Pastor Deitrick Haddon Hill City Church LA Sunday Service 7.1.2018

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how y'all feel today talk back to the Honolulu today a man look good in the prosperous looks like God is moving in your language try not to be long at all but I have a word from the Lord before you to encourage of good to see you in the house man frankly sister Catherine still event dealing better fighting cancer and praying with her and Frank with those that are sick - Elliot knows they could not make it to the house of dr. Danielle pray with you in the name of Jesus I want you to turn your Bibles to Genesis chapter 15 and also a little marker there for Psalms 105 a song eternity more player a little bit over the bar [Music] Genesis chapter 15 I'm waiting on you to get it I've got the iPhone you have the Bible app in your phone and everything you can see the 4-minute I'm waiting on you with all the sick knowledge that you should be quicker than that that mean your formal services you still have the next tale at 9:00 [Music] this whole bit of my spirit all I don't know it but my wife will tell you ahead don't repeat all day yesterday so I found out I was cleaning it up she said how many times you gonna play that song [Music] stop let's fin get you down he's a big fan [Applause] [Music] hold on no self-respect [Music] yeah yeah keep your fire [Applause] nevermind go of me someday we'll all be free the witness right there someday we'll all be free turn the keyboard up one more time y'all just wait there hands like this from the top about that [Music] to the world as it speaks about this is just don't let me [Music] get you down oh wow this things are moving but grab your neighbor tell them tell them this tell them [Music] self-respect and don't man live by because you would appreciate the song [Music] keep your fire near behind your feet cuz pride of days but fool me here stuff there so take it from me something y'all need to wait the hands of singing we'll all be free how would I believe that how would you believe it say take it from me one day we'll all meditate on that for a few minutes playa bad just play it back we get ready to go to the word and Genesis 15 but I'm kidding there's been myself my theme song all week [Music] hold your head up hold your head up high dreams right [Music] sing your song will not be free do me a favor sink your neighbours parents haven't tasted for me one day I wish I had a church an old-school Church [Music] but gonna be free but I've been free [Music] [Applause] Oh take it from me one day we all be free Genesis chapter 15 and verse 1 while you're standing it says after these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision tell me brother fear not I am thy shield and that exceeding great reward Abraham said more not what will thou give me seeing that I go childless the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus Abraham said Behold to me thou has given no seed Lord lo one born in my house is not even my heir first for behold the word of the Lord came unto him saying this should not be there but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thy name they brought him forth abroad and he said look now toward that heaven and tell the started and if now be able to number them he said unto Him so shall not C be and he believed in the Lord Abram believed and he counted him polite righteousness and he said under him i am the lord that brought me out of earth Aldys to give me this land to inherit it and he said Lord not well I shall I know that I shall inherit he said it to him okay take me a heifer of three years old and a she-goat of three years old and a Turtledove and a young pigeon and he took unto him all these of the Lord and inquired of him and he divided them in the midst and laid each face one against another but the birds divided he not I want you to know verse 11 verse 11 so after he had leave the altar just the weight God asked him to and he did it very strategic just so when he leaned it out he was very much to feel this about it what's this verse 11 and when the fowls came down upon the carcasses of his sacrifice Abraham drove them away say get off my sacrifice I worked too hard for this drool then I'm like the preaching here okay holy goes I'll just one quick scripture one strip quick scripture you know it's almost 105 you go to verse 15 is this too much not mine anointed don't touch ignored it people keep your mouth off God's anointed folk do get in trouble you give him mouth he said touch not you can be angry you can be upset but you never put your mouth on somebody that's ordained by God who is God's servant touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm my god Oh glory to God look at your neighbor and tell him the devil gotta take his hands off your sacrifice go to three people around you I'm gonna preach him here go to three people matter of fact go to seven tell them we'll cross the aisle cuz somebody need to hear this those that are watching me the enemy I come to declare in Jesus name that the devil got to take his nasty dirty lowdown funky hands off of your sacrifice you've been working too hard to do it just the way God wanted you to be come on you've been laying it out on the altar and now some devil wanna come along and try to eat up what you've been working hard for y'all might acquired up in here but I'm not gonna let no devil come in my life come on somebody and put his claws on my family