PASSWORD 1965-07-08 Nancy Sinatra & Woody Allen

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this is the beautiful motion picture actress and talented recording star Nancy Sinatra thank you and this is my partner John Linton from Tampa Florida this is the gifted writer and comedy star currently starring in the motion picture what's new pussycat Woody Allen hello this is my partner Ilona Jaffe from New Haven Connecticut and we're all here to play password [Music] by immigrants we venture adhesion but it's evenly Crips comfortably fits firmly all day long now here's your host on password [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's nice daddy whether to play past with this evening woody it's good to have you here finally thank you we've been trying to get you to play bass but for some time remember I'm glad you made it Thank You Nancy with a laughing face yes this is the Nancy with the laughing face that Frank Sinatra sang about you know everybody talks about your dad Nancy but I met your mother she is a lovely lady thank you she really you know she's prettier than her pictures isn't she I think so and she looks so young and so gorgeous to have three terrible monster kids like she has I don't know how she does it I think she's done very well and the kids are doing very well nice to have you here John Linton what keeps you busy John oh I'd like to take pictures quite a bit whenever I'm not in school well good you're in school though your stay in school I will how does it feel woody to be the author and the star of the bracket break-in movie what's new pussycat I'm excited if business continues at the incredible mod rate that it has been going in the two theaters yeah I couldn't be more delighted well you should be very proud and your talent serving multiple I'm glad you're gonna incorporate now game playing you know I hope I completed all right we'll see Lorna Jaffe I know you're a student what are you studying yes I'm working on my PhD in history at Yale a PhD in history woody that should impress you incidentally tonight we're gonna have a special a special feature of password we're gonna play two games then the winner of the first game and the winner of the second game will meet in a championship match for the third game you're ready to go it's a new format for tonight we're gonna try it and see how it works Nancy you start there's your word that's the password same word for Woody Allen as they look at it we'd like you to see it at home the password is kangaroo Nancy you know the word now for ten points see if you can get John Lipton to say that word Australian kangaroo be sure you just said Australian ice only you said that's all you did you didn't jump for anything very good you have ten points John quarter to twenty five point game the winner has two hundred and fifty dollars and a chance to win that much more on the lightning rod Lorna see if you can do that for ten points you'll start this time hey good job as they look at it the password is cardboard ten points Lana see if you can get Woody Allen to say that word carton Oh cardboard yes that was it yes that was remarkable yeah yes this is gonna be a spooky night if y'all keep it up like that by the way when you hear this sound here that means that something hasn't been right like two word clues or hyphenated words something like that and that means that our authority doctor reason a good one and that hit the World Book Encyclopedia dictionary has ruled out your clue okay ten to ten let's keep this up all right Nancy woody the password is beatnik 10-point snazzy bohemian five seconds dancer black dancer a bohemian dancer nine points woody bearded beatnik yes Nancy woody you don't have to worry you play this game well these are excellent foods tonight let's keep it up John Lorna you can win on that as they look at it the password is moist 10 points John damn say it again John damn wet no nine points give me the game Lorna wet by second wedding went what a water that follows is wrong but it's logical eight points in John damn hmm moist yes I've got a very logical mind and you use it that's good look at the score eighteen to nineteen neither team can win what do you'll have the first shot at it good luck good luck Nancy friends the password is hydrant no gestures ten points woody okay fire fug Firebug 9-points Nancy give the game yes [Music] 250 dollars a chance of the lightning run my chance of the championship match you're ready to go Nancy the trick here five passwords one-word clues each one for fifty dollars but you got to do it all in one minute here's the first word go Nancy song putt yes movie camera projection film television tape window pane outside that's right you better go the next word mom dad soda oh yes yes green grass pasture Moeller gone yes - plus excellent you have $450 and a chance to compete in the championship match so we will see you in a moment Lorna Jaffe you'll have $50 and thank you very much for a fine game and good luck to both of you all right let's be two more password players for our second