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Look at this stuff! Look at the show guys, this is our beautiful Italy! Wherever we go, there is something wonderful! Beautiful abundant huh. It must be a first and a second! This is how they serve it in Campofilone, in the most traditional way. I'm already happy guys because when it comes to ragù, it makes you happy because you remember Sunday, lunches with grandmother, aunt, family, mother, brother, everyone! When we got along! Today I cook: Maccheroncini di Campofilone IGP, with meat sauce. What am I telling you to do? My bib is already coming! Let's start with the ingredients. For the sauce: celery, leek, spring onion, carrots, copper onion then, the meat: muscle with the bone, sausage, a piece of rose, the pigeon, a cut of meat that is so called in Rome. The pork ribs and then a piece of pork loin , that I don't put the pork in there? Pork and beef love each other in here. Peeled tomatoes, good Campofilone oil, because this is a recipe that advertises and emphasizes the municipality of Campofilone and everything they do. All right? Okay? Then the Campofilone wine, the macaroni and today I also have an aperitif! While I drink the wine, there is also the salami! I would immediately start making the tomato base . In campofilone they make the ragù in a particular way because they put all the meats. They even put the duck. The citizens of Campofilone do not want it if I make some small changes, I make changes to make it feasible for everyone. Because they even put the duck. I had the duck as a child on the terrace. My mother had bought a little one like this and then one day it was gone , what happened to the duck? I ate it baked with potatoes. Unfortunately! This is the traditional recipe except for the duck, I didn't put the duck. I still feel guilty about that little duck! Bianca, she was beautiful! I don't remember if we found it at the market or if we bought it. Now I ask my mother. Pelo the celery, personally I love to make the ragù not Bolognese by cutting everything very small, I am more peasant, what should I do? But there is my return of goodness, I put all the vegetables whole, then celery like this. Do you see the meat? This becomes a first and a second. Indeed, I would like to remember: on March 17, St. Patrick is celebrated in Campofilone who is the patron saint. Once upon a time, because now it is not possible, a great event with macaroni and with the scent of ragù was carried out for all of Campofilone. Macaroncini a go go! The traditional way to eat them is the pastry board, which is super cool. Another piece of celery, then we go with the baby carrot. This too belongs to the farmer, not those already clean, washed and perfumed! I recommend, a nice pot because the meat is so much so the pot must be comfortable. Onion, here it is. Let's start adding Campofilone oil . Here I have a monocultivar called "carboncella". In Italy we have everything, I told you, we have more than 500 types of oil. I would put the spring onions, I also put a piece of leek. So we make it nice and tasty. We immediately light the fire and begin to brown the vegetables. I also light the iron skin where we are going to brown the meat before putting it in the sauce. I recommend, the meat must be good. They are all non-noble pieces, they are front cuts, so they are cheap but get them of quality. So, let's start with this, this is the little muscle with the little bone. I let the bone be left because here is the marrow, when it cooks, it comes out and goes into the sauce. It is mind-boggling. Okay, let's start browning. Nice greasy pan. We brown the whole vegetables well . At the St. Patrick's Festival, they have huge pots, and there is a mountain of vegetables! Brown them well, you have to feel that caramelized vegetables which are delicious. Let's feel the meat a little. Let's brown the muscle first. I immediately put the pigeon too, look at what a nice piece of meat, it is suitable for roasts, it is very good. I cut it into slices and quickly cook it in a pan. A goodness. Meanwhile, let's open the wine, so breathe. We have a Piceno red, it's called the poet's red, it's mine! In the brands they make good wines. In Italy we make them all good! Tell me a region that doesn't make wine! Everyone does it, Valle d'Aosta, Trentino, everyone does it. We are just kissed by the Lord. You love us! Brands make everything good! Glass not cold today! Look at what color! Then a piece of salami? Also from Campofilone. They do it at the "Tenuta della Marca", they have these pigs in the wild. They have the entire supply chain, from the birth of the pig to the slaughter and seasoning of the cured meats. I like it beautiful often. This is the soft salami . I also know how many miles this pig did . How does this