and put his paws on my church and put his paws on my ministry on my mind you got to be upset about it some see some of y'all y'all too nice y'all too cute come on somebody but those who understand come on that you put too much blood sweat and tears you ain't got where you got come on without working hard and when you work hard for something you got to fight for it cuz they anybody want to come in after you've done all your hard work and just come eat up your stuff but on devil you cannot have my stuff come on come on go to three more people tell him don't let him have your stuff don't let him have your stuff don't let him have your stuff I wish I had a Holy Ghost Church up in here I wish I had a Holy Ghost Church up in here devil you can't have my stuff you can't have what's sacred to me you cannot have it your st Paul shouldn't be on it I'm tired of looking at you still into everything every time I work hard to build something here you come along to try to eat it up and you ain't did no work you ain't did no sacrifice to and come on you trying to eat it up but no it ain't for you this sacrifice is for God I wish I had a hole to go stretch right now that will give God a shout of praise right where you are Oh glory to God I've already preached but y'all looking at me cross-eyed they don't take long for God to move y'all sit now come on but how many know you got to fight for what you've been working hard for if you let the enemy come right in your house and take everything that you've been working for but it won't happen not on my watch somebody just screams that will say devil get up out of here let me let me talk to your church because I don't know everything Victoria I don't I'm not gone I'm a man of God I'm not God I don't have all the answers and all the solutions I know preachers try to make them feel like they know everything but they don't come on we're trying to figure it out just like you glory to God the beautiful thing is I get to teach and learn at the same time that's the beautiful thing come on somebody hey so we're trying to work this thing out my job is that to make sure that you're growing in the spirit while I'm growing also so we're all growing together it may be on different levels come on but there's no big eyes or little use and the kingdom come on somebody hallelujah if you've been doing it longer yet you may have rank but that don't make you better than me y'all might acquire bit me here you can speak in tongues I only got one but the same God come on is the same power the same authority come on somebody shout hallelujah you may need twenty tongues all I need is one all I need is one word and that's Jesus my god but here Church I want you to hear me today with your heart hear me today with your heart he been having air landed here when the Spirit of God is saying to the church as I'm growing in God I'm searching the scripture I'm walking and living my life and I'm also searching for truth I'm searching I'm saying God how am I gonna get to the next level so I could be the best pastor for these people how am I going get to the next level so I can be the best ambassador for the kingdom internationally people are watching me they're trying to see everything and hang on every word I say so now understand the magnitude of the authority that I have in the kingdom some of us don't realize that you have authority that you don't even recognize but people around you recognize and that's why everything you say they are all own every case anything you do come on they're watching you say uh-huh look at her and look at him I thought she was anointed I thought she had the anointing on yeah I thought she was a Christian I thought you come on I thought she was save oh yes I'm saying baby but I'm still human talk to me somebody you make me mad enough I may cut you out but I still love the Lord talk to me hallelujah I'm working this thing out come on somebody and I'm tired of church folk walking around all uppity like they got it all together when you know you ain't got it all together you just one cuss word away from being on your knees praying come on you just one drink away from being drunk like they used to stop didn't arrogant and humble yourself and let God work something out at you preach a better day y'all saying something the day he told it goes going to quick go to quick something here description that I really want to share this is what I want a shine I'm not gonna be long it allowed me to take a few minutes to talk about this word that's kind of ancient and it's old and outdated it's an outdated word that's not often used in our today's vernacular we don't use it but I think it's a word that should be added to your organ Acula to your vocabulary and exercise daily and that word is covenant everybody say covenant write it down if you have to I'm going to teach you a little bit come on look at your neighbor tell them covenant covenant covenant a covenant church yes I said it it's a whole word you don't even know it come on but it's all through the Bible y'all don't use it enough oh that's what this generation B they need to learn how to be covenant keeper because it's every man for themself that's the spirit that we're dealing with now every man get what you can get and kill whoever you can heal to get what you mean but the devil is a lie but at the house of God you're gonna understand this word covenant somebody say covenant coming in as simply a contract or an agreement it's a