Past Simple or Present Perfect - English Verb Tenses

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in this lesson we're talking about the difference between the past simple and the present perfect and specifically we're looking at the two sentences I already ate and I've already eaten now of course you need to notice the structure so you need to know how to form the past simple and the present perfect so just keep that in mind and let's talk about the meaning of these two so we use the past simple with a completed past action right this action is complete I already ate that is a finished completed action in the past now let's talk about the present perfect here's what you need to keep in mind the present perfect has a many different uses depending on the context in this lesson we're specifically talking about comparing these two sentences so in this specific context the present perfect can be used for a past action with a present consequence okay there are other ways we use the present perfect we're not going to discuss those we're specifically talking about this one meaning a past action with a present consequence I've already eaten so as you can see just from their definitions that they can both be used with a completed past action the difference is the present perfect present there is a connection to the present okay so keep that as your memory aid present perfect present connection to the present with the past simple that connection to the present isn't there one other thing you need to keep in mind is that a native English speaker is not a grammar expert a native English speaker is going to use these two sentences in this specific context they're going to use these two sentences interchangeably and there's not going to be difference in meaning so when a native speaker says I already ate or I've already eaten there's no difference at all if you asked them why did you say this one and not this one they're not going to know because they don't study grammar okay and they're both acceptable so just keep that in mind a native speaker is going to use them interchangeably with no difference in meaning but let's talk about that subtle difference in meaning when we say that the present perfect can be used with a past action that has a present consequence what does that mean a present consequence so let's just think about that I already ate in the past simple just remember completed past action it's done it's over I already ate now when I say I've already eaten there's some sort of connection to the present so you can always think of it in your head as I've already eaten so now okay I've already eaten so now because connection to the present I've already eaten so now I'm not hungry so now I don't want a piece of cake so now I don't want to go to that restaurant with you okay I've already eaten but keep in mind that so now we don't verbalize it we don't say it out loud it's just implied in the context okay so let's take a look at a few more examples I could say I talked to my boss just a completed past action or I could say I've talked to my boss so what's the connection to the present maybe I've talked to my boss so now I'm going to leave maybe that's just the connection to the present it could be anything again we don't verbalize that it's just imply how about this one I checked the mail just completed past action I checked the mail or I've checked the mail in the present perfect I've checked the mail what's the connection to the present I have checked the mail so you don't have to that could be the connection to the present one more example I booked the hotel completed past action or I could say I've booked the hotel in the present perfect I've booked the hotel so now we're going on vacation maybe that's the connection to the present so now I'm excited remember we don't specifically say it is just implied and also in all of these examples in this specific context a native English speaker is going to use them interchangeably without a difference in meaning if you found this video helpful please hit the like button share it with your friends and of course subscribe now before you go make sure you head on over to my website J for is English comm and download your free speaking guide in this guide I share six tips on how to speak English fluently and confidently and then till next time happy studying alright now you're really sounding like a native English speaker now when you can use these two verb tenses interchangeably in this specific context right so of course leave your example one sentence using a path simple one using the present perfect put them in the comments below and remember they both have to be with a completed past action just one of them has a present consequence I can't wait to read your examples in the comments bye [Music]
Channel: JForrest English
Views: 169,041
Rating: 4.959558 out of 5
Keywords: past simple, present perfect, past simple or present perfect, English verb tenses, Basic English grammar, learn English, JForrest English
Id: peIAjPBwlZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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