Pastor Library and Office Tour; My Study Walkthrough

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everyone this is pastor Dane Johansen from a gross Reformed Baptist Church in Gilbert Arizona today I wanted to take a quick tour of my library some pastors keep their library at their office at the church we do not have a church building other pastors you know reserve their church office for meetings and keep the library at home it just kinda pens on the pastor I've teamed to work better if I have my study at home and meet in the office and stuff so if we had an office I would do most of my meetings there and most of my study and reading personal devotion sermon prep at my home office so anyway I want to give you a quick tour I have a tour of my library on the a gross Reformed Baptist Church YouTube channel and some of you may have seen that but I want to give a little bit of an updated tour because things have changed and just put one up for my channel so anyway I'll give you a quick brief tour of what's going on this is my largest shelf and it sits right by my desk this is where I do sermon prep and you know there's some Bibles and some reference tools here things that I reference frequently value vision some confessions Psalms of David and meter Greek and Latin dictionaries that I can reference very quickly and then a whole bunch of pens that's largely an organized think it's kind of crazy some Bibles our printer for the church and some files that my son practices his letters and numbers on so he right here's where I do most of my writing study things like that so this largest shelf right here is basically all language stuff it's going to be language there's some review copies of books that I've been sent there in the corner of those white folders but up top there's just some Greek New Testaments mostly readers editions and some of those random books kind of accumulated up there and Bible boxes things like that I think there's an ESP Study Bible up there yeah so this is all large Greek and Hebrew grammars and Bibles up top a couple dye blots they're a bunch of German stuff some things in German Rudolf Bultmann and you're gonna mow lawns some of their works in German and German Bible German grammars German dictionaries and getting down here we have some more Greek and Hebrew Bibles more Greek works John Chrysostom dyg lot and Koine Greek and and modern Greek the cough that I boosah just a bunch more Septuagint the peshitta focused there for you there's the peshitta Syriac a bunch of Latin books Lenten grammars John Calvin's commentary on the Psalms in Latin which is just random Latin stuff Latin continues on down here some famous Latin grammars more Greek stuff some of the Loeb classics of Augustan got Virgil's Aeneid in Latin different Greek readers Homeric Greek medieval Latin CS Lewis's Latin letters bunch more Greek grammars attic Greek Homeric Greek point in Greek it gets into some more biblical Greek grammars and Greek New Testament so I have the Byzantine majority text platform Robertson Pierpont a rebind I did of a UBS fourth with a dictionary and Metzger's textual commentary got the Tyndale House Greek New Testament Ness 9:28 a couple of Texas Receptus some dyg lots old editions there's the 25th nestle Ellen bunch of handbooks advanced grammars there's a picture of my son painted for me so this is all stuff that I'll need right at hand as I'm writing reading studying there's a bunch of sermon illustrations reference works confessions that I referenced frequently dictionary or theological Latin terms as you're reading linguistic guides the Greek New Testament some Hebrew inner Linear's some Latin stuff a bunch of random papers that's like language stuff some more Latin dictionaries and Bibles getting down into here sermon notes by Spurgeon just like my text critical stuff so you have Edward Hales the King James Version defended Cleese yes context by Letus some bergen textual guides Phillip comfort stuff then we get in a patristic Greek more Koine Greek conversational Greek composition modern Greek so they're Sanskrit dictionaries overviews middle english Icelandic and Icelandic Bible down here is Spanish this is kind of amalgamation of different random language stuff bunch of Bibles and Bible boxes flashcards it gets kind of crazy down here some Dutch then again here's my desk moving this way we have some on hand stuff stay on this dresser files on there so I have some Bibles that I reference frequently read from this is basically all stuff that's on deck that I'm reading through right now like daily was an area to preach to the Heidelberg catechism I'm studying commentaries so if I'm bark vit CS is economy of the covenants that interpreting Scripture with the great tradition by Carter is an amazing book Latin Greek and Hebrew stuff and I'm working on daily we go into the main office area itself the main room the den and I've turned into a library this kind of just accumulates things as well painting my brother did here's an English hexapla I was just given recently this is really cool Chronicles of Narnia Grey's Anatomy couple more Bible boxes an old edition of systematic theology biberkopf across one of our deacons carved so that's here now so just kind of random stuff Salters hymnals bunch of just random books really have any