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bless you lord we bless you lord we bless you jehovah almighty we bless you lord we bless you lord we bless you jehovah almighty we bless you lord we bless you lord we bless you jehovah almighty we bless you lord we bless you lord we bless you jehovah almighty we love you lord we love you lord we love you jehovah almighty we love you lord we love you lord we love you jehovah almighty king of glory we love you we bless your holy name we will always be grateful to you for everything you did for us in the past year and thank you again and again in advance for what you will do for us in the new year so we'll keep on saying father may your name forever be glorified and father we are praying that as we proceed again with our study of your world the power that is in your world will perform miracles signs and wonders in all our lives thank you my father my god for in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen well someone shout hallelujah we want to continue with our series going higher today we'll be looking at part six going higher part six our text as you know is first kings chapter 17 that today we will be moving on to verse two we have been dealing with verse one but now we'll proceed to verse two we'll read verse one along so that you see the connection first king chapter 17 verse one to two and elijah the tishbite who was of the inhabitants of gilead said unto ahab as the lord god of israelith before whom i stand there shall not be due nor rain these years but according to my word and the word of the lord came unto him him there means elijah saying the word of the lord came unto elijah the first thing you want to learn here is that the word of the lord is a traveler the word of the lord is powerful very quick very sharp according to hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews 4 12 says the word of the lord is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edges sword as a matter of fact according to the lord jesus christ himself john chapter 6 verse 63 john 6 63 he says that the word he speaks to us they are spirit and their life the word of the lord is very effective isaiah chapter 55 from verse 10 to 11. isaiah 55 10 to 11 the almighty god says the word that has gone out of my mouth will not return to me void it will accomplish that for which i sent it very very effective word of god doesn't fail and the word of the lord is very dependable samurai 19 verse 89 psalm 119 verse 89 says forever oh lord thy word is settled it's very dependable it doesn't change it's not it's not a kind of something you can't depend upon it's not like the word of some men the word of god is dependable so the word of the lord can travel he's a traveler and when it arrives he can heal and he can deliver sam 107 verse 20 psalm 107 verse 20 says he sent his word and he healed them so if you are going higher definitely you need that the word of the lord will come to you frequently and one of the things it will do when it gets to you is it will give you healing you can't climb when you are sick so you need the word of the lord regularly to keep you healthy whole so you can enjoy divine health and then climbing becomes easy now you need the word of the lord particularly when you don't know what to do next elijah had come to the palace and delivered the message of the lord now the question is what next in the journey of life as you climb higher and higher there will be a moment when you have to take a decision and many times you don't even know where to turn what to do next what do i do next in isaiah chapter 30 verse 21 isaiah 30 verse 21 the bible says you hear a word behind you saying this is where you should turn and whether you should turn to the left or turn to the right so i'm praying for every one of you hearing the word of god today first and foremost i pray that that word will bring you healings i pray that it will set you free from any yoke that is holding you captive and i am praying that that same word will tell you what next to do you need to hear the word of god regularly the word needs to come to you regularly because the moment you begin to rise you will attract attention and quite a few of the attention you will attract will not be friendly once the moment your star begins to rise get ready for opposition in genesis chapter 37 genesis 37 joseph had no problems until he began to dream of greetings and he shared the dreams and the bible says from that moment onward the brother hated him according to matthew chapter 10 verse 36 matthew 10 36 many of the enemies that will come against you once your star begins to rise will be members of your family the lord himself said a man's force will be there of his own household as long as you are living on uncle hans medan as long as you are the receiving end no problem but the moment they begin to see you rise moments the moment things begin to get better and better for you oh opposition will come for example if you read four semester chapter 17 for summer 17 and read it all the way from verse 17 to 37 for psalms 17 from verse 17 to 37 you discover that in the case of david the moment he was anointed king in the midst of his brethren opposition came opposition came from within opposition came from without if you read that passage very well you will discover that when david arrived at the battlefront and heard goliath strengthening the the people of god and he had the audacity towards the people around what would be my reward if i kill this man the first fellow to attack him was his eldest brother what are you doing here stupid boy arrogant boy get back to the farm this is because the first brother discovered that when it was time to choose a king god didn't choose him and he couldn't hide the opposition he couldn't hide his anger i said you are here again we thought that well after they anointed you you went back to look after the ship what are you doing here another promotion and then you of course you heard david himself saying later on to king saul a lion had come before i killed it he bear came i killed it this goliath is just going to be just one of your positions you need the word of god when your star begins to rise because in particular you will need god's direction as to how to deal with this opposition because when you read second summary chapter 5 from verse 17 to 25 seconds summary 5 from verse 17 to 25 which we discussed in one of our open heavens devotion in the past year the bible tells us that as soon as the philistines heard that david had been anointed king in israel they decided to raise up an army and fighting as one of my children pointed out in that