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[Music] is [Music] is [Music] wherever you are this afternoon hearing the sound of my voice may i ask you to raise one hand towards heaven as a point of contact the holy spirit omnipotent power of mercy and grace spirit of the living god bless your people this day let the entrance of your world change your lives let the world impact your people let your name be glorified in jesus name shout amen like fire remember yesterday i told you there are three these three reasons why they clapping the bible the first is to announce battle against the enemy the second is to announce victory over the devil and the third is to welcome the king of all kings the lord of lords the alpha the omega the beginning the end a savior a master the road in the hand of moses the stone in the hand of david the conqueror of conquerors [Music] lord we receive your blessing on the world this day let lives be transformed let people be impacted in jesus name in the name of jesus shout amen one more time you may be seated in the presence of the lord what a joy and what a privilege to be here again this afternoon and trust in the lord that this day's teaching would really transform your life bless your life bring you into the fullness of all that god has for you in the name of jesus one more time i want to celebrate our parents in the lord thank god for baba dear boy and for mommy followers boy come and put your hands together and bless the lord for them come on many of you may have just known them now but i have known baba for like 41 years when i was a young pastor in four square i had to be his interrupter i'm an interpreter when he came to preach there 41 years ago i was his interpreter one thank god for consistency for them being a blessing a magnified blessing to the body of christ the world celebrates them and the world talks about the grace of god on their life and we must never take our blessings for granted the quality of leadership over you determines how far you go in life the challenge of africa is not the absence of resources but the absence of quality leaders the oxymoron of africa is that it is the continent with the greatest mineral resources but the poorest people on earth because his problem is the problem of leadership but that's not what i came to teach you that i just came to let you know so when god plants you under a good leader you must appreciate them one more time thank god for the leadership of the redeemed christian church of god come and bless the lord this afternoon i'm going to try not to preach i'm going to try to just teach quietly if that is possible i'm just going to teach because what i'm about to do this afternoon is to shake your mind shake your brain shake your thinking move you from where you used to be to where you ought to be and to shake your thinking because my teaching today is about changing your mindset the problem with many of us is that we are stuck in the way we think proverbs 23 verse 7 very popular now with people for as he thinks in his heart so is he eat and drink he says to you but his heart is not with you romans chapter 12 romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2. i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your body is a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be ye metamorpho transformed by the renewing of your mind you cannot renew a concrete mind the place you are seated on today before they place those tires they first pour concrete then they place the tires once the concrete is set it is set forever unless you bring a sledgehammer to break it many are not making progress because their mind is set am i teaching this afternoon is what you need if you want to create wealth my teaching this afternoon is what you need if you want to move into quality leadership my teaching this afternoon is what you need if you want to see success in ministry my teaching this afternoon is what you need if you want to stop blaming the nigerian government and start taking charge of your own destiny in the world of john fitzgerald kennedy ask not what your nation can do for you ask what you can do for the nation if you keep blaming the country i'm blaming your nation you will stay there forever because unfortunately the challenge of africa is that some people have seized the mechanism of government but you can seize your own destiny so that nobody holds you in one place with your life and this afternoon like i talk about teaching on mindsets i want you to know that there are two kinds of minds there is the growth mindset and there is the fixed mindset the one that i've chosen to grow growth mindset and then there's the fixed mindset when your mind is fixed there's a limit to what we can do for you growth mindset let me describe growth mindset a little bit for you a growth mindset sees failure as an opportunity to grow more a fixed mindset sees failure as the limit of their life once a man has a fixed mindset if he fails he said well that is it i can't help it my life is finished i knew i knew i could never amount to anything the devil is a liar i see you on top am i speaking to someone this afternoon i said i will see you at the talk look at three people tell them i will see you at the top i will see you at the top i will see you at the top a growth mindset tells itself i can do anything i commit my mind to do a fixed mindset will say i'm not good enough i can't achieve it i can't beat a growth mindset will save my efforts and my attitude determines my altitude in life not my master's degree there are many of us who have degrees but we don't have a growth mindset a growth mindset says my efforts my attitude my will determine my altitude my client but when you have a fixed mindset you tell yourself my potential is already determined there is nothing i can do i can never rise anymore but i came to let you know that devil is a liar where god have destined for you to reach the devil can't stop you he can't stand you and there's nothing he can do about you if you believe you say amen a growth mindset receives feedback as constructive a growth mindset if pastor belema came to you i said the way you behave just now is not good next time do it this way a growth mindset will accept it take a note on it prepare to change and demonstrate a new attitude a fixed mindset will seek criticism as personal will say there's nothing we do here that's ever right there's nothing we do in this place that's ever good and when you have that kind of a mind you cannot go very far i'm just beginning to lay foundation because you see many of us you will want me to show you 15 ways to do to go to have wealth 20 steps to increase your abundance 17 things about real estate 25 things about property 17 things about how to become a billionaire but if i cannot change your mind i cannot change your money because you see money is a neutral instrument money does not know the owner it is just a current that's why we call it currency it is flowing it is either flowing to you or flowing away from you from today it shall flow to you your aiming is very weak if money is currency