she had an accent 2:38 there's power in that verse true story and you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you let's finish with this and you shall be my witnesses this is important now Jesus did not say lawyers he said witnesses I've been in many courtrooms and I've listened to lawyers and I've listened to witnesses I've watched them I've watched I mean I've watched bad situations and a lawyer go up this is my client grant toss he's messed up and so we're gonna try to just ask him mercy on the court that you I mean because they do this all day long there's there's just no fee but do you ever watch what a witness will do like if they go let's get a character witness let's lay the toss the toss the toss has come up that's great good boy he's tall in his head shape but he's a good boy you should hear him sing he's doing good what why what's the difference between the lawyer and the witness the lawyer knows the facts but the witness has the experience and he said this is what he says when when I fill you with the spirit he says it's not about you just knowing the facts of the Bible but you have experienced something even that is greater than just knowing where scripture verses are you have experiencing something deep inside of you you have touched fire that's what he was saying he said I don't need you to just to know facts he says I don't I don't need you to begin just to know the facts but I need people get this who have had an experience that's what made this amazing because the man that preaches in this chapter think about this is a man that just preached to 3,000 people and they were filled with the Holy Spirit is the man just a few chapters earlier yet check it out a few chapters earlier the Apostle Peter who denied Jesus before a little girl and Jesus says let me fill you with the spirit and you're gonna preach not only to 3,000 people but you're gonna do it in the very city that you denied me in he says I'm gonna take you and put you right back god I can't go back to that home you can if you're filled with the spirit now I can't go back to that you can if you feel with the spirit he said I'll take Peter who's Adonai or I'll send him right back to Jerusalem he'll preach even though he was embarrassed from denying me he'll go right back to the same place and because he is filled with the spirit all of a sudden something begins to take place because when you're full something has to come out when you are full he didn't say let's take a course let's take a course on apologetics and theology and let's you know I love OSC college I love dr. Scott best-looking college president on the planet and I'm not weird he is the best I'm just telling you he's amazing he is brilliant he is spirit filled but I'm gonna tell you you can take all of the OSC college stuff if you're not filled with the spirit those are just facts then you're just a lawyer you have to have that but you have to get full of the Holy Spirit let me let me explain it like this not 37 years which is just amazing and I heard 37 years Michele I was just going like wow three more years north through the wilderness and all I thought was that's amazing so Cindy and I've been married 22 years 22 so we're getting there I'll never forget our first fight Cindy can verify the facts our first fight and Emma listen we were doing I mean baby I love you baby and so we got to Wendy's was in a Wendy's drive-through Wendy's drive-through we're there and so I just I was ordering on what do you want baby I'm just looking okay let me just water first side I was ordering I just go I want a double cheeseburger ketchup only fries and I wanted at that time ordered a root beer and I just head and and I want the big E and so I said that's what I want and then I'm looking at a baby girl woody baby baby sweet sweetie what do you who do you want at that time so she's what she said she just I want chicken sandwich girls always get chicken sandwiches just all the time always chicken sandwiches what do you want to drink maybe I want to die coke girls always get diet cokes they feel like they can eat dessert and cookies and everything and the diet coke like fixes everything which is such a lie such a lie and then this is where it started so the person was going like anything else I looked at her and I just said this do you want any fries this is what she said mm-hmm I'll just have some of yours so I just said hey just hold on one second I'll get you your own it's 88 cents that's all it is 88 cents and 80 cents for the biggie I can't eat a whole one so I'll just I just want a few which is always alive someone has to speak up for the men of America I'm just telling you that right now someone has to speak up for the men of America so I just a shitty Scouts cuz no I can't eat a hole I said it's just you don't understand and so the ladies just go like anything else and I'm just going you don't understand I said Cindy understand they put just enough fries in there for an individual they done this they've done the research they know how many goes in there the research has been done and if you pull any out you taint it and then I'm not full you it just doesn't work that way so I'll I'll buy you one I don't want one let me buy you an I don't care if you eat three and throw it out the window you're not