place to go ended up here same for here Bibles history of the Jewish people in time of Christ writing manuals over here is where I either other people sit here or I sit here when meeting with people here at home I usually do devotions here as well in the mornings this shelf is a small shelf but it's got basically just old editions of different reference works for Greek and Hebrew here's a couple Latin things in there as well then on top things just accumulate here so you suffer and um bucks that have accumulated here's my stack for devotions in the morning Cambridge Concord King James Vulgate New Testament and Dewey Greene's dyg lot my Greek New Testament book on prayer by Matthew Henry I read in the morning sometimes three forms of unity and the Baptist confession of faith and then down here the second shelf is going to be philosophy overviews of philosophy philosophical works apologetics Terp rotational philosophy other religions things like that down the bottom shelf it's gonna be just big books that kind of had no other place to go but mostly stuff on philosophy worked with Josephus biblical interpretation biblical overviews dictionaries here's a 15 this is a 1602 edition of the Geneva Bible and NIV Study Bible 1599 Geneva Bible annals of the world by James Ussher and just other things it accumulates as well way up here we have some other world religions stuff and more Bibles they accumulate up there old camera an old seagull twin reflux here's gonna be this whole shelf this whole shelf is all you know this whole top part is pastoral theology preaching so this is gonna be all pastoral overviews some biographies of famous pastors introductions to being an elder and pastoral ministry genius of purity ISM goes through the preaching and pastoral ministry of the Puritans visitation bunch of review pamphlets I was sent by Law College press I have a few of those on the website Angostura comm Spurgeon's lectures this is just all pastoral theology stuff more pastoral theology charles bridges if you are interested in the ministry or our minister if you haven't read that you need to read that well I'm three still wait for that to come out of Al Martin's pastoral theology so then it goes in from pastoral theology into preaching exegetical fallacies by Carson form preaching be key this is on the preparation delivery of sermons homiletics thoughts on preaching meditations on preaching public prayer my Spurgeon and Samuel Miller how to pray in public as a pastor some more stuff on counseling so as a pastor how do you cancel from the Bible and some stuff on church order Presbyterianism was a reformed church by forum Baptist Malcolm Watts manual church order by dag a bunch of stuff on worship singing this goes into prayer theologies of Prayer then family I have William googe's domestically duties in the other room reading with my wife currently family sex raising children catechism being a dad being a family this is all Family Worship stuff and then family worship stuff ends right here and then with Van Til a Christian theory of knowledge you're going to get and get into the low side of theology so this is all prolegomena you know what do you talk about before you even start theology goes into general revelation and with Wayne Whitaker right here starts with Scripture so Biblio G so this will all be Scripture inerrancy different views of scripture doctrine of Scripture have a couple of here of Burke our in Dutch and the English continues on in Scripture can of Scripture and the attributes existence of God so we're getting a theology proper Trinity coven of redemption how to know God who God is and think it's not the person of Christ Christology work of Christ and then soteriology we'll start here grace alone faith alone particular Redemption when the atonement theology of Paul tells you the Apostles another book on memento meant justification the Gospel eschatology baptism going into the church they look at the Holy Spirit the church doctors of the church Sabbath and an eschatology there in the end after that we go into commentaries proper so commentaries individual look to the Bible here's a few big sets that two volumes set by Patrick Fairbairn topology another old camera so Thailand s flicks commentary in the Old Testament the pulpit commentary just full commentaries Clarke's commentary is right here I'm Clark their minion he's got some good things to savor once in a while Barnes notes Old Testament others random overflow stuff then we get into commentaries proper and I always start with either sections of commentaries that Lily cover a few chapters and the most technical from the left to the right it's going through Genesis Exodus 10 commandments Leviticus Ruth I don't have commentaries on every book the ones that I've needed as I've needed them Studies on the Psalms like plumber Treasury of David by Spurgeon here's a commentary on Hosea by Jeremiah Burroughs got stuck up there isn't a right fit for it more on the Psalms save me nice Pierce proverbs ecclesiastes by bridges Song of Solomon and to Isaiah Derham sermons on Isaiah 53 Ezekiel going into the minor prophets lots of Puritan things on the prophets that goes into life and times of Jesus Barnes notes on the New Testament poor man's commentary in the New Testament so all New Testament commentary