Pastor Joseph Larson preaches another great msg: "Come Unto Me, Jesus said,.. I will give you rest!"

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well are you glad you came to church tonight hey man there's a lot of places you could be I'm glad I'm in church amen amen amen let's get to the text tonight if you could open your Bibles to Matthew we're in the book of Matthew once again tonight Matthew chapter 11 and verse familiar verse of scripture of verse 28 when you get there say Amen amen the Word of God says come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls and if you could underline this phrase here for my yoke is easy hear the words of Jesus tonight he's telling you that his yoke is easy his burden he says in my burden is light amen many would say that this verse and they are rightly they are right to say it that this verse is an invitation a great invitation to the lost and it is but it's also an invitation to the Christian and that's what this message really is tonight it's an invitation and you're welcome you are welcome to rest in Christ tonight you're welcome to take his yoke upon you and you're welcome to learn of him you're welcome to have rest to your souls amen his yoke is easy his burden is light if we'll learn of him amen let's pray tonight father I thank you for your word I thank you for your goodness I thank you for all you've done in this church and in our lives and father I'm in desperate need of your Holy Spirit tonight I need his touch and I need his anointing and Lord I'm asking that you would touch this message that you would touch those who are listening over son live broadcasting Lord through the radio and I'd ask in the name of Jesus that you would touch the loss touch the hearts of the broken in the wounded Lord but also uplift the Christian tonight Lord God and give him something to walk give him something to be strengthened and I'd ask you that we walk out of here not leaving the way we came in and everyone said when entitled my message tonight the two witnesses the two witnesses the words of Jesus are very important tonight for this reason come unto me makes everyone aware that they are welcome why is that important you would be amazed how many people all across this nation and across this world they're not sure whether Jesus wants them some of you in this place tonight that may be your case that may be your thoughts you're not sure that Jesus wants you to come but hear the words of the master one more time he said come unto me he said come unto me all say it with me come unto me oh that's everyone not partiality expressed in the Godhead there is no partiality with God whatever situation you find yourself in tonight the question is not whether God's calling the question is whether or not you're listening because he's calling you tonight to a closer relationship with him he's calling you night to learn of himself he's calling you Christian and sinner alike he says come unto me many of us know what it's like not to be invited to the party amen you know it's good to know you're invited I'm telling you though there's so many people tonight there sure they say I've done too much I've sinned too bad you can't send too bad you can't do too much to stop him from calling you you can't do too much to stop him from saying come ye sinners lost and hopeless Jesus blood can make you free for he saved the worst among you when he saved a wretch like me there is no depth of sin that you can plunge to there is no distance that you can travel that you could find yourself out of the law out of the reach of God his arm is not short that he cannot reach you his eyes are not dimmed that he doesn't see you and he hears the call of the broken denied Amen the psalmist said where can I go from his presence if I sin unto the hills he is there if I travel to the uttermost parts of the sea he is there and then he said and if I make my bed in hell behold even he is there Jesus Christ ministered for three and a half years on this earth and the first witness that we're given by the master is the word of God there are two witnesses in the world today and I want to echo something that brother Gabe said this morning I too believe that there are many more out there who agree with what we're doing they may be resting in hiding but they still got the two witnesses the Word of God and the Holy Ghost there are two witnesses in the world today and that is primarily our blessing or our problem tonight whether we're responding to one or the other or we're rejecting one or the other there are two primary witnesses that do a work in in the life of the Christian and in the lost you can't number one you cannot be saved unless the Word of God has been presented is my belief somehow someway faith has got to be engendered somehow someway faith has got to be produced and faith comes by hearing and hearing of the word but for three and a half years Jesus Christ preached the word to Israel and though some came to him to others it was to no avail to others it was know of it to no avail jesus deserved to be worship jesus deserved to be recognized but man's hardened hearts the Bible says that the light shined in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not he came into his own and his own received him not the Word of God had taken its course they rejected him they even thought they had gotten rid of that first witness the word the Living Word but when he went to a cross and then when he was placed in a tomb three days later the word was alive the word was alive the word is still alive the living word he's on the right hand of the Father and he is overseeing what's going on in the world today and his eyes are wandering to and fro seeking for a heart that