PASTRAMI (italiano) PANINO con STRACCETTI e FORMAGGIO - Chef Max Mariola

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Forget pastrami! you wanna take a bite? it takes a large mouth like the cobra's. Panini are a serious thing. If you're going to make them, make them right. If not, don't make them at all. Today I'm making a really awesome panino with everything in it: vegetables, meat, cheese, good bread We are gonna have fun, like never before. Let's go with the ingredients: friggitelli peppers, red onions, Piccadilly tomatoes pizza bread, garlic, and shredded beef. Then we have this fantastic Sogliano Pit Cheese DOP and oil from Le Marche region. So we are gonna make a really local panini right from that territory because I also have the right wine to pair. First of all, Piccadilly tomatoes, already washed. Now it's tomatoes' time, so you can have all the fun you want with the tomatoes you want. You know...have it your way! Do you find good Casalino tomatoes? good date cherry tomatoes? use those, no problem. You know, you're preaching to the converted here At your home, have it your way! You cut them in half like this. What are the tomatoes going to be? they will become the sauce, the ingredient that softens the panino Imagine the tomatoes cooking in the pan with a clove of garlic, a bit of oregano, it's gonna be like other's mayonnaise or ketchup but our stuff is good! others have garbage! Here we have garlic from Vessalico. If you have good garlic from Frosinone, from Sermoneta, from Basilicata? Do whatever you want. The important thing is that it's Italian stuff. especially now, after our victory at soccer, we can't be beaten. We are the best! Look at the clove I am cutting...I'm gonna cut it in half. Here I have an oil from Le Marche, because I want to use everything local, starting with this Sogliano Pit Cheese. This oil is by Mondomini. It's called Oliverotto. It has a intense fruity taste, very nice. I turn on the pan. You see today I'm using a nice iron pan, an old-fashioned one. They are exceptional pans, but they require maintenance You can't put them in the dishwasher and forget about them, because they are going to turn into a piece of rust. The heat from an iron skillet pan it's great for stir-frying vegetables, for sealing a piece of meat, no other frying pan does such a good job! Trust me! you must have an iron skillet at home, okay? Look at my oregano It's spectacular! Everything grows on this terrace. Mamma mia, look at that, with flowers! You know what we can do with these? We can have fun making bunches and drying them. So we have Casa Mariola oregano... only for home use, I can't sell it! Spectacular! As soon as it starts to brown put the cherry tomatoes like this. So nice! When you treat the ingredients well the ingredients thank you. Do you know how? They become even better. My teacher Fulvio Pierangelini taught me this He would tell me, "Don't throw stuff like that! Because you know what happens?" "If you treat it badly, it becomes bad, it doesn't become good." We add some salt. But don't let it fall randomly Put it right on each cherry tomato You have to be precise, they all have to become good, special. Next, rinse some oregano. There you go, I just lay it like that. It must give its scent, look how nice they are. These tomatoes are already beautiful I put it in one piece so that later we can take it away easily. Next, a nice grating of black pepper another drop of oil. We lack for nothing here.. As I told you this is going to be our sauce. put the lid on, so it develops some steam and they soften up nicely, they don't get too dry. Okay? Red onion We are gonna cook it with a hint of vinegar. So we'll have the onion that is normally used in panini in burgers, but we'll have it good, done right, fresh, We are also toning down a lot the taste of the onion so for those who say: "no, I don't eat onions! I don't eat onions! " Did you hear my voice? Instead, this way everyone will eat it because it will be nice and soft. One important thing, look at this: this part below, try not to take it all out, now I'll explain why.... You'll need this base to keep it from opening all the way. I cut it in half with a nice knife like this one here, like this.... then I slice it up, like this. See how it stays attached at the root? okay? We make one onion, that's more than enough. What will this do? What does vinegar do? I'm already salivating.... It cleans your mouth and, at the same time, it activates all your taste buds. It's mouthwatering! It's crazy! The water is boiling we add white wine vinegar, the cheap one, that costs €1 a bottle, or even less. Look, put so much white wine vinegar in 1.5 liter of water and then toss in the onions. What will vinegar do? It will enhance the red colour Let's check out the tomatoes. They are spectacular, mamma mia! Camerawoman, come and smell this! Only in Italy you can smell these scents, with good garlic, good oil, summer tomatoes, fresh oregano. Your lungs open up! Friggitelli peppers...these are special in the summer. Who doesn't eat them in the summer? I'm going to make them on the barbecue. Giulia tutored me on