pledge or a promise that you made make between two individuals that will benefit both individuals so there's a covenant that says it says that I mean business Silvia I mean business and I'm willing to sign on the dotted line but what I please value in so I'm willing to come into a promise or a guarantee I'm willing to be a guarantee in order to place value on this thing Church and the truth of the matter is mr. Souza is when we truly desire something none of us in this room we don't mind signing an agreement to secure whatever we want come on church we signed a contract for the car you drove the church today you sign the contract for the house you're gonna go home to you try you sign the contract for that iPhone x2 come on and all the iPhone 7 8 10 whatever y'all doing glory to God whatever they make it up the next week you don't mind sign of the contract even in the marriage glory to God to people got to agree somebody got to say I do in other words I agree I'm with it okay and then after that you still got to sign your name down in order to give her your name so there's a contract involved with everything but it's amazing to me glory to God how we could make a promise to everybody and everything else but God it's amazing to me blow over to go how we can commit to everything and everybody but the things of God we are we have a soft promise on you gotta give you a soft promise and our promises to God are weak in other words our promises to God as long as you're doing something for me I'm gonna serve you as long as it's convenient for I'm Winslow and I'm down which as long as it don't mess up with my schedule as long as it don't interfere with the things I'm trying to do as long as it don't challenge me to be a better individual I'm good with you and as long as ministry don't become work I'm down with you but the minute it becomes a work and what you have to slave and put something in and you said I'm done come on somebody huh but I come to tell somebody in here that you can claim that you love the Lord and you can claim that you love somebody I love you every day and every night I love you I love you go over to God but it is not you love if the only time you with me is when I'm giving you something oh that's fake love just like fake news that's fake love the minute I'll stop giving you everything I'm giving you my body giving you my money then you ain't come on you ain't nowhere to be found I can't get you to commit glory to God the only time you lock into me is when I'm giving you my soul my giving you my time giving you my body giving you my soul but I don't know about y'all Church but I don't want no fake love you can keep that fake phony stuff to yourself if you're gonna love me you got to love me for me when I'm broke busted and disgusted huh you got to still love me come on somebody huh but I don't have a bitly when I'm driving my Pinto get out and push when I don't have a mansion on the hill when I'm barely making I want somebody who truly loved me then we'll get in the fight with me come on somebody shout hallelujah see the problem is we got too many fake folk around us that's why they can give up on you so quickly Oh talk to me Church every other day then leaving you they're coming in they're leaving you every other month they leave you that's that's because they're really not - come on they really don't have your heart they're out for what they can get and not for what they can do come on somebody huh you need people that will make you better they don't want so money they don't want so stuff come on they don't want sex they won't come on trying to make you bad alright I'm getting ready to leave you now cuz I don't know I made somebody must upset today but let me tell you Church the reason why I feel like the Holy Ghost have me on the case here the reason why many of us are not seeing the move of God in our lives the reason why it seems like we're going around in a circle every year dealing with the same old thing wasting precious time the reason why we are not seeing God's best in our lives we're settling for Less but I believe it's because somebody refuses to take the relationship to the next level and make an agreement with God who helped me hold it goes up in here see we bill would just come to church and go on a home come on doing that thing and then we come back to church that's it but God wants somebody that he could partner with every day somebody he could talk to every day somebody he can lead and guide every day somebody he can help out every day somebody that will allow God to get into your business matters come on allow him to deal with you when you're dealing with your family he wants to get in there when you feel like cussing he want to change your language when you feel like going out on the block and starting to fight with the neighbors he said no we're not gonna do that today God is looking for somebody he can partner with come on somebody shout hallelujah up in here Oh church we need to learn that it is coming in write it down it is covenants that move heaven I'll then write it down don't never forget it this is the most important message I preached all year a covenant is what moves God it is not tearsa come on it is not client it is not complaining it is a covenant or an agreement with God all can I just be a real transparent with with you today can I talk to y'all can I talk to Hill City Church today it is a covenant that moves to the next dimension with God I remember