would be perfect toward him are seeking for a heart that's desperate for him and he's alive and he remains and he's watching he's waiting he's looking out on the harvest field for those who are desperate for him he's alive but to the very people listen that had rejected the word he sent back the second witness because when the word of God penetrates the hearts of men and it's seemingly is to no avail the second witness comes on the scene he's called the Holy Spirit think about the love of the master they crucified Him they rejected him they crucified him they mocked him they spit in his face they said he did his works by the works of Satan or they they said he performed miracles by the power of Satan but he still sent him another witness you got to get this tonight God won't give up on you tonight he sent him another witness and to the very ones who rejected him he said on the day of Pentecost amen when it when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all in one place you know the story and there came a sound a rushing mighty went the gist of the story is 3,000 got saved of the ones who said I'm not believing in Jesus of the ones who said I'm not going the way of the master of the ones who said I'll never bow my knee to Jesus but when he sent back the Holy Ghost there was something else they could not ignore because the risen Christ was not just risen he had a witness in the earth and he was talking to them amen and Jesus's invitation to those of us who are listening tonight it's come on to me all ye who labor come unto me locked was in Sodom and Gomorrah he was a companion of Abraham his nephew the Bible says lot was a righteous man that may be hard to admit or him hardest to comprehend considering the lifestyle of sodom and gomorrah but the bible says that lot dwelt there and in that land the Bible says that sin began to vex him he was by the conversation of the wicked can I say this tonight one of the ways that God the Holy Spirit prepares hearts to receive him is allowing you to see the very depths of sin the Bible says his soul was vexed because of the conversation of the wick of the wicked again a righteous man dwelling among sinners messengers had come to the tent of Abraham they had come with good news to tell Abraham and Sarah that they were going to have a son that they were going to bear a son in their old age it was good news but then they learned that it was more than just good news these messengers were bringing they were coming to let Abraham know the Bible says in the 12th or the I believe it's the sixteenth chapter of Genesis the Bible says that God speaks and says shall I hide what I do from my servant Abraham he was speaking of his judgment on the city cities of sodom and gomorrah shall I hide what I do from my servant Abraham and God told Abraham he told him that the that the sin of the city of sodom and gomorrah had come up before him and he had come down to see just what it was that was going on the idea may have been that possibly God was going to spare the city but as those messengers approached the city there is LOD at the gate of the city and now let's stop there for a moment he was at the gate of the city there's a possibility we don't know this but if he was at the gate of the city not only was he dwelling among a wicked people but there's a chance that this believer listened now someone who had believed in the gospel and no doubt Abraham had shared it with him he was in he was not only he was not only in a wicked City but he possibly was a ruler in that wicked city and to make matters worse that night the men of the city looking on these messengers who I believe were angels messengers from the Lord they looked out on those messengers and to show you the corruption of that city the Bible says that they desired the men of that city desired to have sexual relations with those angels and to think of this what offers those men his daughters because he believed or he had stated that they had come under covenant with him under his roof and he was willing to give them his daughters but here's here's the thing you never win going the way of the world look at what lot lost look at everything he lost his wife came became a pillar of salt Jesus said remember Lot's wife his wife became a pillar of salt and secondly his two daughters who I don't know why you would offer you two daughters but maybe this is just conjecture perhaps they weren't the best of young daughters I mean the story goes on that they they they laid down with their father and all of those two daughters the Bible don't even say the names it just says his daughters and of their seed came the ammonites and the Moabites listen to me take this as a word Christian and to the world as well you never win living in sin nothing good comes from life without God and not only that but it spurred on generations of wars between God's people and the ammonites and the Moabites think about it why did not find himself here a righteous man vexed by the conversation of the wicked why did he find himself in a corrupted City I'll tell you why and it's the answer for us tonight those of us who are running from God those of us who maybe have backslidden and turned our back I'll tell you why it's the same reason why the prodigal found himself in the mess that he found himself in the first words of the prodigal son were give me my portion hear me that's the first trick of the enemy to get our eyes on something that God does not have for us to get our eyes on something pursuing something that's outside of the will of God we may say it's just a small matter it's never a small matter when we disobey the wooing and the leading of the Holy Spirit lot was in the same boat because the Bible says