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i bring you greetings from the church from my family and i do not in any way consider it a mean privilege to be here today and i do believe that because it is our breaking fourth season there's going to be a great outpouring when men shall say there's a casting down we will declare there's a lifting up i believe that every pressure that we are feeling around us right now i would rather call it the labor pangs i would rather call it the birthing experience i would rather refer to it as the one moment god is incubating us to release every capacity every potential every potentiality that he has put in our spirit he pato killia have you ever heard that god never manifested some great man in the scriptures until he precipitated a crisis and crisis seasons just like we are in becomes an incubation moment for destinies to be birthed for levels to change for supernatural shifts to be occasioned and i believe that right here and now that god is switching destinies that right here and now god is causing the new to happen right here and now that veils have been removed right here and now that god is causing supernatural volcanic eruptions to take place in your destiny i feel like i should just raise your right hand for the next few seconds can you just speak [Music] can i have you declare again it is my breaking fourth season i am leaving the former behind i am leaving the all behind i'm leaving every covering behind here is my breaking fourth season i reach out to what is in front of me [Music] no power of hell will eclipse the light that i carry in my spirit man it is my breaking fourth season everything is aligning everything is a line and everything is aligned father we bless your name oh god thank you for the opportunity to be in an atmosphere where we are incubated to become more oh god and we break father because there is no power that can hold us down in the season let a lover of the lord say aloud amen and people of god it becomes very interesting to realize and just to put it across to us that there can never be a better theme in this season that will transition us to the next level to the next move of god to the next agenda of god to the kairos of god like a breaking forth himalayan takesha and people of god another i i will reel out several substitutes of the world and the meaning of the water break forth the water breakfast means the advance it means the leap forward i particularly like this one leap forward because for there to be a leaping god the lord did not say there won't be any obstacle so if a man wants to leave wants to break forth he must be prepared to leap above the obstacle listen to great men and women who their seasons of breaking forth have come there are seasons where the obstacles do not leave they do not go away but then again we possess the supernatural capacity to leap over the obstacle isn't it why david seed i said by god i've been able to leap over a trip and then another meaning of the word to break fall means to penetrate another meaning of the word is to bust through another winning of the world is to get through another meaning of the world is to break through can i say one more time to advance to live forward to penetrate to burst through to get through and to break through and people of god isn't it amazing that isaiah 54 3 begins to say for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left hand and thy seed shall inherit the gentiles and the desolate cities to be inhabited hallelujah and people of god permit me to say this and you got to pay attention to this for there to be most times are breaking forth there needs to be a breaking up there's something you need to break up a local shadow now understand that the word breaking forth already connotes a military mindset has shown that it is not the same as showing up it is not the same as showing father hanukkah it is breaking forth so something has to be broken up and people of god away from something being broken up as such a thing needs to be broken down a and so there's a transition to a breaking father you've got to break something up you've got to break the thing down a little under her and you have to break in you [Music] and then from breaking in you will now break forth and sean take a level some of us are in different stages of our breaking forth some are in the breaking a process where you are still breaking up the follow ground hemanoculation and it looks like you're not advancing you are making progress some of us are still in a place where you are breaking things down you've broken them up but they have not been leveled he called us when he says i will make you a chap thrashing instrument [Music] you will trash mountains and beat them small and they know russia this is another level where you have to break them down then again you move to another level where you break in and notice that breaking fault is when what you broken in and you are excising dominion over it or windows some of us have broken into things but you are not yet exercising dominion over what you have broken into an ebola soccer team and i believe that in the next few seconds the lord is going to illuminate our heart and shamanika so that we will stand as men and women who the lord has given nations to given new territories to men and women with a fresh mantle to step out there and break forth like never before how many cosines the devil is a liar you will not die smaller the devil is a liar you will not die purposeless the devil is a liar you will not be helpless the devil is a liar