game shall we Nancy Sinatra meet your new partner from Nashville Tennessee William McCarty meet your new partner from New York City Naomi Nicole [Music] bill what do you do for a living bill I'm in training to become a stockbroker Allen in Nashville Tennessee yes sir good to have you hacking Naomi Nicole why do you enjoy spending your time I'm the senior at the Brearley school and I like to play the piano and study psychology all right you've got good partners let's play password shall we the word goes to Woody Allen and Nancy Sinatra and as they look at it we'd like you to see it at home the password is simple okay what do you start with you this time easy hard hard no nine points Nancy Simon Peter Simon Peter eight points woody dimpled simple simple fire [Applause] all right eight points Naomi Naomi Nicole has eight points that was very biblical your response there bill I meant you go to Sunday school right yeah Naomi is they look at the word we'd like you to see it at home the password is pizza all right bill ten points see if you get Nancy to say that pot what did you say pie he said pie Nancy hmm blueberry lugar now we know all right nine points they only Italian pizza that's it all right 17 and nothing Nancy you'll start this time they can win so watch out woody as they look at it the password is cozy 10 points Nancy snug Cosi yeah your clues tonight have been very accurate very good congratulations Naomi you can win on that very good keeper from winning as they look at it the password is popcorn ten points give you the game Naomi movies movie Isle Isle what's new pussycat has too many words so you knew that wasn't it nine points bill buttered buttered [Applause] you ended up and the budded movie turns out to be popcorn nineteen to seventeen either team can win so this may do it what do you start good luck Nancy the password is movies ten points cinemas flicks bliss nine points Nancy films movies yeah you owe me you did well though and bill you did very well you've won two hundred and fifty dollars a chance to play the lightning round the Nancy Sinatra you try to go Nancy okay here you go remember the trick here is to do it all in one minute is the first word go Hawaiian hula fruit pineapple yes tick-tock hands clock yes van truck yes eggs him she's on it yes ah in [Applause] Nancy you play this game very well you did the lightning around you and Bill in 25 seconds and congratulations you have four or five hundred dollars bill getting them all and a chance to come back to the championship round $500 bill McCarty $50 to uni owe me Nicole thank you very much for a fine game good all right now we're gonna play our championship match we have here cards for the winners of the first gateway to the first game what are the second game Nancy you're the lady you get to choose which would you like for the championship roughly let's see my partner's the winner the first game yeah from Tampa Florida John Linton very good there's your partner woody oh and my partner is the winner of the second game from Nashville Tennessee bill McCarty all right now we're gonna play the championship round you each let's see John you've won 450 dollars so far bill you've won $500 so you can only go ahead here we go Nancy and wouldn't you have the word as we start our championship round we'd like you to say the password is banjo all right ten points Nancy so you can get John lipping to say it hmm that man's name ah just give him a clue Nancy ukelele Nostrum strong nine points woody minstrel minstrel band oh yes all right nine points over here John Litton there you go bill as they look at it we'd like you to see it the password is plumped up 10 points John Chubby Checker Chubby Checker that's a girl that's all you're nine points bill pleasantly plump you could have said fulsome or something it wouldn't have a rock'n'roll name all right here we go 18 of nothing watch out Nancy John making one of this what do you good luck the password is quarter bull Nancy start with you this time ten points squabble argue squabble argue nine points would it give you the game caramel did you say humph huh fight fight No eight points Nancy I hope I know what this means I think you do scrap bicker bicker seven points give you the game woody compiled Scrabble Scrabble no that's not it that's another thing six points Nancy bicker thicker five seconds John argue argue no five points woody nobody's gonna win on this one nibble nibble nibble Nabal we're making up words no four points Nancy Oh squabble five seconds Jen there goes your time nog you three points woody five seconds captious scribble-scribble know two points Nancy oh five seconds the same squabble squabble know one point woody nudge you made up a lot of words you said he used to be a quibble quiver was not scribble but nothing happened but it was what you might call an interesting arrangement all right they can still win so good luck Nancy good luck woody friends at home the password is bashful ten points Nancy shy five seconds retiring retiring nine points what are you I'll give you