past perfect continuous tense

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the past perfect continuous tense is similar to the past perfect tense except that the activity is continuous in the past perfect continuous tense something happens in the past this is some sort of activity that's continuous and at some point it stops and then you have the present so you talk about something that finished in the past and it's a continuous activity a friend of mine had been living in this building for over 20 years before he got married here is the past perfect continuous tense in the singular and the plural I had been and then the main verb is followed with an ing ending this is the base form or you can save a simple form so you don't have to remember that past participle the past participle is here this is the helping verb had you always use this then you always use the verb D in the form of a past participle the main verb here is in a simple form with an ING ending so you can use verb like go do C eat live work almost any verb will fit here but you can't use the verb be in this position he had been working there for 10 years before he was fired so here is when the person was fired and then this is the time before that he had been working there for 10 years before he was fired you could also use the past perfect tense and just say he had worked he had worked there for 10 years before he was fired one good thing about the past perfect continuous tense is that you don't have to remember what the past participle is especially for the irregular verbs when she came to the door I could tell she had been crying here's the past perfect continuous tense and this started in the past and the person was crying crying crying and then stopped and then came to the door and then answered the door but was no longer crying so this is a good way to talk about activity that takes place in the past and it's continuous but then it stops and after this then you are in the present and you're talking about the situation now before help arrived the survivors of the earthquake had been praying for a miracle so something really bad happens like an earthquake and people are trapped or in need of help and they're praying praying praying and then help arise and then that brings us to the present and we talk about the situation in the past and it's continuous and this is the example it doesn't matter what the subject is you're always going to use had been and then here's the main verb so this could be singular or plural they had been taking extra precautions to avoid the flu but they got it anyway so we see here on the timeline the verb take had been taking and this is continuous and then something happens that would be this they got the flu when had and not are used together in the form of a contraction it sounds like hadn't hadn't hadn't I went to the doctor because I hadn't been feeling well here's the past perfect continuous tense and this situation stopped after this happened so here on the timeline is the past and feeling feeling feeling feeling feeling then went to the doctor and now everything is okay you
Channel: LearnAmericanEnglishOnline
Views: 19,309
Rating: 4.9556003 out of 5
Id: DRxQIlYkrjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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