some people's current is a little tiny stream others it's a big river i pray for you today money will flow to you and the currency will increase shall tell me one more time [Music] so look at me for example i run a wealth academy we even have class this saturday i'm gonna check it out you can just do and you'll see the details i'm teaching 20 to 35 year olds that they can make their wealth before they are 40 and not wait like my generation who waited until 65 to pension and by time they haven't pensioned they had nothing other than pension and some some broken house in their village in asia mauberto but your generation have an opportunity to break through have an opportunity to make wealth because if you have the right mindset you can enter what your father's and your mother has never entered i pray for you today your story will change what your father's never achieved you will achieve a thousand times more a thousand times favor a thousand times testimony a thousand times glory looks like only few of you believe those who believe say amen again before i even go further let me just tell you my father served in the nigerian army for 30 years 30 years and then he died in biafra and then one day i went to speak somewhere in a corporate organization and for my speaking for 30 minutes what they gave me as my honorarium for speaking for 30 minutes was more than the man's salary for 30 years that is what i came to teach you today so you can sit down fold your leg or even slip off because you've eaten too much lunch or you can wash your face and wake up somebody tell yourself wash your face [Music] don't just wash it shine your face growth mindset will say i am inspired by other people's success when you have a growth mindset when you see success you don't get angry you don't get critical you don't criticize you don't be little let me tell you let me tell you let me tell you this afternoon this one hour may not be enough maybe when i come in the next session tomorrow i will build on it but let me quickly say this anytime you see success and you criticize it you have just exited yourself from success any time you see wealth and you criticize it you have just exited yourself from wealth anytime you see a person with blessing we don't even know how he got his money this nigeria said look at him he's only 37. he's only 38. how did he become a billionaire how do you want to become one when you cannot accept another man's blessing fixed mindset fixed mindset will react differently a fixed mindset will when he sees success it gives up easily a growth mindset likes to try new things somebody scream new things somebody says again new things but a fixed mindset would say oh boy i will stay with what i know i will stay with what i know even if it is not working they will stay with what they know a growth mindset is an investor mindset is an investor mindset a fixed mindset is a service mindset and you may not know what i mean here until i explain investing is different from saving investing is different from saving in nigeria when you put your money in shavings account i don't call it saving shavings account because the bank is shaving you when you put your money in shavings account the bank will give you two percent or one percent so that you can keep quiet they carry the same money where you give them they go give man to borrow from them at between 15 and 25 percent and they are giving you two percent and you are happy most of you are seated here you have no investment your money is in shavings account if you have investment account raise your hand i didn't i saw one hand if you have shavings i can't raise your hand you see now you see you see when i get shavings account then they shave now where where every month the collection their money they're giving her two percent but you see when i don't know even say they don't go to women are they praised now no money they use hey you know no every morning when nigerian banks wake up their prayer is that dangote must not die because you don't borrow money from all of them he doesn't use his own money the guy is smart he uses opm other people's money ah i'm better than you i'm just starting you want to make a go on you want to make a go on the most exposed man to the bank in nigeria is aliko dangote he does not use his own money he's using your money and by the way every time you go to atm you put your card you're checking balance balance three million it's a lie it's not there they don't borrow this man you want to test it if all of us here who are just with one bank say gtb if all of us here show up at the gtb redemption camp branch to withdraw money there will not be enough money it's never there they don't loan somebody they give you two percent savings account and they've given someone who is bringing back to them 25 in the middle of kobit every bank in nigeria declared a profit of no less than 100 billion in the middle of it so you need to change your mindset growth mindset is a an investor mindset they trade their hours for the future oh i hope you get this today they trade hours they trade hours but investors they trade hours for money they trade hours for money many of you are selling your hours but those who have a powerful mindset they only trade their hours for the future please help me to put up this uh this fan i can stand without the fan let me feel the heat and finish the teaching rather than the paper being blown away so put it on put it up put it up don't worry listen to me listen listen listen listen listen why did it take me three hours to get here yesterday did i say three hours three hours and 30 minutes and let me shock you pastor belema did not tell you after three hours i had to get out of my nice car that looks like a home which has a fridge which has television which has everything and jump on okada to get here yeah i jumped on okada before mountain of fire to get here yesterday night you want to know why because everybody in nigeria is a person selling their hours for money eight hours every day wake up in the morning you rush to walk you come back home you have some food what television you go to bed wake up in the morning you rush to walk you come back home and have some food watch television and go to bed wake up in the morning and rush to walk come back home and have some food watch television and go to bed [Applause] that's how your papa your mama and my own papa mama i saw they doing saute they retire wake up in the morning and rush to work come back home and have some food watch television and go to bed so we jam all the road with cars the time has come for some young men and women in this house while you are in your room let money be flowing to you let money be flowing to you let income be coming to you through the businesses you will start through the side hustle you will start if i'm talking to you shout i receive it and it's not in nigeria alone the same thing in london i live in london i've lived there 37 years on saturday morning i rose i beat okay in london monday morning the roads are jammed 9-5 mentality monday morning the roads are jumped because somebody told us