when me and first lady we were in stand over to God and we had destined our first child out of wedlock oh that's right I ain't always been perfect I ain't made all the perfect moves I've made my mistakes don't look at me crazy yeah but church I remember when we had a child and we were falling deeply in love go over to God and one thing I will never forget the first lady told me she said now listen brother had she said you know already got a child with me you had one child with me and that was a freebie come on somebody she said but if you're gonna have more babies with me you think about having more babies you think that's what you want to do she said you gonna have to put a ring on this or the baby shop is on lockdown see y'all mighta climbed up in here she said Oh baby you gotta make a decision because I'm not gonna be a young single mother with a bunch of your children huh oh she put her foot down I said wait a minute my god that's the kind of woman I want she has integrity and she has character yeah we made a mistake but come on somebody huh that mistake will not define us yeah I wish I had a whole day go stretch that hear what this preacher is saying huh Church I come to tell you the day the Lord is telling me to tell you glory to God huh that eats the Covenant he said look if you want more from me my brother's goddess and if you want more from me my sisters you have to honor me with a covenant oh thank you Holy Ghost if you crying for more he said I don't need a crime the boy don't complain no more I'm giving you the secret to success in God you have to make an agreement with God now push your neighbor and tell them it's time to make an agreement Oh push your other neighbor cuz they're looking crazy now I know you're thinking about what you gonna do but listen you need to make an agreement with God and stick to that agreement be a man of your word and be a woman of your word Hamilton nobody send nothin huh the days we live in and now your word don't mean nothing come on even contracts don't mean nothing huh the Word of God says let your APA and your Navy name in other words if you gonna be about it be all the way about it if you gonna top the top then walk the walk the mEagle said I'll walk it like a rocket come on somebody else we don't have enough people in the church that's walking it like they talkin ain't nothing it's a whole lot of talking but not enough walking huh y'all help me out in here anybody help me out somebody oh [Music] [Music] god Victoria will bless you come on bless you he said I will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you won't even have room enough to receive come on the problem is all of us are living under a closed heaven now the heavens are closed over your life because you have not come to an agreement with God the minute you make an agreement with God he shall be a man of his word and he's gonna open up the windows of heaven and pour you out the blessing see people are not people of their world but when you makin a treatment with the Almighty God you better believe baby he's gonna back up his word everything God says he backs it up Oh help me hold it goes I've been livin up 45 years now I've been walking with God most of those years and one thing I can always say I can stand up with confidence and say huh God will always back you up come on when you work for him he will work for you no I don't care nobody's saying nothing huh see a lot of us want the blessing without putting in the work I don't hear nobody saying nothing we want the blessing without the contract but not the agreement but God said I'm holding up some things until you make a decision up that's it today I'm holding up some things you've been wondering why some things have been held up in your life the Holy Ghost just unlocked it today all you have to do is make a decision and stick to that decision come on don't be tossed to and fro up sometimes up with your God huh the other times sometimes I'm gonna serve you honey then sometimes I want to serve my flesh lift your hands and say God I choose you people look gone the Covenant will bless you write it down and the Covenant will protect you huh Church hear me he said I will rebuke the Devourer there's an enemy that won't don't want you to be what God has called you to be there's a devil that's a sign to all of our houses come on it's up to you to fight against that spirit huh the problem is we let the devil in and out of the house oh come on in devil sit down with me I made some steak and potatoes you can eat with me I'll turn my mic up cuz they don't hear me they sitting there like they don't get what the Holy Ghost is saying God says it's time to kick the devil out of your house sir you've been coexisting with the demonic spirit that got you depressed some days and got you oppress some days it got you angry some days I think that you want to give up the next week the devil is a got you on an emotional rollercoaster but I need somebody's gonna say huh I'm tired of the devil riding my life like I'm the come on somebody huh like I'm the bus ah damn well you gotta get up here this is the stop where you get off somebody shout hallelujah up in here and we'll protect you Church I always remind God of my covenant I know the Lord it's tired of beat Rick cuz I always say God you made a promise and I know you're gonna come through see some of y'all you not reminding god of your promise come on somebody yeah I made a promise one of my covenants is