you will not lose your focus the devil is a liar no kojima you will not be stranded i feel like you should scream it back at the face of the devil at the face of every disappointment at the face of every decline and say i am breaking forth i need you to say like a minute say i am breaking forth i want you to shout and let the devil be annoyed say i am breaking forth and if you're ready let's quickly look at the scripture that i believe encapsulates what it means for someone to break forth the book of revelation revelation chapter 12 and i will read from verse 1 to verse 9 the bible says and there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 stars and she been with child cried travailing in birth and pain to be delivered and there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten hunts and seven crowns upon his head and he still drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born and she brought forth a man child who was the rule on nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up unto god and to his throne and the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared of god that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three score days and there was war in heaven michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon foot and his angels and prevailed not neither was there a place found anymore in heaven and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceiveth the world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him people of god this particular hamanoshi inspirational hamarundi kasa report from the scripture is nothing but a tale of breaking forth hashimoto a woman pregnant who eventually delivers a baby breaking forth as the dragon was coming to take the baby all of a sudden the baby was caught up to god in heaven breaking forth the dragon chases the woman breaking forth the war that went on between michael and the angels and the dragon and the dragon did not prevail breaking forth and so people of god the entire story has nothing but a breaking fault but people of god did you hear me when i spoke about the woman and her breaking fourth episode people of god how do you remember what i said that abu sandera as the scripture tells us that the woman was pregnant the woman was pregnant and was able to have her baby and nipple shall she broke forth and delivered the baby in fact it is interesting hamoshi that in medical science they will even describe the water that comes out from the woman when the woman is ready to be delivered as the water breaking that's the breaking of the water and they will shamely hate it and so it totally aligns with our team called breaking forth but people of god before the woman i was able to break forth and the baby in her womb was delivered first of all there was a conception what she conceived grew until the environment could no longer carry what has grown there are people who are saying lord it is my season of breaking forth and god is saying what you quran let me not even begin from there god is even saying you are not carrying anything and for those who are carrying what you're carrying isn't even growing hemorrhoids a baby begins to exact label pains on the mother when the kisha it the space in the womb can no longer take the baby for the woman it is labor pain for the baby it is the space is too small for me to stay in and people of god all the to breaking forth is first of all hashable they can say understand that some things need to grow some things need to grow first heliba you are in the place where you're saying lord i gotta break forward to my next level in career and god is saying i want you to grow tenacity i want you to grow knowledge i want you to grow your vision i want you to grow your capacity for more i wanted to grow what it means to be focused [Music] the baby's got to grow for the woman to be in labor hoshando let me do an aside to everyone in pain and lucas i know they don't say this all the time to you but let me tell you one of the major signs to show that you are growing is the pain you are seeing around you there is a way you will grow and live but also some relationships i will consider you some folks will consider your painful to be with america and people of god it's not you it's just that they no longer fit in into your life and for people of god let me speak to a man of destiny let me speak to a woman on assignment let me speak to someone who is saying lord i'm at the border of growth and god is saying it is time to grow grow me lord edible cinderella grow my prayer life karon de kaza grow my faith oh god endure shamanically lord grow my vision eyes grow my revelation of jesus i'm afraid if your baby remains small if your baby is still the way it is over the month a rabbinical if you go to the hospital the doctors will recommend that the baby be aborted the doctors will recommend that that destiny be wasted you've come too far from where you started from it is a breaking forth and not an abortion season it is a breaking fault it's not a miscarrying season lay your hand on your head and begin to declare say i grow right now say everything i need to grow her let it be released upon my life my prayer life grow my study life grow my purpose grow my focus grow my skills grow up my tenacity grow my skills grow i'm into his shanty elected [Music] in the name of jesus people of god how did it occur to you that the bible would say about speak about jesus and the bible said he grew up he didn't just grow in knowledge he didn't just grow in wisdom [Music] because and check out that the major