that the only way for you to receive money is through employment and i'm going to show you in the course of my teaching today and tomorrow it's okay to have an employment see that's all you have but i came to shake up your generation to let you know nobody in nigeria not one not one single one not including the president officially officially officially there's no one in nigeria on a salary of one million dollars nobody but do you know that baba mullika who did not go to university who is a contractor who is building houses his profits in one year is more than a million dollars meanwhile all of you wear shoes you put time you speak english that is breaking the glass when they ask you where do you walk you clear your truth first i am the damage i mean managing director [Applause] your story must change your story must change your story must change your story must change see that i said i don't want to preach i want to teach don't let me preach don't let me preach i don't want to preach i just want to teach so baba mulika didn't go to school i live in the area where there are some baba mulikas in essex london these guys didn't have much education maybe secondary school because in the united kingdom up to secondary schools compulsory your child no go to school they will jail you the papa so up to secondary school that's all these guys read then they go and learn how to set up scaffolding there is a billionaire in france whose only business is scaffolding you look at them and laugh look at these guys scaffolding let them be careful though make you not fall you are sitting inside your own nice air conditioned car whereas if you lose that job you can't survive more than three months most guys will tie around their neck they cannot survive more than three months but when god gives you your own when god gives you your own your story changes not bad to have a job but listen when you have a job you are selling your hours for money but when you have your business you are trading your hours for the future it's a difference and you know what when you sell your hours they determine how to pay you they look at you hey okay first degree where did you go redeem university what did you read banking okay we shall pay you 70 000 naira a month is that all you are worth is that all you are worth if you are worth more then you change your life you determine your destiny by your future not the hours you sell and by the way oh i can't do all the teaching in two sessions i'll try my best because too much is rushing in my head not only do you start a business you scale it somebody screams scale it say it again scale it took only one person to start mcdonald's but if he had stayed in one spot flipping the burger he wouldn't have achieved anything but he scaled it by opening several mcdonald's around the world so that there are 25 000 mcdonald branches in america alone 1 800 in the united kingdom so that whether he's sleeping or he's awake money is flowing scale it i told you i'm not preaching so i like your quietness something is about to happen to someone here investors accept their consequences if it's going to be it's up to me if it's going to be it's up to me but this side fixed mindset save us they complain about having no help nobody is there to help me no one is helping me i don't know anybody who is nigeria he's only by long leg he's all about being from one part of the nation shock them by succeeding investors they quit strategically when it's time to leave anything they quit strategically save us fix mindset they quit early little little problem i give up i'm tired ah they started a business is not working for six months they've already given up savers growth mindset they work with a team don't look for others who are doing the same thing they want to arrive together those who have a fixed mindset they are individualistic they don't work with anybody save savers they are asking questions what can we do how can we be better they come to seminars they sit down early they write notes they get the video like the teaching of this conference you think you heard it you only had 10 percent by every message that was preached from barbara to my man to pastor belema to a salmon to my teaching place several times you might just be one day in your bathroom and the revelation hits you from what you had at the camp somebody's life is going to change i said your life is going to change shalt amen like fire the focus of my teaching mostly today is about mindset you see i could have come and started the principle of the things you should do to grow wealth but if i don't change your mindset then it can't because you see look look look look look look look if i put a million dollars in your hand and your mindset does not change the minion will leave your hand you live i don't know if the guy who brought my books brought a book called 33 irrevocable laws of wealth creation in it i quoted about 20 people in america and britain who won lottery millions of dollars but today they are broke you say how can they be broke yeah because the money it is for multiplication did you hear me i said did you hear me money is not for spending it is for multiplication no money should come to you and go out immediately it must multiply and if you don't believe me let me just stop here and give you an illustration so that some of you can wake up are you ready tell your neighbor wash your face tell them again he's about to say something wash your face they used my name to sell movie there were only eight houses in maui i was the first to buy land in maui i ended owning 900 acres a movie 900 acres pastor belema i had no house in lagos i used all the money i had to buy 900 acres in case you don't know how big 900 acres is it is two kilometers wide five kilometers long my land starts from away and goes on to paco atlanta have you washed your face or you are still watching ladies and gentlemen and i bought it when i was your age 31 years ago i refused to build a house i refused to buy a nice car because that's the problem of this generation first in her money first tonight marcia sinaira one million dollar marcia sinaira firstly nahoma [Music] [Applause] joe look at somebody you can tell them wash your face yeah i bought homer mad back i've i've bought up to eight homers gave away seven still have one gave away seven hummers but that's not where i started by the time i bought i was worth 100 homers before i bought one before i bought one i was worth 100 hummers but this generation all we want to do is want to wear louis vuitton they say what trousers are lv shoe lv your bag lv and even when you don't have original you can buy fake that's not to create wealth did you know that nigeria is the highest consumer of of champagne yes sir google it when i finish the highest consumption of champagne on earth is nigeria did you know that nigeria is the second highest consumer of hennessy obamacare second highest consumer of hennessy is nigeria global but from today something is changing your story is changing are you ready for the mind shift i said are you ready for the change of mind so 31 years ago i bought