I said God you want me to preach all over the world people calling me to Africa and all over the place but I need you to hold every plane up for the rest of my life but I don't hear nobody saying nothing I said you want me to preach it pop a sign saying right you gotta make sure that I did not die in a car crash a train come on a plane I shall live and not die Oh y'all lookin at me crazy huh but my covenant has been working for me for quite some time I need somebody to get up and shout for me huh somebody shout right now Mickey I remember Mickey huh I remember being on the plane that was about to go down I remember everybody screaming huh saying that their life was over even the pilot said everybody I don't know what's going on he gets on the loudspeaker panicking huh I remember it like it was yesterday I was on my way to New York I had my whole band with me we're going to do a concert yeah glory to God and everybody screaming everybody's crying because the scene like the turbulence was pulling us down to the left and as that plane was being pulled down by some demonic spirit that I stood up on the plane in front of everybody and I say Ross oh yeah oh yeah you're 2.2 kick for me I use my toes see the reason why your tongues ain't got no power it's because you play too much and when you need anything or watch my liver and dad you made a covenant with me and everybody's gonna leave her cuz I'm on this plane now I wish I had a church up in here everybody in your house it's gonna live cuz you up in there y'all get up and shout with me somebody shout I don't need no music huh I said somebody get up and dance everybody in your house everybody in your life go live cuz you have a covenant we'll call somebody run from a happy you gotta get your covenant liver I don't care I remember miss Suzie I was in Jamaica I remember I was in Jamaica in front of thousands of people huh somebody my system Diaries ran up to me and said teacher your wife is fainted in the house by herself she's trying to get in touch with ya she don't know what to do something going on with your wife I said god I'm all the way in Jamaica I don't know who to call that will rush over to my house to take care of my family I said I have nobody else to call her but the name of Jesus I remember the beat in the field just like this with thousands of people huh and they didn't know what was going on I got all my knees in front of everybody and I said Lord don't you remember the Covenant I made with you you told me that my family would be alright then all of a sudden I seen angels fly up out of nowhere huh see I'm crazy like that happily I've seen angels come on somebody God said I'm sinning angels ah you may not gonna be there but my angels can be there there was nothing wrong with my wife she just was a little fatigued and tired come on somebody but I believe God Oh church up in here I believe God remember the Covenant that he made with me over years ago I want somebody to bless the Lord for about 60 seconds for your coming in I said bless him for your covenant that bless him are you to keep for me he's the same cloth you could have been in a car wreck you could have been in a driver but car I got a covenant wish happy he's a covenant-keeping god yeah I need somebody to run for me but did not bless the Lord and as you praise Him God said I'm renewing a covenant with you huh CS up in here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes somebody need to come to the altar and you ain't made a covenant yet but you need to make a covenant now you need to tell the Lord from this thing forward huh you can depend on me to be the woman that God has called me to be from this somebody to lay out in those presence from this day forward I'm giving you my family I'm giving you my life in return for your blessing in return for your peace in return for your joy some money need to make a covenant with God you need to lay it all down put him in a dream in on it put a guarantee on it and say God you got me fall short of it but please don't forget we have a covenant in place yeah I remember when I said God I give up I've done you could possibly use me again Gossett Dietrich I made a covenant with you Oh lift your hands right there yes and you ain't never been worthy huh it's been me all along it's been God every step of the way huh it ain't never been you it's been God every step of the way huh somebody shall yes in here I'm not preaching [Music] see the problem is it's when you keep your agreement you get good ready it builds your credit when you stay true to the agreement and the other party can depend on you every time you come through on your end it builds your credit see the problem is some of us got bad credit wake up lift a hand right there you've got bad credit because every time you quit that's a point against you every time you give up that's the point of God said I'm that person it's too unstable I don't know if I can do what they're asking me to do because if I do if I give it to him they don't forget about me if I give it to him they gonna run with it and never pay their end of the bargain lift your hands right there lift it lift it up high take your Holy Ghost Thank You Holy Ghost see Abraham Abram had good credit with God and see you know of Abraham the father of faith but before he got to Abraham he was first just Abram it was Abram that got the elevation it was Abraham's dedication Doctorow's that got the elevation for him it was his dedication