Passive aggressive #Antifa doesn't understand 'No means no '

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anyways what you're saying man i am asking you to consider removing yourself from this space because of the way that your presence is perceived i am doing this as a courtesy and on behalf of the organizers of this merch because i'm one of the people who's appointed as a liaison today we're not looking for angry or violent confrontations neither am i and we're asking that people in this space remain respectful and cognizant of the effect that their presence and actions have on others in their general vicinity my presence of me standing here is not harming anyone and i'll stand here thank you i'm again going to reiterate that we're asking people to remain cognizant of how their presence and actions are perceived and affect the people around them not themselves and like that and your answer is okay thanks for letting me know that indicated that that is not what you got from what i said my answer is i'm going to stand where i'd like to stand this is a public area and i'm going to stand here thank you if you can stop asking me that question because it sounds like a threat okay then then i don't know why i don't know i just wait wait wait so you're because you're perceiving my calm words as a threat right because you keep saying i'm asking you to basically you're asking me what and i'm saying no and i'm saying please leave me alone so stop asking doesn't know me no right so okay so no means no so if i say no you need to stop made it very clear that you you just communicated that you thought that my calm words were threatening i and and you don't there's an implication there there's an indication that presence might be threatened but there's an implication there that that you're you keep asking me to go as if or what and what if i say no no we're just spending now all right well you can ask all you want and the answer is no all right you understand okay i understand thank you all right thanks for the info can you please leave me alone i'd like to stand here um without being harassed thank you please keep in mind oh i'm standing here not currently throughout the rest of your time here i walked up and was and someone threw glitter on me i didn't do what did i say what did i do i'm sorry i don't know what i did i don't know what the problem is you think i can talk to these people look at these people i tried i did i did okay and they all surrounded me with signs blocking my camera pushing me so so i don't know why why not having this chat with them the pagitators the people who are pushing me out of this space with physical force why are you not talking to them from their pers from from my perspective from anyone's perspective i'm being pushed if you look at somebody literally pushing someone out of a space that's not a it's not subjective perception you're you're watching them push me physically out of the space how how is that my perception that's not that's that's your perception without the context that other people have told my perspective my perspective is that i'm not that my perception is that i'm being pushed out of a place because i literally physically am being pushed out of a place but that's just my perception of it okay well i don't care why they acted the way they acted i was like i don't know why you're talking to me why aren't you having a conversation with them because you need to understand that people are going to react to your presence if they don't know what you're doing i think they need to understand that violence is not okay and that they shouldn't be violent okay pushing me out of the park we are here talking to you because part of our role here today is to maintain a safe and inclusive space okay and thank you for your service you didn't really do much when i was getting pushed out of the park did you so [Applause] [Music] you be the entire focus all right and your perspective when did i do that when did i um when did i do that ma'am if you're recording it you can listen to it later okay i'm sure you can hear it right so you just say things without actually finding that i've mentioned how other people might be perceiving you right i understand that they perceive that way and that's what's your point okay i understand do i know that you understand i was walking around i don't like the way that i'm talking to my friend here um they're invading on my space did you extrapolate on what you said that might have taken them no i actually can't because i i don't know why they'd have such uh you know i don't i actually don't know why they have this reaction i i have done nothing i i think i know because i was talking to some of the proud boys over there and asking them for details about this and their gentlemen start recording me right so jump by association next to a proud boy i think they think that i'm with them so one of them also pointed out that i um my pin called me a zionist or something so they're apparently anti-semitic so i don't know why these anti-semites are pushing me out of a park and you guys are talking to me so let's not go there oh nobody is let's not go out that is not the discussion right now well that's what they that's why they were threatened by me because apparently but what i'm saying is if you thought that they were uh put off by your association by talking to people it would be a good idea to make yourself clear that you are not associated with that um i i i i so are you blaming what i'm like i mean no no no no i'm saying you don't if people perceive people see that you need to be able to communicate that sounds that sounds like the argument like what was she wearing argument like yes it does you're blaming the victim here i i if you're saying that i'm responsible for the violence against me because i'm not making myself i'm not wearing the right thing no that's what you're saying no you just your presence is unclear here that's all it's running there's tons of people walking around that dude's presence is unclear here that guy is on presence your voice yeah i don't yeah are you that's just tongue policing oh yeah i'm not shaking up because i just got attacked okay so it's indicating that you're extremely stressed bothered yes because you're because people are physically attacking me and wanting to purchase violence against me like this guy's staring at me yeah i know but it's just it's very intimidating you know don't you understand are you just saying this from mine no no try and call it take the breath better oh my god one of the physically yeah well i highly doubt that but but um no these guys already did physically attack me though nobody physically attacked you missed it sir move you away okay yeah i think pushing someone out of a public space is is kind of uh on the um the line there between hey can i go over there by city hall can i go over there by the way i just cannot change what's already happened and i understand that that was another okay and i'm done that's why i'm standing here i understand that that was an uncomfortable situation it was very thank you it seems to continue to be uncomfortable i can report that at least for me and for a number of other folks that it has been uncomfortable for us as well okay it continues to be uncomfortable all right thanks for that input is there any is there any way that you can think of that would end that tension and make everyone feel a little bit more comfortable you should probably ask the people who are doing this um i i don't know because i'm just a bystander watching this event unfold and i'm being attacked so i so i don't know why you're talking the wrong person here okay trying to find out what would make you more comfortable what would make me feel more comfortable is if you guys would stop talking to me first of all because i would like to stand here and observe the events that are going on in my city and um i don't really need this lecture because right you guys have been talking to me for like 15 minutes and and i keep telling you the same thing i i don't know what you're trying to accomplish here do you want me to like go away or something i i don't know like i mean what is your ultimate goal what what so i made it very clear from the time that i initially engaged you in conversation that your presence here is creating discomfort right so that's a very positive aggressive way of saying that you want me to leave is that correct that's direct and honest okay and you're saying what then please put it in a simple sentence what do you want me to do your presence here is [Music] it only took 15 minutes to say that you can't say that the first time i talked why don't you just say that though you put it in like a paragraph of a sentence yeah and and the first thing you can watch okay one of the first things i said to you was that i was asking you right and the first thing that i said to you was no thank you very much goodbye okay you have chosen to enter a space while in that space you've made a number of people uncomfortable but i thought this place was increasing i thought this was an inclusive space and so far we've been called zionism yeah and we've been forced to leave for no reason what what have we done that is offensive for all you know we wanted to come and ask for some signs we should well not now okay if a group of people call you a name that's a reason to stop supporting the rights in seattle i've gone through it's not very important people on this side have attacked me and no one on the other side has now if you guys are trying to convince me to join your side is that what you're asking me to do no i'm not we're asking you to not be attacked and harassed when you walk around who want to hit you out and have an open mind how in in what fashion has my behavior [Music] are you here for that reason i might have made that not now i have been where are you i want to learn what you guys have to say well we have this we haven't asked them i know i i don't know the answers i don't want to just hold a sign i don't want to be would you like to go speak with the ass with muslims and people from the muslim community and ask them questions that's a great educational experience that we yeah well but if i walk in there i'm going to be attacked so you want to escort me if you do not act in an aggressive and demeaning man which i haven't the entire time i've been here so we're in a way that may possibly be construed as that i'm standing here right why don't you
Channel: Duerst The Wuerst
Views: 1,882,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lauren southern, sjw, milo yiannopoulos, antifa, milo yiannopoulos feminism, lauren southern man, lauren southern berkeley, lauren southern attacked, lauren southern feminism, lauren southern antifa
Id: Gi8CWmgmx1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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