that a contention arose among Abraham the the hurt the the herdsmen of Abraham and lot abraham was very rich there was a massive amount of land but the land because of the amount of people had gotten too small for them the Bible says that Abraham told lot he said look out on the fields and choose for yourself where you will dwell now listen the Bible says that when he saw the well-watered Plains of Jordan he dwelled or he dwelt and he pitched his tent towards Sodom and Gomorrah that strife I was reading this in the Abraham text book that brother Swaggart produced that strife no more caused the faith of Abraham as much as that contention and strife caused the carnal the carnal attraction of lot but that strife and that contention simply exposed what was already a problem God has a way of exposing what's already a problem in our lives and many times the test the strife the contention the problem is only there to expose what was the problem lot was a man who lived for himself though a believer he had gotten use to choosing based on what the eye could see he had gotten used to living based on what he could understand based on what he could see and he finds himself in Sodom and Gomorrah the reason that some of you tonight listening by sunlight broadcasting the reason that many of you are struggling with problems in your life I know because I've been there the reason for the symptoms and that's what sin is it's a symptom of a deeper problem it's called the flesh it's called carnality it's called living life for me that's exactly what Jesus said we could not do if we wanted to be his disciple he said if any man would be my disciple let him deny himself take up his cross daily listen to me daily and follow after me the symptoms of sin are a result of a much bigger problem the prodigal son was in the same condition because he began his journey saying give me a sense of entitlement I deserve this we don't deserve anything because of sin Bible says the flesh is weak because of sin but if you want to guarantee destruction begin living life based on what the eye can see if you want to guarantee the despair live life based on what the eye can see I am convinced that most of the problems in the church today listen to this most of the worldliness that we see in our churches most of the young people who can't find the strength to continue to remain in church today most of the problems that we see surfacing is because for years we have not understood how to live for God we have not been satisfied hear me just like the children of Israel in the Old Testament when God gave them the manna they looked at the manna and they said oh this worthless bread hello but after what the eye could see a carnal attraction it will always cause worldliness and that's where Lotte found himself he found himself among sinners and he even called them his brothers he even called them brethren listen that's one thing but let me give you the other side of this and it's so true that God the Holy Ghost he can dwell with some people better than you can he can deal with sin in a way that many of us we would shake our head in disappointment and walk away but I want to tell you tonight Christian and sinner alike that Jesus still says come unto me Jesus still no matter the distance no matter the problem because you see that those two witnesses just as much as they came to deliver the message to Abraham he was going to have a son they were also coming for lot hear me tonight they were coming because they were going to see was there anyone left in the city who still believed I know he was back slidden but the truth be told he could have stayed are you here tonight what could have stayed in Sodom and Gomorrah but God gave him an opportunity to recognize that his carnal attraction his carnality was the reason why he'd find found himself in a cesspool of sin and he asked him the question do you want to go lot we know this is a problem because his wife she looked back Jesus said remember Lot's wife but a lot could have said no I'm gonna stay here he could have mocked like the others but because of the two witnesses who came into Sodom and Gomorrha to see if there was anyone left who believed before the judgment I believe something with all my heart I believe what's going on here at Sun Life broadcasting I believe the Holy Ghost just like he sent the two witnesses he's sending this Network all over the world today because before the city is burned before the city is burnt before this world is brought into seven years of tribulation before this world is brought down by this wicked ruler named the Antichrist who's going to come on the scene very swiftly and deceitfully and he's going to deceive many the Bible says there won't be any who don't take his mark those that bounder I don't know of the 144,000 but those who are left and remain they're going to fall under his dread sway and it's coming very soon jesus said behold the leaves on the tree when they begin to sprout you know my coming is nigh I believe with all my heart I feel it every time we say it that God is going to send a move he's going to begin a move and Family Worship Center and it's gonna girdle the globe and I believe that this is a Holy Ghost Caravan I believe that what you're a part of is an effort of the Holy Ghost to go get lot are you here tonight I believe what we're a part of God knows who's left in the city I God knows who's left in the city and there's those there who are vets they don't want to be there anymore they're done crying their last tears they don't want to be brokenhearted they don't want to be in bondage to sin and Jesus says to you tonight come unto me o ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest are there any left