proper will start the beginning sayings and discourses of our Lord experiential expository thoughts the Gospels when trial and stuff on the Sermon on the Mount particular right here as I'm preaching through it Gospel of Matthew continuing on Matthew Spurgeon his commentary goes to mark and Luke goes through canonically always start with the most technical commentaries on the left working through so it's not by author it's by technicality in the book John so John starts up here and goes an entire shelf down there I think yeah ends there there's a few commentaries there on ax J Alexander Romans obviously is gonna have a lot of commentaries where all this continues up till there Corinthians Galatians collations I have a lot going to Ephesians and Martin Lee Jones sermons on Ephesians Puritans hendrickson going to Philippians Colossians Hebrews you gotta have both Guge and Owen I'm Hebrews pink has a good one too some other particular Baptists ones Hebrews going all the way through James down here Peter Jude next position of second Peter by the Puritan Thomas Adams massive vein to first John as I preached there first John not that long ago last year revelation revelation commentaries and here with bill homicide brothels not to be ignored and then just a couple a catheter busie Greek Bible biblia hebraica Stuttgart NCA the Septuagint it's kind of overflow stuff some modern works on systematic theology it's kind of stuff I ain't really know where to put it here's a Lutheran systematic Reformation theology I think my up here this whole this whole bookcase is all systematics so you go through Calvin Bollinger plus Reformation dogmatix going into the Dutch guy started with a brothel von Maastricht turret in the 1700s copy of turret and and Latin going into the English Puritans and their works on systematic theology Scottish guys lectures on theology John dick an old 1920s edition of haja systematic his son outlines and theology lectures on doctrine Dabney shed here's Bob inks reformed dogmatix yet I found the other though my theke in Dutch the abridged one volume bolt addition then the English translation its ethics is one volume edition for laypeople that he made Kirsten this is all Dutch guys trying to keep the Dutch guys together English guys together etc and it goes through historically for the most part so continuing on birkoff fanned hindering and Velma beachy hook some boys all modern works Horton this just came out left them systematic theology he goes into the Baptist so John John Gill that's an amazing volume body of doctrine all practical dip it in the voice dag Nichols systematic I think it's gonna be seven volumes Strong's systemic culvert systemic works a manager fuller Erikson's Christian theology Grudem Bible doctrine by macarthur some confessions than a book on being confessional why how how to subscribe different views let me go to Creed's and confessions philip schaff set Dennison set of reformed confessions that's a must have somebody go into confessions different confessions of faith commentaries on the confessions and catechisms go up here into Heidelberg after the Westminster she have commentaries on the Heidelberg or sinuses commentary commentaries on the Baptist confession 16:9 and Baptists catechism this will go into schools of thought and individual theologians bitsy is's works an overview of the theology of Jonathan Edwards going into some southern Presbyterian guys Thomas Peck his works are all Dabney's works his discussions there's a fifth volume that I don't have James Henry thorn well four volumes those are amazing going into the Princeton guys some sermons by James will be Alexander overview of Princeton theology the works of benjamin warfield and then his shorter writings two volumes two volumes of his sermons zas bowls overview of his theology another book on his life as a spell hardest Voss machen collected writings of John Murray so those kind of school of thought and then you go into kuiper in covenant theology so here's all my covenant theology stuff got Blackburn Nichols from out of Christ Cox knowing denault's book on Baptist covenant theology also have the new Brenna handbook what came out associate pastor of a gross Taylor DeSoto has it head through this thoroughly and we've been talking about it and I've read some sections with him and on my own a bit so there's Baptist covenant theology here federal vision a response unity in covenant more covenant theology stuff gentry and well I'm trying to make a middle ground between dispensational and covenant dispensation by Ryrie biblical theology so I have a ton of that but bosses in Old Testament theology New Testament theology biblical theology and then the doctrines of grace SOLAS starts here we believe so you have the bondage of the will sovereignty of God by pink Sproule Divine Will and human choice by molar Bob inks work on Calvinism bottners duction form doctrine of predestination cause God truth by Gill divine election burke our Calvinism five points of Calvinism Calvinism and Arminianism a whole bunch of stuff than about the life of Calvin Calvin's thought commentaries on Calvin's thought ending with Jacob Arminius the works of Jacob Arminius it's pretty interesting and goes down in here to historical theology overviews of theology a couple volumes of the