word there is growth there was growth in every if the bible thought it necessary to document the growth process of jesus you think your growth is not important to god the documentary and equal neighbors of men of destiny grow up a woman of destiny grow up the problem is not that people abandoned you the problem is that you were not growing anymore to feed into the asaku ocean elevator it's a breaking fourth season hello you know there is a way destiny is structured and mainly there are things you don't want heli but growth is the enabling instrument that helps you have to come out of what you don't want and get into what you want and that is why we say grow out of it and grow into it something seems to be prayer points when you begin to grow some relationships that you need you don't beg to have for them to enter your life because you've grown into it i mean i came to let you know and men locus are beyond the prayers grow make a determination that you are growing in this season and people of god if you have that at the back of your mind can i remind you that every woman in labor once it is time to be delivered just the same way this woman was ready to deliver everyone the midwife the doctor and abuser we remind the woman nobody lies down on their back and they want to deliver a child america the midwife of your face up and your legs open in other words position is important position is important [Music] i have seen skillful men who fell out of position and they got stagnated i have seen her anointed men not well positioned and yet nothing happened in their life but for the woman who is about to be delivered [Music] [Music] a man can be so anointed but out of position you will look like a baby a man can be so skilled but out of position you will look like you don't know what you're doing and men don't somebody make a prayer right now lift up your right hand and say oh lord position me rightly say oh lord position me rightly say father anyway i've gone out of position align me align me to my pebbles align me to your wheel align me to your desire align me to what you want and mendoca i pray today that everyone under the sound of my voice will be aligned properly i wish your amen will turn the louder when a man leaves his position i'm not addicted ah generations will weep for you and because children yet on board will ask you what happened why was your life advancing all of a sudden that seemed to have been a shutdown why because you missed your divine positioning there's got to be positioning for this breaking for to come the bible now speaks when this woman was ready to be delivered between the woman right in front of the woman the dragon had come helen i want you to see something that i saw in the scripture this woman was clothed with the sun the stars were under her and under her feet and the woman had crown on her head and that obviously when you look at that woman and her appearance you know she was decorated by god her appearance was god himself but then again the million-dollar question is why was this dragon standing in front of her dragon was not afraid of glory dragon was not afraid of every and the bible says helene moshe hella that the dragon was waiting was waiting to devour her result the dragon was waiting to hijack her breaking fourth season heliba but something very amazing happened as soon as this woman gave birth to this child and the bible says the child was caught unto god head to the throne of god and never sucker and the throne of god is the place where glory is the order of the day now let me bring it back a little bit home do you know this woman was wearing the nature of god this woman was wearing the glory of god and monday now regardless and i want someone to hear this regardless of what was standing in front of her it didn't matter at all what was standing in front of her what mattered is that the marker let me put it this way what matters more is that somebody's responsible for the way i look somebody is responsible for my life somebody's responsible for my journey somebody's responsible for my transition and i don't care what is in front of me at the right time he whose glory that i carry ah yeah yeah yeah and motokusa he that i have been calling on at the right time he will not let my no cause he will not let my results get wasted and morocco he whose glory i carry and may know her he comes early he comes on time he comes with power he comes with vigo heli it was the most vulnerable moment in the life of that woman but i could hear a voice even though the scriptures may not have told us about the voice i could hear a voice hanukkah that kept saying to the woman hashem do not be afraid thank god you still got the glory and many quran then god is still god the identity thank god you still got the mark of god upon your life which is made manifest by your appearance so it doesn't matter how close it will get it will not have you it doesn't matter how close he will get he will not hijack our shoddy how many because he doesn't matter who planned it it doesn't matter who conspired against you he doesn't matter what the devil wrote down i mean no because i i carry the glory of god in other words god try to teach something don't pay attention to what is in front of you pay attention to what you're wearing can i say one more time how much you know how it is you are so vulnerable but you are pain you are you are abusing the devil you are praying and and god is saying can you do a switch right now take a little time suck yourself in the glory take a little time hunter koshiya leave in the