Passing Notes Gets Dramatic

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- Correct, Melissa, the Odyssey is overrated. And today we are going to talk about-- [loudly] Megan, Naomi! How many times do I have to tell you to stop talking in class? - Sorry, Mr. Ferkiss. - We'll be quiet. - I've heard that one before. I'm gonna have to separate you two, okay? Megan, go sit by the window. - What?! - No, please! Mr. Ferkiss: You heard me! Don't make me ask twice, say your goodbyes. [emotional music] - [melodramatically] I don't know how to say goodbye to you. You're like a sister to me. - [melodramatically] This world is cruel and vast, but our friendship can survive. Here, take this parchment, dear sister. Write me. I will write you. We will be together again some day. [music continues] - All right, let's keep it pushin'! Both: [grunting in frustration] - So dumb! Megan: Sorry, excuse me. Mr. Ferkiss: Okay, let's move on. This week, we're talking about Greek philosophy, okay? - [melodramatically] Dearest Naomi, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you from across the classroom. Everything is strange and different. I am seated directly beneath the vent; I do so hope I shant catch a chill, for the heathens and mongrels that surround me will likely be of little help. - Hey, tall girl, I can't see. - [normal voice] Oh, sorry. Oh, I do so miss you, dearest sister from another mister. Love, Megan. [music ends] [parchment paper crinkling] Mr. Furkiss: Odysseus couldn't get from Troy all the way to Greece on just his own little flippers, am I right? [chuckles] And Homer knew that. He was blind, but he wasn't, you know, not on a boat. That's what I always say. Anyway-- ♪♪ [parchment paper crinkling] ♪♪ - Dearest Megan, your letter filled my heart with both joy and sorrow. How I long for the days where we would laugh together, unhindered by the ominous and hateful eye of Mr. Ferkiss. - Part One of the Odyssey is mostly about... - Speaking of, have you noticed that he [normal, disgusted tone] totally has pit stains?! - Boats. Naomi: How embarr! Mr. Ferkiss: Okay? ♪♪ [parchment paper crinkling] ♪♪ [music fades and carefree music begins] - Precious Naomi, I appear to have caught a chill from the harsh climate on this side of the classroom, although the desk over here does come with a pen nook. However, these things bring me no joy, for I am without you. - [sighs] My cherished friend Megan, I apologize for not having written in some time. I come bearing delightful news! I have just been asked to Spring Formal by Jake Patelli. - [chuckles awkwardly] - He is kind and he is handsome and he has a trampoline in his backyard. Megan: Knowing that you are happy brings me joy. This is a monumental occasion and I shant miss it. The world may try to keep us apart, but I will find my way to you. [intense adventure music plays] [flapping of wings] ♪♪ [flapping of wings] - If we are to reunite, we must do so under the most secret of circumstances. - 'Tis a risk I am willing to take, for you are about to embark upon a new life with Jake Patelli and I must know if he is, like, cute and stuff, you know? - Yes, of course, but tread carefully; the consequences could be far greater than we imagined. [thunder roars] [music fades] Mr. Ferkiss: Homer's Greek, Plato's Greek, Play-Doh is also a toy... What is not a toy-- - Okay, he's cute. - Right?! - Yeah. Mr. Ferkiss: Megan! Naomi! Detention! - I was sharpening my pencil! - I didn't do anything-uh. [quick clicking of heels on the ground] - [exhales deeply] Still got it. [spinet chord] - Dearest subscriber, it does appear as though you enjoyed this video, and if that is in fact the case, please be sure to subscribe to our channel. - You can also watch more Studio C sketches on the BYUtv App, or
Channel: Studio C
Views: 77,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BYUtv, BYU tv, BYUtelevision, Studio C, StudioC, comedy, sketch comedy, funny, lol, laugh, snl
Id: nllwMDOAx-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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