Past Tense Verbs VS Past Participles | EasyTeaching

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This video will outline the difference between the past tense form of verbs and past participles as well as look at how to form and use present participles. To write in past simple, we use the past tense form of the verb. For regular verbs, this just means adding ëedí. Here are two examples: Ask- asked. Work- worked. An action can be sent into the past with the use of a verb in its past tense form. ëToday I work.í ëYesterday I worked.í ëI ask my friend.í ëI asked my friend.í With a single word (a past tense form of a verb) we can refer to an event that happened in the past. Letís now look at past participles. The past participle of the verb ëaskí is ëaskedí. The past participle of the verb ëworkí is ëworkedí. While the past tense form of a verb can be used on its own to send an action to the past, a past participle needs something else. It needs a form of the auxiliary verb ëhaveí. For example: ëhave workedíÖ ëI have worked all day.í ëhad askedíÖ ëI had asked my friend.í You can see from these two examples that past participles are used to form present perfect and past perfect tense. In these two examples, the past tense form of the verb and the past participle are the same. So why is it important to know the difference between the two? With regular verbs, the past tense and past participle are the same, but thatís not the case with irregular verbs. Letís have a look at some. The past tense of the verb ëbeginí is ëbeganí. ëThe movie began at 3.í The past participle of ëbeginí is ëbeguní. ëThe movie has begun.í The past tense of ëchooseí is ëchoseí. ëThey chose pizza yesterday.í The past participle is ëchosení. ëThey have chosen pizza.í Hereís another irregular verb. ëSpeakí. The past tense form is ëspokeí. ëShe spoke to me this morning.í The past participle is ëspokení. ëShe has spoken to me twice today.í Now letís look at present participles. To form these, we add ëingí to the end of a verb. This even works for irregular verbs. Asking, Working, Beginning, Choosing, Speaking We can use present participles: As adjectives: ëThere was only one working fan.í And as verbs: ëThe teacher is asking a question.í For more English videos including activity lessons, be sure to subscribe using the easy teaching icon below.
Channel: EasyTeaching
Views: 542,816
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Keywords: easyteaching, learn english, participles, past tense, english participles, esl, tesol, easyteachingnet, past tense vs past participles, past participles, difference past tense participles
Id: 5jFgiS4mvyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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