The DREAM deck with LEGENDARY luck!!

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[Laughter] that's the craziest thing i've ever seen i feel like wild seeds is kind of easy to get going though let's just do wild seed like an aggressive wild seed hunter it's easy it's quick there are b synergies this hero power does some damage right let's just do that wild seed hunter carrot on a stick actually is pretty good carrot stick i remember liking surprisingly well we'll do carrot on a strick stick wild seed we might do like infused with this too right it could be a cool little package uh infuse wild seed so maybe like airline fangs gargoyle and actually might be kind of cool in duels gargan murlocula is a pretty popular infused card but we're gonna need we're gonna need some uh tokeny beast stuff right we want ways to make lots of tokens which uh generally hunter's pretty good at right like spring paw maybe alley cat even yeah like that's not available but on the hunts probably okay and or the other newer better version of it web spinner now wolpertinger's probably okay yeah we'll pretend it makes sense moon praise probably good any other really tokeny stuff we probably don't want to get death rattles in here if we don't have to that's going to mess things up for our buckets this is a death rattle actually we may have to cut the batty guest uh we get to unleash the hounds yeah unleash is actually pretty good with this weapon and just finishing power yeah i like unleash a lot in this list that makes sense for us a quick easy enabler sun scale raptor's not a bad idea yeah i don't like the echo hound i i scrolled past it earlier because it just feels like it's too too expensive you only get one per two mana right whereas with like hounds you can get like you know you can get like three per one or three you can get two plus per single mana it's like so much more efficient ram commander is a neat idea actually uh ram commander's pretty good the rams are beasts and he is a non-deathrattle token generator i do actually like the sun skill a lot because of our hero power like it's good to have a sticky one drop and that's pretty sticky this is pretty sticky i don't know i kind of dig this though this looks all right to me danathree's altimor airline gargan's probably my least favorite card in the list right now and merlocula wasn't there a good like two drop that summoned a beast it's a card like this but that summoned a beast oh yeah bug collector i think i'd rather run bug collector this is not bad two bodies in one you get a rush minion not a death rattle notably hog rancher is the same actually would i rather have a hog rancher or a stone-bound gargon maybe gargon for curve is a little better it gives us a little bit of swing too which is nice do i like the two or the three better i think i like the two better that curve looks flat and nice do we need card draw currently what we lack right crazy get starts now the one thing though is we can get the card draw passive where beasts die and we draw cards that's the hope we'll see if it pays off do we keep ultima here do we think we can win faster i can coin spirits on two like do i need a do i need a finisher or will i just i think i'll actually be able to go under right i think this is a good enough start that we'll just race them down they only have 20 health right so this should be i don't think we'll need all some more game two or three maybe i keep baltimore game one i don't think i keep baltimore i think i just go i think we just race i think we will spirits on two by the way hero power is not bad though especially the sticks they have their own one drop that does make me a little sad i guess also if we get spirit poacher or not too we'll change our mind a little bit because spirit butcher first obviously could lead into wild spirits rather nicely um yeah hero power doesn't really contest the one three fortunately this is a faster start than i was hoping a druid would have but here we are so probably just get spirits on two this can be a turn three as needed right it's not the end of the world hounds is good recovery as well okay um yeah okay it's really hoping for a stag but a preneur stag so guys they're nerfing the stag anybody hasn't heard about the nerfs yet you can check my youtube video if you want more details but they're nerfing the stag off of uh spirit cards are they gonna are they gonna dust refund every spirit card cause technically all of them are getting nerfed i don't know how they're gonna handle this i'm very intrigued to find out though very intrigued to find out uh all right let's just go here look what i found they better i i agree that they should yeah i agree that they should i just don't know what they're gonna do okay we don't kill that for them we don't ramp them especially into a five meta ramp that's guff anderish so they want to do it that's fine but they're lazy to turn which is nice oh that's good too man they have the perfect anti-aggro plays here jeez i feel like i'm getting wrecked em they're gonna have like some kind of crazy xyrella armor game too off all this man i need to win quick i need to trade in these guys to play an airline next turn i don't have uh i mean danathirus is a ton of follow-up damage oh my god dude this guy has everything i swear to god everything it's a good good board though here this is nice they're not on xyrella yet but it's going to be gross when they are man it's really they have a minion for the grey bell currently they do not but all right six damage on board next turn why didn't they heal their self they were 19 right this game where 20. they gave up one health is there a reason for that i wonder maybe they have a card later that procs off that or something i don't know but i'm nervous about it that makes me very nervous why did they do that what was their plan there i don't know don't hit the three one don't hit the three one nice terrible roll again man we've kind of low rolled as much as possible with the seeds right now hey powder what's up man oh my god i'm sick of these dudes carried on a stick would sure be nice man with this giant board static charge isn't bad either because it helps me push through this i guess i just wasted the damage didn't i yep i sure did forgot this was a rush minion sure did waste of damage i'm gonna pretend the health really mattered a lot that's why i did it cared a lot about the health here guys hit an active target please thank you gotta pretend i was caring about the health that's a hundred percent why i did it i wanted the the one of the one healthman in here gone that's the only reason please one damage don't make a difference and we've drawn a little weak since i'm mulligan that ultimately i really wish i'd kept it they have way more life gain than i anticipated we've done like 40 damage or something already i don't even know a lot though treasure guard hardtop defender are you kidding me how did i queue into the greediest deck in the history of duels my god i don't understand it's the creepiest opening deck i've ever seen um board space is obviously a bit of a check here i don't actually have good math here on the on the battle rams do i i'm not gonna unleash the hounds a single minion though am i i could hit a ram with a hero power i guess that's sort of okay let's see if we can hit the ram with the hero power i might i might only sound a single minion i don't know yet let's see any snipes nope i think i need the damage to go face this is so stupid i don't know if it's gonna be worth it or not it's not legal yet is it it's probably really close oh man was there a lethal that turn feels like there might have been a lethal that turn i don't know a lot of lost opportunities maybe i had to trade in a minion first to get any room for the one ones right so they don't heal off this i just hero power oh okay wow they just didn't have the heel here sick that would have been very gross what if they realized we take those man we take those yeah i don't know that was tough i can't believe we got there to be honest dude they just had the perfect answer endless taunts with life gain oh i think this is it right we have a really low curve i think we want to keep refilling our hand as much as possible starving feels perfect recycling's not bad either right because we have a lot of minion deaths but i think ultimately i'm gonna want more cards there's always a risk with a card like this that you you know you deck out or whatever you fatigue but i think that's lesser risk russ we're trying to end games quickly right so we want to make sure we keep the pressure rolling have good plays every turn and um that'll be great dex will get big later we're not really worried about fatigue if if we get into a facility where we're losing in fatigue we probably aren't winning the game anyway because our deck is all in before then right so endless endless stuff okay this looks solid we don't really need the card draw from kotoban anymore though we love ram commander but ivis and spammy feel weird the first two parts of this feel pretty good barack is kind of kind of pointless i mean he'll draw stuff but we just won't need the draw but i like the other two pretty well what's the kink of this deck i i don't personally have any kinks attached to this i know there are people who do have you know like maybe woolpertinger i don't know you know i don't know what's up but for me personally