getting any of my spies [Applause] serious about food so here it is let me tell you when I do share with her here's the time I'll share food with her I'll share with her when I'm full so there are times like I got something on my plate she's got something and I know she doesn't like it but I'm eating fast so I don't have to give her any so it's I'm eating fast and if it's too much then I'll look when I'm going like I can't finish in my mind I can't finish it oh baby do you want some of this I'm not sharing with her I'm full because when I'm full I'll share when I'm full I'll share when I'm full then you can have it what he was saying was if I can get you full you don't have to go through a bible course I can get you sharing because there is an overflow inside of you that begins to share what God is doing inside of you that's why Jesus was saying when I do this he says you will here it is be a witness and not do witnessing do you know he was saying he's saying what religion does religion says do this and do this he says Jesus goes I come and I change you I won't make you do something I'll let you become something because when the Holy Spirit comes upon you power comes I'm touching fire when the Holy Spirit comes upon you I'm not a lawyer I'm a witness I'm not talking about facts I'm talking about an experience that I had with God passionate Tim how does this happen here's how we close musicians come and we're gonna get ready to close and get ready to pop in this place here it is this is important how can I be filled with the Holy Spirit Jesus tells us how it's it's in Luke 11 and I think this is important for us to hear listen to these words so I say to you ask it will be given to you seek and you'll find knock and it will be opened them to you Pastor Chris talked about this and here's here's verse 11 suppose one of your fathers asks his son for a fish he's not gonna give him a snake instead of a fish Willy or if he asks for an egg he will not give him a scorpion will he he said if you then being evil know how to give here's this work good gifts to your children I love this part how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who just ask you know what's so important chop this down the Holy Spirit isn't is a necessity and not a luxury now let me explain why this is big chop this down Jesus uses fish and eggs because that was the food that was on their table every day he didn't say what would someone ask his dad for a steak and he'd given it you know why he didn't say that because that would have been luxury food that would have been date night food when you were on a date night you get to eat stuff that she normally wouldn't need so what Jesus uses is food that would be on the hill because fish were available and because of the livestock and all the animals eggs were available that was the food that they would use every day and what Jesus was saying is the Holy Spirit is for every day he's not for date night on Sundays he's something that you need every single day when you go to class when your marriage in your job we all need the Holy Spirit and this is what makes this so important and why we're here today here's the thing how many received how many received for Christmas yes or game but probably received I'm gonna receive the gift card this this Christmas how many receive the gift card here's what they say this has been the greatest money maker in the economy than anything else you know why because it sits in your drawer and you don't cash the in fact what they say is over 30% over one third of those gift cards that were bought are never ever used I still got gift cards to restaurants that I got three years ago somebody was giving us grip gift cards I'm just going like mantlet should we go here and then you forget and you forget and you're going like oh where did this come from here's what's crazy they know they're making money on you because when you buy that gift card they're going one third of you are never gonna use that gift card and it's amazing is God has given you a gift and I dare say it's over one third in this place that hasn't cashed in on that gift card that God's going I got a gift it's good and it's perfect I got a gift that has power that's gonna connect you to fire that when the circumstances in your home and in your life and in our country is out of control you're still connected to fire and still producing I got a gift that's not gonna make you do something but you're gonna be something you're not gonna be some lawyer do you lawyer ring and talk about the facts of the Bible because you know where certain books are but you're gonna be a witness that says I've experienced something greater and I know that I need him every single day so here's what we're gonna do it's time to put this bag in the microwave and let this thing pop I want you to stand with me and I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen here new iberia we're so thankful for you joining us your pastor is about to take over pastor Jacobs about to talk to you right now and to lead you in that time don't be that unpopped Colonel New Iberia
Channel: Our Savior's Church Lafayette Campus
Views: 8,129
Rating: 4.7662339 out of 5
Id: 7tmbjO38_FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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