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10,000 airline seats or so next year that's fold line is no longer insurers pasta it's becoming an accepted means of public transportation many enthusiasts are designing tomorrow's Atlas Lockheed Boeing or ski there are dozens whose aerodynamics is congressman tries the direct approach his craft is a cross between a Model T and a flying saucer this fellow's on to something with real potential the rocket by an afterburner who's more after than burning finally a man of penetrating vision a dedicated spaceman considerably ahead of his time 19:29 a flight to Los Angeles is leaving from track 16 at New York's Penn Station night-flying is still too hazardous for the commercial passengers overnight lapse in foreman berths daytime segments biplane morning Columbus Ohio now the hectic shuttling between station and airport begin exhilarating way to travel but will their spirits still sore after landing at Indianapolis st. Louis and Kansas City air-ground radio has not yet developed trade terms like Roger Wilco went over and out radio chatter is highly informal t18 Maddox ready of ground station at Wichita westbound plane reporting position we are now passing over Granville okay on your position' are you on time go ahead please we are buying Zach be on schedule will arrive with you two on time okay goodbye so long after Wichita comes Wayne oka Oklahoma the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe is sleeper stops here and our pioneers are drooping first a dusty ride to the depot Oh they roll in the Clovis New Mexico at 8:20 a.m. the line is t-80 a predecessor of TWA now luncheon flight immodest but another of the lines innovation Albuquerque a brief rest from the buzz of the props two Arizona stops done the final lap to Los Angeles a two-day trip 11 stops in all but it beats the fastest train by a day still is it worth $350 new york arriving 420 parallel with expansion across the country airline routes are being thrust overseas in 1931 I am in Charles Lindbergh set out to explore new routes for Pan America for two years he's been helping the airline push south through the Caribbean and Central America this trip is more ambitious and hazardous it will take the Lindbergh's north to the Orient New York to China over the rooftop of the world you Russia on another route survey not so glittering these trips as Lindbergh's not to Paris get some think them equally significant like no one else Lindbergh has both fired public interest in flight and speeded airway expansion now there is intense interest in seaplanes this morass of propellers and struts is an early experiment the 12 engine do acts designed in Germany but built in Switzerland to circumvent the Versailles Treaty she carries 169 persons on one test flight but even with 12 engines she's short on power and won't make the grade as an airliner Sikorski s42 america's first big flying boat even ships like this need big government subsidies to support operations in the engineering labs meantime a masterpiece is taking shape an airliner that will be faster than anything before her safer and much more economical the first transport able without subsidy to turn a profit the Douglas dc-3 she will cruise at 185 carry 21 passengers in 1936 she's ready mrs. Roosevelt christens a dc-3 Eddie Rickenbacker of Eastern Airlines lends a hack i christen you we have fire and take great pleasure in those participating in the inauguration of Eastern Airlines new 20 round trips daily between Washington and New York in 18 months the dc-3 dominates the world scene like British tea and Italian marble most of the major airlines order her for their fleets in the US the transcontinental trip is cut to three stumps takeoff in time for dinner and you're in Los Angeles in the morning there are even berths onboard the one-way fare is down to 150 dollars a match for the railroad good night goodbye airline travel formerly a rich man's mark is beginning to attract a wider public but the real blue sky future still lies ahead wake up it's time to give up and grass by 1941 American commercial aviation is well-established while for engine land planes are making a token first appearance for engine flying boats are winging across both oceans traffic over the Atlantic is especially brisk as diplomats generals businessmen and refugees leapfrog Nazi u-boats for the Pacific run to Hongkong Pan American with Navy encouragement has established bases at promote islands such as Guam and wait here a clipper sets down at wait ground crew uniform is informal while passengers look around not much to see the Clipper is checked and refueled for the next leg to Guam 20 minutes out of wake radio channels throb with a coded message all US airliners head for pre-designated field it is December 7 1941 the United States goes to war so do the airlines half of their 400 planes and many of their top executives switched to Army and Navy airline the Army's Air Transport Command grows into a