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Linguine with seafood, since we have to stay at home we have to cook something good for our beloved. Today we're going to start from wine, because it's the most important thing in this recipe [ironically] No, but it's important to cheer us up! This is a Malvasia which we're going to drink and to use for our recipe. So, we're going to cook linguine with seafood, the ingredients are: fresh parsley, garlic, chilly pepper,linguine from Gragnano, white shrimps, fresh cuttlefishes, clams, mussels, anchovies and cherry tomatoes. Another important ingredient i wine, don't use bad wine. Are you ready? Today we're really exited! Let's start putting oil into a pan with a garlic clove, I'm going to add also parsley stalks. Now we have to prepare clams, come to see! I'm going to show you an easy method if you don't have many clams. Using a bowl, I'm going to beat the clams, like this. If we see an opened clams or some sand, we have to throw it away. This is fine, this is fine, this is fine... You have to do it one clam at time because you have to notice which clams released sand. [Talking with the kid] This clam, made a different sound and in fact it's dead so we're going to throw it away. Now, let's turn on the heat. [Music by Papik] "Cocktail Italy volume 1". This is the music I like! Let's rinse our clams. We have already clean them. Now, let's add clams and mussels into the pan and sprinkle them with wine and cover the pan. Now I'm going to prepare cuttlefish. You can see that a cuttlefish is fresh from the ink, when you see that the ink bag is soft and without lumps, it means that it's fresh. If the ink bag has many lumps, it means that it's a defrosted cuttlefish. With the ink you can cook a risotto. Now, let's start cutting the cuttlefish, tentacles take a longer time to be cooked so I'm going to cut them really thin. Someone don't like to see tentacles into the pasta, but I like to add them. Also in many countries outside Italy people don't like tentacles. I'm cutting them really thin. Do you hear that sound? They're dancing! The secret to cook a good pasta, better than the one you can find in restaurants, is to respect the cooking timed of each fish. Doing this you won't find an overcooked clam or an overcooked shrimp, each fish will be well cooked. Now I'm going to cut the cuttlefish' upper part into thin slices. Here we go, they're ready and well cooked as you can see here. I'm going to take two bowls and I'm going to dived mussel's pulp from the shell, like this, we have to do something lovely for our beloved! I'm going to set apart two whole mussels and three whole clams to garnish. [Music playing] Now I'm going to pour the liquid really slow in order to remove all the sand. Then I'm going to clean the pan and add olive oil , a garlic clove and let the garlic shallow fry. When water is boiling you have to add salt, about two spoons. Let's start cleaning shrimps, we have to remove the head and the shell, then, using a knife we have to remove the black wire, like this. Don't throw the heads away because we're going to use them. Now we're going to do the most important passage: I'm going to cook cuttlefish first, because it takes a longer time to be cooked. Now I'm going to squeeze shrimps' heads into the pan and turn on the heat on the maximum power. I'm going to remove garlic from the pan, it almost has to be attached on the bottom. Let's add some wine to take all the attached part which will give a lot of taste. Now it's time to add my own secret for this recipe : anchovies! Let's add one anchovy into the pan and melt them. Let's lower the fire and chop some parsley. [Music playing] Let's cut it really thin but it has to be still wet. I remember that when I start to work in the restaurants, they always wanted me to chop parsley in order to learn how to use a knife and they always put parsley on the absorbing paper to let it dry. Nowadays I don't think it's a good thing because i want parsley to be fresh and tasty. Now, since is not fresh tomatoes' season we're going to use...[can't open the jar] I did it! Let's add some cherry tomatoes. I've never tried this product,they're fresh tomatoes conserved in a jar. Now I'm going to add some liquid, just a little. Then I'm going to squeeze tomatoes, like if they were fresh even because they're quite fresh, they're just boiled and conserved into their own water. Let's higher the fire and add shrimps. We have to add shrimps at the end of the cooking with a sprinkle of parsley. Now I'm going to turn off the heat and leave it here. Shrimps have to be cooked just for one minute they will finish their cooking with the pasta. Now let's think about pasta, usually linguine are great for this recipe, these are linguine from Gragnano, this brand produces pasta since 1795 I guess they learned how to do it! Mix it for a while. And now, while pasta is cooking I deserve some good wine! Let's see if I have to add some it's good! If you want you can add some chilly pepper, even now, I don't add it because also my son will eat it. [Music playing]...what a wonderful wine! Now, pasta is ready. Look at the shrimps, they're still raw. Now we're going to finish their cooking together with pasta so they will be really tender. We will add mussels and clams just at the end to avoid them to be overcooked. Let's set the heat on the maximum power! Look at the pasta, I don't toss it yes but it's becoming opaque, this means that this pasta is really rough and it will absorb sauce better, look! Amazing! Now, let's add mussels and clams, here we go! [Music playing] Now we want pasta to absorbs all the sauce. We can't see the oil anymore this means that it's well mixed. Look, there is no oil. Let's sprinkle with some chopped parsley. Okay, now we need a plate! I'm happy, this is one of my favorite pasta dishes! I really like it when it's cooked in the right way! It has to have a lot of dressing and a lot of fish! Let's garnish with the whole mussels and the whole clams. [Talking with the kid] "Mario, are you ready?" And now let's add some olive oil, here we go! Guys, it's time to taste it! Look, it's beautiful! Should I say something? It's amazing! [Talking with the kid] Wait, I'm going to take Mario! [Talking with the kid] Guys, it's amazing! Cheers everyone! Try to cook it at home! Subscribe to don't miss the next recipe!
Channel: Chef Max Mariola
Views: 318,009
Rating: 4.8870645 out of 5
Keywords: #food, #chefmaxmariola, #maxmariola, #maxmariolachef, #facile, #videoricetta, #tutorial, #recipe, #italian, #easy, #homemade, #howtomake, #perfect, #cook, #ricetta, #ricette, #recipes, #cooking, #cucina
Id: OgfT5nL9OtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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