wine go down! Wait up! Here it is, look how nice. A little more oil, and we also put the piece of pork. Now I break the tomatoes, I got the San Marzano today. I break it with my hands. I don't like to use puree, I rarely use it. I prefer to take the peeled tomato and break it. Do not blend it, because it turns out a very ugly color! When you blend, it incorporates air into the tomato and becomes a faded color. Look so beautiful, a beautiful red. You crush it like this, careful not to splash because otherwise you end up like me being beaten repeatedly by Camera W. Tortured! You see me like this but how many tortures I suffer! Sketches a go go, I also caught Camera W. Burns? I add a little water, so I recover the tomato from the bowl. Here it is. A good stir and let's cook. I add the browned pieces, one two, the pigeon. Let's flip this meat. Now let's put on a very thin piece : the rose. Another wonderful cut. For this recipe, follow the cuts of meat I am using. Even in the Marche, in Campofilone, there are butchers who make the ragù already made; with all these cuts of meat. One in particular is by Walter Romina, whom I greet. Hear what a nice noise. Now let's put the pork loin in the pot. Why didn't I choose the neck but the pork loin? Because otherwise it becomes too greasy as a sauce. Then you know, a little bit goes there so we put two pork ribs to brown. Let's turn this piece of pink. Then Room W. look here: I pierce the sausages with a fork . There is no need to brown them. The hole so the taste comes out. And I put them in here. Mixed, beautiful. I also put this on. It takes time, you have two options: either you do it the day before as I am doing it, or you get up early in the morning, around 6:30 / 7 and make the ragù with the whole family. Why do I brown meat? So we remove the excess water and we will have less boiled meat , we will have a less boiled effect . Here is all the best of the meat he left behind. I go to deglaze, that is, with the hot pan the fats that are left on the pan, with the wine I go to collect everything. I'm going to collect everything that's left on the pan, like this. This is cool because it gives the pan a good clean. It takes a lot of work away from me, in fact look here how I do it. All nice clean, shiny. If you make a tomato sauce, the best and preferable thing is a red wine and in this case the Piceno red, from our friends from Campofilone, is perfect . When you feel that your nose no longer stings, and therefore the alcohol is gone, do this and add in here. The clean pan, look what a show. Room W., you can't complain! Let's add some salt, but don't overdo it. Then, if anything, check slowly, because what happens? As it will shrink the sauce, the sauce and then could then become too salty. So a little at a time, without problems. Take your time, it is a ragù, a sauce, which you have to do calmly, serenely, as it was once, as it was once cooked. As soon as it comes to a boil, lower the heat, slowly, and let it simmer slightly. In the meantime, have fun, eat, drink, do what I do and see you in 3/4 hours that I have to clean the kitchen as well. Do you see it? Do you know how much it has cooked? 8 hours, 8 hours this ragù. Look, come and see here Room W. Look at the pieces of meat, the meat fell off the bone. Now it has cooled down. What do we do now? I take the meat, these beautiful pieces. Here you are, you see the pig, lighter, white. The sausage. So, these are the dishes that we have to organize the day before, two days before. They are the dishes that make us all stay together, they are the dishes that make us feel like the family of the past. Those beautiful tables, those beautiful eaten, which were just crazy, everyone's happiness. Look at the bone of the pork rib here, only the bone is left. I take this off. What do I do now? First I have to get all the meat out. Look at the sauce it is pretty compact, look at the bone, all the marrow has gone away. We do not mince, we cut with the knife. I'll put it here, I'll heat it up now, so when we put the meat it will flavor even more. This you calculate is cold. I do this, look, like this. Look how nice! So I do it, all frayed. Look how everything frays, in fillets like this. These are ... What do you want, what is it? Sausage? It's cold? This is Sunday lunch. I cut like this… in fact today is Sunday, I invited everyone. I invited my mother, my brother, the right ones, no more, because otherwise they will stay here as well. Then Mario you help me to put it up here, put the meat there. Now there's grandma too, grandma helps us too. Mom you have to do me a courtesy, this time it's your turn. You need to grate some Parmesan and pecorino. Gabriele told me, being that he is a little Filone, parmesan and pecorino. This is the grater, goodbye, everyone