Pastor Kerry Shook Interviews Nick Vujicic

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have a seat thank you so much Nick man we've been having so much fun the last couple of days I mean I can't imagine what life is like with you on the road I mean your sense of humor is just awesome it's got to be fun hangri have fun we have a lot of fun you know like our schedules so busy when you're going around Africa and Indonesia and you just need a couple laughs to break it up a little bit and I'll tell you man I have lots of fun in my little BMW 7-series behind me and we're going to send it to pimp my ride and we're gonna get some spinning rims on it and get like a subwoofer and just get it bouncing your honor mean like have a whole pot in my wheelchair and it's quite funny when I Drive around shopping malls and outside in public places a lot of people you know some freak out and you know these little kids I love running after him and there was this one boy who saw me one day and he goes why and I went up to him and I go cigarettes and love freaking kids out man we're in this airplane one day my friends put me in the overhead compartment a lot more legroom up there so no they shut the door and we waited for somebody to come and put their bag up this guy came open the door go boo you know I said the restrooms are over there we're finding a story though is always in a car one day and when you see me from the outside of the car you have no idea that I have no arms and our legs you just see my head and where the traffic lights one day and this car comes up next to us and this girls looking at me and I'm like cool let's have some fun here so I look at her and I grab the seat belt in my mouth and I loosen it and then the car seat I just did this shoes like I've never seen anybody so desperate for a green light in my life you know it's a couple funny stories for ya it's awesome yeah we have a lot of fun we've been having a blast last couple of days but I know Nick when you were born without limbs the there's no medical reason for it and your parents I can't imagine what they felt you know with kids teasing you and wondering why God did this did you ever question God definitely definitely I went to church every Sunday and went to Sunday school and learn you know the favorite about Bible verses like Joan Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 fro know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future and I looked at that thing and I'm like I you know other people could apply that in their life but I couldn't I couldn't see that hope and future I I got so angry at God I said God would you make me like this why I mean you may as well just have created a fish with no tail I mean what purpose will I ever fulfill in my life if I can't do this and I can't do that and people teasing me and putting me down and I just would never have thought that I would become the independent man I am today traveling around the world and doing what we're doing so it was very very hard very hard mmm and the purpose now is starting to come to light and I can imagine you've gotten two degrees type what we've we've done a double degree in accounting and financial planning I've done it and by the grace of God and with this foot I type 43 words a minute on a normal computer it's pretty cool that's all yeah go what was the turning point for you I mean questioning God not knowing the purpose I mean what happened to get you to realize that God cared about you even in these times where you couldn't see it right that is when my life changed and before I was 15 years old I realized that as human beings we want to know two things in your pain you want to know that you're loved and second of all that everything's going to be okay I couldn't see that anything was going to be okay I never thought I'd get a job I never thought I'd ever get married I thought even if ever did get married I can't even hold my wife's hand I won't be able to dance with my bride on our wedding night when we have children how am I gonna put my arms around my kids when they're crying no one had any answers for me and I wanted to believe that everything's going to be okay and people used to come up to me and say hey Nick everything is gonna be okay Oh stir game everything is getting a v8 and a go up there and head bottom you know I'm here like why do you know you don't know how my pain is you don't know what's around the corner how can you tell me that everything's going to be okay but it was when I read John chapter nine when I was 15 years old and was convinced that God knows God knows what he is doing you see no one could tell me why on this way and not tell the blind man in John chapter 9 why he went that way but Jesus it was done so that the works of God may be revealed through him and it was done and it was shown and just this tangible faith and peace of just knowing that someone understands that God who is bigger than my circumstance is letting this happen for a reason and I came to a point of saying Lord I don't understand this purpose but I trust that you know what you're doing and that is when that peace of God gives you that strength to get through from day today and now Nick I mean the purpose is so clear I've been it one but it's amazing to see what God is doing through Nick and his ministries he's gone all over the world tell us about that it's powerful it's it's amazing I could speak for half an hour just about that God is opening up doors of Nations that are very close to the Bible and the gospel message Africa India Indonesia just to name a few and it's it's incredible it's absolutely incredible this DVD of my life that I have that that where you can go up there and check it out in the foyer but this DVD is being black marketed it's basically my story of how God's changed my life with the gospel message on it and in the places where you cannot preach these black marketed copies are being shown and I mean it's just in Africa I was you know on TV across East Africa to 5060 million people and I mean just the way that people look at disabilities over there is so shocking we are so ignorant to it when a baby is born with any birth defect as as little as a cleft lip take it to the extreme I'm not going to use colorful language but that's exactly what they do and it's in their newspapers and then basically it's a shame for the family to have a disabled child so they abandon it and then they hear of a guy without arms and legs with a smile with hope it doesn't register in their mind and that's why we bring in these crowds India over five nights 350,000 people came to hear the Gospel message and we saw 80,000 make a first decision to have Christ into their life well when I was preparing this message about joy one of my teenagers walked in and we started talking about joy and he asked me he said dad what is joy exactly I mean how do you you know describe it how do you get a handle on joy and I said well let's talk about that we talked about a little bit and he said do you think if Nick had the choice today if God given the choice and said Nick if you want arms and legs I'll give it to you it's up to you what do you think Nick would say then I said you know I don't know it's a great question I'll ask him so Nick and then you get asked a lot but what is your answer to that you know I want to be completely honest with you that's that's just who I am I'm real with people from the bottom of my heart I'd say that I choose this all over again ten times over knowing that one soul through my life would be changed forever and see that you don't have to do this alone you see because of my weakness you see the perfect strength of God knowing that I couldn't do this on my own and when people hear me preach as much as they want to try resist to the truth they have no choice but to believe me why because my pain is real but my victory is real and I'm a miracle of God that you cannot argue with you cannot argue with my smile you can't argue with the strength in my eyes you can't argue with it and so if I am that miracle for somebody else Here I am let's do it let me ask you this if there's one thing you could tell us about joy and how to experience joy maybe what would it be what do you see is most people their greatest barrier to getting joy in their life you know what it's it's about perspective do you not we do as human beings we find such peace and quote maybe comfort in your pain when you see somebody else going through something different like all of a sudden people come up to me and say Nick I'll never complain again in my life and I'm like don't worry tomorrow is Monday morning you'll be complaining and so there is no that security or that comfort that you have in your pain by comparing your sufferings to my suffering will only be temporary but the comfort you have in him what does that mean what can you rejoice about today well if you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you know that your sins have been forgiven and the Jesus has set you free from all fear and all guilt now if that's not something to rejoice about to know that we're going to be in heaven with him face to face for billions upon billions upon billions of years no tears of pain I mean that's some to be happy about no of course it is but this is the thing we need to know that God never makes a mistake that if he doesn't change that circumstance then he will use it and when you come to a point of zero selfishness and I strive for that I'll never reach that but that's my goal to fully trust in him to say Lord thank you that you know how I feel but I thank you that you are with me and everything is going to be okay you know maybe you're a person today who's tried to get through your life on your own and you know that you're tired you know you're exhausted and even Christian parents come up to me and cry on my shoulder and say Nick I don't know how to pray for my kids anymore if you want God to draw near to you draw near to him put your faith in the Bible because in the Bible is where I find my strength promises that will never fail me His grace is sufficient for you for your family for your job for all that you need is that you won't feel it you won't see it maybe for a while but that's where you walk by faith and not by sight when things go wrong it's going to be all right it's a cool song but I want you to know today that you don't have to do this alone and Jesus is right here
Channel: WaterBrook & Multnomah
Views: 107,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joy in suffering, pain
Id: KmJ7ac3J_3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2012
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