the game dwarf Gore high seconds yeah droopy he was the door alright eight points Nancy shy basketball back I like that clue he just couldn't think of that other dwarf good you pillock all right you can win on that good luck good luck John as they look at it we'd like you to see it the password is chariot ten points bill sorry but you may say that again sorry that's Nashville Tennessee for fiery flaming flaming no nine points John horse very nice horse my seconds dad you guys your time speed be gone eight points give the aim bill vehicle a fiery horse five seconds woody oh boy it's two words a fiery horse five seconds it goes your time okay all right seven points John race cherry yeah [Applause] you couldn't say been Hercules two words 15 to 18 which means what he can still win on this woody and Bill Nancy who go as high as 24 there you go as they look at the word we'd like you to see it the password is out long 10 points would he give you the game renegade mo yeah you have $500 who just won 250 more dollars the chance to win 250 more which will bring you to a thousand you ready to go woody weren't sure alright here we go the trick is to do it here is you know in one minute is the first word go pucker kiss yes cantaloupe cantaloupe water buffalo Spanish melon is tail very turn around dog nose shake dance witty jolly there go the next word would playground park nauseous seesaw good next word mouse rat dog cat yes very good [Applause] [Music] wag the tail move another way what have you got bill McCarty has nine hundred and fifty dollars at this point we're gonna play a fourth game now champ you can still win some money John you might win more bill my little man's bringing up a word here but he's tripping a lot just a minute here we go this is one of those moments folks you ready to go okay fourth game woody you've won one Nancy's won two we'd like you to see the word at home the password is spy all right start with you this time what are you ten points espionage secret secret nine points Nancy agent spy yes okay bill they've got nine points John good luck as they look at it we'd like you to see it the password is longitude ten points bill latitude longitude you're not playing with kids tonight these are good clues and good responses 10:00 to 9:00 Nancy there you go you'll start woody friends the password is pickpocket ten points Nancy give you 19 [Music] please theme crook crook nine points give you 19 woody wallet pickpocket yeah all right John Nancy they've got 19 points over here that means that bill could pick up some more money so watch it John you might lose there here you go bill good luck friends at home the password is divided 10 points John will give you 19 multiply divide yes you gain either team can win all right here you go woody you'll start what do you Nancy have the word we'd like you to see it the password is cuckoo 10 points woody would give you the game nuts boats not colors all right Nancy nine points we'll give you the game bird cuckoo yes you won 250 more dollars John and a chance when that much more in the lightning round you ready to go Nancy okay drinking the lightning round as you know is to do it all in one minute here's the first word go jewelry diamond ears earring yes pan ring inside palm yes flower blossom Holland Tulip excellent shoe say anything yeah box summer sandal yes phony fake balls [Applause] [Music] well we played our championship round we had the winners of the two first games continued compete against each other they have played two games they have come out exactly even nine hundred and fifty dollars for Bill McCarty nine hundred and fifty dollars for John next week our guest stars will be a delightful married couple the beautiful and charming television star Jayne meadows and that bright and talented television star and host have I've got a secret Steve Allen [Applause] [Music] woody I must tell you that you've been a great pleasure to play fast food with us thank you very much you did very well Nancy you play this game well thank you we practice at home with their yeah well home game you do for this shows and I'm glad you came around come back to play with us we will see you next Thursday night Omar on the day time password until then is Ella dancing the password tonight is school now as school is out new young people are free in the afternoon I hope you can join us for our afternoon sessions a password so long see tomorrow I hope I pray that the bucket is eaten by all event whoever doesn't solid depends aware that these years Occidental all events this has been a mark Goodson bill Todman production [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the contestants on this recorded and edited program which selected and interviewed in advance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and
Views: 7,584
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: Classic Gameshows, Allen Ludden, Betty White, Classic TV, Woody Allen, Nancy Sinatra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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