Pastor Arthur Jackson, III - "You Can Make It" July 15, 2007

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it's just two verses I want to share with you today but it's a power-packed two verses it's the book of Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 Amen I want you to look with us and keep your Bibles open if you have it help your neighbor find them we want us to look together amen I encourage you to look in the index I say that with what with you know with so much sincerity because it's not how fast you find it I mean you don't have to flip that's why it's there until you get extremely familiar with your Bible just look and see what pages on amen and go to Hebrews chapter number 12 I want to read the first two verses today it says therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and then let us run with perseverance the race that's marked out for us don't miss that let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith who for the joy set before him and do it the cross scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God you may be seated in the very presence of the Lord I want to preach this afternoon with your prayers and even God's power simply from these words you can make it I want to encourage somebody this is a word I've encouraged men it may not be for everybody but it's for somebody that you need to hear this in fact why don't you help me preach if you can just turn to the person beside you look him or her in the eye and say neighbor you can make it you can make you didn't say it like you really meant it I mean you don't know what they're going through but come on just encourage him neighbor I believe you can make it you can make it I mean I said you may be seated you can make it you can make it a man you can make it a man you can make it as we look at this particular text this afternoon my brothers and my sisters I want you to take note of the fact that this particular text was written specifically to these Hebrew Christians in Paul's day who were in constant danger of reverting back into Judaism they had professed Jesus Christ as their Savior they had began to serve Him and follow him however at the time of this particular writing these believers were struggling in a major way they had come to the gripping conclusion that following Jesus Christ and staying true to the profession that they made to serve Him until they died had literally at this point become increasingly more difficult to do at time of the tanks they are tired of being persecuted their faith has become fatigued and they were at the point wherein they felt like giving up was the only alternative I wonder today has anybody ever been at that point been at the point where you felt like it just wasn't worth it anymore that's what they are in the text and this is not the first time they've been at this particular place in fact if your Bibles are still open if you can just flip back with me to chapter number 10 and look at verse number 32 there was a time back in their history where when Paul had to speak to them to pull them out of that state of deep discouragement the persecution had gotten so intense until Paul in chapter 10 verse 32 he said remember those earlier days after you would receive the light how you stood your ground in a great contest contest and facing in the face of suffering Paul and verse 33 says sometimes watch this you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution at other times you stood by side by side with those who were so treated you sympathize with those in prison however god bless you to the point that you joyfully accepted the confiscation of your own property and you got to that point because you recognize that God has something better in store for you he says so in verse 33 so don't throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded you need to preserve so that when you've done the will of God you will receive that which he had promised and when Paul other those words hopes praying eternal when Paul other those particular words they their faith began to strengthen their hope began to increase and they were on the verge of feeling like they could make it in and fight the good fight of faith however just two chapters later and the discouragement has now crept back in just two chapters later they're feeling like giving up they feel like throwing in the towel and now Paul in this particular text brothers and sisters he is faced once again with the Herculean task of exhorting them to hang in there Paul and chapter number 12 his aim is to get them to endure the trial that they're going through in fact can the church say endure endure endure that's the buzzword of chapter 12 come on let's say it again say endure that's the key word in Chapter number 12 Paul used this word endure or a version of this word endure several times in Chapter number 12 in verse 1 he used the word that perseverance but in the Greek it gives us the same word endure in verse 2 he used the word endure in verse 3 he uses the word endure in verse 7 he uses the word endure in verse 20 he uses a derivative of the word endure because Paul's main that main mindset in Chapter number 12 is giving them to the point that they can in door can the church say in door in fact let's look at verse 7 Paul says if you endure hardship then God will deal with you as a son Paul's mindset is that you cannot give opposed mindset is that you cannot throw in the towel his mindset is that no matter what you are going through that you have to in door somebody one more time just yell endure endure in the group in the dictionary it means to bear up under trial it means to hold up under heavy weight it means to stay steadfast it connotes the thought of continuing even when things get tough it it connotes the thought that you're not abandoning the ship when the ship is in a storm it connotes the thought that you're going to hang on in there even when things that get rough that's what God is telling somebody in this house this morning that he has called you to a point of in Durance that God has given you God cannot preach in this house that he's given you