secret place take a little time embrace his presence [Music] he didn't promise us a life without tribulation but one thing we are most certain of is a thousand will fall 10 000 will fall this other way but it will not come near us i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for dow and with me in other english honda casa i am a carrier of your glory and never stand conducive harmonica i came to let someone know it's your breaking fourth season care about the glory you carry not about the opposition you're facing america is your breaking fourth season care about your intimacy with god don't care about the arrows of the enemy it's your breaking fourth season don't care about what is not working care about the koinonia [Music] for the bible says he that dwelleth in the sacred place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty how can you carry glory and the devil will touch your resort is inconsistent with the patterns of the scripture how can you carry glory and the devil will mess around what god has given to you america dear woman the man on assignment i came to tell you already neighbors may not understand and colleagues may not understand contemporaries may not understand when you take all your time and you're getting soaked and you're getting soaked in glory america's what the bible says we all with unveiled faces arakada behold his glory and we are changed from glory to glory every moment i get into the secret place strata tire and has a dimension of his glory he's unver revealed in my life every time i get into the secret place another dimension of his glory has revealed in my life almost that is what i care about i don't care about what is standing in front of me i don't care about the lies of the enemy i care about my coinonia i care about my intimacy i care about the god that i carry on my insider i'm nervous for if god be for us [Music] can i point out something to you can i tell you something about the dragon the bible speaks about the dragon and the bible says that the dragon had also crowns on his head the dragon had crowns on his head did you see that in the bible that the dragons had the dragon had crowns on his head in other words before now the dragon had been winning before now for him to have a crown under the old serpent satan devil he had crowns on his head and lay basha so just in case you do not have understanding that dragon is legendary with women but he met a wrong woman he met a woman with the glory component the dragon may take off his bucket list and when he takes off oh i got this right i got this i got this but hey dragon you met a woman that is breaking forth loku render you might have a history of winning but you're going to loosen my timer and no because i want men and women who are not afraid of the devil rise on your feet wherever you are lift up your right hand declare with me like a minute say right now say whatsoever has a history of winning around my life around my family around my children have you not heard you will lose this battle you will lose this battle you will lose this battle say right now whatsoever has a history of winning around my family in my own life have you not heard you are losing this battle right now bow can you call them by name the last time you entered in the hospital the last time he took your money the last time he got you depressed the last time he got you confused you have a history and then i couldn't haran but hear me right now you are losing you are losing you are losing you are losing dry god lose your crowd drag god lose your crown dragon lose your crown and man [Music] in the name of jesus and i wanted to hear me right now whatever has a history of winning the dragon dragon had crowns and labor not on my life with a dragon and another crowd i remember not on my watch where the dragon get another crown and neighbors are not in my family i reckon i don't care where you won before i don't care where you were before but not on my watch i'm a child of the light i'm light myself not on my watch with the dragon get another crown a liquid okay see not on my watch not on your children's life with the devil pride again your name will not be added to the number of negative statistics in the world and make it your children will not be added to the number of negative statistics in the world dragon you gotta lose your ground and make okay for harikata for the weapons of our warfare they are not canal america and i am aware whatsoever i bind here on earth is bound in heaven in the name of jesus and i want you to realize that the bible calls this dragon the old serpent the old serpent as we read the scripture i mean it was very obvious as he begins to say and the dragon was cast out that old serpent which means it's not young he's been there this dragon this old serpent that is called dragon has been there has been there old serpent and the casa i know the old serpent remember the serpent that came in genesis the supplement that came in genesis rakada repeats itself again just in case you were in doubt the bible calls him oats happened same happened i'm going somewhere i'm going somewhere so you've got to come gradually with me better how did the serpent begin his journey harunaka because you've got to break fart you've got a breakfast you've got a breakfast you've got to break far somebody's going to say i'm breaking fault how did this happen begin his journey now in genesis the serpent began with words in revelation he becomes aggressive and never in genesis he began with communication and then he was aha by the time you got