i don't have any anything anything to say about that spirit poacher is a good start wild speed is a good follow carrot's a really powerful card it may though interact poorly with the stags here but i think we'll have enough card draw we can keep carrots still just keep high quality cards right we'll be all right yeah rammuts i don't know if you meant to ask something else or if that's what you meant to ask but sorry i can't provide a satisfying answer zero kinks as far as i'm concerned but hey you do you man you mean like what's the like theme of the deck like what's the the purpose of the deck the the theme is kind of an aggressive you know beast based hunter like a kind of tokeny beast based hunter hopefully that helps explain it a little bit there's something great inside oh like okay like like uh it's not that word right i don't know kink in the works oh that's the phrase i'm thinking probably yeah like what's the problems with this deck we don't know yet maybe oh is this ever an ice trap not really right no it's a freaking nice trap it's very annoying i'm actually gonna play this again next turn though come midnight yeah running out seems not going to be the weakness because we have starving we're going to draw a million cards i just can't believe that's a nice trap getting getting ice trapped our wild spirits on turn three is actually the next weakness that's where we're gonna fall apart here that's what's bad that's what's gonna hurt us for sure this is never another ice trap right it's a good roll good sticky annoying board there wandering is uh it's kind of gross gargon could be a great recovery here oh my god dude stop it stop with all the secrets i'm sick of it oregon's only gonna be a fuse in one though so we gotta wait a turn probably gonna do something like stag wooper tinger i don't think stag hero power will add up very well so probably just stag we'll pretend right how many secrets are in hand how do they have so many already good god oh this is a good follow-up okay i don't mean like how do they draw something i mean how are there enough in their deck already right okay oh i'm glad it was this one honest honestly this one didn't die this could be a freezing trap though we don't know it's not okay that's nice maneuvers is not as big of a problem okay oh man i should i wish i could have done this right it would have been nice i think we're just gonna die aren't we like how do i live this guy helps me catch up next turn but oh my god patrick i'm just dead 9 13 and 4 is 17 yeah pretty much dead they have the secret hero power well it doesn't give them secrets it gives them beasts um i'm sorry immortal [Laughter] i'm so sorry i i don't know what all that is but it looked like a lot but i'm almost certain whatever it was i don't have time immortal so sorry uh okay so we're dad basically i don't think i really have any recovery if this had lifesteal or something sure but we're never going to swing the board hard enough i mean they're pretty much always going strictly face or mostly face this plus stick is two two to every ha or one one to every hound that's still not gonna be enough against these three threes right it's just not very good this is two minute remaining so you can get a wound pray with it it's not like one prey here trade this guy in hit the three three here it's just not enough still has no like lethals right it's just not nearly enough damage yet could push through six and four is ten god hounds is probably close to lethal because i could get six minions that each hit for 2 is 12 plus 2 off the stick 14 it's just not enough though it just swung a little too effectively through all this i think we're i think we're dead right just always dead i can't play gargan i mean is there anything i draw no cargo plus hounds just doesn't do enough it's like close we're we're close to getting there but not quite just dead on board but it's awfully close man i don't maybe if i'd hit the 2-4 at the beginning did that make a difference no because the 3-1 plus the 1-1 well maybe if i'd hit the 2-4 at the beginning maybe i could have stayed alive i don't know just close i still think we were in trouble but any damage killed us right but maybe there was a way hey old bullshorn's pretty good for this kind of deck right we go white on board we buff our minions good with hounds that's nice this is beastly but not a beast uh okay this is too secret-y this is a weird death rattle i mean these are just murlocs i i don't need i mean this jumps out at me i guess is the best choice but it's the secret keeper is just a one drop right nothing better i guess this is fine what am i gonna do these murlocs right crab rider is like kind of cool with our hero power but i don't know that's pretty pretty specific use case this is fine um truant i think i'm going to keep the danathrius honestly this is a big drew they might be able to stabilize well we can still try to go for aggression with a spring paw here early but let's keep the danatrius as a swing card later you know we'll try to play both sides of this basically we'll have plenty of reload off all these beasts so it's not like we risk running out of resources starving will fill up the hand dramatically yeah i'll test that he doesn't have the buckets work yeah there's a blog post about it that goes into pretty good detail about all of it but it's just a really complicated system it's one of those things like we all if we really you know i'm sure many people could figure out a perfect system if they had three years and like all the time in the world to like really settle out all the different sort of checks and balances that go into place but nobody has that much time and it's an ever-evolving system it always changes new cards come along that make certain things broken or too good and you want to include new cards so it's like impossible to master it you just can't keep all the all the rules and checks in place love is just an arrangement away okay florist already that is interesting isn't it i don't know what to make of that do we kill it i guess um i like wild spirits next turn i don't want this getting crazy so i guess we kill it we draw a lot of cards this way that's for sure this way these do infuse off the top deck by the way which is cool we actually go frenzied over wild spirits next turn frenzied is really good already we have the wound prey curve with it too depends on if they have a good target other than face maybe but face isn't even that bad while spirits you probably like to get down sooner rather than later but at the same time these don't get to attack right away whereas these do get to attack right away right so i might just be able to start hitting for six really soon which could be quite useful i think with the raptor indeed we go here just create that pressure immediately hounds is damaged and athletes is sort of damaged after a while of course but damage we've got hero powers we can weave in as well militia horn buffs there's a lot of interesting things we could do carrot stick buffs would be really nice character would be a really good draw right now actually militia horn as well okay cool uh maybe we just go face these don't really trade that well into anything except the wolverine so maybe i kill one of them with the rushman in here okay this looks pretty good so quite a bit of damage sticking around here the hounds is still more damage that's good hey pokey dude what's up more cards we love it more infused we love it mauritius slow might have a big payoff can we win this tournament 10 currently 13 with hero power no minion for hounds though i need a weapon for direct damage potentially this is 10 13. i need a weapon any weapon stack charge can also go face that'll do just fine oh nice beautiful hey oh geek squad man thanks for the five gifted subs beautiful ah did we take luxury loot here it's actually just crazy high pressure card delivery is not bad right we do have a handful of rush minions but i don't really think enough especially ones that we play and they don't really scale that well or anything helm is good too but but loot is just crazy is this ultra rare now i never see this anymore let's do loot let's do loot i love it high pressure output oh this is good for us this is a good bucket that's too secrety that's too late gaming this is perfect though cheap beasts feeding starving is really good i don't know if i mean this is all like a good kind of package here but i don't know hyena's not as good against priests but man probably still worth keeping i just don't have a i don't have a thing to start this with you know what i mean like both of these are good follow-ups maybe we keep the hyena as a follow-up instead this can be better like trade in later and stuff maybe a little less good to scale off of it just depends on what you get though they both have their independently good use cases right configurating light eerie stone okay so some value generation off erie stone can be tempo too i guess sometimes if they can play good stuff um rindlings are rune spear rune spears more damage and i got like good wild seed cards and stuff now let's go runespear this could be nuts we could get like call of the wild or something right just own i am an actual i am an actual hearthstone god i am an actual hearthstone god actually insane they had a good honestly a pretty good pretty good counter to that frankly i i can't be too too mad