Pasta with Chickpeas Recipe (Red Sauce Version) - Pasta e Ceci

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hello everybody today we would make a pasta with the chickpeas call Anita like pasta a change of beans the pasta with chickpeas are zero ready one time only white sauce but today we do with the tomato sauce delicious really good a agar already the ingredient Warren Gary use - apple red onion agora garlic I can buy a hot pepper or your baby [Music] yeah got a plum tomato diploma Tamara our pilaf already a fig the skin out in a Khurana have a I take the seeds out after a chapter of Cora younger want and mix pasta Jager my chickpeas over here okay this all time I cook by myself okay now we start the with the sauce I got my pads over here I put the guests on already if we start with a our oil all your do liebe it is it's really really good oil okay now we live a warm-up of the oil very good a little bit we start the with our new garlic in the hot pepper or your baby okay we started with on you Golic a hot pepper okay now I like a hot - pepper everybody know I like my oh yeah baby but see you know one is I have to pepper no poor man liking my heart - pepper each time I cook I use of the pepper look a beautiful look at the smell already okay I need the garlic in the fabrics or the smell is so good I like the e to this with a spoon already okay now let's put on my plummet Amira okay okay good now I'll leave a cooker this diploma tomato but for the five minutes after there I want to put in my churchy beans inside now the church of beans everybody see the difference so you cook yourself or you buying a canned this it's really good now what I did with the church beans this morning I put on this I wash good I put on this spots a poor liar cold water they I put a drop of oil together you put on a stove a you live a boiler when we start the boy leave a boiler the three the four minute after what you do you totally gets off a you cover and you do what you gotta do now one time you do like this you can stay at three to four hundred with a cover now the chip-ins one you pour on when we start the boil you got a boil for one hour and the chichi beans it gives ready okay now just tomato a boil good and we put the chichi beans together okay now one we cook the pasta the pasta gotta stay like nine to ten minute but I figure out before when it's six to the seven minute hey I wanna cook a together finish cook of the pasta are we here together with the chichi beans in the tomato sauce okay lady I got a basil okay give a good taster for this hey I wanna chop with my fing like this okay lookin nice it basil I gotta grow inside the house okay it the better it give a really good taste now I want put a little salt a little black pepper now we live a cook for 10 minutes and Miriah okay now I gotta wait for the Church of beans to be ready I got a cook a little bit tomorrow and all right you know got nothing to do now I got away the Seattle update they will we can get a little salami over here a little grass wide salad etching chain by this who can play a little bit to the movie arena even bar Kasai sooner sighs una over uranium it Commerce's owner over yo lena this in de tu vu in Papa Papa saxophone ending and Ringo mandolin or escorial love open my way so it's not too strong in our lighter timing yeah the birds one single with me maybe the birdies are the jump okay - nope nah salute a ching ching [Music] not let me go check my judgment my teacher he churchy okay now the water boil a wheels sea salt that's enough in the pasta ready I got my good spoon give a nice turn the pasta and this I want to cook only for seven minute cut to the three minute I want to boil it together with the chickpeas a the sauce okay the pasta is ready don't let the gas off we put a bit on the front over here and let's drain the pasta we put it right inside the Shh beans chickpeas silly got something inside over here you think I wanna throw in no way look at this our pay for one pound about one pound and a half you know okay this one it grow you got extra one we give a nice mix the pasta everything together look at that I think this I got an offer from me you know I to this nice a glass of wine after everything gets done I say that my son my wife the girlfriend say goodbye okay I got a discipline myself maybe I'll live a couple of ggb not Oliver maybe four okay now this I'll live a cook of a couple of minute he got a boil it together he'd give a really really good taste got the past that's not cook here he got a cooker together with all the sauce a lookup beautiful look already okay now this is done and let's put over you I wanna taste oh boy look at SIA hey it's a lot of stuff Hungary - tonight all right tonight it's a time that tastes it looks so beautiful his man was so good okay put a little okay good now I use a little fresh parsley a little pecorino cheese on a tack look nice plate like no really good that my oh yeah baby it's really good the tone delicious a with a little wine salud a chinchilla everybody salute really good P oh yeah baby
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 53,580
Rating: 4.9549413 out of 5
Keywords: Pasta with Chickpeas Recipe, Pasta e Ceci, Pasta with Chickpeas, Pasta with Chickpeas sauce, chickpeas recipe, pasta e fagioli, pasta and chickpeas, chef pasquale, orsara recipes, italian recipe, pasta recipes, cooking show, pasquale sciarappa
Id: ghVqpQUDVxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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