fathers agustin Aquinas and then church history in general Philip Schaff history of the present Church in Hungary overviews of American Christianity its history continuous church history we go into the Puritans here so just books on the Puritans their lives their thought going the way through Westminster assembly the Divine's there Puritans church history reformed church history Jonathan Edwards George Whitefield overviews of Southern Presbyterianism Baptists reformed Baptists different collections of letters life of John Gill robbery McShane Bob Inc and then we get into there's some Erasmus works are there collected works of Erasmus Luther's works I don't have all fifty five a seven E's continuing on with Luther's thought I'm a linked in some of his stuff Renaissance Reformation writings of Erasmus tracks and letters of Calvin this goes into Calvin proper it's more Luther there on top Calvin sermons any of them I can get and get my hands on them some flashcards with in Calvin's whole commentary on 22 volumes most of the Old Testament most of the New Testament then into English reformers William Tyndale John Bradford Scottish guys john knox robert rollick and then early Puritans like Henry Smith works of William Perkins there's still three more volumes and to come out on that some Richard Baxter commentaries on the whole Bible by Poole and Henry works with Matthew Henry random works of random Puritans Robert Trail going up here you have works of some Jonathan Edwards Richard Baxter Robert Leighton John Bunyan more Jonathan Edwards Samuel Rutherford David Clarke saying there's a leading journal so I can drink from his head he's equal Hopkins the whole works of Thomas Matt Manton 22 volumes twelve volumes on practical observations I'm Joe by Joseph Carroll the Puritan Thomas Brooks John Owens works William Bates works Thomas Goodwin's works Stephen Charnock George swing Eck Thomas Adams works of Flavel complete works of Richard sibs John Preston Anthony Berg ace Thomas Shepherd just Puritans on Puritans this is a really important set of six volumes of Puritan sermons old edition of the King James some catechisms up there more Puritans a facsimile of the 1557 Geneva an audition of Bishop halls works a bunch of these soli Deo Gloria reprints of Puritans again more the Scottish Puritans James Durham Thomas Boston the marrow men have an easier skin so your skin brothers there's a Ralph Lauren collected works of John Newton so just going through history people related to the Puritans following the footsteps the sermons and tracks of writings of John Gill his cause of gotten truth in four volumes some exchange and word pace in life and sermons of Edward Griffin then gets into some JC rile and then I have this is all Spurgeon from here and this whole shelf so the new Park Street pulpit have a few volumes on that random collections of sermons and then these are all of his sermons at the new parts tree pulpit before they went in the Metropolitan Tabernacle here's some commentary on Spurgeon few of the Metropolitan Tabernacle pulpits Treasury of the Bible this will have you know tons of sermons by him a ten volumes set of Baker's Spurgeon sermons his letters soul-winner practical wisdom his autobiography Jameson Fawcett Brown some other stuff that just kind of random Puritan paperbacks devotionals there Luther work for some reason down there life of Erasmus so facing that room for down here what's also really good stuff then up top starting over here Martin Luther before he reformed got CS Lewis it's a Shaffer look on universalism some stuff by Tillich and Harnack up there we should kick now by the Christian faith by Schleiermacher some other works by schleiermacher so it's all liberal theology neo Orthodox but my whole bunch of Bart out of everything but a lot abs full Kirkland dogmatic stretch dogmatix on the computer interpretation of Bart me until Bart going into ritual Brunner blown off or panin burg won't Wan pounds other modern theologians and T right so basically all liberal stuff up here it's important to know thy enemy anyway guys that's the library right study and right and prepare my heart my mind to serve God and my people and my family so I hope this was enjoyable and kinda helped give me an idea of what's in a pastor's library you know this is a decent sized library some pastors have much more massive libraries than me but I've been working on this collecting stuff for ten years now so weeding things out adding saving up so my guys I hope this was enjoyable helpful and maybe gave you some ideas or some books you'd like to invest in as well thank you guys god bless you
Channel: Dane K. Jóhannsson
Views: 38,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amreading, Books, Library tour, shelf tour, book shelf tour, library walkthrough, book haul, banner of truth, theology books, bookshelf, book chat, booktube, office tour, pastors library, Soli Deo Gloria, personal library, my books, my library, agros church, puritan books, Textus Receptus, Book Collection, Bibliophile, the banner of truth books, reformation heritage books, reformed baptist, reformd theology, reformed books, christian books, theology bookshelf, bibliophile
Id: CX06qOs_eP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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