everything that you need he has encrypt you he's giving you all of the tools he has empowered you and what you need to know is that you can endure I know it's not easy I know that it is rough I know that the going gets hard but I just don't believe that God what tells me to do something that I'm not equipped and able to do I just don't think that God will command me to do something that I'm not able to do and so when you look at chapter number 12 as I move closer to the text I'm Paul's aim is trying to increase their spiritual endurance and Paul laid out a few things that they need to do and Paul suggests that if we're going to I'm hang in there if we're going to take it Paul in verse number one he reminds us of something that's he in verse number one look at what it says Paul says therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses look at what Paul does please don't miss this Paul he forces his readers to press the rewind button of their mind he takes them back to the patriarchs of their past Paul he removes them from their present situation and he takes them back to the future if you will he takes them back over their own history Paul says there was a great cloud of witnesses who's gone on before you that stand as a martyrs that stand as witnesses that if we can make it you can take it Paul suggests to us that it is important that we remember that we are not the first ones that has had to go through hard time and hardship Paul wants them to know that they are not the first ones who's felt abandoned Paul wanted them to know that there was a cloud of witnesses going on before them that serves as a testimony that if they can do it you can are y'all hearing me today so Paul says number one that we have to remember the clouds remember that there's a group of people that have already gone ahead of you that serves as a living witness that if they can make it as surely you can make it I want to serve notice on somebody in this house that one of the tricks of the enemy is to make you feel as if you are all by yourself one of the tricks of the enemy is to make you feel that no one in your context knows exactly what you are going through but you've got to understand that you are not in this by or self in fact encourage somebody close to you say neighbor you ain't in it by yourself and we have the reassurance that if somebody else has gone through it and if somebody else can make it a sure Lea you can make listen I don't know what your situation I got to talk to somebody what your situation is but if you were to look back over your family history look back over your heritage you have people that you know people that you're connected with people that you are related to that serves a string a symbol that shrimp you have a grandmother in your history a grandfather in your history you have a mother a father you have an uncle or you have some best friend you have somebody in your family that serves as a witness baby that if God did it for me God can do it for y'all here for me and that's the same exhortation that Paul gave to Timothy Paul was as listener I know Timothy you feel like giving up but you've got to press the rewind button of your mind that you've got something that's your mama had and she got it from her mother and so you've got to understand when you look inside of you you come from good stock if you didn't come from good stock you would have been taken out a long time ago I don't know who I'm talking to but somebody better stop having a private pity party and recognize you come from strong a stock your mama was a strong black woman yo daddy was a strong black man your grandfather took come on talk to me somebody Jim Crow laws your great-grandfather was a sharecropper your grandmama did day labor just so you didn't have to do it so how dare you give up when you faced with criticism and the racism you got a history of people who are stood up against racism you got a history I wish always let me preach in this house today and so Paul and so Paul he takes them back over their own history and Paul says in verse number one you have a great cloud of witnesses tell some one neighbor remember the clouds remember now I found that very interesting novice that he didn't refer to these witnesses as Saints he didn't refer to these witnesses as the patriarchs of the faith he didn't refer to these witnesses as the heroes of the faith but he called them clouds can the church say clouds I got a greater appreciation of clouds just yesterday as my flight was landing into Fort Lauderdale we were sending from 32,000 feet I was up there in the clouds normally I don't sit by the window but I was sitting by the window and I was fascinated by that I couldn't take my eyes off these clouds because what I know this was that every cloud I saw was deformed every cloud I saw had a jagged edge all here for me there was no such thing as the perfect cloud I look around I roll through the cloud we rolled beneath the cloud I rolled over the cloud and every cloud I saw had a blemish every cloud I saw had a jagged edge and when you look back at chapter number 11 the cloud of witnesses that Paul mentioned in Chapter 11 every one of those clouds I had a deformity Oh y'all never me when you go back to chapter number II I'm going somewhere chapter 11 he mentions no one he mentions Abraham he misses shake-up in Moses he mentions Rahab and Gideon and Barak he mentions Samson and David huh and these are the clouds of witnesses and every one of these clouds had an issue Noah was a drunk Abraham was a liar Jacob was a trickster Moses was a murderer Rahab was a harlot Gideon was a doubter Barack was fearfulness Simpson like strange women David was an adulterer however God used every one of them Clement let me tell you what the Texas saying the Texas saying if God can use a cloud like Moses he can use a cloud like you if he can use a cloud like David he can use a cloud though y'all ain't ever me it is a trick of the enemy to make you think that you're a dysfunction that's disqualified you for service' but God has not picked you based on your availability a capability he picked you based on your