either that's pretty good stuff um don't think we attack first right because we might get like a buff or something i don't know hunter doesn't have a lot of like on-board buffs i guess but let's just get called the wild number two can you imagine dude it's actually pre-recorded no i can't believe the craziest thing i've ever seen what what how many spells are dream grove ring man staff is good for us too we'll talk about it how many spells are in duels for hunter there are 64 spells in duels for hunter this is as many as i thought honestly i feel like that's maybe not totally correct but 64 spells for hunter we had a you know three out of 64 chance basically to discover it two times in a row so maybe something like a one percent chance for that to happen very rough math obviously um reid just answered this message so i know this she's pre-recorded dust guff dreamgrove rig is insane but staff is really good for us because it draws like three cards it's well six cards it's removal they're beasts right like we have a lot of synergies with staff i think we probably take staff here dream grove is another crazy rare card cards i'm like kind of enticed by it but we already have some late game we can play towards i don't know man that said though like our early games kind of shored up with loot i have a lot of reactivity with rush minions could i just greet the ring like is this the ultimate ultimate rng run okay i'm gonna pick the worst card for fun this deck's already done enough let's do it right let's go all right hyena's okay this is a little death rattly for us honestly we like this better this is more strictly beast i think okay carrot's good but we do have the loot weapon right so we don't really need the carrot just yet i think i mean the little weapons usually what good for a couple turns two to three on average maybe we can keep the carrot yeah we'll keep the carrot and just look for more beasts i'm actually okay with this carrot could break twig yeah that's that's a good point if we get twig carrot would be amazing for that this is a good curve so this is nice keeping a card for twigs not a crazy suggestion yeah my only big concern there is i don't necessarily have great follow-ups unless i hit like dinatharius or dreamgrove oh ring of black ice you never see this whenever mine is frozen add a copy to your hands definitely some frost stuff happening here okay so now this is what low rolls look like right dragon soul is theoretically doable but very unlikely for us this is what low rolls look like this is punishing us for our last game i just don't think i'm ever really gonna hit dragon soul right but i guess the question is does sphere offer any value to me because i draw so many cards i don't really think i'm gonna be lacking choices do you know what i mean like i have so many cards to draw off starving maybe i hold dragon soul for like a coin turn or something i just don't think sphere does enough this may never do anything but sphere is kind of the same way in a weird way okay this is actually the perfect hand on turn three i can go coin tavi's fresh scent and uh and go for a free five-five that'll be delightful okay we do that on on four right or three i mean yeah so we just hear a power here this isn't the best hero power by any means but so coin two two or not that order coin two two well maybe that order but we'll see okay i'm actually gonna get a five five out of this which is kind of insane in a deck that's like 90 minions oh sure maybe this costs one more we don't care that's fine in fact that's excellent even excellent after last game we deserve this twin spell fresh scent oh it is twin spell i forgot about that i thought this was the other card who would we just like that better that's a good point um i do like this being a 4 4 that trades over these pretty well but also just hitting hitting this up to five and going face also feels pretty enticing doesn't it cause i'm gonna have another five five as well maybe even buff this one up to five five so that they hit here carrot finishes off the remainder i think i will go i think i will go here why not play the twin spell i should have i didn't think it was that card i think it was a different card that didn't have twin spells why i'll be i'll be transparent i ain't gonna lie to you i didn't know what that's been spelled i should have well i don't know the 3-3 wouldn't have lined up especially well into a 3-4 anyway so yeah not sure it would have made a huge difference cold's a good answer three spell damage geez three with spell damage ooh then after it's available early it's good canada stick could buff one of these and a raptor that's not too bad we're not going to get another activation on this weapon right so let's go here they're getting the wilbert singer off our dude is this discounts at all no it's full cost okay that's good news but they might just stall me out and start going face a lot right this could be a bit of a pickle if they just ignore everything i do and freeze me and just keep hitting face it could be tough i don't know how much freeze they're actually running probably a lot frankly but we'll see okay wait why do they have two of those oh oh there were two they got frozen oh duh baltimore's getting a little jacked up not quite there yet but i like that there's some trades happening that's something i was worried about so that's good next turn feels like you're here attack blurry is good again though man they are ignoring a lot of my stuff i'm getting a little stressed by this i don't care about the value they're getting that's not a that's not a big concern just worried about them ignoring and going faith so much the value bothers me a lot less i honestly would take a huffer here i think yeah leak doesn't matter as much to me um i don't know these matter it's only next turn right so that doesn't really matter okay are they ignoring the board a little too much though is the question right am i going to be able to just like eventually force them to trade and then start swinging really hard we're going to find out i guess how many freezes do they have is really what's going to check that so we're going to go for a leock here to buff their stuff does that help them take trades or is that more about going face again brain freeze for five gross alicia horn's good are they going face no they're trading at least a little probably scared to trade because they know i have all this card drop payoff right going face a little i have i have 10 plus four damage here's 14. can i get like a wind fury here just have lethal it'll be six if i buff this and go to 16 or 8 16 19 plus my god it would be close let's see what we hit here first and foremost i guess i can still militia horn after this as well but wind fury could be nuts i don't think it's lethal yet but could be crazy no wind fury okay so we'll take a divine shield trade probably instead here seems worthwhile love the taunt here it's going to set up baltimore really nicely i think we hit this here and i mean god i really still want to go face i'll tell you it's a lot of damage nine actually nine's a lot of damage i don't know though they have so many ways to punish with freezes and removal and stuff maybe i need to trade once i have this next turn to help me swing back i'm gonna trade at least one time here i don't know it definitely goes counter to what our deck is about but we could win the long game now with danatharis and altimore right so if i need to if i need to play it a little slower that's okay we can do that hopefully might just be dead right but we can at least shift focus without losing too much upside hey jontron and reno jenkins by the way thanks for the subs i miss sereno there jontron with two minutes ago says hey regis hey jontron what's up dude how's it going so next year i'm assuming it's almost always huntsman ultimate i guess there's a world where maybe they don't trade enough this is rush wind fury probably hit the five five and the nine five that's not bad though that's the the the that's all they're doing this turn because these don't trade very well oh okay get that one i said oh this this gonna be a sick curve oh boy is this gonna be a good curve i think we'll still play ultimate here for for two companions right that's totally fine um we don't need to super greed this don't have a great play otherwise anyway so leo huffer okay man they didn't really have a good answer for this last turn do we think they're going to this turn should i just go face i mean that's only two damage worth of stuff we're going face right yeah this makes them half the response i don't have a great turn eight is my only big hesitation here don't have a great tournament we got a good turn nine got a good turn ten turn eight is lacking we need like airline oh we're dead okay that's another problem how come they didn't have this last turn they're just maybe digging for it this turn you don't have any other options maybe just digging secrets okay they need zero mana here okay so this is flame ward we hit with margor first i mean i think this is pretty much always lethal right but just in case what does that imply oh actually margaret force would kill me if it was visage so we don't want to do that if it's visible visitors i'd die so maybe we hit with a 4-3 first that i don't die to visage then let's see what happens but apparently it didn't it didn't matter here uh bubba's pretty good