to the agreement that's not in the elevation it's your dedication church that's gonna get you to the next level whoa thank you hold it no sir good way down I'm not higher well I've been dedicated SATs your mouth and stay true to what God poacher in season and obviously was at that time I did it now no wait hold your peace God determines when he decide to bless you until him [Applause] [Music] and it wasn't a joke to him everything God said April did it and he did complaining he did it with all of his heart Church he did it and he did it exactly the way God told me so I want you to go get a three-year-old huh I want to talk three-year-old though I will just go find a pigeon go find it up lay it on the altar a certain way the chase of pigeon around oh it had to be three year old he searched all day to do it exactly we got told it see some of us we get too lazy we want to do things our way oh thank you Holy Ghost and it don't work that way God doesn't march to the beat of your truck your hands joking over something that's sacred to you oh it may be funny to you but it's sacred to me the church it may be funny to everybody else that's your company it returned I'm gonna give you an anointing that no Mario pad I'm gonna give you something that every man were drooling over they wish they had this type of power to give a thousand enemy's soldiers with the jawbone of an ass they let people laugh at you oh I wish I had a church up in here let him talk about you let him have a whole lot to say you just keep letting your hair just drag come on somebody huh but God has given you power God has given you favor huh come on everything you put your hands and do is bless why because you have a cabinet man we wait that's the enemy we wouldn't did a crosswalk and I was preachers we were preaching on the corn but nobody's stopping for every now when it will stop we'll give up a mile of church but I mean we preach it on the God we put on Instagram with my role hundreds of thousands of people go out on the street and preach with no security no they don't know I got angels backing me up come on somebody don't mighty quiet up in here they don't I've been doing this all my life one guy decided to put it on his comedy show he tried to started to make a joke of it and he said feature incipient message feature come check out my comedy a little thing there and then with my are all kind of people to weigh in on winning should you preach like that should gospel singers preach on the corner I told you take that down immediately because what's funny to you is sacred to me so you don't know that is my covenant as long as I keep preaching and win souls God's gonna bless me i'll never go lucky come on somebody huh they'll be saying my name for the rest of my life people don't know that's my secret don't get salsa and god bless me in return oh it's funny to you that's when you Oh help me Holy Ghost you cannot put your mouth on somebody else's coming in help me up in here Church you got to learn how to hold your peace everything is not to be talked to it's not to be debated something is just to be viewed and shared that's it you don't need to put no post up you don't need to weigh in on it because you could be putting your mouth on somebody's coming in see I made that covenant when I was 10 years old I was preaching on the block like that when I was 12 years old and it ain't changed touch but let me preach to you now how promise I'll let you go but I'm feeling this message strong for something I'm feeling with you today glory to God but here is the message for you to all the work that April put it just the way then wind watch this breach here the moment he lay the altar just the way God wanted to do he turns his back then here comes some vultures Oh help me Holy Ghost and here comes some portunus opportunist coming down the slightest then I put in see some of y'all need to learn how to drive the vultures away you need to tell the devil to get your claws off my company you need to tell every vote you to get off your vision somebody get up and give somebody haha the Bible says that Abram drove them away he drove out every demonic spirit God said in this season I'm driving out everything this is not like God I need you to get up right now and just swing ha ha come on just say I'm getting everything come on the spirit of oppression the spirit of doubt the spirit of giving up and quitting I don't know matter stand up and drive it off of my sacrifice come on somebody look at your neighbor and tell them you gotta get it out of your life everything that's trying to steal your hard work you slave to ditch yourself to a place where God can receive you you laid your faith oh they altar you lay meditation on the altar you laid yourself all day all time I don't hear nobody saying nothing hat but now here comes some Bibble huh that wanna come along and snatch you up out of your place somebody help me preach see the devil he's a liar I said help me reach in here see the devil is a liar I'm saying all the altar I'm keeping my covenant would not told me don't do it I don't care who don't like it don't stay where God told me don't be steal huh [Music]
Channel: Hill City Church LA
Views: 8,320
Rating: 4.8362575 out of 5
Keywords: Deitrick Haddon, Hill City Church LA
Id: fbbNko8ZF80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 29sec (2969 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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