Passive Income: How I Make $5000 Per Day

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you ever just you ever just run out of money and you quickly have to make some more here this is my favorite way of making money here do one more here that's perfect excel yeah so you draw some money right and then whenever you need to access it just take it and bam what this is really by far the most efficient way of getting money fast but we've got one more hold on ah that feels good perfect zach king taught me that one no i'm just kidding that was the government let's begin shy my name is andre jake hope you're doing well come for the finance and stay for the magic the magic of finance today i want to respond to an article from the business insider that was published just this week revealing how much money i make from youtube and i was thinking the other day hmm never in a million years would i believe myself if i told myself that just a few years later from starting youtube the people that i would watch on youtube that i respected and admired would eventually become my friends and i would also get to hang out with them and get to know them and host them at my house that i also bought because of youtube what a crazy cool story and it happened in such a relatively short amount of time just two and a half years later and if you remember watching my journey from the beginning i used to make these videos about how much money i used to make which was nothing at the time and i think it's only fair that i share with you how much money i'm making now in hopes that it encourages someone out there to talk with their friends and their family members about how much money they're making and what they're saving and what they're investing into because i feel like it's not a conversation we have often enough the money talk and i do think that it really helps everyone the more we know about each other but ultimately i hope that this video inspires someone out there to pursue their dream just like i did mine with youtube so two and a half years later and here's where i'm at right now so this is the business insider article right here written by amanda pirelli which opens up by saying that i earned over a hundred thousand dollars my first year of youtube which is actually true this is my youtube dashboard right here in real time where you can see i earned exactly 122 952 dollars in 2019 which never in a million years that i imagined that i could crack six figures my first year because my last position which i worked for almost 10 years i got to 62 000 but maybe that's because i was just teaching people how to do magic tricks and uh what's this metazu or an omi logo i don't know so that was one of the reasons why i quit which is also when i realized that maybe the best way to have increased my salary was just to move to a different company but that's not a luxury you have when you're in the magic industry because it is a very very small industry so that 122 952 i used to pay off all my parents debts and i bought them a house so that is money i don't have anymore the article then goes on to say that after almost three years of doing youtube and i make more than that in a single month which is also true in february this year i made a little over 170 thousand dollars of youtube ad revenue which i should just keep going with the video but let me just step outside myself what that doesn't even sound real that's not normal people on the internet are like yeah i make a million dollars a month i became a billionaire when i was five but this is not normal and it's not relatable but i'm very grateful and i'm very thankful to be in this position it's just crazy like never would i have ever imagined that i would ever get to this point but i guess it just goes to show you what can happen if you stick to your original strategy you do what you love even when no one is paying attention and even when no one's looking just keep on going but youtube ad revenue represents a smaller portion of my monthly revenue which i'll get into later in the video the article then goes on to give a brief history of my background as a circus kid which if you didn't already know now you know i used to be part of a circus family because my parents used to perform all over the world in the circus and one thing i learned really early on is that entertainers and i'm talking about all sorts of performers are very very bad at managing money and if they're really good at making money they're just not good at keeping it so it's easy come and easy go and this is why we read articles about professional athletes making millions of dollars only to go broke just a few years later no my parents did not make millions of dollars they topped out at roughly 65 to 70 000 a year at their peak but everyone lived paycheck to paycheck that was totally normal nobody talked about dividend investing or real estate we weren't exposed to that those are not the conversations people were having and everyone did this it was perfectly normal and credit card debt was also very normal because all of us were immigrants and so those concepts of credit cards weren't even a thing in the countries we were from but that was the background that led me to become obsessed about personal finance and investing and saving money because i wanted to create a better circumstance for myself which is ultimately what led me to create videos about robin hood and investing in the stock market and bitcoin and all the fun stuff you see on youtube today now having said all that my two main sources of income here on youtube is youtube ad revenue and affiliate marketing and here's a breakdown of that youtube ad revenue is how i make money from people watching my videos the more views my videos get the more money i get to make now i can't pick which ads get shown to you but i can pick where to put them along my video so if you've ever watched a youtube video and you're like huh that's an oddly perfect place to put an ad it's almost like someone put it there that's because probably someone manually did now the amount of money that i get to make from ad revenue has almost nothing to do with the amount of subscribers i have and this i feel like is the biggest confusion for people outside of youtube they see someone with maybe 10 000 subscribers and they're like that person's not making much money but the truth is people with less than 100 000 subscribers could make hundreds of thousands of dollars it just depends on how those people choose to monetize their channel and the type of content they make and the type of companies that compete to be shown on their videos for example if i made a channel on youtube teaching people how to do awesome card tricks like these that would be a lot of fun for me but the truth is i would not make a lot of money from ad revenue trust me i've tried and this is because the audiences of those channels and of those videos are not really a high priority for advertisers a perfect example is my most popular video on my entire youtube channel is this one now you see me two recreated in real life that video has over 26 million views which is bonkers even by youtube standards that's a lot of views and throughout the lifetime of that video i've only made about six and a half thousand dollars which yes is a lot of money but in relation to how many views it has it is very little and in comparison to my highest grossing video which is this one my seven passive income ideas this one has only three million views eight times less views but over the lifetime of that video it has earned over 56 000 so literally eight times more money even though i have eight times less views and this makes perfect sense because the type of people that were viewing the now you see me video are traditionally from countries that advertisers place a lower dollar priority on and this makes sense because people of those countries are probably earning less money instead they want to put the dollars toward the video which gets views from people that are earning more money because those are the people that are more likely to spend the money people from the united states canada australia the uk countries