the land so anyone who came to buy to tell them hashimoto has landed here so people began to buy about 900 acres and moving i didn't have anything i had no house now i have a house a small house in lucky just very small one change your mindset because your mindset determines what comes to you you can only transmit an idea which you have your thoughts must affirm the desire you have not a man experience don't just say i just want if i can just touch the money no you need to be ready because the bible says he gives you power to create wealth that he may establish his covenant with you no one ever creates wealth or starts the creative power of wealth creation by mere spending time on wrong information wrong desires you need to have the right kind of mindset spend a lot of time knowing the picture the desire of what you want see it in your spirit the more the clear and definite the picture of wealth creation in your mind the more you can achieve it because you can desire it and you will increasing it if you can see it in your mind your thoughts must be accompanied by an unwavering faith that the things you are looking to are already yours the beauty of christianity is that we are a people whom we have a covenant with god god said he will bless you somebody say i will be blessed say it again i will be blessed you see unbelievers may even practice what i'm about to teach and they don't experience it but you have a covenant my gem a covenant with god that he will bless you job 36 11 if they obey and serve him they will live their years and prosperity and their days in pleasure isaiah 119 if you are willing and obedient you will eat the best of the land again chapter 2 verse 8 and 9. the silver is mine the gold is mine and the glory of this present house shall be greater than the former second corinthians 8 9 2 corinthians 9 8 consider the grace of the lord jesus christ how that he was so very rich yet he became so very poor that through his poverty you might be rich and god is able to make all grace abound unto you in that you having all sufficiency in all things will abound unto all good works philippians 4 19 but my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus deuteronomy 8 18 and thou shalt love the lord thy god for it is he who gives you the power to create wealth that he may establish his covenant with you i hope that is for you i said i hope that is for you i said i hope that is for you but if you must walk and what i just said you got to change your mindset you got to change your mindset change the way you think change the way you see life hold on to the mental ownership of what you see how many of you see yourself blessed how many of you see you on top how many of you see yourself turned around how many of you see yourself in a new season somebody say i receive it shout it loud i receive it but then after you have seen it in your mind you must keep that vision even if you are living and face me i face you don't let where you are determine where you are going believe the word of god know that one day there will be a testimony know that one day there will be a turnaround imagine an environment and a financial condition that is exactly what you want always see it in your mind even when things are difficult never give up use your mind to form an image of what you want hold that vision hold it by faith hold it with purpose you cannot spend your life studying poverty when you desire riches you can't spend all your life talking about luck talking all the time about luck saying the wrong philosophies around misquoting the word of god join those people who misquote the bible they say ah hey money is the root of all evil law where did you find that in the bible it says the love of the love off money has no character this money in my pocket if i go to the stores and buy things if they put it in the hand of a drug addict it becomes drug money if the drug addict buys something and they use it and give it to a pastor as change it becomes money in the hand of a pastor it takes on the character of the owner it is neutral it is flowing some people it is flowing away from them and some people is flowing to them from today it shall flow to you i started to float towards you but you must change your mindset no one ever got prosperous by thinking poverty studying poverty sitting down in luck and listen this teaching applies in all areas ministry you want to see success you got to see success in your mind business you want to see success you got to see it in your mind blessing comes because you change your mind you don't wait many of you are waiting waiting for one uncle said you'll get you a job in customs and you've waited two years instead of you to start something books and magazines which are filled with images of luck will not help your wealth creation you must see it in your spirit life always moved in the direction of your dominant thoughts life always moves in the direction of your dominant thoughts so if you think poor you remain poor you begin to think blessing somehow god begins to make way for you i pray for you today that your story will change i said your story will change so from today use your own mind to begin to dream new dreams to begin to see new pictures to begin to think different thoughts man cannot shape anything without thinking of it first look at me everything around you as your sitter where you are or standing everything around you started in somebody's mind everything look at these glasses in my hand it was once sand by the seashore ordinary sandal and they go park corn fire the thing until the sun comes melts they come make glass out of sun have you not even asked where these things they come from now now so now my optician can't charge me or charge me 500 pounds for five for sand organ accordingly we have 500 pounds of sand for my but you know they saw it in their mind before they created it to agree with my eye the microphone in my hand somebody saw a microphone that has no cable that makes it easy for speakers and so they charge us for this cordless microphones the clothes you are wearing did not appear as cloth this wool appeared as wool on the body of one man somewhere and somebody saw that if we clear this wool we can turn it to clock people where the shoe i'm wearing is some cow somewhere somewhere and somebody looked at the cow and saw a nice shoe nigeria what do we see when we see a cow we see come on whereas the shoe i'm wearing pastor bellama this shoe i'm wearing will be out we'll buy four nigerian cows four is a thousand two hundred dollars you buy four nigerian cows what nigerians will see the color is eight see one more i see your story changing i see your story changing we're surrounded by opportunity but we don't see it in uganda right now because their biggest food in uganda is banana when you cut a banana tree and harvest it the tree is useless in uganda now they no longer allow the tree to be useless they are changing it to cloth they are turning banana tree to cloth changing it to cloth you are surrounded by opportunity but you are looking for a job you didn't know that job stands for j or