availability he didn't pick you because you were perfect he didn't pick you because you didn't have any issues but he picked you because he wanna take a glory I'll show it right contrary to popular belief God can take a mess and make it a blessing God can take somebody tore up from the floor up God can take her oh you're gonna help me preach my God can take somebody just like you fix them up and drop him up and use him to be a minister to the nation and I don't know I feel like preaching I don't know who I'm talking about but every time the devil every time the devil makes me think that I'm not worthy I'm gonna remember the clouds here you never remember the clouds every time that can I preach to somebody every time the devil tries to hold your pastor over your head every time the devil tries to make you feel guilty over a bad mistake every time the devil tries them beat you up over some indiscretion every time that I'm preaching to somebody every time the devil tries to make you feel that you're not worthy because you stepped outside the will of God to tell the devil if he used the right-half he can use me if he use Sampson he can use me if he use show something I'm not talking to anybody can anybody in the house get excited over the fact that you are still usable that you are still salvageable I guess y'all they never made no mistakes this is the part of the sermon where we recognize those of us who's made some mistakes that there's still another chance I need somebody in the house today to open up your mouth and give God praise for being a God of another here it is your friends can't understand why you're praising God you're praising God because God shows up to use you in spite off I guess I'll preach to myself your friends can't understand why you're praising God you ain't praising him because you got a new car you ain't praising him because you got a promotion you're not praising him because you got a new outfit on you were praising him because God took your sins and cast them into a sea of forgetfulness and gave you another chance to be used and while Negroes may never forget Negroes will never help you somebody forgive you God has already forgiven you so get yourself up and remember the clouds I feel like preaching in this house however Paul says watch this PO says wait a minute you have to do more than remember the clouds because if you're going to be effective you got to remove some constraints Oh y'all didn't hear em but you see once God forgives you he does not forgive you to stay in the race in the condition that you are you see one of the misnomers in the church is we feel that we can come just as we are and then stay the way we are the devil is a liar you see you can come to Christ with liquor on your breath but you can't stay close to him with liquor on your breath you can come to him but you can't stay close to him shacking up oh I'm a killer devil in this house you can come to him with the lascivious lifestyle but you can't stay close to him with a lascivious life so y'all hear me he wants the homosexuals and the lesbians the adults was in the fornicators he won't the liars in the backstabbers all come to him however once you come to him a change has to come over your life you can't stay the way that you are you can't continue doing what you're doing and stay close haven't lost all my amens I don't lost all my club amens I don't lost all my drinking they helped me him I hadn't lost all my a man's a bit but the truth of the matter is the closer you skip to him and the longer you stay with him some things got to stop I wish y'all would free me up and let me preach like I feel it that's why it's always confusing to see people who have claimed to be close to Jesus for five and ten and twenty years yet you're still doing the same thing that you ought y'all need hearing me because the closer you get to Jesus Christ there's some that ought to make you feel uncomfortable the closer you walk with him some throw y'all in here for me when you get real close to Jesus Christ even if your crush you feel convicted even if you love you feel convicted you see whenever you continue to do what you've always done and feel no conviction and feel no remorse that's a sign that the relationship has grown cold but the closer I wish y'all would help me preach in this house so watch this so Paul says you got to watch this lay aside the weight someone just yelled the wave and the sin it sounds like Paul is advocating weight watchers Paul says we got to crawl everything are y'all hearing me he talks about the weight and the sin no most people try to tie both of them together but it is a difference between the weight and the sin every weight is not sin but every sin can I try it one more time every weight it's not sin but every sin it's a way weight means excess weight is the stuff that slows you down wait it's the stuff that anchors you Oh y'all ain't here for me let me see if I can help you it's kind of like I'm my daughter she likes balloons and when we go I'm till I'm CVS or Walgreens or or Walmart and she likes looms bees I'm helium and feel the blooms come with a string with a little weight are y'all hearing me I wait attach to it and we can let go the bloom watch this because there's a weight on the end of the string are y'all hearing me well she made the mistake she kept playing with the string and all of a sudden the weight came and the balloon that got out of her reach however as long as the weight was on the string watch this it kept the bloom within the hand or if anybody couldn't reach it or watch this anybody can handle it anybody can grab hold to it because there was a weight that was anchoring the balloon it ought to be somebody in the house this morning that's tired of everybody handling you it ought to be somebody in the building who is tired of being so accessible to everybody and the reason why you are accessible to everybody because there's some things that are weighing you down but I double dare you today to cut off the way to kick some Negroes to the curb delete some numbers from your phone get some people out your mind set up I double dare you