Man tracks his stolen truck to Oakland, waits hours for police

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any wrongdoing. >> A man in Redwood City says thieves stole and then damaged his pickup truck, but he then used a Bluetooth tracker to find the truck in Oakland. But when he went to the scene, he says he waited hours for police to show up. KTVU crime reporter Henry Lee spoke to the victim, who says he wants authorities to do more. >> I feel like the criminal justice system is failing in California, and it's this is a symptom of it. >> This auto theft victim is frustrated. Video shows a Dodge Charger with three people inside pulling up to his Redwood City home at about two Wednesday morning. They made a beeline to his custom made Dodge Ram pickup truck in the driveway. One guy drives away in his truck, maneuvering around the Tesla that was meant to be a barrier. The victim, who doesn't want his name used, said he tracked a stolen truck to this cul de sac near 99th and Plymouth in East Oakland, and went there himself at 3:45 a.m, the same Dodge Charger that was in front of my house was parked across the street facing that car. >> They covered my vehicle with like a tarp, but they could only cover the front half of it so I could see the back of my truck and I knew it was my truck. >> He called Oakland Police several times but was told no officers were available to respond. I'm telling them I could see the truck. >> I have a tracker. I can remote start it. I can turn on the lights and they're saying too busy, don't care. >> He noticed people on the street looking at him and decided to head back to Redwood City. >> There was guys coming out of the street and there were. It was like I could kind of tell. It was about to get tense. >> He decided to call KTVU at about seven in the morning. We called Oakland Police and that seemed to speed things up. An hour later, he got a call from Redwood City police saying that Oakland police had towed his car. The Marine Corps veteran says he never expected to be treated this way by a law enforcement. >> It wasn't until the news got involved and they're kicking the high gear. >> We were there as he went to the tow yard and picked up his truck. It wasn't all good news. >> I gave up like this many years of my life. For what? Like that's the ultimate feeling. Like, what was this all for? Because I come back home, my truck gets stolen and they're going to do nothing about it. >> Two weeks ago, he believes the same Dodge Charger had been casing his home. That prompted him to install security cameras and use the Tesla as a buffer. We spotted that same charger in East Oakland on Wednesday afternoon. >> The alignment's off and they tore apart the whole driver's side trying to look for the tracker. >> Now he fears the thieves might come back a third time in a matter of time, till it happens again. >> And where is it going to be found next? What are they going to do? How long it's going to take for them to
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 377,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oakland crime, true crime, true crime oakland, bay area crime, oakland, bipping, gta, grand theft auto, auto burglaries, auto theft, brazen crimes, bold burglaries, opd, lawlessness, dodge charger, dodge charges
Id: 9KT3y2gYaQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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