b which means just over broke job keeps you j or b just over broke that's why you're ready to kneel down do anything make your organo suck you because if it sucks you three months you're in trouble most nigerian jobs only keep you j-o-b just over broke and i finished teaching this afternoon i'm going to pray with you from today your eyes will begin to open you begin to see opportunities you begin to see favors i said you will see opportunities you begin to see favors shout amen like fire and when i say opportunity again let me talk to nigerian young people most nigerian young people all they are looking for is passion they say i want to pursue my passion orga no pursue passion look for a problem to solve nobody is paying for passion they are paying for problem solvers you got me this one why are you not working music is my passion i'm believing one day i will have a big break go and look for a problem and solve it microsoft is something solving a software problem iphone is solving a connection problem that makes life easy so that everything is in your phone my ipad is solving a a wholesome problem wholesome problem this light is solving a problem most people want to go they let's say i was one of those who used to teach that people should follow their passion no follow passion pass your logo put food for your table passion will not bring you into wealth it is the problem you saw that announces you mark zuckerberg did not follow his passion he found a problem connecting the world through a simple social platform it made him one of the top 10 billionaires on earth look for a problem look for a problem and solve when you solve a problem people will pay you whatever amount you say you want if you follow passion it will not work but if you find a problem you can solve it passionately i hope i'm speaking to someone this afternoon too many young men and women stuck they're waiting for a passion instead of looking for a problem when you look for a problem and you solve it the world looks for you i declare and decline to someone's life yet today may your eyes be open i said may your eyes be open i declare again may your eyes be open dealing with problems is what i wrote in this book the creative edge these last days those who are creative are taking over our world industries have gone not only here all over the world elon musk created a car passed up no engine inside my son bought one of tesla's car he opened boots no engine you know my brain old testament brain come look the calories how does this thing work just battery under under under on them and the motherboard a computer brain and then charging it that's all ah how can car deal when you get engine because that's where the world is going while nigerians are still fighting over where to put cows instead of us to remove those young men from following cows some of them are extremely brilliant but we put them to pursue cows and we treat cows more important than human go to botswana there are more cows than human beings and yet they don't do that botswana 2 million population cows 3 million anything i say go check it online this is the season for you to unlock your creative code deuteronomy exodus chapter 35 i mean verse 30 to 35. he said i will pour my spirit upon i spoke it mentioned the person he said i will come to him in the night season i will teach him how to fabricate the things to be used in the house of god where is your product because the day you create your product we will come to buy it the problem of nations in africa is that they're always buying from abroad always consuming always consuming there's a man or woman here god has been giving you ideas when you leave this conference your idea will come to pass your dreams will become reality your vision will become reality your creative idea will become reality shout amen like fire [Applause] use your will power to walk with your mind just let everything start with your thinking then move it into material man confirm things in his thoughts everything you see started as a thought the money in my pocket did not appear on earth as money you know some people don't even ask questions how did money come how did the paper appear the paper was once a tree that they went and harvested the tree they ground the tree they mixed with some other things and then they pressed in a machine paper appear nigerian money is total paper british money is a combined of paper and plastic american money where people want that for is a combine of paper plastic and guess what pastor dilemma cassava tapioca all that nice american dollar where people went there for they have stopped puke inside don't die for cassava everything you see around you never appears in his final form it is the glory of god to conceal a matter it is the glory of kings to find it out i lay hand on you today you will find it out you will find it out you will find it out you will find it out you will find it out shout amen three times [Applause] you can't begin to change your mind wealth creation requires thinking in a certain way to think wealth when surrounded by poverty requires the power of the mind the power of the mind i got to the united kingdom and found that people of my color settled for mania jobs cleaning i got angry in my spirit i began to go to all the banks and take all their papers i brought you to church studied it then i began to teach i began to hold wealth creation seminars began to teach people how to buy property how not to wait 25 years to pay the mortgage how to pay it in five years 10 years boom there was an explosion in our community people began to walk and wealth because it's not just a teacher it's the anointing that destroys the yoke i believe the anointing is here tonight somebody's going to walk in a new season your story will change your story will change your story will change when you begin to acquire a growth mindset a wealth creation mindset you become a mastermind a master mind man forms things in his mind some people all the form is evil he impresses his thoughts upon substance this thing i used to claim my face was upon was one day cutting on a tree and they impressed their mind and turned it to something i can use everything around you the plastic in my hand was from hollow ibiri this is crude oil that somebody extracted plastic out of crude oil called polymer and today we buy plastic all the chairs we are sitting on there were petroleum from our country we exported it they extracted the polymer and sent it back to us higher price because we are not creators we are consumers i came to speak to this generation because you are the hope of nigeria you are the hope of africa out of this crowd men and women with the business with global footprint shall rise in the name of jesus shall rise in the name of jesus shall rise in the name of jesus if you believe it shout yes and when the church did not teach us wealth creation the anointing moved somewhere else unbelievers began to get the idea god said i opened before he opened doors we didn't take the door so my so microsoft took the windows windows bless them god gave you doors you didn't take the doors