our morning devotion when we were discussing he said it is the same philistines who were protecting david from king saul he was living with them but as soon as king saul died and david became king instead oh all the so-called friends became enemies and you better get ready for that because there are bound to be some of the people who are happy to have you on the ground now as you begin to rise and you are going to rise in jesus name some of them will gang up against you now in that same passage david asked god for help and the word of god came to him the first time the philistines ganged up against him god says attack them frontally but the second time they ganged up against him god said no not a frontal attack this time you have to go from behind them in dealing with oppositions that will rise after you begin to rise higher you need the word of god to come to you to tell you how to handle the situations not only that you need the word of god when you suddenly run into a roadblock because in your journey to higher grounds they are bound to be one or two roadblocks and in the process you might look behind you and discover that the enemies are closing in it may appear to you as if you are about to even lose what you have already gained exodus chapter 14. you can read the whole chapter exodus 14 the whole chapter the children of israel have just gained their independence they were on their way to the promised land and all of a sudden here comes the red sea blocking the way and when they look back here comes pharaoh which is army about to bring them back into bondage or kill them where they were once your star begins to rise you will run into a position the kind that may want to cause you to lose what you have gained thus far some of you will probably remember that when we began the holy ghost service here at redemption camp it wasn't long before we attracted the attention even of the federal government of that time when all of a sudden the federal minister of rules i think rules and works or something suddenly made an announcement that he was going to close down redemption camp we were just we were seeing very little where we are silly too but by the grace of god we are going to be bigger still and the federal minister of walks or getting walks too yes rose the days which was the one in charge of rules and walks came which the entire television crew of nta came to the campaign with the intention of announcing to us that we will not hold any meeting here again but thank god the word of the lord came and the matter was resolved there will always be a position the moment your star begins to rise that's why you must keep your ears open so you can hear from god what do we do now and then you need to hear the word of the lord loud and clear when it appears as if your progress has come to an abrupt stop before you started you were making progress but all of a sudden it looks as if oh you aren't moving forward anymore then you need to hear from god what do i do now for example in joshua chapter 5 from verse 10 to 15 joshua 5 10 to 15 the bible said joshua was standing by the wall of jericho the children of israel already were on their way to the promised land now here comes the world of jericho and they needed to move forward and there's a little bit of problems here because the bible stated clearly manna had stopped falling so they needed to move but here is the wall blocking their way thank god the word of the lord came god himself came down and if you read joshua chapter 6 from verse 1 to the end joshua 6 from verse 1 to the end god gave specific instructions to joshua you want to overcome this obstacle this is what you must do get your people together walk around the wall once a day for six days on the seventh day walk around seven times then shout there is no way joshua could have thought of that method of dealing with the wall of jericho nobody fights a war by walking around the enemy with your mouth short walking down for six days and then several times on the city i am sure the people on the wall will probably be looking at these people and say what's wrong with them are they paralyzed by fear or what but when they did of course what the word of god told them to do you know the rest of the story they shouted the seventh time on the seventh day and the wall came down flat as your progress being stopped i pray that the word of god will come to you now and will tell you when to shout so that as we shout the wall of jericho blocking your way will come down flat in jesus name you need the word of god when the issue now is not even a roadblock or something uh stopping you from matching on but there is someone inside inside your camp sabotaging your effort someone you don't know that is steadily causing problem for you so that your progress can come to complete stand still example you find joshua chapter 7 you can read it all the way to joshua chapter 8. joshua and the children of he said they have just won a great victory over the wall of jericho and then they had one little project as you could call it a little town called i that they thought this one would be an easy walk over and what was it they discovered oh mighty defeat joshua fell on his face before god i said what do i do now what do i do now how can this possibly be happening you promised me at the beginning every word this whole of my feet our trout you've given to me but now i'm in trouble and the word of the lord came to him i pray for those of you whose projects have been stagnated over the years in the mighty name of jesus christ you will hear a word today that will show you where the problem lies then they they said somebody within was causing the problem one fellow called akan and got to joshua get rid of this fellow and your progress will continue you know the story just read joshua chapter 7 and then read joshua chapter 8 and you'll find that at the end of the day joshua was able to take over the city of i and progress continued when we had the first congress lucky 98 oh god sent her all over people were practically falling over one another to contribute to the success of the program and i mean things went very well so with that boldness we approached lucky 99 uh where congress 99 not at lucky now but here had to come and i just discovered everybody who made a pledge refuse to pay well almost all what's going on lord i'm sure you are you want me to continue you don't want this thing to be just once why is it that money is not coming and you know lord that every naira that you provided in the past congress was judiciously used what was left over is what we are using here now to clear the grounds for the next congress