for us actually yeah we like summoning a lot of a lot of beasts i mean it could maybe overdraw me a little bit but still good infuse good reload fits the theme for sure no more please is perfect we don't want ugly cards this deck feels good dude i like this deck feels really good i don't think we keep fresh well maybe we do keep fresh scent we got a one drop maybe if we get the the priest weapon again as a is a bad option this this would be okay we could coin scent again um this looks okay to me bow for staff this good one drop good to follow up on the wooper singer naturally we can work with this stick is a little uh overkill with bo of course we don't need both so we want like roon to spear valineer something like that we're going to kill him's a ton of value it's going to be tough good removal for them uh twig into into thing yeah i mean i guess so tin man is awesome and i am drawing a lot of cards i guess that's gotta be worth it right more than a woke cleaver there is a little part of me that wants the wolf cleaver but but we have enough draw to fill the tin man at normally i would say like this hand doesn't fill tin mana but it it kind of does specifically with with card draw right so i think i think it's fine and we can get it next turn too which is really cool play these out so we'll go coin carrot attack maybe trade these in if we can it'd be nice to draw some cards to fill our mana because obviously this alone does not fill enough but still gonna be a monster start i guess isn't it gonna have plenty of stuff to do here um no we don't wanna attack first so gross dude uh let's we hold the poacher probably hold the poacher and just hero power right off one of these first upper dude come on it's so gross dude come on come on dude let's turn turn two for me that's my turn two come on hey air maximus man thanks for the prime sub that is a heck of a turn too man i don't have the greatest follow-up i actually almost need the minions to die like maybe the tutu or something especially uh offer is okay that's at least some damage on the back end that's nice um unleash the hounds could be a great finisher later let's hear power to make sure these guys get buffed i guess we put in the ram commander minions to draw more cards right potentially i i mean we're putting in pretty much everything here but specifically the ram commanders make a lot of sense i think okay it's actually sometimes the worst but here i kind of don't hate it because reloading the hands could be really nice right this does play in the ranker a little bit oh shoot i mean i draw two cards of your anchors which is nice but it is this turn four uh it's not that bad i guess it's like the the odds of having anchor aren't super high and number two they don't have it right we're in a really better position so i think it's probably okay to do this uh is this lethal i'm buffing another three with a weapon razor maw could be how much do i have here five and six is 11 and this is another five is 16 right not to mention hero power just in case it's not cool okay let's say it's broken confirmed i think we all knew it back in the day but just in case anybody had any doubts still broken still insane absolutely not so okay definitely don't want this weird deathrattle secret stuff this is okay we like hounds a lot and i don't think snipe or lithab like break our deck in any way we might get like some secret stuff a little bit we already have some this i think is a little expensive like the democratic is not really synergistic for starving companion is okay but call the wild's like kind of pricey i think i'd rather just go here and get another unleash unleash can be insane and lothar's certainly not bad either luther is certainly a fun card to play uh actually we'll keep this hand i like this pretty well it's a good one airline is nice to just know i have something to fill my curve a little bit right and um wound prey can get me some card draw immediately a little bit more reactive i'm not looking for anything like crazy specific in this deck maybe a carrot on the stick i could maybe drop this for carrot and a weapon perhaps i mean i guess i don't know it's fine we don't need any like key key cards that's fine too i'd probably rather have the wound prey but it's okay it's all good it doesn't make too much difference like oh they have the same card draw upside but also hand buff upside scary uh woke cleaver for sure yeah and our best minion result here is probably just sired in atherius right just getting a 1010 even if it's not active just a tintin's pretty nice to see mulberry singer is not quite as useful but this is still nine damage at least very minimum right it's okay and and that's kind of like drawing a card too really so in scheme of things it's all right could be worse who do i think killed danathrius well it's probably celestial alignment i don't know how but that meteor crashed down in the art of slush alignment there's like a big meteor comet or something i think it just smashed out and crushed him okay hyena actually makes this trade with wolpertinger feel a lot better here i think we'll just hit the 4 4 here to make sure we don't lose board too hard and uh buff our hanging out a little bit which is nice wound prey is back and we'll be very good with this probably codabean's a little better not worried about battlecry being gone just happy to get a solid body on board you know this is turn two i know my photo played four four and i've played a lot of sounds order but remember this is turn two don't don't get uh don't get lost on the fact that this is three five on turn two is not bad not bad at all bubba would be good to get off this too gargon would be okay i think danathrius is still probably pretty good next turn looks like poacher prey unless something else makes way more sense library that's scary for later but may it be too late well maybe not it's a solid buff oh gorgon's just in hand okay let's see what we draw here before making any big decisions pounds is good uh yeah i'll take another four here to tidy the board that's fine spirit poacher looks good hero power also kind of looks good but let's just go spirit poacher of course that's fine baltimore again not not actually bad it may seem kind of bad given that you know he has upside later but if he's not in hand anyway it's not really upside right it's only upside if he's in hand so getting a 5'4 is okay so that weapon did sort of nine damage i mean it cleared a couple minutes right but also summoned a three five a five four and a one one the one one also drew a card which we wouldn't have otherwise had so pretty good weapon you have to admit [Applause] so the scene seems good for us normally i'm always scared of cards like this because you don't return the value fast enough but we draw so many cards and now some of our minions of course are like spell-based but there's still plenty that's gonna be easy to weave into a turn at some point in the mid game or something um okay this is some beasty stuff but i actually kind of like this this beasty stuff better it's just more more immediate draw and stuff sometimes okay hunter v hunter this is scary wound prey i really liked that wind prey last time early i think i'm gonna keep it even team beast on two looks really good too the ability to trade this in early is nice and hound seems really good against other hunters let's let's just keep this really nice reactive spell based hand here totally fine ingenuity yeah man this really gives a plus three plus three buff has it always been that way that seems so big in hindsight man didn't they get nerfed and then it got like i guess it got uh reverted or something i don't remember the deets but uh runesphere is sure we don't have a weapon in hand so twig i think is not it we could get one soon but who knows how long that will be it's not that likely so runesphere just gives us a nice guaranteed result uh unfortunately this reborn is gonna be very annoying very annoying amount of dudes do i kill a 3-2 here and just try to win the board i guess yeah i don't think i can i can really go face a lot if i haven't at least won the board a little bit let's go hit here first actually because we might find a spell that hits a minion and then we have a single isolated minion on board right um not gonna hit a minion but just good value here a couple five fives is totally fine yeah i say five five so you know what i meant a couple three threes i think i said five fives my brain was looking at a five minute card okay that's a totally fine exchange here um in fact i can punish that a little bit with hounds even really just go face myself maybe we just stick to a team beast for now to punish or actually bug collectors just about the same same amount of value i don't know what to expect exactly if i could get a one man away to kill this like a spring paw oh that won't kill it though i think i'll still kill it here though they clearly cared a little bit about face damage but i'm gonna really have a board advantage after this this this could be a spell that backfires maybe but um oh my god dude oh i checked first oh my god instead we'll take cat trick it's okay it's hard to know you're gonna get that right oh this makes me sad though really big damage already that would have been a very effective way to deal with that stuff collateral damage dude jeez oh now they're just way behind though that's good new stress um