how to clean friggitelli, check this out! Push it like this and then remove it. Shake it well and you'll have the pepper without seeds. I'm doing it again. Thank you Giulia! Like this... Oh my God with these big hands! Shake it and you'll have it seedless and without the stalk. And I continue, I do them all like that. Do you know how these are gonna be inside the panini? They are going to be wonderful! Place them in a small bowl, a drop of oil, so they get a little bit greasy, give them a good shuffle with your hands And then we cook them on the barbecue. I'm out on the terrace so I have a barbecue. But you can also put them on a non-stick pan, no problem! We grill them quickly. Now I flip the tomatoes. Do you hear that noise? when the tomato's pulp gets right in contact with the oil This is so awesome! It make this sauce... now you'll see what happens No more confite tomatoes, these are better! Check it out! There is also an amazing recipe here in Rome. called "pomodori a mezzo" (halved tomatoes) It's a Roman Jewish recipe and they are special, but you do it with Casalino tomatoes. It's done! When you see a sauce like this, they are ready. I'm turning it off. Let's flip the friggitelli like this, we need to let them soften up. They need to get soft, you know? Here they are! I'm so hungry! The meat! Want to see the meat? Look at the meat! I went to the butcher and said: "Sandro, don't give me the usual shreds. You have to amaze me! Look at what he gave me.... cut by hand! Not by machine Everyone is good at cutting with a slicer But slicing this thin by hand is not for everyone. He cut this little steak for me into shreds, so we have this meat, check it out.... So soft! It tears just like this, look Watch what I'm gonna do... just for starters I had to taste it, Camerawoman! It's mind-blowing! It's crazy! I'm drooling like a Neapolitan mastiff. I put the meat in the same dish where I seasoned the peppers. There we go! These just have to see the fire quicky! As soon as they see it we have to remove them, don't overcook them! if not, the sacrifice made by the butcher and by the beast will be all in vain, That poor beast grew up beautiful and happy and then you overcook it. Come on, treat these animals right! Have you ever seen shredded beef like this one? You fall for meat that is red like a tomato, but has no fat. "No, ma'am, I want lean meat, it's better." and then you end up eating rubber. If you cook it a bit too much it's over! Here are the onions, so beautiful! Look at the color that they kept. Check it out! A little bit of oil, Make sure you always have olive oil at home! I always have a carboy of olive oil at home! Salt... Have you noticed? I use oil from every region. We have good olive oil in every regions, There is not an oil that is the best. every oil is a perfect match in its territory. In this case we are in Le Marche so we need an olive oil from Le Marche region. I'm trying a slice to see what it's like. I didn't overcook it, so about 5 minutes because it is quite "al dente". (crunchy sound) Did I make my point? Did you hear the sound? That's good, it's not mushy. it's like pickled onion that you buy This is how the consistency should be, ok? The friggitelli peppers are ready, here they are! See, they softened up, they are beautiful. These are to die for! Bread is also crucial! This is "pan pizza", it's made with Roman pizza dough, It's very soft, but you must treat it well. So what do we need to do? We need to heat it up so that the oil, the fat, can heat up and it can soften again. Can you see the oil all the way inside? Check it out! So good... I place it like this, so that it warms up nicely from the inside. good... And then we turn it around to warm it up from the outside as well. Aren't you fond of me? Aren't you going to sign up? I'm not asking for a penny. I'm not selling you anything. But at least sign up, right? And then you only have to gain, because if you choose to press the bell, we will let you know when a new recipe is ready. What more do you want? Do you want a drink? Let's drink! of course! A red wine kept in the refrigerator. Yes, because enough is enough. Camerawoman, check this one out! It even has the popsicle Do you know those blue popsicles you put in coolers? There is one attached on this glass. Here we have a Lacrima di Morro d'Alba, we are still in Le Marche. It's a 13% wine. it's not a wine with a great body. and you can even pair it with fish. But which kind of fish dish? Where there is tomato because remember, a red dish calls for red wine. Don't do without red wine, the important thing is that you put it a little bit in the fridge Of course it cannot be a very structured wine, You cannot put an Amarone in the fridge. In summertime you cannot drink Amarone, I am sorry. I love Amarone, but you cannot drink it in the summer. However a wine like this can be drunk with no problem. This is also from Le Marche region, it's a native vine. It goes down so well... Amazing! Yummy! I'm going to pour myself another bit. We are the only ones in the world where each region has a native vine There is no other country like that. Let's flip the