in the city and to look and see how wonderful God's blood God's justifying work in our lives really is listening to the words that the angel spoke to lot he was back slidden but they said we can't touch the city until you're gone Jericho was not destroyed before the two spies were sent into the land to get Rahab a harlot because God will never destroy the city when there's a heart that is hungry for him before the judgment comes what's going on today God is looking for a heart that is broken by sin and he's looking for a heart that's desperate for him and as I believe I've said it before I believe when the last soul is saved we're going to hear a sound we're gonna hear a trumpet when the last mile is traveled and all my work is done I got those words wrong when I've sung my final song if I'm called to give an answer at heavens judgment-seat just let the blood of Calvary speak for me may it write me down as righteous where no righteousness has been shielding me from wrath and judgment hear that as it covers all my sin there's no work that I've accomplished nor my goodness will I plead lot had no goodness lot had no had no righteous work to plead but the song says just let the blood of Calvary speak for me Rahab let down the scarlet cord a type of the blood of Jesus Noah before the flood you know Abraham asked God he said will you destroy the righteous with the wicked no and God never will but but not only the righteous I believe he'll never destroy a city before he extracts even the sinners who want to get saved unfortunately in Noah's day he preached a message of righteousness but to no avail only Noah and eight souls were saved but God made a boat are you here I said God made a boat and those eight souls traveled on that boat and they came through the judgment safely I'm sorry I ain't going through the tribulation ain't gonna be here because the Bible says he's not appointed us to wrath and before that judgment comes on this earth we're gonna leave he's coming back on a silver cloud from glory he is gonna take me away I'm looking now I'm looking around for the signs of his returning it won't be long it may just be the day hallelujah the word and the Holy Ghost listen the Word of God in some of our lives it's done what it can do and you said man my children they've shaken off God they're not living for him the Holy Ghost can go where no man can go that second witness is in the earth today he can he confined you as you lay on your pillow at night he can hunt you down as the song says and go after the 90 and leave the ninety and nine just to go after the one hallelujah amen because he's the second witness but I want to tell you this if you turn your back on that second witness the same thing that happened in Sodom and Gomorrah will be your case the Word of God what the Word of God says that's the initiator what is God's Word how am I to live but secondly if we if we if we are recalcitrant if we shy away if we bulk at the beckoning of the Word of God God will leave let us be healed he'll send us another witness the Holy Ghost to deal with us but there does come a time like with lot the judgment would come on a city because of sin and then but Jesus says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden I just want to say it again those first words are so important because it lets all of us know that we are welcome again now I'll say it this way I don't want to ruin a testimony dad but if let's just say perhaps we don't know but uncle Donny I believe that he's in heaven today as you said but if he did it let's just say he did it what that means is some of the last things he said about God was I'm not sure he'll take me because as my dad was in his hospital room just before he died and again I do believe that he ultimately got saved but let's just say hypothetically he didn't then one of the things we know about people even there on their death bed is they're wondering whether or not the way they've lived has been too bad the sins they've committed has separated them too far from God are you here tonight some of you tonight your Christian and you're failing and you're wondering if God will still have something to do with you Jesus says come unto me are you here Jesus says come unto me and then he says all ye that labor singers and musicians come on back all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest when I was praying for this message yesterday I kept having this idea of this notion in my mind that this message was for the weary those that are tired and restless come unto me all you who labor and are heavy-laden one of our problems comes from the way we're labouring for God it's a drudgery we're living under the yoke of law we're living under the yoke of regulations and rules but the Bible says in the book of Hebrews that living under law can actually cause a hardened heart unbelief because under law there's no victory over sin living by rules and regulations by carnal flesh there's no victory trying to conjure it up we put on a mask and it's not truly the fruit of the Spirit laboring this is an action but Jesus is not just dealing with those who are tired of their action but he says and those that are heavy laden that's passive it's the idea of weights being laid upon you life can become a weight so we can be causing this problem ourselves is my point but secondly the problem can just become or can come from external sources we become heavy laden because of the weight and you know Hebrew said she says in Chapter 12 lay aside the sin and the weight the weight and the sin that does so easily beset you that's what we're talking about tonight he says come to me and you know what when you study the word weary it can even imply sickness you know the