yeah let's see what we get here call the wild number three not quite but another spell stone is just insane it's crazy good value and i was gonna i wasn't gonna play a wolf or singer but but i don't know i guess am i getting baited by like unleash the hounds or something here i don't think that's something they're super likely to have as a death rattle deck but just overwhelming board pressure crazy uh spellson was doing a base level the the darkmoon faire version the like pet pet i don't know what it's called i forget the name of it but the one that's from darkmoon fair how much damage is this 12 14 and 3 is 17 and 3 is 20 pounds doesn't really add any damage this kind of trades in a little damage these aren't beasts unfortunately can i get any b straight ins that are clean like the three threes but it's not great pounds times two is this any kind of lethal i don't know man i'm no it's never no no no i need to leave a minion alive actually should have traded that here and then no even that wouldn't work either no i don't think there's any lethals then but i do like the idea of trading in my dudes a little bit here just to shore up the stat light on this a hair give just a hair should have actually done that in the other order too yeah man it's looking at this like i feel like there had to be a lethal somewhere but i don't know it doesn't matter too much hopefully but it feels like i missed a lethal opportunity maybe some some sequence of like trading in a beast or killing off my own beast or like i don't know trading in the 2-2 i mean honestly even just maybe trading in the 2-2 and summoning that the other 2-2 might have been enough right in hindsight that may have been enough might have gone a little overboard here uh i was thinking it was a four four is one reason i didn't do that but it was not a four four i can confirm gotta go through dude this deck is so gross i have crazy boards petting zoo i think was the name of the one that summoned one by default the spell zone was different it's pretty good yeah don't need that don't need that ulper tingers are amazing wilpertinger is a you know draw two minions draw two cards for for one mana seven wins just like that huh man this is quick we're only an hour in okay spirits is good hounds actually might be insane honestly i don't like these are both three mana though hounds is just such a powerful card in the stack though i feel like just to be able to draw so many cards pop divine shields let's let's keep a hounds actually i like wild spirits too hoping that the weapon gets me out ahead of this hero power a little bit because that can be scary cookies ladle is also terrifying but i'm glad i have a hounds ooh this combo dude this might be a loss this is spooky twig we don't have the weapon so we'll go rune spear again and try to try to swarm if we can oh wilbur singer's an insanely good draw okay call the wild uh it's on baldar i do have a secret but i just don't really care about drawing it at all tracking is probably honestly my pick here this is the worst spell we've gotten yet because it offers zero tempo i don't even get to pick the tracking card oh well okay that was the same as furious hell then i guess done baldar actually could have maybe been better although i don't do i only have one secret yeah it's basically they were all the exact same card then well that makes life easy i guess they're all identical you can't feel too bad okay i think we go here and hit and see what we find so again we want probably like tempo based jewel would normally be insane but it's not here okay that's not bad that's not bad at all oh we'll do that next turn right plop it down and trade in a bunch that's going to be insane actually we have four minutes to trade in here yeah this is the most underwhelming runesphere we've had thus far dude i'm just barely doing anything with it honestly i mean it's helping me keep the board in check early which is nice it's sort of like a fiery war actually something so far but it's like that's about it i have plenty of cards i don't need cards i need call of the wilds i need call of the wilds hopefully we can address this with a hyena right and weapon okay hounds would be amazing to get out with a hyena too but i don't see how we get all that out oh crap okay that's a little more painful isn't it hound summons three so i can hit uh a war leader and see what we get i guess right um could trade in three wolveriners to the other war leader or the same war leader that kills that i mean hounds i'm not really ever gonna clear all these am i so we ought to just see what we find um maybe some like lyok type effect or something i don't know what i'm looking for here but but i think i need to need to get a big hyena if nothing else okay misdirection could actually be really clutch i think there's a chance they dodge my minions and go face they might feel like they have to kill this hyena though to be honest is this the turn i play the hyena or do i just maybe go unleash the hounds and trade into that one war leader and then go face to the rest i kind of like this better i can't because i play these together next turn let's draw a bunch of cards here i'm gonna force this misdirection maybe oh dreamgrove is fun to see stag i don't mean i gotta kind of process we're drawing so many cards per turn i gotta i gotta like actually mentally update my schemas here for what i can play each turn so this kind of plays into the misdirection a little bit right i'm thinking they maybe won't want to trade into these one ones that feels like such a terrible trade right um okay that was amazing hit wow great what a wonderful result geez that's not even that likely just thought i was just saving some light man that's perfect it was basically uh the rogue secret what's that one called the like redirect one oh that one you oh that's very hard to see earlier okay that went great oh militia horn dude i think it's not time for milshorn quite yet though i think we still want the hyena here um because it's so nice on curve guess we still trade this way i'm hoping that's enough health on the hana right all right we've got some monster late gameplays mothership's honestly good on five but i might go for a beast route or a militia horn route as well hand is stuffed at the moment so much might seem bad but remember we've got 26 cards before we really care i think not too worried about it yet alicia horn could make this guy a little awkward just not a lot of great plays with it just secret keeper hero power animal companion might just feel better here could also go stack charge to set up for a wild spirit but that also works together next turn two so let's just do this it may be like the misha there but certainly offer damage outputs fine too okay so stag and go face um if they clear this the gargan's probably gonna answer their board really nicely yeah it looks like these are going away for sure so this is play not summon but still gonna do just fine so gorgon will answer a lot of stuff may not handle the finja well though unless it trades i guess which it might might go away on its own although it's not going to kill anything because this has gotten big they buff this a bunch right before trading so let me just go face okay well i just have lethal now i think they move it there but nice i think you had to kill the hyena first right or maybe even i don't even know if they could easily actually they may not have had a way too i didn't really check it but might have been might have been more or less impossible this is not a beast somehow by the way worshiper's good though just damage output good minion this works uh although this is a good bucket it doesn't help us really we'd rather just make sure we had our good cards right so we'll go no more please it's just absolutely cruising so far and again i don't know if it'll go the distance but so far it feels very chill wild spirits almost seemed too slow in in hindsight guys we have so many fast starts i think i think wild spirits is actually a pretty good card but airline feels too slow i don't even think horn's good i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna look for for uh for early stuff famous last words what that it won't go the distance oh no you got me does that mean i will go the distance if if i'm saying famous last words i don't know how this works um okay we'll cleave her into danathis really could be pretty sick twig i just i it's hard for us to work with twig i like that this is you know nine damage we don't have the weapon in hand so let's hit the nathrius oh the universe hates us even with this though it's it's no coin this might still be better if we hit we had bubba danatherius you know there's there's some obvious high rolls here we're gonna get a whooper singer codabean i like codabane honestly it's good that's fine give me a three-five baby no justice in the world now rush warrior is scary right they can clear boards pretty well so i'm gonna have to keep reloading board after board after board like i i am so sick of these bumper cars dude as far as i like if i could pick a car to be banned from duels i might actually pick bumper cars honest to god honest to god i might pick bumper cars it's not a bumper cars problem it's a special delivery problem really right but i might pick the bumper cars i swear to god swear to god i hate bumper cars so much it's just so much value and one card turns into