Pastor Kerry Shook Video Devo - Heaven on Earth Day 6

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good morning woodland church family i'm so glad that i get to be with you my name is ryan i'm one of pastor carrie's sons my dad has asked me and some of our pastors and my brothers to lead you in today's devotional in this week's devotional as we continue the heaven on earth series it's been such a powerful message series that my dad and pastor lee have preached and it's been a powerful daily devotional that i hope you have been sticking with and doing consistently by spending time in god's word you are making an eternal investment we know that the souls of men and women and the word of god are the two things that are going to last for eternity and you're investing in those things right now so i want to applaud you for doing that stay plugged in keep building those spiritual muscles because the spiritual disciplines you develop today will continue to pay off into eternity today's devotional is from revelation 21 5-6 this is what the verse says he who was seated on the throne said i am making everything new then he said write this down for these words are trustworthy and true he said to me it is done i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end so thirsty i will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life revelation 21 5-6 revelation always kind of confuses me because there's so many allegories and really biblical images and really scary images in some ways but this verse reassures and calms my soul because it reminds me that god's eternal life his eternal water is always available to me if i'm willing to ask for it so i am thanking you and encouraging you to continue today to ask for god's refreshing spring of life because eternity starts today we all often think of um eternity starting in the afterlife but the reality is we are eternal our souls are eternal the word of god is eternal our bodies may not last our things may not last but the word of god and our souls will go on forever and we're here right now connecting whether it's through the screen or in person the body of christ is an eternal organization that you are part of and so i just want to thank you for being part of this eternal family it's so amazing that i get to spend this time with you right now here's the prayer that we're going to be praying today i want to encourage you because the thing that is so hard about eternity is you can't see the other side of eternity here on this earth things are broken things are painful we have disappointments we have frustrations we have depression we have things that hold us down both physically mentally and spiritually there is a spiritual warfare going on all the time and it can get really dark here on this earth but god says even though it's dark in this moment on this earth my eternal light is going to be with us forever and so you're going to live in light for the rest of your life but in this moment you're going to live in darkness but that doesn't mean that i don't want to bring some dark some light some hope to your world right now and we believe the church is the light on the hill it is the light that is designed to bring hope fulfillment to so many families so so many broken people and so i want to encourage you today will you join me in praying for our nation praying for our local community for god to bring some heaven to earth right here in the houston area or wherever you live wherever you're watching from that he would let you be a light and that he would just bring some of his supernatural healing to us because we need it every single day more and more i'm going to pray for us in a moment but before i do i want to encourage you to subscribe to these daily devotionals because there's going to be some great ones coming up go to and put your email into the email box and you can get this devotional sent straight to your email if you're not already subscribed also if you're on facebook or on instagram you can turn on notifications for the profile that you're watching this on and that will give you notifications every time so you can be reminded i need to stand god's word i need to grow i need to stay plugged into this family of believers known as women's church and we also have the wilderness church facebook group if you're on facebook we have a whole group of believers around the world who are praying for each other all the time so women's church family is the name of that group we encourage you to join it it's a free resource but it's so powerful because it's about a family let me pray dear god thank you that we get to stay connected to you thank you that we live in a place where we can worship you and glorify you lord please give us the spiritual discipline today to stay plugged into you at every single moment because we know we need you more than ever and lord i pray for that you would bring some heaven to earth right here at itascacita right here at the woodlands right here at houston i pray that you would bring some heaven to earth in the homes of the people who are watching this right now that you would bring some renewal some healing that you would bring some spiritual power that today they would feel your strength that they could be the light of christ to the people around them help them to be a light today in a dark world i pray that the person watching this would feel your strength your empowerment to know that they are following you and i pray that you would just continue to bring heaven to earth as we continue this devotional as we continue this series and thank you for what you're doing through woodlands church around the world thank you so much for joining us i'm so glad that you're with us thank you for spending these few minutes and keep up the great work
Channel: Woodlands Church with Kerry Shook
Views: 116
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: woodlands, church, kerry, shook, chris, christian, god, faith, bible, tbn, daystar, joel, osteen, rick, warren, jesus, hope, ministries, pastor
Id: Qy9L76Urgzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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