-Welcome back to
"The Tonight Show," everybody. I'm Steve Higgins, and it's time
to play "Password"! -"Password"! Oh!
[ Cheers and applause ] -All right,
let's meet our contestants. To my left, she's starring
in the FX series "Fleishman Is in Trouble,"
streaming now on Hulu. It's Claire Danes. -Claire Danes!
[ Cheers and applause ] -Claire,
your partner this evening is the host
of NBC's "Tonight Show," Grammy Award-winning, "New York Times"
best-selling author [Laughing] Jimmy Fallon. Wow.
-Oh, my God. Thank you. Thank you.
[ Cheers and applause ] It's Grammy --
-Wow. -Almost Grammy weekend.
I'm excited. -Your first opponent is a member
of the legendary Roots crew. Say hello to Tariq Trotter!
-Alright. [ Cheers and applause ] I didn't know he was in a group. -And his partner will be
at the Royal Rumble tomorrow, streaming live on Peacock. Give it up for Roman Reigns! -Yeah!
[ Cheers and applause ] Good to see you, buddy.
Thanks for playing. -Alright. The rules of the game
are very simple. I will give each of you
a password, then you'll give a one-word --
one-word clue only -- to get your partner
to guess the password. The team with the most points
after four words wins. Any questions? -Well, I was just --
-All right. Never mind. First clue -- Jimmy and Tariq. -The password is... -Red. -[ Chuckles ] [ Laughter ] Um. [ Laughter ] Is that all you got?
[ Laughter ] -That's all he can give.
That's all he can give. -Yeah, he actually gave --
-He mime-- he mimed. -Ah!
-What did you say? -Light.
-No. -You said red?
-Red. -I did. I did.
-He said..."Red." -Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he actually gave
a little mustard on it. Red. Okay.
-Okay. -Dijon called.
-Ready? -Uh-huh.
-Five points. -Mm-hmm. -Dozen.
-Oh. -Ohh. [ Laughter ] -Uh. Eg-g-g-gs? [ Laughter ] -"Eg-g-g-gs"? How many
syllables are in "eggs"? -I didn't see the red --
-Red? -Red dozen.
-Red dozen? -Tariq.
-Red dozen. -Red dozen? -Flowers. -Oh!
[ Thumps table ] -Roses.
-Ohh! -What?!
-What?! -Oh!
[ Cheers and applause ] -[ Laughs ] -What are you talking about?!
Eggs! -Red dozen.
[ Laughter ] Claire and Roman.
-I mean, I'm pregnant. -The password is... -Red dozen. -Claire, you're up first. Eggs on the brain.
-Okay. Alright. -[ Laughs ]
-Alright. Okay. -It wasn't even eggs --
it was eg-g-g-gs. It was like it was three words.
[ Laughter ] -Alright.
-Okay. All right. Oh, um... [ Clicks tongue ] [ Light laughter ] Uhhh. Uh. Costner. -Nice. -She stole mine. [ Laughter ] -"Yellowstone"?
-Yeah! [ Cheers and applause ] -We got to go back...
-Whoa! Whoa! Zing zong ziggity
zing zong ziggy zing zong ziggity zong. -Okay. Okay, cool. -Tariq, Jimmy,
the next clue is for you. -"Yel-low-stone." -The password is... -Jimmy, you are going to
start us off this time. -Alright, ready? We got this.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. -One word, okay.
-Okay. -One word. -Mnh.
[ Light laughter ] [ Laughter ] Safety. -Net. -Oh, a good, good guess --
wrong though. -Oh.
-But good. [ Laughter ]
But it was good. It's still good.
-Yeah. -No, you can't mime it!
[ Indistinct shouting ] -What is that?!
[ Buzzer ] -[ Chuckling ] What?
-You can't mime! -What in the red roses -- What in the red roses
are you thinking about doing? -Oh, my God.
-Okay, okay. -The whole room just turned.
-Okay, okay, okay. -No, don't even act like,
"Okay." You did this!
-We're tossing it out. -You were putting on a helmet.
[ Laughter ] That's insane.
Alright. -Okay. Cool. Alright.
-Alright. -Might as well just say
"helmet." -Okay.
-Claire and Roman... -Alright, here we go. -...we're gonna
give you the last clue. It's worth a billion points.
-Wait. [ Laughter ] -The password is... -No, that was thrown away. Roman,
why don't you start us off? -Okay, great.
-Mm. -Must be nice to cheat. [ Laughter ] -Wow!
-Wow! [ Laughter ]
-Wow! -Wow!
-Okay. Let's go back
to all the other times we played "Password." -No, no.
This is a brand-new game. -Okay.
-Here we go. [ Laughter ] -Roman, looks like --
you look confident. -There's just no way
to do this one. One word?
-You got it. You got it. You got it.
Trust me. -Tariq has faith in you. -Um... [ Sighs ] Long game here. We're gonna
go back and forth here. -Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. -Candy.
-Candy. -If you guess this, now,
I swear to -- -I would be amazed.
Candy. Do you want me
to make it easier for you? -No, hey, no --
-Candy. -There we go.
[ Laughter and applause ] -Yeah.
-Candy. -Oh.
-Candy, candy. -Chocolates. -Chocolates. No. [ Laughs ] [ Light laughter ] -Easter.
-Oh! [ Light laughter ] -Hm. -[ Chuckles ] [ Laughter ] Jellybean? -[ Laughing ] No!
-What are you talking about?! -No! Boo, no, no, no.
-[ Laughs ] No.
-No, no, no. No, that's not good.
-That's fair. -Yeah. No. No.
-Just incorrect. -I think Roman's
going to win this one. -It's fine.
-Just remember where we're at. -Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
-Oh, gosh. -[ Sighs ] Chicken.
-Ooh. [ Audience ohhs ] -Ooh. [ Light laughter ] -Chicken, candy, Easter. -I mean, 'cause it
could be two things. -Mm.
-Pick one of them. -Ah.
[ Laughter ] Cadbury Egg?
-Ohh! [ Audience oohs ]
-Ohh! Ohh! So close.
-One word. -Yeah, one word.
-Yeah. -It's right there.
-Uh, uh. Pastel.
I don't know. [ Audience ohhs ]
-Oh. -[ Laughs ] [ Laughing ] What? What in the --
What in the world?! -Hold on. Pastel.
-Blew his brain up. -Wait, pastel.
-Okay. -Pastel. Chicken. -I just thought
it was such a given. -Yeah, it should be a given.
-Eggs. -Sorry. I --
-I'm going to say eg-g-g-gs. [ Laughter and applause ]
-Alright. -Okay, okay, okay.
-Okay. -Roman, your turn.
-Ah! -Roman's turn.
-Ah! -No, it's not eg-g-g-gs.
-Eg-g-g-gs. -It's not eg-g-g-g-g-g-gs.
-Easter. Chicken.
-Come on, come on. Pastel.
-You got this. -Tariq's got this.
-Eg-g-g-gs! -Roman, you got it.
Roman, you got it. -This is just an opinion here,
right? -Okay.
-Nasty. -Ooh.
-Ooh. -Peeps.
-Yeah! [ Cheers and applause ] -Oh, my God. Tie game! -Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! -Ah! -Oh, it is a tie game.
-Oh, my God. Alright, we'll give it to --
Come on. Claire Danes, Roman Reigns,
Tariq Trotter. [ Cheers and applause ] We're talking to Claire
after the break. Stick around, everybody.
[ Cheers and applause ]