what did we say one bumper car turns into what six cards or something no no more than that because each of these is two they get four each of these that's eight um like like one card turns into ten cards or something [Music] hate it hate it hate it here for a good time i hate it well what do you think trudy's alignment does that mean you think it has a chance to be alive still or not i'm not sure if i'm interpreting your message right all right let's see what we roll here first actually i don't think we kill the rush minion dewey it's like he's got so many anyway it's not gonna matter much face damage might actually be a legitimate check on this game so hyena uh should i try to roll a misha here i really wanted wild spirits you trade the three went in i mean this will still die though misha misha won't really help right because this will die to the sparking anyway no we don't change anything stick to the plane i mean okay whatever low roll city over here low roll city low roll city of course it is definitely life still you really think so i don't know man i'm not sure i'm not sure i i think it's going to be really hard to make it work well for a good time here for a good time for a good time it's basically half the payoff it used to be it's in my opinion which is still maybe a reasonable payoff but will people be willing to run it you know may not pay off quite enough okay moon prey does a lot of work here i don't feel like it's my best turn ever though the good news is with this deck for the first time ever really i feel like we actually do have the way to sort of um put the dormant in the middle for sparking right dude give me a good actual minion wild seeds are ticking me off today ticking me off dude [Music] am i in a bad mood no i'm in a great mood i'm actually actually having a pretty good mood today to be honest i probably just i'm probably in a good mood enough to actually beam a little bit it's probably what the difference is here okay tame beast animal canadian seems fine to me somehow we're still pretty far ahead here oh my okay did not think about positioning a lot right here to be honest but i think we're still gonna go face quite a bit there is a world where killing both of these might matter because these are usually two health i don't think positioning here is very good by the way i should have maybe put this in the middle of the huffer of course we didn't know it was offered yet but we could we could have figured that out it's probably a boo-boo okay so damage is coming together nicely we're at 17 here to go we've got eagle horn in hand we've got unleash the hounds can actually do quite a bit of damage as well which seems nice i guess that positioning didn't actually matter that much after all it's good news uh i think they could hit that one there first and got an extra damage maybe right i don't know doesn't matter okay so maybe we just start weaving in eaglehorn bow hits and like play for a hounds victory later i kind of want to start hitting face more right uh hounds can do a ton of damage especially with fresh scent right any time they go white on board this punish is really hard blessed with hero power like yeah we're getting really close to ending so i think this is the right way to turn the corner king's on a friend oh okay a big taunt i really did not expect to see that i guess but it's okay we'll just gorgon through it honestly push more pressure here um going on at six is a little weird it's floating in mana a little bit right that's kind of strange but it's not bad we go we have other weapons yeah not a ton but we probably go we're in a good spot honestly dream grove's up in two turns we still actually kind of have you know a weapon attack here if we we want some some ability to clear minions for whatever reason okay so oh whoa double romania that's cool if he attacks with this one now though doesn't it uh overwrite the other one maybe i don't know how that works but oh no he's gonna attack with this one again of course never mind that certainly makes more sense i think have any lethals here right i mean huffer actually could be uh huffer could be the lovely old huffer nice dude this run my rng has been absolutely crazy this run i can't even play this because we always just win too effectively i'm so sad i want to play dream girl before it's over oh dude this is the craziest like this is good but we just don't need it it's just it's all extraneous throw a game so i can play dream growth right yeah let's keep actually this pair is just so nuts sometimes hyena early can also be nuts i don't think we keep fresh scent though or or definitely not kotobane i would like a one drop if i can get one you know it seems like those whoopers hangers are coming fast already okay so carrot on the stick is in the hand this could be a twig game do we have the fallout for twig this could draw a ton of cards if they played a minion so that would be really good for twig oh they play minion okay so this could be a prime twig turn okay this is actually the ultimate twig setup honestly insane twig setup all right i guess only get one minute off the of this i don't know why i'm so excited about a single minion here but but uh it's it's good this this works whatever all right frenzied fangs okay wooper singers are good to see for sure uh let's just make it bigger right okay this is a free attack i guess i don't know doesn't matter too much okay that's a good turn to all right 10 mana i do actually kind of need them to kill some minions right like i need a little bit of weight to draw cards i mean i may not this this could be enough to win the game obviously but it would be nice if we had a little way to draw some cards cause i'm just like you know gotta spend some mana here i guess a dream grove ring off the top might be nice i don't really kill this right i just sort of ignore this don't i i guess it could be buffed i guess it could be buffed is this a run carried over from yesterday no started it an hour and a half ago it is uh just a very fast run it's just we're just hammering people so far i don't know so how much change you have on board with 12 16 another another five from the weapons 21 plus three from the hero power is 24 damage on board so no lethals yet quick oh void is actually really good shoot that's a strong answer man how much i have to respect these idiots at least a little i think hounds would be a nice draw by the way okay get four to two hounds i believe zuka's kind of a dead draw let's see what cotton bane does he draw hounds he could but i'm gonna have less space for it yeah he does throw the hounds okay i think i'll still go for three hounds right code by the way is an excellent draw three hounds still has to be worth it because they get buffed it's so clean we'll just tidy up some of these i think i'll still go face a fair bit right now um we still have quite a bit of face damage coming through here maybe shore up the health on this one some a couple of these ain't gonna kill me right now anyway maybe eventually okay that was a great reload now they wipe this board we just get a billion cards and start over right we just go again codabane was clutched out fill that tin mana oh sure it's good sure it's good i can buff one more time here um is this any kind of lethal if they don't do anything else 8 11 14 and this adds six is 20 23 25 26 this is less damage than that oh that's a battle cry though so i think i have exactly 27. i think maybe i have exactly 27. i need to double check the math but i i think i have exactly 27. i think we can just leave zuka for the battlecry i thought this was an on attack trigger unless they clear something they clear something we won't but or is this this is started turn right so that's not yeah okay they're clearing something oh they they clearly so no longer a lethal unfortunately i don't think really close though be quick a little worried about dying there's like this little hint of death kind of lingering over me here [Music] just a hair nerve-wracking i don't love the hint of death hanging over me oh i should have buffed whoops ignore that don't look at that i didn't get a man of all that ignore it like we can just throw this in for um card draw right it's fine i guess i don't really need it but you never know ignore that you didn't see it saving it for a key minion later right that's the plan circle just just discover man i feel like we're just kind of barely that void was so good early right it really i needed i don't quite have like the the push here yet you know we need a little more push radiant is getting sniped that's good okay hopefully that disrupts quite a bit here handmaiden's too slow right there's no there's no way maybe if they had zero mana stuff off off the radio level but oh that doesn't matter nothing in my hand that's good enough okay yeah i mean they did a really i would say oh oh hold up what is that focused will oh my god i think they have khadgar's so there are actually still zero amount of players but still appears to not be enough yep okay yeah man they have a really good effort in trying to stabilize this i'll be honest we did as always kind of broken stuff and they um they gave it a really good go the void early was a big answer like given how much we just completely cheesed that i think that was a very very noble effort by them well played feels kind of bad to take those uh this is a good buff just follow up yeah big