colossus many times the size of all the nations pre-war carriers its fleet expands to 3,000 planes its web of routes touches 200 bases it hauls millions of passengers millions of tons of cargo with peace the airline's capitalize on the wars advances impressive new plane DC for six and seven constellation strata cruiser new air minded customers war financed runways on Trent's ocean routes runways allowing 300 miles an hour land planes to handle overwater service by 1947 21 million world passengers by 1957 87 million airports resemble international Grand Hotel you Sonne there is scarcely a country on earth not touched by commercial aviation for those who fly the world is at the window a full-course meal at 20,000 feet always has a special quality even though it's one of the minor miracles of flight you the piston plane gets bigger faster more and more luxuries then in an industry that traditionally moves swiftly she becomes a hard to move item on the second-hand market a new kind of plane overtakes her the conventional prop plane begins to abdicate gracefully the new plane is the jet inflate a balloon release the nozzle and watch the balloon skitter across the room jet thrust is similar much more powerful than a thrashing propeller it will bring other continents as close as weekend resort Britain rushes the commercial jet age abit introduces the comet one in 1952 she has a speed of 500 miles an hour great public appeal and tragically fatal flaws in design a comet crashes near Rome the following year two more go down in the Middle East finally after two explosions the comet one is permanently grounded tests show that repeated pressurizing produces metal fatigue this is the phenomenon that breaks off the top of a tin can when it is bent back and forth on a comet one metal fatigue burst opened the cabin months of testing remedy this flaw in the new comet model the turboprop jet power harness two propellers offers a more gradual transition the Jets huge advantages over pistons are offered to a lesser extent for the turboprop higher speed plus cabin noise less vibration Britain's by count and Britannia and America's Lockheed Electra lead the turboprop thief you the astonishing jet at last comes into its own in 1959 New York to Paris seven hours here's America's Boeing 707 the comet for Britain proudly keeps the name Frances Caravelle Russia's tu-104 already a three-year veteran the dc-8 latest in the Douglas line the convair 880 capable of 615 miles an hour fastest of the lot pilots learn jet flying in a device called the simulator it duplicates everything on a real flight including emergency alarms and turbulent air pilots deal with engine flameout icing and stuff gear it's cheaper than actual flying and if somebody flips the wrong switch no need for the crash wagon they could even get the feel of landing at an unfamiliar Airport a television camera scans a model of the runway the TV picture is then relayed to the windshield of the simulator a trainee can put down a Frankfort Lima and Tokyo in a 15 minute lesson Jetts present several special problems disturbance to nearby communities is one these organ pipes help cut down outside noise the thin air at Jeff altitudes won't support light if pressure fails oxygen masks automatically pop down to be worn until the plane dives to a livable atmosphere the Jets accent on speed has forced planners to do something about the slow business of baggage handling until the Jets arrival this process had changed little since Cleopatra boarded her barge for a trip down the Nile one piece of luggage at a time now jet baggage is loaded in packets of cork and the human muscle a machine that antedates even Cleopatra is finally replaced by a mechanical wits some things however persist into the jet page probably will never change even though commercial aviation has come a long way since mrs. Roosevelt christened the dc-3 more than 20 years later mrs. Nixon performs the same ritual on a jet whole fleets of jet airliners carrying as many as 150 passengers are now scorching the skies compressing the world so that no place is more than a day from anyplace else carrying premier Hawaiians to Honduras people-to-people it's generally accepted that suspicion of the stranger feeds world tensions but more and more strangers are meeting as these giant sleep the gear perhaps lies the greatest promise in the age of the jet
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 368,177
Rating: 4.791697 out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, DO-X Flying Boat, Charles Lindbergh (Military Person), Douglas DC-3 (Aircraft Model), Wake Island Airfield (Airport), Pan American World Airways (Airline), Lockheed Constellation, Airplane (Product Category), Documentary (TV Genre), Dehavilland Comet, DC-8, Convair 880, Boeing 707 (Aircraft Model), Age of the Airplane, Jet Aircraft (Product Category)
Id: bsfGoxW7Xyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2015
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