microsoft just take windows or windows and they come prosper waiting go happen if they say you take doors are you know charlie branagh somebody will catch the fire here today you catch the revelation here today shout him in three times [Applause] as preaching in every coast every coast are you go there and go test factories there make him see man ghana is there making cement zambia is there making cement these people will not honor the gospel with their money how many of you if god prospers you you will be a sponsor of the kingdom of god let me see your hand as you have raised your hands your hand will not go down your hands will handle wealth your hands will handle favor every problem you solve god will give you a common solution uncommon testimonies now put your hands together give god the biggest praise come on give him the praise your thoughts influence your belief limiting belief actives limiting beliefs actives limiting beliefs are thieves that's why you have two people come out of the same womb one believed that they can become they became the other one believed that he is rubbish he became limiting beliefs alter your thinking to be in agreement with the dream of wealth deal with your underlying belief because i know there are some of you may be here today and say i just want to go to heaven whether i don't get anything i don't mind i would rather have jesus than anything this world of sin could give that to be a king in a vast domain nice song but many times it has kept some people broke the man who sang it sold a million records you carry the record they go around deal with your underlying beliefs the mindset you have determine if you become a champion or not no one can take you where you are not willing to go think well and you begin to attract wealth i didn't come to teach you to prosper because i came out of prosperity i'm doing it because it's a revelation i saw in the world i come from luck i come from poverty i come from not just poverty intense poverty i come not just from intense poverty we were so poor you don't need four letters to spell our own poor just two letters po po we're so poor poor people used to call us poor we're so poor my father will always look for the house nobody wants to live in that's where we lived when i was a young boy we grew up in zaria kaduna in in kaduna we lived in a village by the co village where there's a town now the idea went past verico village it's not a city nobody could be this when i lived there was all grass hot grass grass man grass the only house with zinc on top now there's where would they live now one structure building no light i thought i'd leave town go live for village we're so poor we have no assurance that there'll be food tomorrow because the man was a compulsive gambler compulsive was playing the pools he never fly you know go past congo and cameroon you got to do baba jabu that time is doncaster versus darlington not chelsea now versus manchester chelsea five manchester one yes all blues any other person keep quiet blow all the money i have no remembrance of new clothes no remembrance you go to school you know go my brother no worry i didn't know i was brilliant so every night where goes to gonna seem brilliant i know go now when i construe i can't say everybody follow me for behind hey so brain day here i remember one time i said i think primary two wasami building primary to face here primary three phase there then they ask ask questions for primary three are they primary two problems three no no i can't do my hand like this i can't answer one for them my teacher can't get angry their teacher said don't get angry this guy should not be there he should be here i see you on top [Applause] it's not where you started it's where you finish stay with me i'm about to close very soon are you getting something this afternoon you should run your thoughts not your thoughts running you every time your mind tells you this is nigeria there is nothing in nigeria things are very hard run to canada if you want to go canada that's okay well let me tell you one truth and by the time i finish my teaching tomorrow afternoon you will have to ask yourself if you really catch the vision do you want to go to canada because you see all the nigerians so they moved forward for this nation going for canada and britain i've lived in england now 37 years most nigerians abroad only have a middle class life a car and a nice house finish nothing more a car and but suppose in this nigeria god gave you a problem to solve and you are the main supplier for 200 million people i have a young man in krcc nigeria one day the british police saw him buying surya or something like shiva and london uh what did they call it now um now there's this one the arab cell no no no no shaman thank you it was it was one kebab they said where's your passport you show them you know give visa in they still wait iran first degree economics nigeria so they carried this brother carrying gun nigeria but before he came some people wanted to buy a material for a brewery in nigeria he had helped him before he left as he arrived you find that nobody has the material in all the breweries the boarding companies water companies coca-cola companies all the breweries he became the sole supplier today the containers he brings into nigeria are close to 100 every year you go go look for canada now now me you go live for canada the answers the problem you will solve that will put you on global map god will open your eyes to see it god will open your eyes to see it god will open your eyes to see it god will open your eyes to see it shout amen three times so listen to me everything you see around you came from a thought this camera in front of me came from a thought even the cameras have graduated in their quality i own the whole tv station so i know what i'm talking about they've graduated the better they become the more the people are able to sell it never appeared before it didn't exist before somebody saw it in their mind the cars on our road somebody saw it in their mind the seat upon which you sit somebody saw it in their mind and don't tell me there's no problem anymore to serve in nigeria who said so or you may be saying but i have no money think the thought first then the money will come to you and i pray i anoint your hands from today today is the poorest you will ever be [Applause] today is the poorest you will ever be today is the poorest you will ever be today is the poorest you will ever be today is the poorest you will ever be shout amen again sit down sit down so your thoughts is your status of capital what you need to start business is not finance it is not cash it is a thought then you can begin to get into the things you want to do your thoughts are your ability to come out of negative your thoughts bring you out of shame and drew young said i have about concluded that wealth is a state of mind that anyone can acquire a wealthy state of mind by thinking rich thoughts james allen said you are today where your thoughts have brought you you will be tomorrow where your thoughts will take you franklin d roosevelt said men