bread, like this. Mamma Mia! This cheese, guys, is one of our flagship it's Sogliano Pit Cheese D.O.P. The Consortium asked me, "Max, help us spread the word about this cheese, because only few know it and when they see it they don't know what it is, how it tastes, what it's like.... First of all it is a D.O.P (protected Designation of Origin) and it's produced from Le Marche to Emilia Romagna. It is made with either cow's milk or mixed milk, or even with only sheep's milk. This is made with sheep's milk. Look at its beautiful yellow color. and it's even written up here, isn't it? You always have to do one thing right, always read the ingredients, and when you see pasteurized sheep's milk, salt, rennet and milk enzymes you can be sure because I havn't seen any E - O - I - U all those weird letters. So a few healthy, good ingredients with no junk inside Why is it called "pit cheese"? This one is a cheese that dates back to the 1500s, How is it done? once the cheese is made, once you have curdle the milk, processed the curd, salted the cheese, there are these pits that are sterilised by setting straw on fire and afterwards they filled them with weeds, wood sticks, they put the cheese shapes inside cotton bags and they are left there up to 80 /100 days. And this cheese has an amazing scent, it's so intense See how it crumbles, like a pecorino. So, if it's made only with sheep's milk, it will have just the right ..... touch of spiciness. And you can taste it! So good! One day we will also use to make "cacio e pepe" Delicious! but it is delicate! I didn't remember this cheese being this good! Eat everything, even the rind. Everything! Now let's cook this wonder. Everything is good at my place! But not just at my house, at every Italian's home Italians everything is good, guys! Every time I tour Italy I fall more in love with this country, It makes my heart beat. Check out this meat here.... I don't put any salt, just some pepper, Because I'm gonna add cheese later. Do you understand what's going on here? So tasty! I'm doing this on the hotplate now. You if you are at home, you can use a nice non-stick skillet, if you don't have the barbecue with an hot plate like this one, and the beef shreds are done. Go! I leave them medium rare. Someone will say: "all this fuss to make panini?" I am making panini, but you can have it as a main course as well. Have you ever had a main course like this! I'll show you! We were talking about salt. That's what I am putting, instead of salt. It's a snowfall! Hail! More than snow... it's a hailstorm! That's what I do, dude! Let's melt this cheese a little bit Let me try it. Sogliano Consortium, can you make two small rooms, a bedroom and a kitchen for me to move into the pit? But you have to leave me some air! This is the base of the sandwich, then we throw in these tomatoes that are saying, "Eat me even alone!" "I'm fine on my own, I'm so handsome, look!" Then, if you want to be really mean, do this. Look! Mamma Mia! My mother used to make me this sandwich with squashed tomatoes you can't understand how good it was! It made me cry! Just like the Titanic. How many times have you seen Titanic and started crying? I used to cry over this too, bread and tomato! Put a little salt in the friggitelli peppers. If you don't have friggitelli, use normal bell pepper nothing happens! I'm throwing it like this! I feel like crying.... Who makes you a panini like this one? And now the meat! Mamma mia. Plentiful, don't be stingy, it's for you to eat. Besides, if you invite someone, it's because you love them, right? If not, what the hell are you inviting them for? Don't make invitations just to make them. If you invite people it's because you love them and therefore you have to open your heart.... only that! Then, some onion, right? Are you not gonna put an onion? Like that... just a little bit. And then this hailstorm of Sogliano Pit Cheese. And that's the high point! ahhhhh!!! I press it. Mamma Mia! How much are you giving me? Do you wanna have a bite? You need a large mouth, like the cobra's. Forget pastrami, this is specatcular! It's nice and crunchy this bread. Mamma Mia! Panini are a serious thing. If you have to make them, make them right If not, don't make them at all. So good! And make sure to comment! Send your comments and I will answer you! Sooner or later I'll answer you, I'll get to it, I love reading your comments. See you next time! Mamma mia! spectacular!
Channel: Chef Max Mariola
Views: 457,507
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Keywords: pastrami italiano, pastrami ricetta italiano, pastrami fatto in casa, pastrami panini, Pastrami panino, panino pastrami, panino con straccetti, panino con straccetti di manzo, straccetti di manzo ricette, straccetti di manzo e formaggio, formaggio di fossa, chefmaxmariola, maxmariola, maxmariolachef, max mariola, chef max mariola, chef mariola, mariola chef, panino con carne, panino con carne sfilacciata, carne sfilacciata per panini, manzo sfilacciato, panino con pastrami
Id: BvUmthANJV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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