to watch your affiliations and watch you associations and before you know you start going to another level and people that used to have access for you can reach you no more not because they can't see you but because they can't get to you because you've laid aside I wish I had a praying Church in this house tap somebody say neighbor I'm letting the weight off my balloon can aim I'm cutting the weight off my balloon there are some people I got to let go there's some places that gotta let go there's something I got to let go ah because I'm trying to reach the level where God has ordained for me I'm trying to go is there anybody in the house besides me who's made up in your mind you are tired you're staying on the same level am I talking to anybody on this house that believe that God has ordained for you to have more more in your marriage more in your home more in your finances well baby you've got to lay aside but not just the way tell you their buddies getting ready to get quiet now because the Texas and the sin Miller didn't say the waiting and sin Alex I said the sin you know what sin tell someone they but that's in then yeah oh you you didn't say it you didn't you know that that tell your neighbor that one yeah you you know which one which one that one yeah yeah that that that oh he's gonna get quieted that bad one dad-dad one you know which woman I'm come here that when I'm talking about I'm talking about that one yeah yeah and don't look like you ain't got that one because you got a vet no that might not look like my dad man that might not taste like your vet but they were you got have that you got a vats in that easily but sure you got a sinner Amen that before it shows up your own fire for the Lord but as soon as that sittin show up it rips you up ten Oh help me somebody you got a vet in your life you were fine until that cause you were fine until that shows up you were fine until you see that car that truck that car help me somebody you are until that phone Oreo helped me on the run to come back come back come back you were fine until that phone rings and the Bible says if you're going to be successful in your walk with God you got to lay aside Zach's ear tell us when they were that one which one know that not not that one yes it's not yes that gets you it's that Oh feel like I'm talking to my self oh you'd be an angel if you can come to that you'd be ready for priesthood if you could conquer Oh y'all ain't hearing me you'd be ready to be used mightily I'm alone if you could only got the same as that lay outside shots in and look how powerful that scene is the text says it easily Oh y'all in here and me it won't even try hard it just show up and you falling old on the cry oh y'all laughing because you know it's true I don't even know every other sin got to work hard to get you call several times email texts if I'm going to be successful watch this I have to remember the clouds but I got to remove some constraints I got to lay aside watch this I'm in verse one the weight and the sin that easily beset me but then I have to run my course till you never run your own course the text says let us run with perseverance I'm almost finished the race what's this that's marked out for us every one of us has a race and of course that's carved out specifically for us some 37 says the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord job says he knows the way I take my course it's not like your course your course what's this it's not like my course so what I got to do is I have to watch this run the course that's marked out for me I can't look at your course and determine that your course is easy and my course is an obstacle course and start James complaining to God that my course has led me through unemployment then my course has led me to the cemetery that my course has led me down divorce court my course has led me through pain and peril that my course has led me through tears and and heartache and and hard ship I have to get to the point please hear me children of God that I have to get to the point that I learned to thank God or the course that I have because while my course may seem to be more difficult than your course the one thing I can declare is that my course is making me stronger that my course is giving me another the dimension of knowledge about God that I would not have otherwise attained that my course is causing me to have a more discipline the prayer life that before I got on my course I didn't pray like I was praying now but thank God that my course has taught me how to pray that my course has perfected my praise that now when I praise God I don't need a praise partner I don't need for anything to happen my course has taught me that I must bless the Lord at all times and his praise be in my mouth not cold or hearing me before I got on my course I thought everybody was not friend but my course has taught me who my real friends were my course has taught me who I can trust and who I cannot trust my course has taught me who I can depend on when things get rough my course has taught me who I can lean on my course has taught me who really has my am I talking to anybody and so what I've come to the conclusion is I don't want your course Lou Thesz I don't want your course TV I don't want your course kale I want the course that's marked out for me because whenever I finish my course I can look back in the Clare that my soul that's not wondering how I made it over I can declare if it had not been for the hand of the Lord who was all night am I talking to anybody here who can look back over your life and declare if God had not held your hand if God had another walk with you that's your course where they made you go crazy your course would've caused you to lose your man but the only reason you have Santa the only reason you are in your right man is because God was with you on anybody give God praise because you know he trapped you on the course he watched over you on the course he showed that you own the course you which you own the force here it is I gotta get out of here but somebody better make up in your mind I ain't complaining about my course