pressure hit yeah i mean these are all actually pretty good synergy cards but we don't need it it's all extraneous all right so i'm going to keep bow actually as a high roll option for twig again it could be obviously insane do i ever keep ringing for that as well i don't think so we have we have the ability to draw big stuff later it's fine we draw a lot of cards in this deck right so okay not a lot of beasts early makes me nervous um twig would make me less nervous but i don't have coins so twig even is a little slower than normal no twigs that's definitely a woke cleaver then we need to get a good big start here give me a dinathius early oh i told you we'd get the the dreamgrove ring back then atherius razorball's okay really just any any minion is good and a beast in particular can really get our chains moving like you know get our stuff going oh i'd like that to die but i have no way to kill it the poacher's not such a good role right unfortunately not a beast and not especially large either so a bit of a laurel i do again love that we're getting damaged though we'll cleavers doing nine is not something to scoff at that is a ton of pressure for a deck like this and it's very early too so it's hard for them sometimes to interact with that this guy's gonna be insane here oh my god is it insane wow shoot okay um worshiper helps me kill the rokara here but so does team beast i also need to kill the spirit of the rhinos the problem right i have three really high priority targets here rocaro was so good hero power hit i mean uh i i think i gotta kill the big one first rider i'm never gonna get around it it's just too big attack first to discover i don't discover this is a woke cleaver and just summon a random minion something like a gargon would be insane but i can't i can't get i can't guarantee that let's start here and see what we find i'm worried this is going to get too big but we'll have to just figure it out cotto bain okay all right um yeah i don't know this is not my favorite turn but one real car is not the end of the world maybe i think this could be worse in the scheme of things this this feels like the best way to go through that turn i guess by some logic i could kill the big rocara but this deals with two of three annoying threats and this one now doesn't scale quite as scary right so oh you guys know how i feel about bumper cars dude i freaking hate bumper cars dude i hate them oh you're kidding help there goes this game that's gonna be a real pain can i finish a 5-3 rokara easily i guess eaglehorn bow actually worshipper's not bad either okay this could be worse i wish this was a cleaner curve fit could go fresh scent and tame beast and then beast and tutu into rocara press it into the two four i like that that fits the curve a little better actually one of these always goes to three for the rocara so that could do its own thing and then i could fresh scent but this might get three and then fresh scent it's only beasts now let's just do it this way this isn't super tidy but i draw a card which could also be nice let's actually draw the card first here wooper singer okay i mean we get through the real car problem i'm not really too far behind on board explosive trap deals with a lot of the one ones and stuff eaglehorn can kill the zero three so i could go or worship or two is fine worshipper explosive trap next turn might help me stabilize right these old bones just keep moving hey that's not inherently bad yet again the explosive trap deals a lot of this so worshipper actually do we go on the parade leader for the worshiper or the eaglehorn into the well i mean explosive's always happening right the question is what's next i think i like eaglehorn because we have a secret upright so parade leader i should be able to deal with pretty easily in the future but if if well if they do this ordering correctly right the rhino won't matter this turn but this might if they play like a five five the buff still matters so i think i hit the two three first killing the zero three keeps from having a board after explosive no cause this is only the turn their summit so as i said if i trust that they're going to play it correctly they'll attack first and then some of the dudes anyway yes if they played incorrectly and summoned the dudes then attacked this would keep them alive but they shouldn't do that anyway right they should just play it correctly right so i think we kill this in other words we trust that they play it right that they attack first then summon their guys it's functionally the same difference to us even if they do play it incorrectly it's kind of like they played it correctly if if they if you know what i mean like if they some of the dudes first it's kind of the same difference i guess so but but anyway the net upside to us is still basically non-existent we assume good faith i think and and play it as if they're playing it right no not a meanwhile attacking immune the turn their summons so see that's what i mean like they just play it after right and you're in you're basically in the same spot so i don't think there's a lot of upside to holding okay this looks like honestly a pretty good six turn we probably still just hit the rhino here um i guess a huffer would be kind of nice to kill someone ones or something okay i'll take that and then this just becomes a monster reload with some buffed dudes right i'll take the damage over huffer i'm not as worried about immediate face damage in this matchup there's always some with like etc plays but 29 feels okay huffer being alive matters all right need this reload actually i hope they do kill some stuff it's nice not having a potion of sparking at least for my boards right potion sparking was always really gross against me so it's really relieved to see that that's not here we're getting close to dream grove which could be the win we need right you can just get some big uh some big uh like um it's charge minions or whatever ooh gargan you came in a little late buddy but this will help us get you there this will help us you'd love to see it so pray here actually we go pray here to kill this with the gargon probably huh hit here with a gorgon i don't know kind of too lazy to take the time to figure it out with this deck you know i'm just just oh dude hounds is really good too shoot hyena hounds is crazy good oh dude should have played the hanging at first anyway honestly in hindsight uh okay we're still gonna do this eat the miss play eat the miss play they say i guess it wasn't misplaced we didn't know we had the hounds just yet right we didn't know drawing a billion cards over but it doesn't matter we have all that we need oh this is a good draw too shoot excellent okay so this guy becomes a win condition by himself which is nice i mean they obviously could have stuff to clear him but it's still really good that he's such a threat here okay we have gorgon for another swing here he's a big old 4-6 which is cool everything got buffed remember so that's nice big old seven seven bubba i'm sure they could deal eight right there's a lot of charge rushman's in this deck eight doesn't seem that crazy oh or just top deck the necrotic poison that helps too yeah that's not bad that is scary oh my god oh my god [Music] that is a lot of damage suddenly holy crap dream grove ring i'm gonna need you they left both these out uh this deals seven steals eight not enough bubba hits for six i don't have the follow-up and i draw a billion cards i have any way to kill these both plus hero power five that's too much mana though i can't play stag charge and hero power with this right it's too much mana i don't know man this sucks i'm in trouble here a little bit i think i think we just make it really small though and then just hope for the best i guess i don't know like if it's small it can't do a lot right so it can hit once and then it it i guess it could deal 12 here though still god that's oh that sucks shoot 12 is actually so much i'm gonna need well number one i need to be alive that's not a given number two i need a crazy dream go dream grove ring okay that was a very confident face attack which makes me very nervous right very nervous seems like i'm dead oh god oh god oh god oh god i need charge minions off this dream grove dude i need like like uh okay that's not that's not necessarily awful i don't know what that's gonna be but it's not lethal at least right okay i mean dream grove i need heals taunts or charge like you know five um five alleges could be the win right five ragnaros would be awesome uh [Music] this didn't have any board based oh it does deal damage off the kobold sand trooper well okay i don't know there might be a way to play this organically with like bubba and well actually i don't know bubba doesn't do enough right i would need to find two more for the post bubba so i think we just play i think we just play i think we play dream growth and hope for the best here i honestly even if we lose like like this is probably statistically a better play and figure something out but i just want to play it what did i say what did i say to you chat what did i say to you chat oh face no what did i say to you chad this is dude this run i cannot call shots better than this man i do not understand at all oh my god dude dude dude this run is crazy my rng i've never had rng like this in my life is that 10 in a row i think maybe yeah 10 in a row basically