are prisoners not of their faith but prisoners of their own mind walter anderson said you and i are not what we eat we are what we think so wherever you are today is your thoughts i have cousins i have siblings all they want is what's in my hands not what is in my mind they will never come to my seminar i teach wealth creation around the world i've seen men working unbelievable unusual supernatural favor but they will not come they just want me to raise them to give them money under this hot sun you have come to this meeting ah your story will change you will never be the same i repeat again you will never be the same your story will change your thoughts are totally your own your thoughts are yours you create them you are responsible for them your thoughts are your master blocks with which you build your own life as your mind grows in strength your thoughts and your thoughts increase on saturday i'll be teaching the young men who have paid to be on the wealth academy 20 ways to start and run a good business because until you have your own business you will forever work for other people because you fall in one of four categories you are either an e or an s or a b or an i esbi e means you are employed by other people they determine your life they determine your income they determine what you get inland revenue also charge you a higher tax because you are being paid by someone you are selling your hours international labor organization says that your employers must only ask for eight hours although nigerian employers don't ask for eight hours they're just they just tell you should be glad you have a job so they own you you are the one who is in there wake up in the morning rush to walk come back home have some food watch television go to bed wake up in the morning rush to walk come back home have some food what television then some nigerians have moved to the next category they are self-employed it is a bit better than the e when you're self-employed that one's selling some small small things recharge cards you're on your own company you have your own camera you do recording video recording you have no staff but it is going on you are better than the first man but you are still selling your hours you see how much are you going to charge us you are the only one doing it you are the one who will run around you are going to do the recording right now will do the editing you are the one who do the finishing you are the one you are the one you are the one the third category is when you begin to run a proper business and this level you begin to hire people one people one person two five fifty when you begin to hire a thousand your state governor will come looking for you you will not be the one looking for him when you start to hire a thousand people the government will want to talk to you you will not be the one looking for an opportunity to meet the governor or meet the president and have a selfie with him and then one day will come in somebody's life here when you will move from being just a business person to being an investor at this level you are looking for people who have business for you to own five percent of that business 10 percent of this business you are looking to own something to buy shares to buy stock to buy land to buy real estate or you meet a young man two men from from this year's youth conference who are starting a tech a tech startup and they're looking for an angel investor the idea requires 100 million naira and their idea will work maybe it's an idea that will make it easy baba wants to teach and he wants the bible study to be watched by every reading i'm giving you an idea already and he wants every branch of redeemed to watch it simultaneously without asu are not having to have unusual equipment and you've created their tech to make it happen you need an investor that will help you with the initial equipment and the initial cost of putting it together this is a level where some people are they are investors they put their money in business they are no longer hustling in fact they are busy playing golf when people are using their money to do business and the return is coming to them they it is not their age it is their stage not age but stage not age but stage somebody's story is changing i said your story is changing i repeat your story is changing from today god will fill your mind with good thoughts inspiration will fill your mind you will rise to a new level you will achieve what your fathers could never achieve you will achieve what your mothers could never achieve you will break new grounds shout amen with fire [Applause] so number one think differently to get results think differently to get results number two don't let main street way of decision making holds you from your future number three live an outsized life that is bigger than the small dream of yesterday see five years six ten years shift 20 years number four stop selling your time if you sell your time you will remain middle class you will never enter the realm of wealth number five know that everybody you know who have impacted their world they don't sell time they own their time they multiply their life number six move into using other people's money like i show you for real estate go to the banks i have a dream i have a vision don't worry and they said 15 percent take it buy the land build 10 apartments don't build big massive house mansion build one one bedroom two two bedroom too many young people are looking for it sell all out by the time you sell you get profit you buy the next land stop chasing and looking at others do it start doing it yourself that then another building you build the next building you build don't sell it ten apartments get tenants there as the tenants are paying the payment they are paying is paying the loan you took as their payment is paying the loan you took you are moving away from middle class you are moving into a new level number nine you need a middle you need a an abundance mindset stop thinking small start seeing abundance abundance is not dressing abundantly abundance is not driving a car that says you have abundance abundance is continuously creating wealth moving from employed to self-employed moving from self-employed to business and then at a level not just being a business person being an investor so that you have an investment in everything going on in the land in everything going on in the land you own your own thing and you are involved in other people's things let me close this afternoon by sharing two or three testimonies then i'll pray for you in 2001 i was invited by medium christian church of god central parish abuja to come and speak it was an all-night prayer meeting in eagle square it was my first time in abuja 20 years ago first time so i left england my lord did not arrive it went to jamaica british airways carried my law to jamaica but there was a young man lives in england born in england didn't even study much was into buying and selling shits and ties and it was in abuja at that time so some people called him and said possibly did not arrive he needs something to wear to minister tonight