tell you never name I ain't complaining about my course no more Mary Mary had it right I cried my last tear yesterday I walk my last flow over this course only yesterday I've given my last complaint about my course only yesterday I've told the Lord now god I'm gonna praise you because you know why you put me on this course it is strengthening me in fact the step I can take now I couldn't take six months ago and my course did that's for me the people that I couldn't look at before I can look in the minute right now because my am I talking to anybody my horse has made me tougher I need some tough links in the house I need some bold traits in the house of who recognized that the woman that you are now your course made you that way that brother that you are now the cross however Paul he says one more thing in the matter here Paul says Dmitri if I'm going to have success and if I'm going to make it I need to remember the clouds I need to release some constraints he says I have to then run my course but then he lets us know that we can't do it without relying on the crisis tell someone neighbor you need Jesus oh you didn't say it like you minute say neighbor you need Jesus I know that's not involved because you think you need a whole lot of other stuff but can I suggest to somebody in this house you need Jesus Oh y'all ain't talking to me I don't care how smart you are you need Jesus I don't care how educated you are can I preach in this house you need Jesus I don't care how many degrees you got I know rip degrees going to hell by degrees because they didn't have Jesus tell me never you need Jesus look at what the text says the text says look unto Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross he despised the shame and now and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God note what the text suggests the text says that in spite of everybody else we may have in our life note what it said it says a look under two g's tell you there by name i'm looking to Jesus he didn't say look under your husband he didn't say look under your wife Oh y'all don't like me today he didn't say look unto the church but he said look on to Jesus because push comes to shove Jesus will be the only one in the end that will be able to help you in the when your back is against the wall y'all hearing me and my brothers and my sisters as I close this message today you've got to understand that who you are hooked up to makes all of the difference in how successful are your going to be in the race so the writer says that we ought to keep our eyes fixed and locked on Jesus I love watching the Olympics I love the Summer Olympics are especially and my favorite event in the Summer Olympics of course is a track and field that you're hearing me however after the last Summer Olympics were over there's another Olympics that's called the Special Olympics y'all ought to watch the Special Olympics sometimes if you ever want to be inspired if you ever need inspiration if you ever need some motivation you ought to watch the Special Olympics and when you watch the Special Olympic Lehrer you see individuals with handicaps individual with deformities individuals with physical maladies are still competing and still engage in competitive athletics well on this one particular day I was watching the 400 meet her race this is the race that does not go straight but this is the race that goes around an oval track at one full of time as I watched the competitors I line up to the line to start this particular race I saw individuals that who look like they deserve to be in the Special Olympics I saw people who had the prosthetic legs I saw people who had physical watch this some physical I'm deformities I saw people who looked as if maybe they even had mental retardation and all of these individuals were lined up getting ready to watch to run this particular race however GP in the process of watching those competitors I saw a young man who looked like he did not fit in the category he looked like he fit I in the regular Olympics he was a buff brother he had both legs he had both hands he had both arms he looked completely normal he didn't look like he had any mental impairments however as the camera panned the closer to him I discovered that he had a physical impairment that the young man was blind Oh y'all here for me and then it made sense to me why he was in the Special Olympics however I still question within myself how are you going to have success in running this race because the race it's not a sprint that goes straight forward the race is going around I already hit for me it's going around the lap and so I sat there at the edge of my television with bated breath trying to figure out how this brother was going to participate in this race how was he going to sprint and run one whole time around the track and he was physically brother he was visually impaired and I sat there and he was stretching however before he took the starting block there was another brother who was stressing beside him and as the person who was blind got in the blocks the brother who was stressing beside him stood by his side took out the wristband and fastened a wristband to his risk and to the rest of the Blind Melon hear me dawned on me that this blind man is not running about himself well as I said the washes as I sat on or watching the commercial watching the television the commentator clear some stuff up for me the commentator said that if the blind man has a chance in winning the race it's going to be predicated on who he's hooked up to the commentator said that he has to be hooked up to somebody who can run faster than he can run because if he's hooked up to somebody who's not as fast as he the person he's hooked up to her can drag him down and cause him to lose the race but secondly the commentator said that if the blind man is going to win he has to be hooked up to somebody who knows the course who knows how to turn who can see himself around successfully the track over this is my favorite huh the commentator said if the blind man is going to have success he has to be hooked up to somebody who has enough endurance