since we got the um well one before then but also since we got the ledger loot we just ran over it this is probably the luckiest stools run i've ever had in my life yeah i think i like actually both these okay we might need to kill some early imps and stuff both of these are good at killing imps is that the imperial power or is that the discard hero power i don't know maybe i keep this i don't know i don't know i don't know that's that's that's the that's the discard one not the imp one never mind scratch everything i said oh genethrous earlier we gonna win this with a big d can we win with the big denaturius robes and eerie stone wow those are not the like highest tempo to be at 11 wins that's crazy they must have a really fast deck somehow like really good imps or something or oh oh boy uh-oh the game does not want us to win what it's back the game does not want us to win team i mean i can get a five-five but it's gonna take a minute currently it's turn five turn four before i get a five five here i don't even have a turn to play okay that's a good one actually that's nice oh that's a good roll oh well um when does that come up uh the uh is that gonna come up before this i don't know actually now no i'm sad oh dude that's gonna be good for them guys it's all falling apart here oh okay we kind of won that quality roll there i got time for this right because this is a turn it's gonna be a turn for don't be huffer don't be huffer don't be a huffer maybe we just do this then huh oh god i actually i don't want all of these right we need a little diversity here i've been looking for these the whole run and now i get all stacks gosh dang it um so next turn we go tame b's mutating pretty much always i think i doubt an animal company feels better oh never mind it does scratch that mutating sucks against the 1 4 scratch that gets this weapon right scratch that and what companion it is gotta go wide against this weapon right all right we got a five five we got an animal companion we got a two-two and we got these guys coming up next turn which is nice this is a good turn yeah i mean the five-five off the weapon is definitely not the high roll right that's not the result you're looking for but it's okay it's a free five-five right it's not bad next turn's a little clunky though hero power companion maybe we're going to have a weapon that hits which is nice zanatharius is not getting big yet we don't have a lot of tokens but we're going to start drawing finally off these so our plays will get better here in a minute i think more rapidly barons scavenger whoa they must have started out with like an empty deck plan of some kind probably for that um whoa fists of jaraxxus that's insanely cool okay oh wound pray is actually nice for us from a math standpoint let's let's honestly uh let's let's trade the minion in maybe i don't know that's actually not that good of math we can just do the same thing with the two two here not really feel too bad about it let's see if we get well i don't know there's not really a lot of good roles here this turns a little clunky isn't it snipe i guess with another opinion is fine it's just not great again just doesn't feel like a really powerful play this again feels a bit like a waste although now we could do the two small minions with this but it's just off curve again it's all just really clunky just a little clunky here maybe should have drawn first made a better call i don't know it's not like i'm doing bad i have a six-four chill in here that's just kind of free this stage it feels like so we'll be all right just clunky okay that math's not bad at all there just doing three of these that's good i think you still use the weapon if you're the warlock don't you do you burn a durability i would i would do it oh never mind they have a cheap play scratch that i wouldn't do it why is that zero oh robes of shrinking of course yeah sick take it back i wouldn't do it all right we got a long way to go here i feel like man just do this it just makes a big guy he puts a lot of threat on board actually uh if they decide to aoe it like okay go for it i don't know you're gonna take a lot of uh they're gonna get a lot of hounds in hand i guess they're not really their hands too full but so hit this guy some kind of aoe maybe they got 38 to go here's a long way to go but zadatharis is getting fed right this is the this is the move towards the atherius basically we're saying all right i'm gonna win this game with big d it's gonna be a pretty special way to cap off the run honestly man they actually had a shadow spell for bubba which sucks oh thankfully stone bound does a good job at cleaning up a little bit of this though maybe anyway oh nice a second bubba off the grim rally that's insanely cool actually i am jealous dude that's a cool play room rally's really good in a eerie deck huh so jealous dude all right gorgon i mean we know that next bubba is coming again are we really worried about it not really with hounds right let's just play our game we're not going to stress about it too much we still have a lot of health right so we're kind of chilling for now sort of stranded easy kill for the with the guy bubba i have a minute for this weapon attack am i playing a weapon next turn ever ah doubt i really need to i have a lot of good plays let's just chill might help some math on bubba or something okay so we're just trying to line up good danathy's plays right he's already at 16 about to be 19. i'm gonna draw a lot more cards again but that's no problem yet i mean this game it actually could be a problem frankly like we might draw too many this game is going pretty long so far it's a battle of titans here right now so we'll see i guess all right that's really actually a little clunky here hounds plus injections probably okay-ish that puts a hound at five the hound or wound prey could tidy it up i guess um i love this turn but just kind of abiding my time again right not in a huge hurry just sort of playing for danathrius i should have actually played this first i will before i trade anymore right let's do that or do we rather have volper singers in maybe i'd rather just have wolverines in um yeah and in fact i think we kill this i think we'll leave up the one one right who cares gonna hit here i don't care about killing that so much right now so we're at 23 he's at 33. of course there can also be minions on board so that alone is not a sufficient number yet i have so many good plays in hand i don't know what to do ever it's just like play one of a million cards we've still got 15 in deck for fatigue so that seems okay wouldn't mind getting the dream grove ring but everything else you know can go away i don't care oh there was a combo set up here okay yeah we see the phylactery was the kind of root of this deck a while ago maybe they do have another naval mine now which is a bit spooky they used uh a shadow spell so let's keep that in mind did we just go for the big oh no i jinxed it it jinxed it it's gonna play cards guys i don't know it's one of those words like it's just i don't know a million things are happening i'm just gonna play some cards we'll figure it out later we'll figure it out later right amazing basically just saying i want to get a big denatures for next turn right as big as i can maybe 25. free minions is not good ever i don't want them getting free minions hoping they trade in a little bit here clear my board a little bit right and then we just go for the win maybe i'm gonna be close to fatigue i have seven minions on board that are all beasts so we could be five cards down for fatigue next turn down to down to down down to five i mean yeah hopefully this is enough with the weapon and atherius they haven't been building like crazy board results like they've mostly been kind of responding to my boards but if they kill him i mean the shadow spells obviously they could play a lot of minions so there you go precisely yeah um but of course my denatrix also gets bigger in in kind so can we find a good window here ultimate we're getting infused by these is so sick oh my god that's cool okay that's fine even value trades here one health is not a lot right so if there's just a bunch of one health stuff on board we don't really care which a lot of my minions were gonna be one health minions so that's nice four on board surly mom so they have four health here is that it okay uh seven health here so there are 34 and i have 36. wow dude look at this danatrius for lethal to cap off the 12 win run can you freaking believe it so sick dude what a perfect 11 wins in a row dude unreal 11 in a row crazy dude actually insane deck honestly just really really insane deck good gold hey rhondma with 10 gifted subs to celebrate holy crap congrats to shadow jonathan nathan eater me37 rise gmac odron audicool jaunty domo and smeat good ol smee thanks guys for the the celebrations i think that was the only time we played atheists yeah we played dream grove ring one time to win the game and we played danathorius one time to win the game on the final two games of the run how crazy is that how crazy guys i'm about to pee my pants [Music] [Music] you
Channel: RegisKillbin
Views: 128,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vfRC3E00RZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 49sec (5389 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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