like that but it goes even deeper than that because it depends on the type of industry and the age of your audience as well typically the sweet spot is between the ages of 25 to 34 and 35 to 44. that's when most people are at the peak form the final form power level over 9000. that's where most of my audience happens to fall under which makes perfect sense because if you're watching financially related videos on youtube chances are you're from a wealthier part of the world and you probably make enough money to want to watch these videos so you can learn how to invest that money makes perfect sense it's also why it's true according to the article my ad rate is 32 that's what we like to call in the industry the cpm rate or the click per ml or how much i make for every 1 000 views now for reference that is extremely high and that's because of the industry that i'm in so for example if you go to a website like you can see that it's guessing that i'm making between 754 to 12 000 a month which is also wrong because it assumes a cpm rate of between 25 cents to four dollars for every 1 000 views now that probably is the average for the platform but you have to remember this is the world of finance where we have multi-billion dollar companies like banks and credit card companies and brokerages exchanges affiliate marketers crypto companies and those people have a lot more money to spend on advertising which is why they can pay channels like mine 32 dollars because you are so much more valuable to them that's the cpm rate which does not take into consideration youtube's cut of 30 the real rate of how much i keep not how much i make but how much i keep is the rpm the revenue per ml and the revenue per ml looks at all the views across my channel including ones not monetized and after youtube takes this 30 cut now my true rate is 17 that is extremely high but i've seen higher the reason it's not higher for me is because of videos like now you see me for example which again has a lot of views but has a lower cpm rate which contributes to my dilution another reason is because if you're a smaller creator and if you get less views your advertisers are much more concentrated but as soon as you start to get a hundred thousand views on your videos advertisers are like here's a teeth whitening product instead someone's gonna buy it and so because of that variety the dilution is higher which means the rpm rate is a little bit lower so that is ad revenue and that is the second highest revenue stream for me the first highest according to the business insider is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is this when you sign up with the link down below to coinbase with coupon code jig10 you can get 10 of free bitcoin if you land on a page called hi android viewers and sign up through it you get ten dollars worth of free bitcoin that's a real affiliate link and seriously if you want up to ten dollars worth of free bitcoin go sign up and there's your bitcoin see that is the sneaky way of making money with affiliate marketing that is my favorite way of making money because everyone is a winner the company that i refer you to is winning because they get a new customer you win because you get free money and i win because i get to make some money on the side now at the peak of crypto this year which i believe was in march i referred this is not gonna sound real this is gonna sound like i made it up but i promise it's not i referred 54 million dollars of customer deposits to various different companies not just the one and this 54 million dollars no i did not keep i got to make a small percent of that in commission and of the 54 million dollars my commission was 277 000 which is insane that is a lot of money right but that is not the crazy part it's not the amount of money i made but it's my conversion rate because the conversion rate for those affiliates was about 30 which is huge that's like if three people get sent a link one of them is going to take the action of signing up depositing money and the other two just go off and pick their nose which doesn't sound impressive but believe it or not in the world of the internet a conversion rate of one to five percent is good that's considered standard so the reason that mine is so high is because the affiliates that i try to talk about on my channel are extremely generous like this one for example forward slash andre by signing up with this link down below and depositing your money into block file you can get up to 250 worth of free bitcoin see there goes one right there or this one with gemini if you buy a hundred dollars worth of bitcoin you can get 25 worth of free bitcoin which is awesome so these are all affiliate links and again it's my favorite way because i think everyone's a winner and the last source of my income is through sponsorships altogether i've made a little over a hundred thousand dollars in sponsorships this year but i also started relatively recently and the reason that it's taken me almost three years to finally start doing them is because from the beginning i told myself andre if your channel ever becomes successful you can't be paid to make positive glowing reviews about one company because that's not what builds trust and even though i don't take myself very seriously i do silly magic tricks and i make bubble heads when i talk about finance i've taken what i do seriously because money is as serious as it gets it literally runs the course of our lives and the kind of person i want to personally watch on youtube is someone who is as objective as possible which is why i've structured my income streams the way that i have now i'm not perfect because of course if one of my income streams makes me a lot more money then of course i'm going to talk about it and promote it a lot more but if people want me to talk about something else that is objectively better than i have the freedom to cover it without being legally obligated to make a positive glowing review so that's the trade-off at the end of the day i work for you i don't work for the companies trying to sponsor me because they wouldn't even be trying to sponsor me if it wasn't for you watching my videos so please continue watching my videos or else i'll starve the grand total across all of my income streams from ad revenue to affiliate marketing is gonna be revealed at the end of the year when i know exactly what i've made because the next two to three months fluctuate and usually at the end of the year companies increase their marketing budget so we should see a higher ad rate but we can't know for sure if you'd like to know how much i made in total smash the like button subscribe and hit the bell button and you'll be notified the moment i post that video oh and the last source of revenue is product sales which is from zero to a which is my class on teaching people how to run a successful youtube channel but it's not something i ever talk about or promote which is why i only made about forty four thousand dollars from it this year which is still a lot of money but a smaller percent from the total pie because again i never talk about it in the meantime don't forget to have a great rest of your day smash the like button subscribe if you haven't already go get those two free stonks with weeble affiliates go track them automatically with patreon linked down below love you thank you so much for watching this video and we'll see you back here on monday friday sometimes a wednesday i'll see you soon bye
Channel: Andrei Jikh
Views: 400,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how much money do youtubers make, how much i make, how much youtube pays me, shiba inu, dogecoin, bitcoin, best stocks, stock market, passive income, cryptocurrency, crypto, robinhood, robinhood app, best trading app, stocks, dividends, dividend stocks, investing, investing for beginners, stock options, best stock trading app, credit score, real estate 101, andrei jikh, best investments, best investment, ethereum, m1 finance, how to become a millionaire, bitcion, business insider
Id: TnEgkJ1zK_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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