word the prayer of faith shall save the sick amen you here tonight well that word could also be translated weary I'm convinced that his brother Swaggart has said it I believe he's right and I better that labouring under law is the cause of a lot of sin sickness in the church I'm not talking about some broken arm or something I'm even talking about what we call sickness when it's really not oh lord help me somebody throw the leash now but we're calling things sickness that ain't sickness buddies that's the deal we're calling it sickness and it's a spiritual problem we're calling it what we call it and we're giving over our problems into the hands of doctors and so-called doctors when the doctor Jesus wants to handle our problems we're calling it and listen we are laboring we're weary because we've tried to live this life by means of the flesh as LA and we're finding ourselves in a place of bondage to sin but Jesus says there's another way that we can live come to me take my yoke he says upon me there's three actions in this verse number one come to me number two take number three learn come take learn we've got to come before we can have our problems dealt with amen secondly we've got to take it that's the next problem many of us we come to Jesus and say hey I can do it all myself I figured it out he says no you can't take take what take my yoke upon you and learn of me and I don't have time to deal with all of this but what is that yoke well he says it's an easy one it's easy it's a yoke listen I know we talked about the fruit of the Spirit often but the fruit of the Spirit is not hard for God are you here tonight it's not hard it's the fruit of the Spirit victory in our lives is the fruit of the Spirit it's not meant to be a drudgery it's not meant to be something that we knit prick it's not meant to be something that we try to do and perform and conjure up in our own heads if we're living the message of the Cross then faith and works will be easy are you here why because anything that's not easy is a false face are you here anything that you have to force and you have to control memory said I hate the doctrine of the Nicolaitans control of the people God is against a doctrine such as that control of the people because he's the one he's Paul said that your faith might rest in the pad not in the wisdom of men but in the power of God it's moralism moralism when all we do is demand that's all they knew in Israel when Jesus came but Jesus is saying come and take my yoke my yoke is an easy one what's that mean it's easy and then he said well I gotta answer that it means that the produce is easy it means he's done the work at Calvary it means you don't have to try and labor to please God it means he who can take his yoke and learn what he has done for you what does it mean to learn of him begin to see how his finished work can conquer sin in your life begin to see how his one work at Calvary can bring about and easy Christian life I don't mean to make it something you know we go through trials and struggles that's not what I'm talking about and that's not what Jesus is talking about but the way it's produced is really easy the hard part like mr. Sean said in chapel on Friday I wish she was here tonight God's not it's not hard for God to produce in our lives if we'll let the cross go to work it will produce the love the joy the peace it said it is evident for those of us who walk in the spirit if you don't seeing fruit you're not walking in the spirit go back and learn it again that's what Jesus is gonna say oh by the way yeah you can you can preach it and not be applying it hello I've been there I I stay there prayerfully not all the time are you here but what God wants to do is easy and Sean in the chapel on Friday he said I shared this with my friend Ross who's here tonight I he called me earlier this week and I was talking to him about what Sean was saying and he was talking about the you remember the war of the Midianites against Gideon God was never it was never it was never a deal of whether or not God was gonna win it was a deal of whether or not how the people were gonna respond when he did cause them to have the victory so he said okay you're going up again 130,000 or however that many many a nights there were he says but your armies too big so he takes them down to what three hundred just so when they got done they didn't say oh look what I did it's never a problem for God to produce in our lives the question is are we gonna come even though those of us who are dwelling in Sodom God wants you to back amen the question is are we gonna take and are we gonna learn that what he does in us is produced easily are we gonna learn of him tonight amen bow your heads [Music] is your burden heavy as you buried all the long [Music] Travel Harbor Day yet are known are you growing in the shrub love it all Jesus will help you in all his name you and he is always there true he's walking by his side [Music] would you stand tonight [Music] you get just remain we want to do - sweet Jesus [Music] yes he is he's walking by your side [Music] you get discouraged just remain to do just go ahead and reach out see that again reach out Jesus just Rita Rita - Jesus she to you come on you go
Channel: CrossWay Church Australia
Views: 34,692
Rating: 4.8371778 out of 5
Keywords: Frances and Friends, SonlifeTV, SBN, Frances Swaggart, Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, JSM, Carl Brown, Sonlife Broadcasting network, Donnie Swaggart, Jim Nations, Mike Muzzeral, Josh Rosenstern, John Rosenstern, Loren Larson, Grace Larson, Joseph Larson, Gabe Swaggart
Id: _SFHratR0S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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