to revelation he was not afraid to show himself his empty devil and his satan i am the and he was not afraid amen but in genesis that means when he wants to creep into your life he doesn't let you know that he's devil he doesn't make you believe i am causing any harm he doesn't even act like i am doing anything wrong he comes with words he comes with words he comes with depressive words that's the old serpent hello he comes with low self-esteem that's the old serpent he comes with confusion that is the old serpent he comes with i don't think it's gonna work that's the old serpent he comes with people like you do not do better than they are hashtag that's the old sapping so and because operation shut the serpent up because we know that's where you begin front and recording you paint an ugly picture about my tomorrow and you begin to speak it in my ear shot up by fire hello do you now realize what the bible says casting down every high thing every imagination every high thing that has exalted itself against the knowledge of christ he speaks to you he wants it to become an imagination he wants the imagination to become strongholds and libra there are things you haven't done in your life not because you can't but because of what you think there are things you believe about yourself not because it's true but because it's words that the devil has rehearsed in your ear again and again there are things you are doing right now you've got the capacity not to do them again because they are hurting god but because you feel very vulnerable because the serpent is talking to you somebody help me servant shut up your mouth jesus knew the dynamics of the ministry of the serpent he says i've given you power to tread the only ministry you have towards the serpent is not to listen it's not a listen it is to tread it is to tread har rubble because somebody help me to understand something have you not heard it is my breaking fourth season you won't have my ear you won't have my ear you won't have my ear somebody say serpent it is my breaking for caesar i'm not giving you my ear and my corner lay your hand on your chest and decrease it right now every imagination whatsoever i have held strong and i have believed about myself about my work with god about my life here on earth that is not in tandem with the will of god right now i see you down i tear you are more than your thinking cast down that imagination we don't walk by the words of the sabbath we walk by our revelation cast down that imagination you met the wrong person didn't i warn you that you will lose your crown this time didn't i tell you that you will lose your crown this time i'm a man of destiny i'm a child of revelations open your mouth i feel like i should let you know this the bible says and the serpent took his tail and drew down a third a third and one third of the stars in heaven he took his tail and drew all the stars boom and threw them on the ground he took his tail and you all the stars boom and threw them on the ground helicopter man on assignment you know the deception is you are still a star because he didn't change them from being a spin stars but but they are stars on the ground alibaba don't fall for the cheap trick of the enemy oh you know what i still got my first class i still i still am living in a good place i'm still in a good job i'm still in a go and a good job you're established you're in the wrong place you're a star but that's not the place of your manifestation you're a star but you have been reduced to nothing if you restart get out to the heavens where you belong if you restart take your position where you belong don't tell me i'm a stan i'm on the ground don't tell me i'm a star i've got good degrees but those are not open somebody's going to say i break fault he can't reverse don't lie to me and mentor because and you're telling me you are so knowledgeable you are so skillful you are so creative you are so full of ideas but you are on the ground and lacquered you are so full of love for god has shut but you are not working in obedience you are so full of zeal for god as she kind of but you are breaking the laws of the father and mentor we are the stars can you begin to say i leave the ground i leave the i take my place i take my place i'm breaking forth i cannot be a star on the ground i cannot be a star covered with dust body hashem [Music] take your place i announce be more than you imagine i announced be that star that will be in the place of your glory being a star that will not be reduced that will not be capacitated be that star that will burst out shining how liquid it is your time right now break up electric breakdown [Music] and break father it is your time father we thank you oh father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you for men and women have been transcended to their next season lord we give you all the glory nothing music and nothing broken in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: RCCG Divine Encounter
Views: 1,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christian teaching, RCCG, THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD, SHILOH HOUR, HOLYGHOST SERVICE, HOLYGHOSTSERVICETV, PSF, Redeemed Christian Church Of God, DIVINEENCOUNTER, HOLYCOMMUNION, DIVINE, ENCOUNTER, REDEEMED, WORSHIP, MINISTRATION, SERMONS, divine encounter, rccg latest sermon, encounter sound, speaking in tongue, rccg divine encounter, encounter instumental, encounter prayer, healing encounter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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