what have i done wrong that i'm facing total defeat now because money wasn't coming at all and then god spoke and said some people are stealing your seed that was showing they did not allow any of it to reach the ground how anyway i've got a long story short i made the inquiries i discovered who were the thieves i got rid of the thieves and as soon as i got rid of the teams money began to flow again and i was able to do not only congress 99 congress 2000 congress 2001 the congress is going on i pray for every one of you every plant gold has not planted in your home in your business in your churches the almighty god himself will uproot he will reveal and judge in jesus name now you need to hear from god when it appears as if each time you are at the edge of a major breakthrough something happens so that you are now walking around in circles then you need the word of god and some of you know what i'm talking about you have the breakthrough almost within your grasp and then it will sleep and then you go back to ground zero something has to happen you need to hear the word of god i mean for example in john chapter 5 verse 2 to 9 john 5 2-9 the bible tells us of that man who had been by the pool of bethesda for 38 years every year just before he could jump into the pool after the angel has started the pool somebody got him before him and he will go back to where he started from year after year after year at the beginning of every year when this happy new year he was saying okay this is going to be my year then the year will end and nothing will happen failure upon failure uh in the name of the almighty god that i serve this particular year will be a happy one for you that's which you have been hoping for you'll get it this year because this man all of a sudden discovered why was lying down there not knowing what will happen again this year the word himself that the lord jesus christ came paid him a visit i said all right would you like to be made home he said i've been here for 38 years because i say well don't let's talk about history now just get up and go and they named us above every other name i am issuing a decree on behalf of my father i'm saying to all of you who have been going around in circles get up and go to higher grounds and then you need to hear the word of god when everyone seems determined to hold you down when everyone and i mean everyone neighbors people you don't even know just all of them seem to gang up together to make sure you are not going to make progress at that stage you need to hear the word a good illustration will be found in mark chapter 10 from verse 46 to 52 mark 10 46-52 that's the story of batman's i know some people still call him blind batman's but he he wasn't blind anymore when this man heard that jesus was passing by and he felt that at long last my year has come and he began to cry to jesus for help everyone around told him to shut up they told him who are you who told you you can ever go beyond the level of a beggar shut your mouth but thank god he kept on crying until the almighty god sent a word to him i say hey go and bring him and from that day onward he kept on going steadily upward i pray that the almighty god will send the word to you today and pull you out of all those forces trying to hold you down in jesus name conclusion when am i going to hear the word of god when will the world come to me right if you're a child of god the world has already come to you he has spoken through me to you today he said in his word that i will decreating and it will be established unto me i have decreed that your progress will no longer be ended if you are not yet a child of god and the word has come to you too long ago you know in matthew 11 from verse 28 to 30 matthew 11 28 to 30 jesus christ has said to you come unto me you that labor and a heavy lady and i will give you rest come on to me as an invitation to higher grounds come surrender your life to jesus christ let him hold you by your hand and begin to live to higher so the choice is yours will you respond to his invitation or will you not if you want to respond to his invitation wherever you are bow your hands now and call on him and say lord here i come i surrender my life to you please save my soul forgive all my sins and i will serve you for the rest of my life please lord receive me today and i will be yours for the rest of my life talk to him and i will join my faith with yours and pray for your salvation even right now thank you father my father my god i want to bless your holy name i want to give you all glory and honor for your word that has gone forth again today and i want to thank you because i know there is enough power in your world not just to heal not just to deliver but also to save as many as have decided to surrender their life to you today lord please receive them have mercy on them forgive all their sins lord save their souls and receive them to the family of god and i pray that from now on they will constantly be hearing your word and your word will be performing miracles in their lives in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen praise the lord now those of you who have surrendered your life to jesus christ please get in contact with me as soon as possible and i promise you i'll be praying for you and in the mighty name of jesus christ you'll be going steadily upward from now on i will advise you to look for a redemption church of god near you go there talk to the pastor he will tell you more about what you need to do so that you can begin to go upward steadily because you need to be hearing the word of god constantly as for those of you who already children of god must pray to him pray unto him today that from this moment onward the word of god will be coming to you steadily whenever you find yourself being hindered from climbing pray that god himself will speak to you and set through going higher and higher every day and so shall he be in jesus name amen praise god let somebody shout hallelujah it is time to be blessed because it is time to give your gift unto the muslim god
Channel: RCCG
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg latest, rccg january 2021 holy ghost service, pastor adeboye sermon, rccg special service, rccg january 2021 sermon, rccg live tv, @rccg, rccg 2021 holy ghost service, pastor adeboye 2021 prophecy, rccg online, january 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service 2021, rccg live service, God bless you, rccg service 2021, live, january 2021 holy ghost service, pastor e.a adeboye latest
Id: GGPnX9yretE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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