who can split in the end or y'all ain't hearing me and as I sat there and I thought about the blind man I thought about my own self because I have a handicap a handicap caution and in order to be successful I got to hook up there's somebody however I can't hook up with everybody the person I hook up with her got to have qualifications a hood number one he has to be faster than Ayane he has to have the power to run faster than I can he has to have the power to know the curves to know where the turns are but last but not least he has to have power to ndu it to the end may I suggest that the person I'm talking about her is Jesus Christ Oh help me somebody you see if you're going to be successful you have to rely on Jesus uh in fact turn to your neighbor look her in the face and say hook up hook up with Jesus talking to encourage somebody in this house I know it's been hard I know you've been feeling in the tower if you weren't gonna make it God with a cuter if you wasn't gonna do it he wouldn't let the accident take you out wouldn't let the surgery I'm gonna take you out who the let depression just take you out I feel like preaching wouldn't let suicide I'm gonna take you out wouldn't let see even is that take you out [Music] [Music] praise Him praise Him praise Him come on priests and Easter books I need some encourages fans somebody in the face depression in the soul [Music] oh yes I feel like preaching today I don't know who drop it but nobody encourage you to you [Music] [Music] go cold you can do it goomba when the creeps fire nobody to encourage you encourage yourself [Music] thank you Pastor what must I do what must I do what must I do I gather remember that of others have done it Oh y'all in heaven if others have gone before me if they survive I need a survivor in the house come on somebody if my daddy did oh I'm trying to quit but this thing still got been telling you that you can't do away on your way higher come away are you the devil come on come let me talk to you I'm trying to quit for this fingers only I'm trying to let the class we're doing it go home but this thing is old me where are you the devil whispering trying to convince you that she eats mama you ain't spiritual enough you ain't got the resources you we got to wear before the devil laughs because the Bible says greater is He that's in you then he says you all [Music] and what I need you to do on your own and tell yourself [Applause] [Applause] I can slice him dry as him quiet stop crying stop walking the flow dinner babe get some sleep close that stop taking pills stop complaining stop fussing stop cussing tell yourself I can't I can't I was built for this I was made for this he created me for this I can't I'm built tonight [Music] but he made me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I'm building Cumberland I'm finishing listen the houses in this region of the country are not built under the same code enforcement Allen because here where we live we build our houses for hurricanes only here with me my brother's house in Kansas it's built for tornadoes so in his house there's a basement and there's a bunker because they built his house for tornadoes but our houses are not built for tornadoes it's built for hurricanes in my brother's house when the storm come they got a place to hide in our house there's no basement we got to ride a tower but the good news is if your house is built it's a cold it's built for hurricane come and let me talk to you you got to make sure that you build your house physical house to code make sure it has a solid foundation Christ make sure that the walls and the structure is the Word of God make sure the coding on the windows and the roof is the anointing of God make sure is insulated with prayer so when the Hurricanes of life come you can sell the devil I'm built to last ain't going nowhere contrary to popular belief you're built to last because I love all the Hurricanes that's coming your life already you're still here out of all the storms that have come in your life already Michelle Jackson you're still here so contrary to popular belief your house is built to last and if it's leaking a little bit of fame no if it's leaking and looping over here don't tear down the whole structure just put some o faith Oh to the structure that's already there and tell the devil devil I'm built to last those at the altar I want to give a special prayer for you those at the altar it's about sherry give me a worship song God our Heavenly Father I pray now specifically for those at this altar I pray God in the name of Jesus in Jesus name I pray now god help but to realize they're built to last we come against the pressure we come against defeat you help them they realize now God they can take it you've taken some loved ones you've taken some strength but I pray now God that you would help them to realize that you've put him on this course and that she can handle the course that she's built to last built to last built to last built to last built to last built to last thank you lord she's built to last she's built to last a few long she's built to last he's built to last to realise now that she's guilt to last storm to reading but she's built to last he's built a Les Mis he's built to last now in the name of Jesus this is built to last no matter how rough it is how difficult it may be pepper to realize oh god she's built to last now in the name of Jesus touch them touch minister to them now minister got Minister never ever they realize they can take it in fact now God begin to change the words some have been saying I can't take no more some I've been saying lord I can't take no more but lord help them now to change that help them now mother Claire I can take that insult help them to the clear I can take this and some help them now God to declare I can take this and some more because I'm built
Channel: Miami, FL Gospel
Views: 861
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: TpkD98ZSG10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 40sec (3340 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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