and the following morning i'm speaking at that rock the guy who got me two suits two shirts two ties even though this trouser had to be pulling it up at least we went through it for that night but this young man began to listen to my teachings on wealth creation it was a celestial church after a while he booked an appointment to come and see me he said sir through your teachings i've received christ into my life i believe in what you have taught on wealth creation i want to step out of my regular i'm thinking great thoughts and i believe if you pray for me my life will change he knows now he said sir pray for me pastor dilemma i prayed for this young man and he shocked all of us what you never hear nigerians do in london he did it he bought land and built 12 apartments in london in a part of hackney london called london fields he built 12 apartments he sold nine he kept three he came back to me he didn't finish any degree or some of us we have more degrees than a thermometer he knelt down i said sir i'm going to south africa pray for me i laid hand on him i prayed for him he went to south africa and built 125 houses in the high brow area of greater johannesburg a place called centurion from there he called me where are you sir i said i'm in ghana preaching he came to ghana i was at the golf course playing golf he came to the golf course with his wife he said where should i go again i said i'm not your financial advisor he said you are doing better than them you're doing better than them i prayed for him and the lord said he should go back to his country nigeria pastor belema the young man came back to nigeria called the long story short he met someone who was selling an act of land on probing road e-coi he built 40 apartments and sold it to a 1.5 million dollars don't be jealous say praise god let me shock you let me shock you he shocked you it shocked you pastor of elements as i'm speaking the guy is building three towers right now on alexander in ikoyi three towers so if you drive through alexander on your way to to walk wake up in the morning rush to walk come back home have some food watch television go to bed you will see three towers as you are approaching the kohi bridge on alexander you will see three towers one is 14 floors the second is 16 floors the third is 21 floors and he has already brought the land behind i won't announce the flaws that are coming to that one until he gets his approval don't know much about geography he didn't finish any degree but he changed his mindset in the book of luke chapter 15 verse 16 and 17 the prodigal son changed his mind and said i will arise and go home and i will say to my father i have sinned and i do not i'm not worried to be called your son make me one of your servants today i want you you're going to scream something you're going to tell the devil i changed my mind i change my mind tell the devil i change my mind tell the devil [Applause] i changed my mind look at your neighbor tell them tell the devil i changed my mind look how three people tell them tell the devil i have changed my mind tell the devil i changed my mind i changed my mind to succeed i changed my mind to prosper i changed my mind to succeed i changed my mind for abundance i changed my mind to be above i changed my mind to be a winner i changed my mind to be a champion in life tell the devil i changed my mind tell the devil i changed my mind tell the devil i changed my mind [Music] tell the devil i changed my mind tell the devil i changed my mind i changed my mind i changed my mind i change my mind i change my mind [Music] i change my mind i change my mind put your hands together give god a glow i changed my mind i change my mind i change my mind i change my mind i change my mind i change my mind change my mind changed my mind i changed my mind somebody said again tell the devil i changed my mind look at me look at me look at me look at me it may not even be just the subject i addressed my issues came to you with to came with you to this meeting but just came with you to this meeting the devil has been saying you will not overcome you will not bypass all this trouble you will not leave the challenges of your father's house you're going to make an announcement with your mouth tell the devil [Music] i changed my mind tell the devil i change my mind tell the devil i changed my mind [Music] i changed my mind i'm changing for progress i'm changing for favor i'm changing for blessing i'm changing for a turnaround i'm changing for a breakthrough i changed my mind i see some of you sowing a seed to back your confession so i'm gonna say this thing for the next five ten minutes you have a seed you want to give even if there's no basket there throw it on the floor near the basket and it's going to still be a blessing tell the devil i changed my mind tell the devil i changed my mind tell the devil i changed my mind i changed my mind for favor i changed my mind for progress i changed my mind for victory i changed my mind for holiness i changed my mind for increase achievement for testimonies i changed my mind for healing i changed my mind for blessed sick i changed my mind tell the devil i changed my mind i changed my mind for blessing i changed my mind from prosperity i changed my mind for victory i changed my mind for anointing i changed my mind for creativity i changed my mind for lifting i changed my mind for blessing i changed my mind i changed my mind i changed my mind i change my mind i change my mind i change my mind i change my mind i change my mind drop your dear you will never be the same your story must change your victory must manifest your testimony must manifest your blessing must manifest your joy must manifest your increase must manifest your turnaround must manifest your blessing must manifest i want you to say it again i changed my mind i changed my mind i changed my mind every limitation on your life is broken everything that i've held you there must let you go you are going from victory to victory from favor to favor from testimony to testimony from blessing to blessing in the name of jesus i like you to say seven times i changed my mind i changed my mind i changed my mind i changed my mind i changed my mind change my mind tell the devil i change my mind when this yes conference is over and the devil wants to drag you back to the kind of life you used to live to the kind of place you used to go to the kind of people you used to hang out with to the kind of limitation you used to believe in you tell the devil i change mine i change i change my mind i change my mind i change my mind i change my mind i change my mind [Music] i change my mind i change my mind i change my mind tell the devil tell the devil i'll change my mind put your hands together give the lord the biggest praise come on [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music]
Channel: Dove TV
Views: 1,615
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Id: yYij9b_Bxlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 52sec (5572 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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