here to work. I used to do it myself, I had a round grater, do you remember that mom? Yeah. This is the piece of muscle, the one that was attached to the bone, remember? Mario put in there, don't make it dirty, do a clean job. We cut everything, everything, like this. Look, this is the pig. Look what a show. Help me, well, very good, from here it opens. Mom is scratching, the whole family has to work here. This is beauty. At least we are here, because we are always with the phone in hand, am I right mom? We are always with the TV. Instead, in this way, we begin to appreciate these things that were normal before. Cut the sausage, here it is. Go Mario, you're doing a mess, I'm looking at you. Look here we have the pig and this is sausage yes. It's cold sparrow, then we eat it hot, right? It's better. Abundant, do not make things narrow. Go Mario, I'll help you a little. Look at the abundance. I recover all this sauce, careful Mario, like this. Good, my beautiful sparrow! And then I put everything here in the sauce, so it all warms up. So let's do it like this, we'll meet in Campofilone next year and I'll do the festival. Together with the ladies, we make those huge pots filled with gravy. This other year will all be over, let's hope, right? But this summer, a walk in Campofilone must be done, because there is the sea. So dad shows you something, look here what Gabriele from Campofilone brought him . These are the macaroni. Mom look at that pasta! Maccheroncini di Campofilone. This is an ancient pasta, which they still make in Campofilone today. Before they were also called fine fine because the ladies made them so thin cut, look how, because they dried faster, right mom? The thinner the pasta , the faster it dries. Look here what stuff, what a masterpiece. Look Mario… You can't eat raw! All the flours that come from the Marche, look how nice, look what a show, they are jewels. How many do we drop down mom? It looks like Mario's hair, look how beautiful it is. Mario, is it like your hair? These are the sounds of our childhood. Here the cooking time is very short, just 2 minutes. They are so thin that it doesn't take anything to cook them. Do not touch them, first let them soften with water and then turn them over. This paste needs to be handled gently. It's not spaghetti, it's another type of pasta. Be careful, slowly. This is the second because you calculate that it took 8 hours, I did it two days ago. Do you want a drop of red wine? This is the Piceno red. To you mom! God, I've been drunk here for days. It's fantastic because you chew this very good wine . Now we serve it as it is served in Campofilone. Scommarello of water, on the pastry board so it softens. Make a little mess, who cares, then we clean up later. Then some ragù sauce. Egg pasta dries immediately, right? So what do we do ... I mom would start by putting some pecorino and parmesan. A mix of pecorino and parmesan. Put it like this, abundant, we don't let ourselves be looked at. Do you know what I would do? Like this . A little like this, so as not to let the water out, very good. Now the pasta. I approach here. Look at the show guys, this is our beautiful Italy. Wherever we go, there is something wonderful. Check this out, guys. Imagine the beautiful tables of ten people, those of the past. I now bathe well with the ragù. Beautiful, abundant. This must be a first and a second. Mom passes, a moment. Guys, that's how they serve it in Campofilone, in the most traditional way. Shall we taste? Mom, you have to taste yourself too, come here, look how beautiful it is. Oh my, how hungry my boys. I take a piece of meat. Guys, this is a small town in Italy that has very few inhabitants. The truth is this, in every country there is a treasure. Look what a show! My goodness guys. This is pleasure! Guys, you have to make the ragù at home, it's the real glue of the family. It keeps everyone together. And then guys, let's go and discover these places, these places that have a treasure. A toast to all of us and our families, to health… and to all Italians! What a show guys, yummy!
Channel: Chef Max Mariola
Views: 363,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maccheroncini di campofilone, maccheroncini di campofilone recipe, maccheroncini di campofilone ricette, maccheroncini di campofilone ricetta originale, maccheroncini, chefmaxmariola, maxmariola, maxmariolachef, ragu di carne ricetta, ragu di carne, ragu di carne a pezzi, pasta, ricette, ricetta, primi piatti, pasta alluovo ricetta, pasta alluovo, sugo di carne ricetta, food, facile, videoricetta, tutorial, recipe, italian, easy, recipes, cooking, cucina, ragù, sugo, sugo di carne mista a pezzi
Id: eWFaOlo9Mcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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